DISCLAIMER: I do not own KHR.
Hi, sorry for the late update, I actually finished writing this chapter before the week ended, but I lost my wifi before I could post it.
Thank you everyone who reveiwed , I never knew what a great feeling it was to be appreciated for something you love to do rather than you have to do
It's addictive I am afraid. So you keep reveiwing and I will keep writing. Thank you .

He was late of course, no surprise there, he already missed first period thanks to those two bullies, and he couldn't run to school because of his injuries, Tsuna winced as he clutched his side. 'Man, that will leave a nasty bruise'. He'd better look at it once home.
The gates of Namimori chuu loomed omniously in front of him, maybe if he was really, really lucky, he can pass through without being noticed by the desiplinary committee, or worst, him, he shuddered violently, the small brunette walked the first few steps carefully, there was no one in sight, Tsuna started to relax, 'huh, maybe lady luck finally decided to smile at me...
...or not.'
"Hiiiiiiieeeeeeeee...Hi.. Hibari-san !" And there, in all his black haired, steel eyed, tonfas weilding glory, stood the infamous Hibari Kyoya, head of the disciplinary committee, and better known as the demon prefect of Namimori middle, and the ruler of Namimori in all but name, and that Hibari Kyoya was about to beat the crap out of him.
' ohy gosh, OH MY GOSH! I am going to die, that's it. Dame Tsuna, think, what to do?, what to doooo?!'
While Tsuna was busy panicking internally, Hibari Kyoya was busy starting at the herbivore doing weird expressions with his face, it was almost funny, but he needed to be bitten to death all the same, he took a step toward the funny herbivore, "I will bite you to..." "I am so sorry, it won't happen again!" said the herbivore while bowing ninety degrees, it's not every day someone apologizes for breaking the rules rather than run for their lives, not that anyone can run from him though, but it's no fun if they don't run and scream . Kyoya looked at the small boy's battered appearance, he was bruised, his uniform was stained and dishelved and his school bag was dirty and battered and wet. ' Bullies.' he realized, Kyoya looked at the shivering boy in front of him, he was still bowing, he was obviously frightened, but resined to his fate at the same time, Kyoya knew that type, the weakest prey, the bottom of the food chain, too patheticly weak to even fight for themselves, Kyoya hated those the most, this herbivore will regret his tardiness, just as he readied his tonfa to discipline the pathetic boy in front of him, a chorus of laughter came from the direction of the gate, there stood four students, not only were they late, their uniform was obviously against school rules, they reeked of smoke and worst of all, they were crowding in his presence, Hibari looked at the still bowing pathetic boy, he doesn't have time for him, he has crowding herbivores to bite to death.
Of course Tsuna was completely oblivious to Hibari's decision, instead he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable, honestly, he didn't even think about running, you just don't turn and run from a predator, and it was common knowledge that if you don't stop for Hibari Kyoya , he will stop you, and it will involve blood and tears and pain, so instead of running, he put the most polite apology he could come up with on the spot and hoped he won't be bitten to death too badly. He was used to pain, but Hibari Kyoya is a whole new level of pain in one person.
He cracked his eyes open after a while , there was no pain, he blinked, confused. "Herbivore." Tsuna straightened reflexively to find Hibari starting at him "class. now." "Yes, thank you Hibari-san!" He turned and ran to his classroom as fast as he could before Hibari-san could change his mind. From the corner of his eye, he could see Hibari-san stalking toward a bunch of seniors at the gates, his eyed spilling murder, Tsuna wisely turned away from the carnage and ran faster.
He ran like his life depended on it, maybe because it did, and after tripping on thin air for the umpteenth time, he was finally in front of his classroom. With a deep breath, he knocked and slid the door open to be greeted with Nezu-sensei's frowning face.
"Oh, it's just you Dame Tsuna, you're late again." His frown turned into a smirk "but that's to be expected, after all Dame Tsuna's brain capacity is so small he can't even register time right." That sent the class into a fit of laughter, Nezu made a show of trying to calm them down all the while smiling smugly, Tsuna just ducked his head and walked to his seat at the back of the classroom trying and failing to block his Snickering classmates, he tripped over someone's outstretched foot and fell, that sent most of the class into full-blown laughter, most of the class means all of the class minus three.
The school idol Sasagawa kyoko was frowning at her book in concentration like said notebook holds the world's secrets , her best friend Kurokawa Hana however wasn't so subtle as she shook her head in disgust mumbling something about monkeys, and the baseball ace Yamamoto Takeshi ... was drooling on his desk deep in sleep without a care.
Tsuna followed the foot that tripped him into a face, that face was achingly familiar face, Tsuna just stared blankly at Ieyasu as his brother smiled at him, "oy, be careful where you walk Dame Tsuna, geez, you're really hopeless" Yasu shook his head "I bet that's where those bruises came from, you probably fell in a hole somewhere and couldn't get yourself out. " He smiled in a gentle and brotherly way " be careful next time, ne Dame Tsuna." . Yasu want back to his work followed by exclamations of "Dame Tsuna is such a klutz" and "Ieyasu is such a caring siblings" and " Yasu should have been the older brother" and so forth , Tsuna didn't pay any attention to this however as he continued walking to his seat , Yasu's rant reminded him of his injuries, which reminded him of Hibari-san, Tsuna shivered, he was painfully aware that he avoided certain death that time , he was really lucky the seniors came at the right time, well maybe the wrong time for them...oh well. Tsuna knew he must be more careful, he had no desire to be bitten to death, now Tsuna wasn't afraid of Hibari Kyoya, he was terrified of Hibari Kyoya, but he didn't hate the prefect, he was kinda ... sorta grateful, thanks to the DC , the physical bullying was veery rare inside of Nami chuu, of course some still found a way to be discreet about it, and Tsuna was still bullied outside, but it was a giant improvement compared to what he had to deal with in elementary school , plus if you abide by the rules, he will leave you alone. And Hibari-san was kind enough to let him go this morning even though he was late, of course that was thanks to the sacrifice of those students (he hoped they are still alive), and despite what everyone says, Tsuna wasn't stupid, he knew that that act of Mercy was a once in a lifetime thing, and. Tsuna's luck was very bad, so the stars must have aligned somewhere or something,or maybe he burned a year's worth of luck that morning. At least he was alive. Tsuna gazed out of the window, he could see Hibari-san walking toward the school building, he must have just finished beating the crap out of some evildoers, if the pile of (hopefully) unconscious bodies in the middle of the school field is anything to go by , he turned his head, only to lock eyes with a steel colored gaze, he almost screamed and lowered his gaze fixed on his notebook. Yeah, he was grateful, but Hibari Kyoya still scared the life out of him .

Meanwhile in Italy:

" You called me nono?" a baby asked in a high pitched voice, he was clad in a fancy suit, his chameleon perched on his shoulder and his fedora covering his large black eyes, but what gave away his identity was the large yellow pacifier chained to his neck .
"Ah, yes Reborn, thank you for coming this fast, have a seat." The greatest Hitman in the world nodded and took a seat on one of the armchairs opposite to the large wooden desk which belonged to his current employer, Vongola nono, the ninth boss of the Vongola famiglia who was sitting behind the the desk calmly, and contrary to his usual grandfatherly look, he adopted a serious expression that translated the tension in the room perfectly, Reborn turned his attention from Timoteo to the blond man sitting in the other armchair. Sawada Iemitsu , head of the CEDEF, was looking uncharacteristically serious, 'so it's time.',
"Reborn, I have your new mission." directly to the point, as expected of the ninth. Reborn of course knew what the mission was, Iemitsu handed him a file, face grim . "You will be training Iemitsu's son to be my successor as the 10th boss of the Vongola, do you accept ?" Nono looked at him expectedly, Reborn said nothing, he skimmed through the file, the boy in question had potential if the file is to be believed, but he rather observe and make his own opinion, "I see, but if I remember correctly fr Iemitsu's rant, " "HEY!" "and I do, he has two boys, and this on is the youngest." Iemitsu looked at him like he was crazy "My useless little Tuna-fish can't be a mafia boss, he can't hurt a fly, plus, he is a clumzy, shivering, cute little boy just like my dearest Nana. " Iemitsu had a disgusting dreamy look that made Reborn want to gag, "Ieyasu can handle it , he my boy after all." now the idiot was beaming with pride, Reborn had an urge to abandon the mission and head for the closest exit, when nono cleared his throat, calling their attention back to him, " despite being the first born, Tsunayoshi-kun is uncapable of being decimo." "Uncapable?" Reborn raised an eyebrow, " Yes, I have visited the children when they were young , they are like my grandchildren after all, and while Ieyasu-was confirmed to have sky flames, Tsunayoshi-kun had none." "So the eldest is not a sky." fortunately for him, he can live a normal life, if he was a sky, even inactive, he would have been in danger regardless of his civilian status. " No you got me wrong, his flame is very weak even for a civilian, he will never activate them." Reborn titled his fedora down, so even primo's blood can be dulled by generations, nono fixed his gaze on the Hitman "due to Tsunayoshi's condition , I made an agreement with Iemitsu, Ieyasu will become my hier but his twin will remain a civilian with his mother, and have nothing to do with Vongola no matter the circumstances." "So you want me to train one while keeping the other in the dark." "No." Iemitsu spoke for the first time since his rant looking all professional "I am not foolish (yeah right) enough to think that possible, my Tun... Tsunayoshi is a bit academically challenged, but he is observant, you can tell him about Vongola and flames so he can at least know what he is dealing with in case of he was attacked or used against his brother, but you have to keep him out of any danger, that is may agreement with the ninth. You'll have to agree to this if you accept the mission, it's in the contract." Iemitsu looked him the eye, he had no problem with the mission, missing with his last student was a lot of fun ( in the cavallone mansion, Dino shivered) , after all, even if they were Iemitsu's spawns( Reborn has no idea how anyone allowed him to repruduce, he'll have to beat any Iemitsu-like like tendencies out of the boys early on, the world shall forever be grateful.) how hard could it be to keep a couple of civillian boys out if trouble?
(Famous last words, Reborn.)
Reborn jumped from his chair into the desk, "I agree. Mail me the contract and the mission details, I will be preparing for my departure to Japan." Nono nodded "thank you old friend." Reborn pulled down his fedora and nodded before exiting the room. Looked like he has a new victi..student to tor...tutor.

A/N : HI, I JUST discovered that you can ask a number of reviews in exchange for updates. So I want 05 reviews and I'll update before the end of the week , if not, you will have to wait two weeks for Reborn's arrival to Namimori, so 7 days for 05 reviews. by the way if Tsuna's weapon was not his gloves, what would it be in your opinion?