Sorry for leaving you all hanging! I finally finished it! The final chapter of Crisis On Another Earth. This concludes my supposed to be three-part Bonus Chapter Arc. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm so happy to finish Never Stopped Loving You. It's been a roller coaster. Anyhow, than you for your support! I'm glad you liked the sequel to Lost Child of Zordon.

Disclaimer: I don't own the following two songs: 1) Invincible - Ruelle and 2) Stand By Me - Ben E. King (Cover: Florence + The Machine)

This is probably the longest I have humanly written, so sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy!

"If we don't end war, war will end us."

- H.G. Well

Kimberly 'Kara' Hart: "Your rule is over Firebird. Give up."

Firebird: "You could have been Gods!"

Kimberly 'Kara' Hart: "Gods are no better than monsters. This war is over!"

Bonus Chapter: Crisis On Another Earth Part IV: End of the Twenty Years War

Meanwhile On Earth-1…


(Scene: Living Room, Tommy Oliver's House, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-1/Jason's POV)

I shut the door behind me, letting Rex off his leash. I needed to clear my head, so Hayley suggested that I'd take Rex for a walk through the woods, he needed a good run and the hike will do me good. I could hear the other rangers sparring outside the back, while Hayley and Billy were monitoring the wormhole. Billy also recovered the schematics for the device he made to allow Tommy into the Moon Palace, to rescue my little sister. I believe they're called Portacoms and he could change their function. He explained if the wormhole randomly destabilises itself, he can modify the device to act as a… balance or counterbalance. That will be handy, having an unstable wormhole will be dangerous. Worse case scenario is being trapped on that different Earth forever. My mind drifted to Kimberly, as worried as I am for Tommy, her cousin and the kids, they would surely understand that I would worry for Kim the most. If they have ended up on an Earth that is like a freaking war zone, it will bring Kim back to when she served during Countdown To Destruction.

Honestly, hearing my little sister left Earth to fight for her home planet on the brink of intergalactic war, it was terrifying. Kim left early nineteen-ninety-six, leaving us to believe that she is permanently staying in Paris to care for her mom, who's practically an aunt to me; despite our ups and downs. Kim at least told me a part of the truth when I surprisingly met her on the road, heading for Angel Grove; that was during the Muranthias Incident. What forced her to tell me partial truth was when I noted her bandaged left shoulder. Little sis explained she wounded it on Mirinoi, when a bomb went off near her position! The blast knocked her out and then the shrapnel shredded her shoulder. Believe me, I was ready to give her a long lecture, a very, very long lecture. It also made me think how much Kim matured, she grew up so quickly and they were times she was a shell of her former self. She was sixteen when she joined her home planet's military, then nineteen going on twenty when CTD began. Sometimes, I don't see the little sister I knew, I see a soldier; hardened by many years of fighting. That's Kimberly. The thought did kind of hurt me.

One time I was talking to her cousin Aegis, or going with his cover name: Aaron Callaghan, we ended up slipping into the topic of ranger colours and what they mean. It wasn't long before we reached the colour pink and I noticed it made him tense. I explained to him my perspective of the colour, telling him the colour is the heart of the team, she keeps us altogether and if pushed, will put her life on the line. I have to say I was surprised by Aegis' response, it was the same as mine, until he said: their compassion is a flaw. It goes to the point they forget to take care of themselves. I guess he is right, does that mean the rest of us were a little selfish? We relied on Kim so much to pull us out of our hard times, encourage us all when we are feeling low and not realising how much emotional stress we must put on her. My little sister would be spending so much time looking out for us, she buried what she was feeling so deep, she hid it well from us. Then, when it becomes too much to bear, all those emotions explode. I can't help but feel… we were kind of selfish, we didn't repay Kim for helping us. It makes me feel like I'm a horrible brother.

I thanked God that I was able to make up for it, in a discreet way, by helping Tommy look for a therapist for my baby sister. Kimberly admitted she is going through a bout of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Seeing the sweetest and kindest person I knew in my entire lifetime, go through that was beyond me. Tommy and Aegis told me she had nightmares, all ranging from the Ooze and Muranthias Incident, the war; it all left a deeper mental scar and she managed to hide it from us. That is, up to the point after Kim put herself in a comatose, using her Power Coin to reverse the invisibility side effect after coating herself in some type of green slime. Then us Red Rangers get called idiots, Kimberly overstepped that border! It was actually satisfying to watch my wife berate her best friend, as Tommy and his team were standing in the corner of the room, unsure whether they should save Kim or avoid incurring the wrath of Trini Kwan. The very first time I watched my sister have a triggered flashback… I was so scared, my feet were planted, I just couldn't move. It was Tommy who had to bring my little sister back. In the end, Trini and I eventually sourced a therapist; Dr. Dana Mitchell-Grayson, daughter of Captain William Mitchell of Lightspeed Rescue and younger sister of Ryan Mitchell: Titanium Lightspeed Ranger. She is also the Pink Lightspeed Ranger.

Since the ranger circle is close knit, she heard the news pretty quickly and after receiving her diploma in Psychology, Dana heard, somehow, that a fellow ranger needs psychiatric help. That led to her contacting me and said she wanted to meet Kim on Sunday. Trini heard the call too and was so grateful the stressful search was over. We all had a chance that we might get the old Kimberly back, but that's not the case. My little sister got a lot off her chest, admitted and told her things that we never heard of; but Kim still has the slight withdrawn behaviour. Dana explained to myself and Tommy even if a little fraction of the Kimberly we know broke through, she has changed too much to go back to who she once was. The old Kim was happy-go lucky, open, trusting; the traits I was familiar with when we were teenagers. Now, she's this hardened soldier, who was high ranking in the Eltarian Army; a Lieutenant at that. Kimberly has matured a lot, become a little less trusting… closed off and as I said before: withdrawn. She's not so open either, Kim seems to have this shield up that we have to break down to get through to her, or if she trusts us enough, she'll let it down. It took us all a good while to adjust to this new Kimberly, but her old traits do shine through sometimes, if only; kind of rarely. At least now, her nightmares and everything else has somewhat lessened.

I was brought back to the real world when I felt Rex tap my leg with his paws. I smiled at the German Shepherd and bent down to his level, rubbing him. It's kind of funny how he has the same name as my alter ego. I began to laugh a little when Rex started to lick my face with his tongue and his tail wagging. He maybe my sister's service dog, but she knows Rex is like any other dog. Next, Rex walked into the kitchen, to tell me he wanted water, it's still too early to feed him; he's fed everyday around six in the evening. Picking up his waterbowl, I filled it, hearing the others walk in after their training session. After that, footsteps were approaching us from below, as Billy and Hayley ascended from the lab to take a break. It frustrates me so much that we have to wait for the wormhole to recharge! Why can't it go any faster!? I set Rex's bowl down and he started to lap the water up. Everyone took a seat in the living room as Trini got the kettle on. As soon as I placed the cups on the table, I sat down and Trini set the freshly prepared coffee. As everyone poured their coffee, time to get down to business. I turned to Billy and Trini; Justin wishes he could be here to help but… after the eighteen year old took a duck at work placement, he has to make up for lost time, otherwise he will lose his scholarship. Well, time to get to other matters at hand: the status of the wormhole.

"Billy, Hayley! What's going on with the wormhole?",

"The wormhole stands at sixty percent." Billy answered, "It's going on schedule, we'll all be able to jump in and save our friends.",

"Now, you guys won't have to worry about a destabilising wormhole. I finished making the wormhole stabilisers." Hayley smiled. That made us all ease up a little. It won't be long now, then we will all get to yell at Tommy, Kim and Aegis. Well… Cassie will deal with Aegis, I wish him luck. Zordon, if you're watching us, I'm positive you are going to be laughing once, we give your daughter the scolding of her life.

With the Earth-1 Rangers and Earth-X Rebels…


Days On Earth-X: 2…

Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 23.233 hours…

(Scene: Command Chamber, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Tommy's POV)

Everyone in the room was still after Firebird cut the transmission. So their Cassie Chan is alive! After all this time, they believed all the Astro Rangers were dead. I wonder what happened? There's so many questions I want to ask Jason. The only sound that we could hear was Kim's pacing, seems like this is putting her in a difficult position, it must remind her of something. All these people may be our doppelgängers, but they are us in a way, just different versions. I wonder is there an Earth where the Power Rangers don't exist? No Zordon, no Alpha, no ranger teams, nothing. Shortly, Kim stopped her pacing, but suddenly, she picked up a glass bottle and pouring her strength into it; she threw the bottle against the wall, narrowly missing Kat's head. She dodged it at the right moment, as it shattered into pieces and she yelled, letting English and Eltarian explicits. Kim stormed off after that, as her eyes flashed, scaring some of the rebels here. My team stood frozen in their place, a reaction similar to when Kimberly had her first triggered flashback, once again, they did not expect my fiancée to lash out like that. I think she's gone to burn some steam off. Aegis gave me a look, gesturing me to go after his cousin, before she does something stupid. What if this really drives her over the edge, to the point she does attempt to harm herself!? Although… Kim has never shown any sign of self-harming or appearing suicidal, she was just… really depressed. Still, I have to find her. Now, where would she go? Trini got my attention.

"She's more than likely heading the Training Room." She said, "Walk out the door, turn right, down the corridor and second left. It's not hard to find." I nodded at Trini, smiling at her. I left everyone as they began to consult what to do in the given time limit they have; now I for one, has to calm down my fiancée, before her volcanic temper explodes. Which could end up being the last push for her to release our version of Firebird, which will be bad, very bad.

Five Minutes Later…


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 23.150 Hours…

(Scene: Training Room, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

I was glaring at the punching bag I was hitting, then letting out hard, basic punches, topped with my Eltarian strength. I could hear the chain rattling as the bag swung, only for me to catch it and steady it. I began the process again. Stupid, stupid! Damn you Firebird! I wouldn't think she is capable of such cruelty! She really put us between a rock and a hard place. I wonder… could I be the same if the others couldn't save me Firebird's control? Perhaps… it's only a matter of time before the monster inside me unleashes itself and we're all just delaying the inevitable. Sometimes, I wonder why they did not choose to kill me instead. Firebird, is trapped inside my head, who will be next to make the same mistake as Mesogog? To unleash the wrathful alter ego of mine? I should be blaming Maligore for all this, but even without one, am I an evil person really? Thinking about this got me punching the bag even harder, as I increased the ferocity and then, after the sixth punch, the bag flew off its chain, hitting the ground with a loud thud, rolling across the floor. The silence was interrupted when a voice spoke to me.

"Guess Trini was right. I would find you here." I looked up to see my fiancé Tommy. He then sat beside me on the mats. I wonder did he watch me long enough to blow my steam off? At this stage, Handsome would be unfazed by my temper. Tommy stared at the punching bag with the now broken chain. "You did a ringer on the bag.",

"I needed to vent." I replied, "I know Jason here is the leader, but my old Lieutenant side is kicking in and… I'm just feeling the familiar stress again." I felt Tommy place his hand on mine, holding it firmly in his grip.

"I know you're worried, we will rescue Cassie. Aegis will be damned if he lets anything happen to this version of his girlfriend." I sighed out loud, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Is it right though?" I asked him. I looked as Tommy furrowed his eyebrows, so I elaborated my statement. "I know this sounds selfish of me, but should we really give up the crystal for one person?",

"I'm surprised to hear something like that from you, but I pray it will not come to that Beautiful. Jason and Aegis will surely plan something.",

"I'm sorry. I just had to get it out. War taught me a few harsh lessons, forcing me to grow up quickly. It was kind of crazy of me to join the Eltarian Army at sixteen." I chuckled, only ever so slightly.

"You can enlist in the army at sixteen on Earth as well." Tommy mused, "Our planets are not so different.",

"Except my home is more intellectually superior." I joked,

"Eltar has given you a strange sense of humour." Handsome slagged. It caused me to snort a small bit. I leaned on shoulder, as he instinctively comforted me.

"I do hope we do not have to surrender the crystal, not after all the work we have been through." With that, the two of us just sat in the training room in silence, enjoying each other's embrace. I let Tommy's embrace calm me down. It seems like Aegis is right, there's something about Tommy, I just relax whenever he's around. Tommy is right though, we will save Cassie.

With The Opposing Forces…


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 22.483 Hours…

(Scene: Hidden Chamber, Firebird's Headquarters, Angel Grove, Earth-X/No POV)

Before meeting up with her prisoner of eighteen years, Firebird decided to walk through a hidden corridor of her headquarters to reflect. The corridor was dimly lit, save for the rows of strange looking crystals that stretched it. Firebird is now under the assumption that she has the rebels in her grasp, with Cassandra Chan as a bargaining chip; the Crimson Ranger will now have control over the Morphing Grid. She can use it to force the rebels to surrender, get her old friends to join her empire; in return, they have their powers back. She has the authority to grant Jason Scott, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, Katherine Hilliard and Zach Taylor to become commanders of the Ranger Soldier Battalion. The ranger could feel victory is close at hand, The Sword of Light will collapse and no one will ever dare oppose Firebird again!

As Firebird walked past each crystal, an visual appeared in a green haze, playing like a video or a memory. The visuals showed the ranger teams of the past and the voices of the rangers she felled could be heard. The ruler kept walking as the audio filled the corridor. A voice coming from the crystal, showing the last of Zordon's legacy was Dr. Andrew Hartford's team: Operation Overdrive. The team of six were calling out to their powers to morph.

"Overdrive accelerate!" While their powers were fascinating, they stood no match for her might. They all fought, died and burned in Hartford's mansion, a fitting end for Operation Overdrive; if they were created in the mansion, why not die at the place of where they received their powers? Firebird strolled past another crystal, not really bothering to take any notice of it. Mystic Force were a pitiful challenge, the Magic Counsel tried against her. Firebird burned Snow Prince to death, the irony never failed to amuse her. That same irony can be said for Udonna, the White Snow Ranger; wife and mother of Leanbow, formerly Koragg and Bowan, who was Nick, better known in the Magical Realm as The Light. Then surprise, surprise, the Firebird-Dragonzord Ranger faced Mystic Mother herself, who was formerly Rita Repulsa, who became the embodiment of the paragon of good. How the coin has flipped on itself, it even scared Rita herself. Despite her magic and even putting up a good fight, it didn't save her from Firebird's murderous crusade and magic was completely wiped out. Before Kimberly's soul was fully pushed back, the good side of Firebird felt some sort of satisfaction of killing a long time past enemy.

The evil ranger continued on, stopping by the crystal showing the Dino Thunder Rangers, revealing the team, Tommy and Aegis. She stared at the visual, listening to Tommy speak, when she was Kimberly Hart.

"Always remember kids, no matter how bad things get, keep on fighting. Remember the things you are fighting for, and you will prevail in battle." It was such a shame that his words failed for this circumstance. She annihilated them, destroyed the Dino Gems, the source of their powers. The ranger looked away, for some reason, deep down, a part of Firebird felt bad for killing Tommy. Had he let Dragon come out, in his full evil form, she and Dragon could have ruled the planet together and no one would oppose them. The ranger imagined it, the Firebird and the Dragon, the two would have been a force to be reckoned with. Firebird even killed her weak cousin, the Phantom Ranger. He died protecting Cassie, so she could survive, now his death is in vain; because she now sits in the cell, shackled, weak and malnourished. Moving on again, she passed the crystal showing the Time Force Rangers, hearing Jennifer Scott facing Ransik, yelling out her vow.

"My mission: is to bring you back. I promise you, I'm going to do it!" Time Force were forever remembered to be the only team to have redeemed villains. Further down, she listened to the Galaxy Rangers do their morphing call.

"Go Galactic!",

"Magna Power!" A team who once resided on a different planet, Mirinoi. They suffered quite a bit of tragedy, lost brother, lost friend, losing a planet after it turned to stone. However, the Crimson Ranger had little feelings towards that. Firebird just kept walking, until she reached the final crystal, revealing the visual of herself and her old team. She just stared at the younger teenage Kimberly 'Kara' Hart as she morphed into the Pink Ranger.

"It's Morphin' Time! Pterodactyl!" Firebird watched as the scene changed, showing the entire team when Tommy returned as the White Tigerzord Ranger.

"One, two, three! POWER RANGERS!" They all cheered. The ruler turned, gazing down the corridor as all the visuals were shown, the voices becoming either mixed or muffled. That was when she began speaking to herself, pondering almost, as she looked at the long lineage of Power Rangers: the Originals, Alien Rangers, Zeo, Turbo, Astro Rangers, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time and Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive. As for the future teams, she annihilated them at their power source, to prevent new teams from revitalising the legacy.

"So many rangers. So much potential, squandered for so many years!" Firebird began to back track out of the corridor, she needed to check on her prisoner. It didn't stop her though, from looking left to right, as she passed the crystals again. "They did not truly understand the power that was bestowed upon them! Zordon did not fully comprehend the limitless powers of each ranger team wielded, what the Morphing Grid gifted them with. He held them back, all the mentors did." She muttered, "They kept them from reaching their full potential. With the Power each and every team was granted, they could have become Gods; just like me." Her eyes began to glow again, fiercely, as Firebird left the chamber.

That's what should have happened a long time ago, this Earth could have been governed by the Power Rangers, they would have done a better job than the petty, weak and corrupted officials who argue amongst themselves, and only care about remaining in power. They had the power; literally and metaphorically to stop the needless fighting in the Middle East, the power to shut down North Korea's Nuclear Weapon Testing; nuclear is pale in comparison, to what they wield in their arsenal, they had the power to do anything! Firebird did actually do that after receiving word in two-thousand-and-eleven about Nuclear testing being carried out, under the dictator's order and she was swift to shut it down. An Ultrazord could level a city within minutes! No power that the humans wield could stop their Megazords and they had many or did. Walking humbly, secretly among the people made the teams weak, too soft, it kept them human, when they could have been more than that. The people should be doing more than just praise them, the rangers should've been worshipped! The Power Rangers could have been the true Gods, but instead, it has fallen to her. Once Firebird gets her hand on the crystal, she will become a God and the world will bow before her.


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 21.983 Hours…

(Scene: Prison, Firebird's Headquarters, Angel Grove, Earth-X/No POV)

Firebird entered the maximum high security prison, built within her headquarters; it is inescapable, no one gets in, no one can get out. The soldiers from both the Ranger Battalion and the Eltarian Army saw their leader, automatically straightening themselves up and doing their official salute. With hands behind her back, her body language well showing she is the one in charge, Firebird made her down to the holding cell that held the last surviving member of the Astro Rangers. Firebird stopped in front of a cell door that said: Prison Block A - Cell Fifteen. On the bottom was the prisoner identification which simply said: Prisoner Five-P. The five meant she was a member of the fifth known ranger team, that being the Astro Rangers and 'P' was simply short hand for pink, as she was the Pink Ranger during both her brief service as a Turbo Ranger, then Astro Ranger. The guard standing next to the cell stood stiffly straight in Firebird's presence, she then turned to him; knowing he's from the Ranger Battalion, she addressed him in English. It is thankful though, her Ranger Battalion do know Eltarian just in case, the soldiers had to study the language to avoid barriers. It is the reverse for the Eltarians, they all had to learn English, but now, both parties are bilingual and can understand each other.

"Open the cell.",

"Yes my Lady!" He said. He turned towards the keypad, typing in the access code he was given after being put on guard duty. Only the Chief Warden of the prison had all the access codes to each and every prisoner, most being a few law breakers, others were those of the rebels. Cassie was the only surviving ranger to be caught after going into hiding, she was given… more special treatment. Shortly, the door opened and Firebird entered, her gazing down on the once proud ranger veteran; her pitiful cousin's wife. The wedding band could still be seen as it flickered in the barely lit room. The only sound that filled the air was the shackles she was chained to. The prison uniform she was wearing was dirty, her long black hair was greasy and unkempt, as it hung loosely and freely over face. Cassie looked up, seeing the very person who was holding her, the same person who used to be her friend. With whatever strength she had, her face managed to form into an angry sneer.

"Long time, no see Cassandra." Firebird greeted, in a somewhat pleasant tone that she could muster.

"Firebird." Cassie rasped, with her dry throat from the lack of water.

"I am sure you are aware that you will die regardless. You are nothing more than a tool." Replied Firebird, as she walked around Cassie.

"You are… no better than… the villains of the past.",

"That may be." The ranger pondered, "Though, I am better and smarter than them. I have achieved what they all failed to do for so many years.",

"So, Kimberly is dead, huh?" Cassie questioned, though she already knew the answer. Her old friend was too far gone from saving. The same friend who gave her blessing to marry her cousin, before Mesogog fucked things up. It did sadden her husband that his cousin couldn't be saved after the Dino Thunder Ranger's final fight. They got married in two-thousand-and-six, two-thousand-and-eight was when life went to Hell.

"Kimberly was weak, I have done things that she could not lower herself to do." Firebird growled,

"Like murder?" The former ranger snapped, "A monster like you should not be wearing a ranger suit. Seeing you wear one disgusts me, as I'm sure it disgusts your father and mother, Zordon and Aria." Her response was met with backhand to her cheek and a painful at that. Cassie was never truly tortured, not the same torture Kimberly was put through by The Alliance, but instead, she would be beaten. It'd be categorised as torture, but not to an extreme level. Cassie's statement caused Firebird to chuckle, watching as her eyes dimly glowed through her black tinted visor, eyes that were once a soft, kind and beautiful doe-brown.

"When Kimberly was in control, she read a book to a young child, one of the novels by the author Rick Riordan." She mused. Cassie stayed quiet, unsure of where Firebird was taking this conversation now. Firebird knew the child, it was Adam and Tanya's daughter Jade. She was killed in a fight last year, Jade was only twenty-three years old and wanted for the deaths of the soldiers from Eltar and the Ranger Battalion, she even committed arson. Jade was… sad and angry, furious to lose her aunt and see her as who she is now. "Who knew a children's novel could be so insightful. There was one quote that stood out to me. What was it now? Yes, I remember: 'Sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters'." Firebird began to pace around the former Astro Ranger, circling her as her footsteps echoed the cell. "Think more carefully Cassandra, I'm human, just like you all; despite my Eltarian heritage. So am I truly a monster?",

"I… I don't have time… for your philosophical bullshit!" Firebird sighed, despite her prisoner getting weaker, she is surprised Cassie still has some spunk in her. She truly is like any other Pink Ranger, no matter.

Time is ticking and the rebels will foolishly give up the Morphing Grid Crystal, only to watch her die. The Crimson Ranger had no interest in following her deal, Cassie is merely a tool, like all humans are. Now, Firebird needed to rest, she has many things to address and finally hopes, this two decade of fighting will come to end. She will achieve absolute peace and rebuild Earth in her image. Without saying another word, Firebird exited Cassie's cell, leaving her alone once more; as the cell door banged shut.


Days On Earth-X: 3…

Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 14.483 Hours…

(Scene: Mess Hall, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

I sat alone in the mess hall with a single cup of tea on the table. It's hard to believe myself and my team have been on this Earth for three days and we have roughly fourteen and a half hours before Firebird executes Cassie, if we don't give up the crystal. However, I know Firebird, she said it herself even, humans are nothing but tools to help her proceed further; once we hand over the crystal, she'll just kill Cassie. If she gets the crystal, we'll be all at her mercy. This thought kept me up all night, I couldn't sleep, Firebird has become a master manipulator; even playing on people's weaknesses and doubts. She built that skill up over a long period of time and Jason did say she returned with the Eltarian Army, it was two-thousand-and-eight; that was twenty years ago. There has to be a way to rescue the former Astro Ranger, maybe an infiltration mission? If Jason was able to get someone inside to retrieve the data we used to recover the crystal from the vault, then he can get one of us in again.

It will be risky, the last infiltration I remember being on back fired, which resulted in my surrender, allowing the traitor Boreas and my cousin to escape, then it led to me being tortured. The only thing we have to do is get our hands on the uniform Firebird uses for her army. The Ranger Battalion is out the question, because if I'm correct, the armour is because of the Power Coins that Firebird is abusing. Our only choice is to get inside wearing the Eltarian uniform, I won't be surprised if they still speak their native language, but surely they had to learn English to avoid barriers. That option really narrows down the choice on who should go, since only myself and Aegis can speak it fluently. Tommy knows the language, but not to high standards and no offence to him, his pronunciation and syntax is a little bit off here and there. If the soldiers of Eltar pick that up, he's good as dead as this Earth's Tommy Oliver. I reached out for my tea and sipped it, only to realise it's gone cold, this is what happens when I'm completely absorbed in my thoughts.

I got up from my seat to dump the tea down the sink and to clean it. Reaching the sink, I turned on the tap and began cleaning the cup. I was in my own world, until I heard footsteps entering the mess hall. I peeked out, cautiously, in case it was an enemy belonging to Firebird; but… they never located the rebel's headquarters. How could they get in? The figure became a little clearer, then I sighed in relief to see its only Tommy. I stepped out of the kitchen to greet my fiancé. Tommy turned, seeing me, slightly surprised.

"Morning Kim. Why are you up so early?",

"Couldn't sleep." I simply answered. I know the base doesn't get fully active till eight, so it was fine by me to have some alone time. My gaze met Tommy's, as he gave a concerned stare that asked to emphasise a little more. "I'm scared for Cassie and if I truly know Firebird, she's going to kill the ranger after we give up the crystal." I sat down again, as Handsome took his seat beside me.

"Jason and Aegis even see that. They will have a plan in motion, just have faith." My faith is starting to wear thin actually. Tommy spoke up once again. "I have been meaning to ask: when you and Aegis went into the chamber to retrieve the crystal… what happened?" I sighed a small bit, a part of me wanted to not tell him and close off, but… how could we get married if I'm not willing to be open to him. If I close off, Tommy will keep pestering me until I do tell him.

"There… was an illusion spell, Zordon casted there. It made myself and Aegis see our deepest fear.",

"It's probably worse than the Island of Illusion." Tommy muttered, "What did you see?",

"It wasn't really seeing, but feel. The illusion cut my connection to you, I couldn't feel Rhea and Aegis vanished into thin air. Then I remembered when my adoptive father left me." I explained. Tommy could hear my voice was beginning a little shaky and he clutched my hand. I managed to compose myself again and I continued. "After that, I felt my mom didn't love me, I sort of pulled myself away from her; to protect myself, and then there was Zordon himself; my father. He left me as well and I also feared that all my friends would leave me." That was when Tommy copped on to what my fear was.

"Your fear is abandonment. Is it not?",

"You're right. My deepest fear is abandonment." I said quietly,

"You know Kim, we will never abandon you in any shape or form. I love you Kim, and so does everyone; despite who you are now." I smiled at Tommy's words, hearing the genuine tone in his voice. He held onto our vow about our bracelets, now he promised to stand by my side because of the trauma I suffered after CTD.

"I know, but fear is hard to let go." Just before Tommy could say anything else to me, the sound of the automated door filled the air. We bring turned, seeing Aegis enter. I stood up, so did Tommy. "What is up cousin?",

"I need you and Tommy in the Meeting Room. We have a plan to save Cassie." He said, getting to the point. The two of us nodded and followed the Phantom Ranger out.


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 13.733 Hours…

(Scene: Meeting Room, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

The three of us entered the meeting room, my eyes gazing upon Jason and Zach. It looks like we don't need the kids for this, but it's better that way. They'll be pissed by this, but they can't speak Eltarian; they have to remain here. We decided to remain standing, there was no need to sit. I looked at the screen behind Jason, to see it was a map, a floor layout of Firebird's headquarters. If I heard correctly from Kira, it seems like Skull managed to not only download the plans for the crystal, but also the map of her castle. She explained they ran into him, running from the soldiers injured; he never made it, he was shot in the back and his body was left behind. I actually have seen Bulk a few times, though he, like some of the other rebels avoid me. Despite my help, I still feel outcasted here; I think they all fear I will become Firebird. I try not to let it bother me. The sooner we help the rebels overthrow Firebird, the sooner we can return to our own Earth. Time to get down to business.

"So Jase, what's the plan?" I questioned,

"As you can guess, it'll be a… break in, break out mission." He started off, "Our choices are low, we can't get in disguised as Ranger Soldiers.",

"Our last option is to get in as members of the Eltarian Army." Zach finished,

"So that leaves myself and Aegis." Said I, knowing the two of us can pass as Eltarian soldiers. "Let me help him." That was when Tommy jumped in, seriously disliking the idea, after hearing the story about the last time I went on an infiltration mission.

"Over my fucking dead body!" We all turned, seeing his eyes flash menacingly green. "Don't you remember the last time you went on a mission like that Kim?" I stood my ground with Tommy, my own eyes flashing too. He thinks he's dominating? He's messing with the wrong person. I let my Lieutenant attitude come through.

"That was different Tommy! We had a traitor." I growled, and refusing to mention Aria's former advisor's name. "This time, it's only myself and my cousin!",

"And what if you're caught? Then what?" Argued Tommy, "Firebird will kill you or worse, forcefully release your alter ego and murder Aegis!" I had enough of Tommy's weak arguments; well… weak in my opinion, he doesn't understand! He's never been on a single war campaign or a mission like this! And I'll be damned to let my cousin go through this alone. He needs an extra pair of eyes and ears. He needs to have in faith in me, after I put my faith in him to look out for me when I hit my lowest. I don't understand, why can't he place that same faith in me now? Either way, I had enough and I snapped at him, slamming fist onto the table. Everyone heard the 'BANG'. I removed my hand, to see a deep dent in the table and I just glared at Tommy.

"There's no time to argue about this Tommy! Cassie most likely has less than twelve hours before she dies!" I said to him, "I'm helping my cousin with this mission. I don't care if I die, I'll die knowing Cassie got out of that god damned hell hole! If you're so against this, then get out!",

"Kim, please!" Begged Tommy, realising his mistake too late. I wouldn't listen. I raised my arm, pointing to the door.

"GET THE FUCK OUT TOMMY!" I screamed, in the tone I would use on my own soldiers if they refuse to listen to me or my orders and he got the message clearly. Tommy sighed, looking at me sadly and without another word, he left. I'm sorry Tommy. Rhea and I heard Caesar cry out in despair, before leaving parting words for us.

"I know you want to help, but you didn't have to hurt him Kara." I sighed myself, but I need to focus on the mission. Aegis and I will need at least a good two to three hours to plan a fool proof infiltration mission. That will only leave us either eight to ten hours to save her, before Firebird catches wind she has a pair of spies within her ranks. I turned to Jason, Zach and Aegis, who stood there silently after witnessing an argument between myself and Tommy. "So, how do we get in?" And the planning began. I'm sorry again Tommy, but I promise, I will come back.


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 11.233 Hours…

(Scene: Tommy's Temporary Room, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Tommy's POV)

I wasn't long after storming into the room Jason gave me to bunk in till this whole stupid fight is over! I screamed out in anger, knocking things off the shelves, throwing whatever items I could find at the wall; just anything that I could vent my anger on. Damn it Kimberly! You're just being fucking selfish now! She doesn't realise how scared I am to lose her, it scares me when I see her go all militaristic; it's just… not her character, but it is now. A part of me deep down, wishes for the old Kimberly Hart, now she's changed. Kimberly has matured, grown up too fast and she can actually stand up for herself and can assert dominance; not only she is a ranger, she's a soldier too, a Lieutenant. Beautiful appears that she no longer needs her 'White Knight' to rescue her whenever she's in danger and if I'm honest, when we were just in high school, I felt some sort of pride having to rescue her. I saw and… maybe treated her a little like a damsel in distress; even though Trini told me numerous times she is far from it. Generally, it happens in battle most of the time, I have this urge to save her, I wanted to protect her. That urge went ten fold when her Power Coin was stolen by Kat, she was just so fragile; now, she's like hardened steel.

When I heard Beautiful left for Eltar, I almost broke, because I couldn't be with her. Kimberly even wrote the 'Dear John' letter to stop me from following her, she knew I would do it. I would have just gotten up, handed my leadership over to someone like Jason, demand Zordon and Alpha to teleport me to Kim's location; and totally left my parents in the dark. I would not have cared if I lacked fluency in her native language, I had to be there for her. I needed to protect her. Hearing all these stories from Aegis and the odd snippet from Cassie how she was tortured by The Alliance, was wounded by a bomb that has almost torn her shoulder to pieces and nearly died on several occasions; it really hurt me. Fuck! Cassie actually told me she was close to death, but managed to resuscitate her after her heart stopped! Kim even admitted to me that she was a high level threat to the United Alliance of Evil, so much she had a bounty on her head, gaining attention from bounty hunters and assassins all over the galaxy and she even had a 'Kill On Sight' order by the enemies. She was feared leading up to the events of Countdown, a thorn in their sides. Kim led the Eltarians to so many victories, helped various planets with their defences, changed and reformed the Eltarian Army itself. I felt proud of her for that, but the many times she endangered her life, outweighed her victories and achievements.

I sat on the bed, to try and take it all in. It won't be long till she goes off with her cousin to save Cassie, which involves entering the dragon's… or firebird's den; literally and metaphorically. So many different scenarios ran through my head, what could go wrong, what could go right? Will they succeed? Get out before Firebird realises something suspicious? Infiltration missions were the reason she was captured and tortured, so what if the same thing happens again? What if Firebird here, forces Kim to release her alter ego? Two Firebirds would be very bad, not just bad for this world, but for ours too. Firebird here is well aware that we got to this Earth via wormhole? Inter dimensional portal? I don't give a shit anymore on scientific terminology, but she can use that then, to send her army into our world and start a full scale war. History would repeat itself once more. I started to ponder on the words Kim said last night:

"Should we really give up the crystal for one person?" I see now where she is coming from, it's not really selfish if you think about it. War did force Kim to make decisions she did not want to make, but she had to make the hard choices. Well, she isn't exactly following her own words now, since herself and Aegis are sneaking in to free Cassie before it reaches ten o'clock tonight, that's unless they get caught. I looked at my clock, it's now twelve o'clock mid-day, by the time I charged into my room, it was only quarter to eleven. Cassie only has roughly under ten hours. Doing all the math in my head, it's actually nine point nine-eight-three hours. You know what they say: time flies when you're having fun, but in this case, I'm certainly not having fun. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I jumped, thinking it was Kimberly wanting to apologise, I should too, I over reacted. I have to start accepting that being a soldier is a part of who Kim is now. Perhaps, she's been trying to subtly tell me that she does not need saving from me, unless she really needs it; as she can save herself. Getting up, I went to the door, opening it, only to run into the other version of Trini. I let her in and watched as she inspected my room, to see it… somewhat destroyed? I proceeded to sit on the bed, with Trini taking her place beside me. Trini was first to speak.

"I heard what happened. Word travels fast." She said to me, "I know you don't want her to go on this mission.",

"I'm afraid to lose her Trini. I almost lost Kim to her alter ego, if I lose her a third time… it'll kill me." I confessed,

"Our Tommy was like that. When Kim was in a bad mental state due to her PTSD, she thought she was a liability to him and us. Living got difficult for her." I heard the sadness in Trini's voice.

"What happened?" I asked, only to realise how sensitive this is becoming. "I'm sorry, you don't have to say, if it's too hard." The former Yellow Ranger shook her head.

"No, it's alright. Our Kimberly, seemed to have had a harder time moving on, unlike yours. Let me ask you Tommy, did your Kim ever try to… hurt herself?" Yikes, what kind of question was that? Either way, I answered, not before thinking back for a while.

"Kim never tried to hurt herself, Trini. Not that I remember. Why do you ask? Did your Kim…" Trini finished my sentence for me.

"She attempted suicide. Kim was going to throw herself over the waterfall in the forest, a few miles from your house." Fuck! Kimberly of this world had it a little more rough than my own. I actually felt sorry for her. To actually attempt suicide though… it must have scared them all. Now they're all trying to survive because Mesogog was being a dumbass and didn't realise how independent Firebird is. She is sort of like Dragon. "We managed to stop her though." Continued Trini, but I could see a single tear slip down her cheek. "It made me realise how precious life is, how fragile it is. It made me open my eyes to see how much my little sister changed.",

"Except you and everyone accepted the change." I whispered. Back home, everyone, even I, refused to see how much Kim changed. We all thought she would go back to being the Kim we all loved after her sessions with Dana; we were wrong. She opened up more, but she was still a different Kimberly. I guess taking up a teaching job helped to just keep herself grounded. Trini put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"And you have to accept it too. While she may have enough of war, but the part of her that will always be a soldier, will compel her to help those who can't help themselves." She said. I have almost forgotten how insightful Trini is, even though she is much, much older than our own. Most of the gang here must be in there late forties, early fifties. Firebird must the same, but if I remember right, Eltarians age at a slightly slower rate. I have to apologise to Kim and do it before she leaves, I can't have her go on this mission, thinking that I'm angry at her. I turned to Trini.

"Thanks Trini. Now, I have to apologise to her before she leaves. Where would they be?" Trini had to think for a moment.

"We have access to the sewer networks, Kim and Aegis will likely be on their way to sneak into the compound. I'll bring you there." With that, both of us got up and ran.


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 8.566 Hours…

(Scene: Hidden Sewer Entrance, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

Aegis and I were going through our supplies, making sure the uniform we were given is in one piece. Everything had to be perfect if we are sneaking in as Eltarian soldiers. I checked our primary weapons and sidearms, being positive they are all in working order. It would be very bad if we have a bullet jam in the ejecting chamber; from what I heard, they use a certain model of assault rifle and if we're caught using a different one; Aegis and I are good as dead. Zach had the map of Firebird's castle uploaded onto what looks like a computer watch, which projects a hologram; how handy. Myself and my cousin fixed the communicator to our ears, sort of like a bluetooth, only more advanced and can cover much longer distances. He and Jason will monitor our movements from the base in the Command Chamber, as he attached a tracker underneath our tactical vests. Let's pray this mission will go smoothly, at least I can safely say: we have no traitor this time. With everything ready, we both slung our rifles over our shoulders, then proceeded to type in the code to open the entrance to the sewer.

The door opened with a hiss. We were about to step through, until I heard my name being called out.

"KIMBERLY! Wait!" I turned around to see Tommy. He stopped in front of me, with Trini beside him.

"If you're here to stop me Thomas, you can't. I'm not turning back." I saw Trini wince when I used my fiancé's proper name. I looked sharply at Tommy, only to see him shaking his head.

"I'm not stopping you." He said, which left me very surprised. "I want to say that I'm sorry. I failed to see the bigger picture and how much you changed.",

"I forgive you and I'm sorry I yelled at you. I will come back Handsome, I promise." I replied. Tommy quickly caught me by the hand and kissed me.

"Don't worry Tommy, Kara and I are a force to be reckoned with." Tommy let me go, as I joined Aegis at the entrance, only to give us some parting words. Surprisingly, he spoke a familiar phrase in our native langauge.

"May the Power protect you, always." We both smiled and nodded firmly. We entered the sewer network and the door closed behind us. Hang on Cassie, we're coming.

Two Hours Later…


Time Remaining Before Cassie's Execution: 6.566 Hours

(Scene: Firebird's Headquarters, Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

Aegis and I stopped underneath the sewer cap that led to Firebird's compound. I can't help but say that I'm scared, but rescuing Cassie is our top priority. I activated my watch, to see how much time we have before she is killed. The hologram appeared, shit! We have about six and half hours, our time is short. My best bet is that Cassie is held in the prison compound and no doubt, we will have to find the access code to her cell. Fuck! The only way we can do that is by locating the head of the prison or get Zach to hack into the computers, which is very risky. The hack could be traced back to them and then we're all fucked! Before rising to the surface, we stopped to put on our balaclavas, that's new, then our helmets which fitted well enough. Aegis scaled the ladder first, slightly raising the cap to make sure the coast is clear. He then looked back at me, giving the thumbs up. Aegis fully raised the cap and pulled himself up. He then turned and reached his hand out to mine. He pulled me up and I replaced the cap. Suddenly, our earpiece crackled to life, it was Zach.

"Alright you two, you're standing in the courtyard right now. The prison compound is to your left.",

"OK. Doesn't sound too bad." I said, "Zach, we need to know which cell Cassie is held in, can you do that without being detected?",

"It's no issue." I could sense he was grinning. A few seconds passed and he spoke again. "Cassie is in A Block, Cell Fifteen. You need to figure out the access code. It's too risky to go that far.",

"You done enough Zach. Don't risk the rebels getting caught." Aegis said to him, "Over and out now." We disconnected. Fixing our stances, we walked towards the prison. My heart is actually racing, but I need to remain calm; Cassie's life is in our hands.

We finally reached the entrance of the prison, guarded by a single soldier from the Ranger Battalion. The soldier straightened, doing the Eltarian salute and we did the same. The guard allowed us entry. Thank god, it's going according to plan, for now. The two of us descended the stairs, reaching the first block, where Cassie is held. The prison is huge! How many prisoners does Firebird have? We have to be discreet, causing a prison riot to get Cassie out during the chaos, will ring alarm bells. I turned, seeing a fellow Eltarian soldier having a break. It gave me an idea. I approached the soldier, who instantly saw me and got up to salute.

"Lieutenant." He greeted. I didn't notice the band on my arm, I forgot it meant my position as Lieutenant. How did I forget that?

"At ease soldier." I said to him, in my home language. "Myself and a friend are new transfers. Who's in charge?",

"Chief Warden Balgruf. He's an exiled Eltarian, but our leader gave him a chance. The chief resides in the control room.",

"Thank you officer. You may return to your break." The two of us saluted and I left him, returning to Aegis. He was standing near a pillar, acting natural. He saw me and turned.

"What did the squirt say?" He questioned in our language,

"We're looking for Chief Warden Balgruf. He runs the prison." I explained,

"I'll deal with him." Aegis grunted, but I caught him by the arm, staring stone hard at him.

"Let me deal with this prick. Cassie will feel more at ease when she sees you." Seeing the logic in my reasoning, Aegis nodded. We both ducked to a hidden corner that I could bring up a map of the prison compound undetected. Dear old Balgruf is not far from here and Cassie's cell is around the corner. Aegis hates the idea of splitting up, but we have no choice. Knowing our mission, we both separated. I made my way up the stairs, heading for the control room. Once again, my earpiece activated, this time, it was Jason's voice.

"Alright Kim, Zach and I managed to set up an escape route for you, but that means starting a prison riot." I really hoped we could keep this more low key! Does no one understand the concept of a stealth mission!? Jason continued his explanation. "Use that distraction to go around the corner of Cassie's cell. There's your exit back to the sewer network. Oh! No pressure for you and Aegis, but… you two have about four hours now.",

"Jason! You fucking bastard!" I hissed, before I closed the link. Four hours, time is shorter than we thought. I activated the link for Aegis to let him know of the plan. "Aegis, Jason said we have about four hours. Did you reach Cassie's cell?" I stopped midway of ascending the stairs.

"I'm actually guarding her cell. Convinced a soldier to swap." He whispered,

"Good. Listen, be ready; things are going to get crazy. Our escape route is around the corner of her cell and to get there, we need to start a riot.",

"Can't wait for that." I swear he's smirking now. "Standing by." He cut the connection and I resumed to reaching the control room. After ascending the stairs, I saw the sign that pointed to the room I was looking for. Following the direction, it wasn't long till I found the control room. Unfortunately, there another voice inside, other than his. I decided to be polite and wait it out. I didn't have to wait long for as the figure opened the door to leave. I quickly froze, oh fuck! It's Firebird! Keeping myself calm, I straightened up and saluted her. Doing this disgusts me actually, the thought that I'm saluting myself. Firebird stared at me in the eyes through her visor, then she spoke.

"At ease Lieutenant, I'm just making my leave now." The encounter was short, something tells me she was running her daily inspection. I hope she didn't recognise me, but it looked like she didn't. Thank god and the Great Power for that. When she was out of sight, I entered the control room and closed the door. Wouldn't it be fun if she was caught in the riot? The Chief Warden turned, seeing me.

"Lieutenant, how can I help you?" I wordlessly walked towards him, then grabbed him by the throat, unholstering my handgun, pointed the barrel to where the 'sun doesn't shine'. We both heard the sound of my weapon's lever click, meaning the safety is off. "What in the Power are you-" I cut him off and growled.

"Access code to Block A - Cell Fifteen. You have ten seconds bastard!",

"I won't tell you traitor!" He attempted to reach for the alarm, but stopped him and broke his hand. The bone in his hand snapped, I used my own hand to muffle his screams. If Tommy was here, he might be terrified of what I'm doing. I'm sure any of my friends would. I felt Rhea wince too and asking me if I was being excessive. Well, in this circumstance where time is short, excessive force is necessary.

"Five seconds!" I snarled. I saw the fear in his eyes, as he stared into mine, as they glowed a dangerous red. "Four, three, two on-",

"Alright! Alright!" He cried, "Code is five-two-nine-zero-seven." I glared at the warden and pulled the trigger, shooting him in the balls. I muffled his screams again, listening to him crying over the fact I gave him an… unconventional snip. Well, he won't be having any children, he won't to live to have any either way. Keeping him pinned, I holstered my gun and pulled out a combat knife, placing it against his throat, as he whimpered.

"Confirm that. I'm not a fool Balgruf.",

"It… is! Five… t-two-nine… zero… s-seven!" He stuttered, but being certain in his words; despite the severe pain he is in and the pain I inflicted.

"Thank your for your service." I muttered, before slashing his throat, his blood spilling over the panel. I checked the time, how much do we have left? It's six thirty now, that's three point four-eight-three hours now. I contacted Aegis. "Aegis, code is fifty-two thousand-nine-hundred-and-seven.",

"Thanks Kara." He understood immediately. I turned back to the control panel, seeing Aegis from up here, enter the code that opened the door.

"Time to get this party started." I said to myself. Taking the keys from Balgruf's waist, I slotted them into the keyhole and pushed the button to release all the prisoners. I watched as all the doors opened simultaneously, alarm going off and the prisoners rushed out, chaos ensued. Time for me bolt! I opened the door, only to come face to face with Firebird, giving me the most intimidating death glare.

"You think I'm a fool Kara of Eltar?" Fuck! Before I knew it, a fire blast knocked me back, into the glass, breaking right through it. I fell down a good single storey, before landing hard on my back, taking the wind out of me, so much for this mission going plain sailing! At least the vest absorbed most of the fall impact. Snapping out of my daze, Firebird leaped down, her sword unsheathed, preparing to stab it right through me. I managed to roll away, as her sword dug into the concrete. I let loose a few bullets from the rifle, but they only bounced off her armour. Shit! I always asked myself whether the ranger suits were bulletproof, there's my answer. I ducked under a swing, getting in a few jabs, causing her to stagger. She clutched her abdomen, where it wasn't covered by armour. Firebird continued her assault on me, slashing her sword left and right. I raised my rifle to block it, only to have it sliced in half, like a hot knife through butter. This reminds me of the fight with Goldar. Dumping my rifle, I unsheathed my combat knife, holding it in reverse and the two of us clashed. I slammed my blade down on Firebird, though it was the stupid chest armour, causing it to bounce off harmlessly. I dodged to the left, only for her sword to nick my right arm, cutting through the fabric and meeting the flesh of my skin. I'm going to be in for another earful again. I pushed Firebird back with a roundhouse kick, striking her in the helmet. "The Power Rangers could have been Gods." Firebird snarled. Gods? Is she really that delusional?

"My father established the rangers to serve and protect the weak; not rule them." I panted. Before Firebird got in another word, a random prisoner threw himself in front of me, holding Firebird back, as another joined in.

"Go! And thank you! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!" Taking the oppurtunity, I sprinted for the escape route, dodging some gunfire here and there.

Finally, I made it past Cassie's cell, skidded around the corner where Aegis stood, holding Cassie in his arms with the entrance opened. I gave Aegis the signal to go, I wasn't far behind him and we both leaped in as the sewer cap closed. I felt bad for leaving the prisoners, but they caused a good enough distraction and it won't be long till the situation is contained. My cousin and I breathed a sigh of relief, that the mission is over and Cassie has escaped her execution and even better, we still have the crystal; the question is: what do we do with it? Both of us began to walk away, following the map I brought up. I contacted Jason and the team to let them know we made it out. This time, it was neither Jason or Zach who answered, but Tommy.

"Kimberly!? Is that you?",

"I promised that I would come back Handsome." I smirked,

"Oh thanks be to God! Did you…" Aegis decided to answer Tommy for me.

"We have Cassie. She's unconscious, malnourished and dehydrated. Though with good food and rest, she'll be fine." I was about to disconnect, but Aegis threw in one last word to Tommy before he turned off his earpiece. "Lastly Tommy, you might want to yell at Kim. Her right arm is wounded.",

"KIMBERLY 'KARA' FUCKING HART!" Screeched Tommy, causing me to recoil and rip out my own earpiece and switched it off. I glared at Aegis, he noticed I was wounded, but chose not to say anything!

"Fuck you cousin." I grumbled under my breath, before letting out some silent explicits in Eltarian, calling my cousin every name in the book. This was going on, while Aegis' chuckles filled the air.

Back With Firebird…


(Scene: Prison, Firebird's Headquarters, Angel Grove, Earth-X/No POV)

Firebird was angry, actually, that would be an understatement. She was furious and enraged, the rebels got into her base and made off with one of her most valuable prisoners, they did not even need to bring the Morphing Grid Crystal and it is still in their hands. The prisoners were finally apprehended after the riot broke out and she ordered them to be all shot. The sounds of gunshots filled the air as prisoners dropped left and right. Firebird had enough of playing games, it was time to get serious, if the rebels are far from negotiating, then she shall take the crystal by force and wipe out the resistance. No one will make it out alive and Firebird knew where to attack. Call it a hunch or intuition, a sixth sense, but it's time for the war to end, it is time to bring the end to where it began. The Crimson Ranger turned to the Commander of the White Falcon Battalion.

"Send out a warning message to rebels. If they do not surrender by midnight, we shall attack them by sunrise.",

"Yes, m'lady." And he left after saluting, to send the message. At the time being, Firebird left the prison to prepare her army for a full assault and to ensure her Zord is fully functional.


(Scene: Medical Room, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Reefside, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

I sat on the examination table once more, as Caroline cleaned my wounded right arm. Turned out, the wound was a little deeper than I thought and required stitching. This was while I was being glared at by both Tommy and Trini! As Aegis sat with Cassie, who was still unconscious. Aegis was was lucky to be uninjured, however, he's not budging from Cassie's side, until she wakes up. It also appeared that she was hurt, there was some broken and cracked ribs, along with old and new bruises. It seems like Cassie was being beaten, but not tortured. I suddenly winced as I felt the familiar sting of alcohol being dabbed onto my wound, before being injected with a strong numbing agent, so that I would not feel the pain of my wound being stitched. Trini was first to break the silence that fill the room for the past ten minutes that I was in here.

"I swear to fucking God Kimberly, you can't get out unscathed? Can you?",

"Hey! I'm alive alright! Be thankful for that!" I back answered,

"You are unbelievable." She muttered, before spouting Vietnamese. She's lucky I didn't consider learning Vietnamese, otherwise, we'd be having an argument in that language! I heard Rhea was being scolded by Caesar.

"I've been shot, tortured, nearly blown to tiny kimber-bits, had my life force drained and frozen in amber. Hello! I'm still here." I said sarcastically. My sarcasm caused Trini to growl.

"Kimberly, use that sarcasm on me, one more time, I will kill you right here and now!"

"Will you all shut the fuck up!" A familiar voice complained. We all turned to see Cassie waking up. Aegis stood up, as I got off the table to go over to her, after Caroline bandaged my sword wound. Obviously, the first person the former pink gazed upon, was my cousin. We watched as tears glistened her eyes. "You're… you're alive? How…",

"I'm… not the Aegis of your world Cassie. However, I couldn't leave you in Firebird's clutches." He explained,

"Thank you." She then turned to rest of us, her eyes laid on me. "I'm guessing you helped too?",

"How did you know I'm me and not Firebird?",

"We all know you Kimberly. It's your demeanour and your eyes. They're soft and welcoming, warm. Firebird's are cold, dagger-like glaring. Her personality is completely opposite to yours." Cassie has keen observation. Good to know she can differentiate myself from Firebird and also, she didn't attempt to attack me; unlike Zach who knocked me out cold. Trini moved to more questioning.

"Cassie, you don't have talk about this, if you're not ready. What happened? We thought you were dead!",

"It's alright. After the failed attack to drive Firebird and her army back, my husband, Aegis got to me run away with him. He didn't want to leave either, but he knew Jason and Tommy would want us to survive." Sh explained, "Aegis was badly wounded, we had no medical supplies. Firebird was quick to establish her control, going into Angel Grove was too dangerous. My husband succumbed to his wounds a few weeks after the battle." Out of instinct, Aegis caught Cassie's hand to calm her down. Once Cassie composed herself, she continued her story. "I spent two years running, then a family offered me shelter. Unfortunately, my stay didn't last long, the stranger's husband worked for Firebird in her established Ranger Soldier Battalion and sold me out. I was her prisoner for ten years." Shit! Cassie has been through a hard time, they all have. Then, for some random reason, my mind drifted to the crystal; if the Morphing Grid created our powers, then it has to have the ability to take them back or literally cut the connection! Without a link, the powers are useless! That's how we can defeat Firebird and her army, we need to cut them off from the Morphing Grid, make them powerless! We just need to get them within range, I don't know how far the radius would go. Then Caroline jolted me out of my thoughts.

"You alright Kim? You're drifting away from us.",

"I'm sorry, it's just… I think I figured out a way to end this war." Trini's head perked, as well as Cassie's when I said that.

"Explain Kim." Trini said,

"We need to cut Firebird and her Ranger Soldiers off from the Morphing Grid. We need to use the crystal to release a burst of energy." I explained,

"How do we do that? How do we get that kind of energy released?" Cassie asked,

"Apart from me, Tommy is also the longest serving and the strongest ranger besides me. He needs to pour some of his ranger energy into the crystal. Someone has to distract Firebird.",

"I like the idea. Give Firebird a taste of her own medicine." We all turned around to see Jason' Zach and the kids, who all looked relieved to myself and Aegis alive. Then Zach brought our attention to something.

"We got a warning transmission from Firebird: either surrender or die." I scoffed, I will not allow myself to be afraid of her anymore. It's time I stand up to my alter ego.

"Send a message back to Firebird. Tell her: she can fuck off!" Jason smirked at the bluntness, but he's more than happy to send that. This is also declaring war and we need to prepare; that also means keeping Cassie out of the fighting. Zach went off to respond to the message. Jason walked over to me.

"Firebird said she will attack at sunrise. I'll have the rebels prepared, but before that, I want you to give our forces some words of encouragement." You got to be kidding me!? He wants to me to do a war speech? Great.


(Scene: Command Chamber, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

After word got around that Firebird was preparing for the final assault, that will decide the end of the war, everyone gathered in the Command Chamber; all dressed for battle. Rosters for guard duty were sorted out, to keep an eye for sudden surprise attacks. Zach, Kat, Billy, Justin and Hayley ensured all the weapons were working, even the heavy artillery. The rebels knew their roles. I stood at the side, in full gear beside Tommy and the kids, ready for battle; as Jason debriefed his resistance. Firebird got the message that we were not surrendering and of course, she was furious, saying that we will all perish. I love to see her try now. Jason brought up the schematics and layouts for the positions of the rebels to take and most importantly, to listen to his and Zach's commands. Those who could morph, were with Aegis, myself, Tommy and the kids. That also included Eric, Kat, Tanya, Justin and the remaining Ninjetti of this Firebird Universe. Although, it was a very small portion of us and we were somewhat outnumbered. It wasn't long till Jason called me up to give my speech. I had nothing written in advance, I will just say what… comes from my heart. I stepped out, staring at the rebels that numbered by the thousands, but still did not compare to Firebird's forces.

"As you all know, the final stand will begin by sunrise." I started, "We are outnumbered, I wouldn't be surprised if we are outgunned too. I know it's a bleak thought, I've been in your position many times. For the thousands of us here, perhaps only a few hundred will see to the end. It's a harsh reality and it'll be stupid of me to sugarcoat it all. However, look to me and the others; those who haven't lost their ranger powers. Including myself, there's sixteen of us!" I paused to catch my breath for a second. "Sixteen rangers on your side of the battle! Is that not enough to install some kind of fighting chance in you all? Look at yourselves! You're still here, because you all chose to live. Live! You all fight to live, even when victory is small." I began to walk left to right, as I felt my confidence as a Lieutenant shine through and it felt good. "A close friend of mine said: 'Isn't the smallest chance of victory, enough of a reason for us to keep on fighting'?" I looked out from the corner of my eye, to see Jason smile with pride, because not only he, but Jason from world quoted these exact words. I turned back to the rebels. "Rebels of the Sword of Light, now is the time to be that light! It is time to dethrone the dictator you fought against for so long! Will you fight with me!? FOR EARTH!" The entire room burst into cheers, as the rebels felt a rekindled spirit to fight to free their home, from their tyrannical ruler, after twenty years. That person is me, a different version of me. Jason and the others stood beside me.

"Now, get some food, rest and prepare for your assigned watch duty. The war is brewing and Firebird will take it here. Where the end began." The rebels retreated to the mess hall, to get food for much needed energy. Jason gave me a warm smile, giving me a silent 'thank you'. It wasn't long before we retreated to the mess hall ourselves.


Days On Earth-X: 4…

(Scene: Mess Hall, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

I took my seat beside Tommy and the rest of our team. Cassie recovered enough strength to join us for food, she desperately needed. The teens were munching down on much needed food too, I don't blame them. Ever since the food raid, supplies are back to safe enough levels for larger portions and everyone in this room needs it. Firebird will be relentless, she's going to do everything in our power to crush us. We will bring the crystal out, when it comes closer to war, all we need is to get Firebird within proximity and some of her Ranger Soldiers, if not all of them. I then looked at Kira and Trent, the two have gotten real close, like I mean… as if Tommy and I got cosy with each other. I think it's time to interrogate our former students. I faked a cough to get their attention and both of them lifted their heads.

"You two have gotten close." I pointed out, "Is there something I'm missing?" Tommy, Conor and Ethan tried so hard to muffle their laughter as both Kira and Trent went red. Trent decided to speak up.

"Kira and I… sorted out our feelings for each other. We're together now.",

"Thank god!" Exclaimed Conor, "It was like watching another Dr. O and Dr. Hart!" That caused myself and Tommy to turn to the Red Dino Thunder Ranger, mustering the deadliest glares; topping it up with both of our eyes flashing. It caused him to squeal in fright. "I'm sorry! Don't kill me!" And we all laughed. Kira then noticed, this world's Hayley Zitkor approaching us, with what looked an old, but working guitar in her hand. She handed it to Kira first.

"This belonged to our Kira here, but it's been years since we all heard you sing. Can you please? Even Jason asked." Kira was speechless, she probably felt it wasn't right to use a guitar that belonged to her dead alternate version. With some light encouragement, we got her to take it. Who knows, maybe a song will help further lift the rebel's spirits. The Yellow Ranger moved her plate so she could sit on the table, strumming the guitar to tune it. The entire mess hall went silent, to listen to whatever song comes to Kira's mind. She finally thought of one and began to strum the opening tune, I didn't recognise it, maybe it's a new song she recently wrote.

"I see the look in your eyes,

I know you're thirstin' for blood

I feel it stirring inside,

But you got nothing on us

You want a war,

You don't know what you're asking for

You want a war,

You don't know what you're asking

You want a war,

You don't know what you're asking for

You want a war, you want a war

Bring on the fire and bring on the storm

We'll still be here when it's all said and done

Burn down the bridges and tear down the walls

We'll still be standing invincible


Thunder in my chest,

Adrenaline in my veins

You better bring your best,

If you wanna play my game

You want a war,

You don't know what you're asking for

You want a war,

You don't know what you're asking

You want a war,

You don't know what you're asking for

You want a war, you want a war

Bring on the fire and bring on the storm

We'll still be here when it's all said and done

Burn down the bridges and tear down the walls

We'll still be standing invincible


Bring on the fire and bring on the storm

We'll still be here when it's all said and done

Burn down the bridges and tear down the walls

We'll still be standing invincible



She could not have chosen a better song. The room was filled with the sound of thunderous clapping, it filled the rebels with a sense that they are undefeated and we will make Firebird regret going to war. While her army has the discipline, they lack spirit. It wasn't long until the guitar was passed to me. I shook my head, refusing. No! I will not!

"Kira-" I couldn't finish my sentance, as Kira shoved the guitar in my face, not accepting my answer.

"I sang, so it's your turn. You haven't sung in a long time. Come on Dr. Hart! Please?" She pleaded. I sighed, not able to say no and took the guitar from me. I knew the perfect song for this, there has been many reiterations, but this one by Florence + The Machines stood out to me. In this version of the song, there was hope, a feeling of togetherness. In the battle that comes towards us like a storm, we will stand together as one.

"When the night has come

And the land is dark

And the moon is the only light we see

No, I won't be afraid

Oh, I won't be afraid

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

So, darling, darling, stand by me

Oh, stand by me

Oh, stand now, stand by me,

Stand by me

If the sky that we look upon

Should tumble and fall

Or the mountain should crumble to the sea

I won't cry, I won't cry

No, I won't shed a tear

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling, stand by me

Oh, stand by me

Oh, stand now, stand by me,

Stand by me

And, darling, darling, stand by me

Oh, stand by me

Oh, stand, stand by me,

Stand by me

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me?

Oh, stand by me

Oh, stand now, stand by me

Darling, darling, stand by me

Oh, stand by me

Oh, stand now, stand by me,

Stand by me

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me?

Oh, stand by me

Oh, stand now, stand by me,

Stand by me!"

After that, the whole room broke into another applause. I hope you're ready for war Firebird, because your reign ends here and now.


(Scene: Throne Room, Firebird's Headquarters, Angel Grove, Earth-X/No POV)

Firebird simply sat in her throne room, without her helmet, after going through long hours to prepare her army for battle; after the rebels refused to surrender. She admires their fighting spirit, though it won't be enough. Fighting Spirit won't save save them and she will crush the resistance at its source and then, no one will dare to oppose her again. For so many years, the rebels have done everything to unhinge her power over this world, they have failed to do so, until these visitors from a different reality arrived. Since their arrival, it's like everything has begun to fall apart. Once she wipes out the rebellion and the imposters, she will move onto the next world and hunt down every ranger in existence. Next, one of the soldiers from Sabre-toothed Tiger Battalion approached her from the side and spoke of any updates.

"M'lady, the Commanders are ready. They simply await for your command." The ranger looked away, facing the balcony where her army gathered in the courtyard. It is close to sunrise, the sun will appear in fifteen minutes, but the rebels will be waiting for her no doubt.

"Then it's time, to set things right." She said. Suddenly, her materialised in a ghostly, crimson haze, forming around her head. Firebird stood up from her throne, heading for the balcony, as the Commander of Sabre-toothed Tiger soldiers followed her. "After we defeat the rebels and take back the crystal, we invade the imposters' home world." Reaching the balcony, the sound of the all soldiers footsteps filled the air as they stood to attention, upon seeing their leader. "Once they're powerless, they will realise too late," Firebird turned her head to the soldier, at a slight angle, "They could have been Gods!" Turning back to her army, it was time to make way to the old Command Centre, where the end of the Power Rangers began. Firebird, without saying anything to her army, simply raised her arms, as if she is a Ranger God. The signal was all the soldiers needed to quickly board onto their carriers and combat copters, the airborne vehicles quickly rising in the air; the sound of nothing but the propellers could be heard, piloted by Falcon Battalion. For Firebrid herself, it's time to get on her own ship.


(Scene: Battlefield, Command Centre, The Sword of Light Headquarters, Outside Angel Grove, Earth-X/Kimberly's POV)

The entire base stood into position outside. I remained at the front with my teams, and those few survivors who could morph. Tommy remained at my side, the crystal hidden from sight. He felt it was stupid of me to face Firebird one on one, but he knew I could keep up with her. I held my rifle at the side, I sort of want to refrain from morphing for the time being. I watched as the sun rose, Firebird will be arriving shortly. The waiting was tense, it was killing us all. I wonder is Firebird toying with us? Suddenly, I looked below, watching the small rocks shake; that only means one thing: she's coming. I heard Rhea and Caesar screech out in warning, from the distance, helicopters came into view, as did the soldiers who marched all the way here. It's time. Jason shouted orders at the rebels to take their positions, Cassie was moved inside to a safer sector of the Command Centre, as well as those who can't really fight or weren't trained enough. Anyways, we can't afford to lose our medics. I then turned to others, giving them the signal to morph. The Dino Thunder team were first to do so, except for Tommy. Like me, he opted to keep morphing as a last resort.

"Dino Thunder! Power up!" Kira, Conor and Ethan shouted,

"White Ranger! Power up!" Trent commanded. Next was Aegis.

"It's Morphin' Time! Phantom Ranger Power!" Now it was our mismatched team: Kat, Tanya, Justin, the Time Force team and the Ninjetti.

"It's Morphin' Time! Zeo Ranger One: Pink!",

"Zeo Ranger Two: Yellow!",

"Shift into Turbo!" Justin inserted his Turbo Key into the morpher. "Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!" Jen and Wes took their positions to morph.

"Time for Time Force!",

"Quantum Power!" And finally the Ninjetti.

"We need Ninja Ranger Power!" Adam started off.

"The Frog!",

"The Wolf!",

"The Bear!",

"The Ape!" I kept my hand raised to tell the rebels to hold steady until Firebird and her forces came into view. Her army was first to approach, all firing their weapons and I gave the signal to open fire, as the Rangers we have charged forward. I watched as bullets harmlessly bounced off their suits, so that confirms my theory. I took my rifle and began to open fire on the soldiers, watching them fall. I managed to shoot down the soldiers of the Eltarian Army, then kill some of the Ranger Soldiers, when the bullets hit the exposed areas, not covered by armour; which was primarily the neck. The sounds of the artillery guns filled the air, almost bringing me back to the war on Eltar, but now is not the time to think of the past. This is now! It wasn't long for the fight to take a sudden turn for the worse, as we all hear a familiar sound, none of us heard in a long time; depending which way you see it. It was still bad news, it only meant one thing: the dragon is marching. The Dragonzord survived and is under Firebird's command. It puts us all at a serious disadvantage.

I watched as Eric jump back to mine and Tommy's position, with his Q-sword unsheathed. He grumbled:

"Now I wish I had my Q-Rex!" Ah yes, I heard the joke Eric made from our Earth, that his Q-Rex would have Tommy's Dragonzord for lunch! I wish we had any of the Zords! But no! They were all totalled except for the Dragonzord! My ears picked up the familiar crunching, slow steps of the Dragonzord, with Firebird standing on top of its head, just like Tommy. Either we disable the Dragonzord, which will be hard, or we return the Zord to the sea, once we get our hands on the Dragon Dagger! Jason was yelling at the rebels who mounted the heavy artillery.

"All heavy weapons! Focus fire on the Dragonzord! Medium and light artillery, continue fire on the soldiers!" Firebird quickly played another command tune, it was to fire the finger rockets. Shit!

"EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" I screamed, as Tommy grabbed me, using his body as a shield, when rock and debris showered over us. I heard the rebels who caught in the blast, cry out as they met their last moments. Getting up, I threw a grenade at the soldiers, then looked up to see the Ninjetti, jumping onto the Dragonzord, to fight Firebird. While they kept her distracted, Billy snuck into the cockpit of the Zord, to disable its power core. Thank god for their swiftness! The battle would have ended, quicker than it started. It wasn't long for them to knock Firebird off the Zord, after Billy disabled it. Firebird tried the Dragon Dagger, but the Dragonzord remained unresponsive. Now's my chance! Unsheathing my sword, I charged towards Firebird, who quickly blocked my attack with the dagger.

"You were quick to disable my Zord." She snarled,

"Your Zord!? It belonged to Tommy, that same Tommy you killed!" I replied, before pushing her back, performing Jason's signature Tornado Kick.

"The war you fight is worthless. My numbers are greater and your rebels fall." I turned back, to see she was right, our numbers are quickly dwindling. In the distance, I saw Justin get skewered through the chest by a blade, belonging to a soldier from Sabre-toothed Tiger Battalion. More rebels fell, I turned, only to get shot right in the chest by a fireball. I was flung towards Tommy and Jason, our numbers were only a few hundred now. Firebird grabbed me roughly by the tactical vest, pointing her sword at my neck. She'll believe this is where I will be struck down, where all resistance will be vanquished, but Firebird is wrong, it is her downfall. Firebird spoke out to all of us, as the rebels found themselves surrounded. "I, Firebird, hereby sentence her to die! To the Sword of Light who bear witness, I give you one chance: lay down your weapons, pledge allegiance to me; and turn over the Crystal Morphing Grid!" Everyone still remained silent, probably weighing out their options. Firebird finished her statement. "Otherwise, you will join this imposter. Followed by your leaders. Then the rest of you." She threatened. I was pushed forward by the one of the soldiers, my neck exposed the same way as Tommy during the supply raid. Firebird raised her sword, preparing to execute me. I closed my eye. "This is your last chance!",

"Wait! WAIT!" A voice called out. It was Trini, with a morpher in her hand. I looked up, to see specifically it was the White Tigerzord Power Coin. "We surrender." Firebird perked her head up, even seeing the morpher that escaped her clutches. Jason and the others have protected it for so long. So what… I watched as Trini handed it to Tommy, who revealed the crystallised Morphing Grid. Tommy spoke next.

"While we know little of the Morphing Grid, we at least understand how it behaves. It's a power source that connects us all, it is what allows us to morph. It created our powers.",

"Your point 'Tommy'?" Firebird growled, her eyes glowing, as her patience wore thin.

"What if the Morphing Grid can take back the powers it created?" He smirked. Trini finished his statement.

"You just did us a favour by letting him get close to you. You…" I jumped out of the way, as Tommy charged up the Power Coin, pouring it into the crystal, as a powerful blast emitted from the shard, sending out white electricity; forcing everyone to power down, losing their suits. Their screams of pain, losing their power filled the air. "And your Ranger Battalion nearby!"

Tommy pulled me up towards him, away from Firebird and her soldiers who lost their powers. Now, we bear witness Firebird, who's not hiding behind the suit and helmet. She wore the classic Eltarian military uniform, minus the tactical vest, but she wore the symbol that symbolised her position as General. She stared at her now broken morpher, with small puff of smoke emitting from it. She was in disbelief, after having these powers for so long.

"My… powers! They're… they're…",

"Gone." I finished for her, standing over her, with my sword in hand. "And so is half of your army's. And now, the way I see it 'Firebird'; it's your turn to surrender!" Without warning, an explosion pushed us away, allowing Firebird to step away from us. Shit! Reinforcements! Trini took her place beside myself and Zach. Tommy wasn't far.

"Those soldiers must have been outside the blast raidus!"'

"Doesn't matter Tri! We've got the momentum! Come on guys!" Zach encouraged, rallying the rebels. "TAKE'EM DOWN!" I left their side, only to tackle Firebird as she stood up. It caused us both to roll down a hill, I failed to see. We still weren't far from the main fighting itself. Firebird still has the Dragon Dagger and her short sword. She took a dual sword stance. Firebird's eyes glowed red, fiercer than I last remembered. She's really pissed.

"Congratulations, Kimberly. You must be feeling proud." I knew she was goading me, playing on my weaknesses. "Of course it took your friends to best your 'dark evil self'." The two of us clashed, our weapons clanging, as I countered her statement, finally standing up to her. Showing I am no longer afraid.

"You can't taunt me anymore Firebird!",

"Well then, I just don't know how you prove you have any worth, when you can even beat me!" I growled at Firebird, she saw my own eyes flashing. I managed to get in a kick, to knock her down.

"Maybe I did need my friends to get this far. But you know what?" I said to Firebird, as she stood up, both our swords clashing. "I'm OK with that!" Firebird laughed as she knocked my off my feet. She did a vertical swing, which countered, after landing on my back.

"Then you're truly a fool! They're not a source of strength, Kimberly - they're a liability!" I did a front kick to Firebird's stomach, pushing her off me, allowing myself to stand. My alter ego rushed in for another clash and we held in a lock. "Because when you really need them, like right now. They're not going to be there!" Firebird overpowered me, slamming her shoulder into my chest. I skidded across the ground, only to quickly recover.

"You're wrong Firebird. Friends are a source of strength. I wouldn't be here because of them. My friends are a reason I keep fighting. They believe in me, and I believe in-" A light suddenly filled the sky, as the other rangers; the Originals up to Astro appeared from the wormhole. Jason coming through first.

"Hope you don't mind, but this party just looked way too good to miss!" I turned my attention back to Firebird, smirking with pride.

"Speak of the devil." I struck at Firebird, harder than normal, making her stagger. "All these people may be afraid of you Firebird. They're not loyal to you, don't respect you!",

"Mark my words 'Kimberly', they won't be there when you need them most. The only people we can rely on: are ourselves." I wanted to kill Firebird, for every wrong she has done in this world, but even here, killing is below the morals of a ranger. I will leave her fate to the rebels. Now, I have to help my friends. I turned my back, just to hear Rhea screech at me. I spun around, seeing Firebird leap for me, both weapons raised. I brought up my sword, blocking the first attack, disarming her and the rest happened too fast. Using my free hand, I caught the Dragon Dagger, bringing it up into her chest, stabbing the blade into her heart. Firebird inhaled sharply, as the dagger impaled her.

I held onto Firebird, slowly dropping her to the ground, as she clutched onto me. She was struggling to breathe and managed to remove the blade from her. Blood poured through her uniform, bleeding like any normal human, not a god. I watched as her eyes flickered, it seemed like the Kimberly of this world was coming through, if onto for a short time. I stared, as she smiled at me.

"Thank you." She whispered, before going still. I was suddenly blinded when her body glowed, the spirit of the Crane released from her body, destroying the remnants of Maligore's flame. It wasn't long for another light to appear, a white Falcon, that materialised into Tommy, wearing white Ninjetti robes. I stood at the side, as the Crane became the Kimberly, now wearing the pink Crane Ninjetti garments, that her friends have lost to the monster inside her. Tommy took her hand, then turned to me, smiling.

"Thank you for returning her to me. We can now move on in peace." In another flash, the both turned back into the Falcon and Crane, flying away together, back to the Spirit World. Taking the Dragon Dagger, I lifted the body of this world's Kimberly in my arms, to present it to both sides of the fight; it was the only way to stop the fighting. Reaching the top of the hill, soldiers and rebels stopped, fighting, looking at me, unsure whether it is me or Firebird. I placed the body down on the ground and yelled out.

"Soldiers of Firebird's army! Your leader had fallen! Surrender now or pay with your lives!" The response was almost instant, some laid down their weapons, knowing they lost the fight, others fled the battlefield. Jason stopped the rebels from going after them, thus can deal with later. Once more, picking up their Kimberly, I brought her body down to Jason, laying her down. Jason knelt beside her, closing her eyes.

"She is finally free of her twenty year nightmare." My Jason and his team joined our sides, powering down. Jason rushed over and locked me in a tight hug, choking me almost.

"You are so dead little sister!",

"I missed you too Jase." I chuckled. It wasn't long for Cassie to approach her Aegis and slapped him upside the head. Hell! Even Tommy and I was slapped by Trini, Kat and Aisha! Both of us winced, as our gang laughed.

"Girl! You and Flyboy can't stop getting into trouble! Can you?" Suddenly, Jason's communicator went off.

"Jason! The wormhole is losing power! Get out before you're all stuck!" That was Hayley. That must signal our time to leave. The wormhole made itself visible, as one by one, we waved goodbye, stepping through. Tommy quickly handed over the White Tigerzord morpher and the crystallised Morphing Grid. The two of us were last to leave. I left them all parting words.

"Good luck rebuilding your world! May the Power protect you, always!" Tommy and I vanished from view.

Next Day…



31st October 2005…

(Scene: Tommy Oliver's House, Outside Reefside, Earth-1/Kimberly's POV)

After our alternate Earth adventure, everyone was full of questions, after they kindly let myself, Aegis, Tommy and the kids recuperate after being on that Earth for about four days. Of course, it was the Halloween break, everyone from Zordon's Original Twelve assaulted Tommy's house, demanding answers of what went on. This involved a very long explanation and it turns out, Zach even jinxed it. It resulted in him winning a bet, that we got sent to an Earth where I was evil. I actually punched him for that. On the other hand, Rex was so happy to see me, he actually tackled me to the ground, as I got attacked by pure love from my service dog. He has refused to leave my side. Aegis and the kids were still busy telling the story to the veterans, as I was busy playing fetch with Rex. Tommy was… somewhere in the house. I didn't know what he was doing. It's been a day already, I'm wondering now how the rebels are? They must be hunting down whatever is left of Firebird's army and rebuilding their Earth, starting with Angel Grove. Despite what their Kimberly did, I'm sure they gave her the burial she deserves. Her should was trapped deep inside a monster she couldn't fight.

I was about to throw the ball after Rex dropped it at my feet, that was until I felt a hand pat my shoulder. I turned to see Tommy, finally out of his house. I put the ball down, as Rex began to sit beside me. Whatever way I looked, there was something in his hand. Tommy got down on his knee, revealing a velvet box; before he could speak, someone screamed, making us both turn as Trini looked at us in surprise, while half the gang looked ready to faint. We both chuckled.

"Kim, I know I proposed to you once, but I wanted to do it again; this time with the ring. Thankfully, no sadistic versions of ourselves will come after us." I had to laugh a little there. "Kimberly 'Kara of Eltar' Hart, will you marry me?" My answer was instant.

"Yes! I'll marry you Tommy." Our friends erupted into cheers and clapped, as Tommy put the ring on my finger. We held each other and kissed.


That's it! It's officially finished! Now, if you have noticed, I took some inspirations and maybe teency dialogue from BOOM! Studios' Power Rangers and the live-action Shattered Grid story arc. Who's looking forward to Shattered Grid? And with the identity of the infamous Ranger Slayer being confirmed to be Drakkonverse Kimberly Hart, I don't know if I burst my bubble writing this, Han it was confirmed. But I'm stoked to see what things evil Kim is capable of, just like Drakkon. I dreamed for so long to have evil Kimberly/Pink Ranger. Glorious day for Ranger fans!

Now, I take my leave! Bye!