AN: Hey, guys, this is a (hopefully improved) reboot of my fanfictions. It will include canon events as well as my own headcanons so enjoy! There will be a book for each Lord of Nature :-) There will be eventual Toby/Jessica (BlizzardStormshipping) with mentions of Lucas/Gina (ObliviouslyInfatuatedshipping) and Nick/OC.

I do not own Gormiti or its characters. I only own my headcanons and my ideas for events that occurred outside of the canon series.

Karen and Mick are Toby and Nick's parents. They don't have names in the actual series so I figured I'd name them myself.


March 26, 1996

Karen Tripp smiled softly at the baby boy in her arms. With his blond hair and blue eyes, he closely resembled his father - her husband Mick.

Said man looked as though he was struggling not to cry as he took in the fact that he now had a son. He kept removing his glasses to dab at his eyes with a handkerchief before turning to his wife.

"I'm so proud of you, Karen. Now I guess we need to name the little guy, huh?" He laughed sheepishly. Though they had known their baby would be a boy, they hadn't been able to decide on a name for him.

"Yes," she agreed. "It may be easier now that we know what he looks like."

The next half-hour passed by with each parent suggesting names - Karen suggesting Robert, Ken, Barney or Derek and Mick suggesting Brandon, Steven, Oliver or Curtis.

None of the names seemed to fit their baby boy, though.

In desperation, Karen rifled inside her bag and pulled out a book she had purchased four months into her pregnancy - 1001 Baby Names.

She started flicking through the pages before instructing Mick to close his eyes and point once at a random time. Whatever page his finger landed on, they would choose a name from it.

Mick's finger landed on a page and he opened his eyes, both of them looking over the names.

One name caught their attention. They looked at one another and smiled.


January 7, 1997

The baby in Karen's arms resembled neither of his parents, hair and eye color-wise. He did, however, have his father's facial features.

He seemed more passive than his older brother, having barely made a sound in the past two hours.

Mick came in, carrying a now one-year-old Toby. He set the toddler down, watching as he stumbled clumsily toward Karen, his eyes alight with curiosity.

"Who that?" He asked, pointing to the baby and looking confused.

Karen lifted her eldest son onto her lap, running her hands through his hair. "Toby, this is your baby brother. His name is Nick."

"Brother Nick?" Toby responded, gazing at Nick. He reached out his finger and poked gently at his brother who suddenly grabbed the digit, holding it with the strength all newborn babies possess. This caused Toby to whimper and pull his finger back.

"Yes," Karen smiled, holding both of her sons closely. "You're a big brother now."

Toby yawned sleepily. He was apparently due for his afternoon nap. "I'm gonna be the best brother..." His eyes closed as he fell asleep.

He hadn't been the only one. Nick had copied his brother's actions and was also sleeping soundly in Karen's arms.

The woman glanced at Mick, both of them filled with an overwhelming love for their sons. "Sleep tight, my darlings. Mommy and Daddy love you so much." She kissed both of their foreheads softly before smiling at her husband.

Neither of them noticed that they were being watched by someone who wasn't human.

A small green lizard-like creature perched on the window ledge, peering curiously at the humans in the room. It resembled none of the lizards currently in existence on Earth.

As the tall male human shifted, the lizard caught sight of two small humans, both male - one blond and one brunette. His instincts told him these particular humans were important to him but he couldn't figure out why.

His tail waved about as he tried to recall why he was here. He had been tasked from birth with finding the Lords of Nature, four beings capable of wielding the Eyes of Life. So why had his instincts led him to this tiny American town?

Gaze falling on the tiny humans in the room once more, it hit him...

"I've found them!" In his excitement, he almost lost his balance. He then remembered a sobering fact. There were four Eyes of Life and he had only found two of the potential wielders.

Deciding he had seen enough, he scurried down the wall, being careful to stay out of sight in case he was spotted.

"I will be back soon!" He promised as he scampered away from the hospital. "I will help you claim your destinies as the Lords of Nature or my name's not Razzle!"

AN: Well, what did you guys think. If you guys have any questions, leave a review here or an ask on Tumblr :-)