He watched the brunette amble slowly down the street from the guardians tower. He looked tired as he usually did when coming home from practice. Grey lips curved into a wicked grin, it was time to have a little chat with one Jack Frost. Once Jack was out of sight from the tower his shadows surged forward, quickly surrounding the other. With a gasp Jack was quickly entangled by nightmare sand and brought face to face with the villain. "Hello Frost~" he greeted with a silky smooth demeanor. "Let's talk hm?" Grabbing hold of his slim shoulders Pitch teleported them through the shadows, it all happened in a matter of minutes.

They reappeared in a room shrouded in darkness, the inky walls and ceiling shifted, faint light trickling through them in some places creating a dusk like atmosphere. "Now, will you sit willingly or do I need to tie you up again?" The Nightmare King mused, looking over to his captive.

Jack glared, he always felt sick after teleporting and never had any idea where he took him. "Do I have much choice?" Taking a deep breath he blew an icy wind in hopes the pompous villain would slip and fall.

Watching as frost coated the floor as well as the front of his body Pitch smirked, "Quaint." With a wave of his hand a chair of shadow appeared behind Jack and the black sand slowly trickled away from the hero. "Then please, sit."

"Oh gladly." He rolled his eyes, he had no choice in that either. If only he could get ahold of his staff.

"I was simply wondering if you saw the news yesterday?" Pitch mused, watching him closely.

Jacks eyes widened minutely before his gaze hardened with suspicion, "Yeah, I did... why?"

"I'm just curious on your thoughts about it?" He asked in mock innocence.

"My thoughts? An innocent hero was murdered..." he hissed struggling against his bonds. "Was it you!?"

Noticing the others growing agitation he strengthened the sand around him once more. "And if I said it was?"

Jack was pulled back against the chair hissing slightly from the burning sand. The frost hero looked up slowly, "I'll stop you..."

"Then who will protect you and offer advice?" He chuckled darkly.

"I don't need your advice or protection!" Jack winced as a burning ache shot up his arm while he struggled, it was still injured from the other day.

"Oh? So your recent attempts at righting the wrongs of this society had nothing to do with me?" The villain lilted with a satisfied expression.

He wanted so badly to argue but no words came to him, Jack frowned and avoided the others piercing gaze. It was then he remembered Pitch and his talk about how murder could change a society, "Killing someone is wrong, no matter the reason. It may be slow to change society other ways but-"

"So I should have left that hot headed hero alive to endanger more people? What if you had been a civilian Frost? I'm sure a normal person would not have survived such an injury." He frowned, why wasn't he able to understand this?

Jack felt his arms begin to tremble in their bonds, "That's true..." He paused, gathering himself before continuing, "But with more regulations and training that shouldn't happen."

"Mmmm but what should we do with those who pose a threat in the meantime?" He asked, strolling forward and crossing the distance between them. "Don't you get it yet Frost? People need protecting from those heroes who actually care and will injure themselves before allowing innocent civilians to be hurt. Heroes like you." He responded coolly, trying to keep emotion from coloring his words.

The trembling began to move throughout his body, however, he wasn't scared. Just overwhelmed. "I am not this wonderful hero you imagine I am... I make mistakes... my powers cause destruction. I am also a liability to this society..."

"And yet you control yourself and handle situations with more decorum than most. Besides, everyone makes mistakes. It is when those mistakes far outweigh any good they do that it becomes a problem." He spoke almost disdainfully.

"So it's ok... killing people because the good outweighs that bad... who made you king? To decide what's worth it or not..." He argued through grit teeth.

Raising a delicate brow Pitch smirked wickedly, in a flash he had a tight grip on Jacks chin and was mere inches away from his face. "I don't need to be a king to have control over people~" he purred, "Do you hate me yet Frost?"

"Ah so a dictator?" He glared, staring into the others fierce gaze as if trying to find something to convince himself this villain was no more than a demon in disguise. But after a few moments of searching he looked away, "No I don't hate you..."

An odd sense of relief overcame him then, Jack still didn't hate him...he'd begun to wonder...well it clearly didn't matter now. Leaning in he let his lips hover near the others, "Have you thought about me?" He murmured.

Blue eyes hardened instantly, meeting the others with new found ferocity. "Many times, but probably not what you're thinking of."

"Oh? Perhaps I should fix that~" he chuckled.

"I'm not interested." Jack sneered, sure he was hot but the more he thought about it the more he understood. The Nightmare King looked so much like his boyfriend that he just got caught up in it.

Pulling away he regarded the other with intrigue. He'd been expecting an answer like that but not delivered so forcefully, considering last time he'd been so pliant. It was both frustrating and horribly satisfying since he was being both rejected and protected by his lover. However, through it all there was still a sliver of that guilt nestled near his heart, he hadn't been able to get rid of it since seeing Jack cry...it was driving him mad. "Very well, I shall leave you then. Until next time Frost~" his farewell was cool and impersonal as he dissolved into darkness, taking his shadows and black sand with him. Leaving the frostling alone in the dilapidated room.

Jack fell on his butt with a groan as the chair disappeared beneath him. Pulling out his pager he simply stared at it... He needed to tell the guardians, but what should he tell them? Oh yeah I got kidnapped by the Nightmare King for like the third time. Yeah, I'm still alive. The guy like idolizes me as the perfect hero or some shit so he's not killing me. Instead he stood with a roll of his eyes, pocketing his pager. Maybe he'd take a crack at it tomorrow but at that moment he just wanted to go home. He had to make sure Pitch was ok. His arm burned the entire way, agitated from being restrained, he hated the thought of having to explain why.

He all but fell through the front door, dark eyes quickly landing on Pitch in the kitchen. Jack was by his side in moments, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his face into the soft black fabric of his shirt. Sometimes he forgot how tall the other really was, but times like these where he nuzzled into his chest reminded him. Pitch wouldn't be someone that would catch the Nightmare King's eyes, right? The sudden intrusive thought sent a shiver of fear through him and he hugged him tighter. Pitch didn't hurt society so he shouldn't be concerned but the fear was still within him.

Meanwhile, Pitch felt that kernel of guilt try to bubble up inside him but he squashed it quickly. Placing gentle hands onto Jacks shoulders and through his hair he murmured, "What's wrong? Did practice not go well?"

"Practice was fine…" he mumbled, "I was just worried."

"Worried about me?" Pitch asked curiously.

"Yeah..." Good going Jack, now he'd have to explain why. "The Nightmare King knows what I look like when I'm not using my powers... I was worried he'd do something to you..."

A sharp feeling of annoyance passed through Pitch, though the irony wasn't lost on him. To think, Jack saw him as being so weak, he had to remind himself to stay calm. The other had no idea what he was capable of. "Ah...it's ok Jack. I am more capable than you think." He murmured reassuringly.

Concern colored Jack's features, "Against the Nightmare King... I know you're trying to comfort me but you don't need to."

"I am only trying to say I know how to get myself out of trouble, not that I can defeat the man in a fight." He chuckled, "Have you forgotten I went through basic military training? I think I can at least escape a situation effectively."

Jack smirked, feeling better but still doubtful, "Hmm, I'll drop it when I know you can get through nearly unbreakable rope that can move at his will. Because even I haven't figured that out yet."

Pitch smiled warily, "My that does sound rather difficult...I'll just have to avoid that situation entirely then." He teased lightly, expression softening. "But you are all right?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright. Just shaken and my arm hurts..." he mumbled.

That guilt surfaced again, he hated how affected he was by this man. "Be sure to take it easy then."

He reached out his hand to grab Pitch but stopped, did he still deserve him after what happened between him and Nightmare King? The thought caused an overwhelming sense of guilt to wash over him, "P-pitch I need to tell you something." There was no right time to talk about something like this so he may as well do it now before the guilt crushed him.

Delicate brows knitted over concerned golden eyes, "Of course, what is it?" He didn't have the slightest idea what the young man could be getting at.

Jack swallowed, "Um it's- about the Nightmare King" he stumbled over his words. He didn't want to hurt Pitch at all, right now he would do anything to protect him but this was something he needed to be honest about. He couldn't go another night without telling him. "We kissed... twice" he murmured looking down. "I didn't stop him but I told him I wasn't interested..."

Oh...that was what he wanted to tell him? Pitch wanted to laugh, it was too precious. However, sudden realization dawned on him as he noticed those dark eyes peeking at him in uncertainty. Jack was waiting for him to say something, hell even for a reaction, and he was just sitting there. What was a proper response to this? What would a normal person do when they found out their lover had inadvertently cheated on them? Get angry? That didn't seem right. Blame themselves? Again, that seemed stupid and far too degrading. But he couldn't do nothing, Already the silence was becoming tense and uncomfortable. "Oh..." Perhaps...a bit of honesty? "Sorry but...I need a moment to think."

Jack nodded, it was only fair... he should have stopped him... however, his nerves didn't calm. By a moment to think did that mean he wanted him to leave so he could think in private? Or just take a seat? Instead he did neither, instead giving in to his nervous energy and pacing across the small space.

He was able to relax minutely when Jack backed down. Now he could think. So, anger wasn't right and neither was shutting down completely. Guilting Jack didn't seem right either. So what did that leave him? Forgiveness? Maybe asking more about it? "Jack...what exactly happened?" He asked, trying to appear wary and hesitant.

Jack jumped at the voice, relieved he wasn't just breaking up with him. "He umm," it was still hard to talk about, hugging himself absentmindedly. "It was after he killed Gene Girl." A slight shiver wracked his body just thinking about it. "He knocked me out somehow... I'm not sure. He had me tied up in a warehouse, he then asked me if I hated him..." He looked away from Pitch's face, he figured the other would be disappointed and maybe even disgusted with him. "I told him I didn't, don't get me wrong he's a horrible person and all but I can't bring myself to hate him. I just wish things were different... " No matter what he would not tolerate killing someone. "So he kissed me, even asking if I liked it…" Jack took a shallow, shaky breath. "I did." A moment of silence passed as the hero paused, letting what he said sink in before words left him in a rush, "He just reminded me a lot of you... I'm sorry. But things didn't stop there, he teleported us to an alley where he felt me up a-and I didn't do anything. I eventually told him to stop and he did... this latest time I turned him down harder and he seemed to get the hint but…" His gaze didn't leave his feet, as if he suddenly found them far too interesting to look away. "What kind of hero am I... and what kind of boyfriend am I..."

The guilt resurfaced like a slap to the face. At the time he'd only been thinking about how doing such things would wound and break Jack as a hero. He hadn't considered how he would be the one having to handle the repercussions with human Jack. Seeing the brunette like this hurt and hearing him blame himself hurt more. But perhaps that's exactly the feeling he could latch onto to get through this. "Jack no, it's not your fault." Laying a hand on his shoulder to keep him still Pitch squeezed lightly. "I don't like hearing this but I would never blame you. He took advantage of you and your weaknesses, what more could you do?"

"I could have..." he stopped. "I want to say I could have stopped him but I couldn't..." Jack didn't want it to make sense to him but he couldn't stop himself from wondering why arguably the worst villain in history would have the decency to stop when told. Taking a deep breath he focused on the rest of what Pitch had said, "He doesn't even need to be worried about my weaknesses." Jack felt himself growing almost hysterical, "He could kill me anytime but doesn't, instead kidnaps, lectures, and kisses me, I don't get it. He could easily kill you and I could do nothing... "

It annoyed him greatly how weak Jack thought he was. If he only knew... But that would be far worse. This was manageable. Smoothing a hand over the others hair he drew him close, making soft noises of comfort. "Calm down, it's alright. That is why you train, to become stronger. Plus, you have the other guardians. Don't forget about your friends, they will help you." He kept the disgust from his voice but not his face, the words felt like trash as he spoke them. Truthfully those guardians weren't capable of much and he would rather not bring them all closer together but he needed to keep up appearances. That and a small part of him wanted to truly comfort Jack and knew this would help more than anything. And he hated it.

Jack was tense to begin with but relaxed in the others arms, "That's a good point... I have them and I just have to work harder. I'm sure there's something I'm missing."

This was going to bite him in the ass later he just knew it. Pitch wanted to keep Jack around but if he became a problem... "There you go, that's more like it. Now, how about a bit of relaxation. I think a nice cold shower would help you feel a bit better."

Jack smiled weakly, "Yeah, I should before I get too worked up. I'd offer you to join me but I don't think you'd like it that cold." He joked.

Pitch shivered slightly just thinking about it. "Ah yes I think I would have to pass." Leaning down he kissed the other gently. "But I'll be here when you're done."

Jack pulled him in for a tight hug before sadly letting him go. He didn't want to leave the other but knew a shower would help. "Ok," he mumbled before making his way to his room to grab clothes and then heading to the bathroom.