Title: Grief

Author: Artemis Luna Diana

E-Mail: [email protected]

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Crossover, Romance, Angst, One-shot

Pairing: Harry Potter/Legolas

Summary: Crossover b/w Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.  one-shot with no connection to Love of my Soul.  Legolas' reaction to the early death of his love, Harry Potter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, though I wish I did, and am not making any money off of this little piece of fiction.  It is simply for my own enjoyment. 

Thanks to: snapeysnapesnape for the excellent beta



"Hey, isn't that…"

"Yeah, that's him.  Harry Potter's husband."

"Wow… he looks so young!"

"It's cause he's an elf."

"I thought that was just a rumor."

"Nope.  He really is an elf."

"His name is Legolas right?"

"Uhhh… yeah."

"So why is he here?  Does he teach or something?"

"Nah, he's been here ever since Harry Potter died.  The Headmaster wanted to keep an eye on him or something."


"I guess he thought that he might off himself."

"Really?  He's suicidal?"

"That's the rumor."

Legolas walked slowly down the halls of Hogwarts.  The conversation between the two students was barely registered.  He'd just left the hospital wing.  Headmaster Severus Snape was concerned for his health.  What did health matter when his beloved was gone?  It was too soon.  Any time would have been too soon, but he thought that they would have been together for at least another century before "it" happened. 

Their time together had been so short.  Just a blink in the time granted to elves.  What use was an immortal life without the one you loved?  What reason was there to go on?  There wasn't one.  The students were wrong.  He wasn't suicidal.  That would mean having the energy to do the deed.  He could barely drag himself to the hospital wing for these weekly visits that Severus insisted on.  He didn't know why he even bothered.  Either one of them.  Why did he go?  Why did Severus make him? 

An elf can only die from a physical wound or from grief.  His grief felt like a knife twisting in his heart.  He knew, even if Severus refused to accept it, his time was nearly up.  He was dying.  Willing himself to join his love. 

He walked into his rooms.  He wished he could have been at home.  The place that he and Harry had made their own.  Barely twenty years together.  So short.  He brushed the tears aside absentmindedly and climbed into the cold bed.  A bed that he and Harry had never shared.  He wished he could have died in their home.  In the bed they had celebrated their love.  His tears turned to sobs.  He needed Harry, but Harry was gone.  Stolen from him.  Revenge had been dealt with.  The guilty had paid.  Now he was all that remained.  He and his grief.  But not for long. 


The End.

~Artemis Luna Diana~