Title:  I Dreamt of Someday

Author:  Isis Blue

Feedback:  Always appreciated.  Please, no flames, don't blame me if you read a story you don't like because of the ship, or general storyline.  Constructive criticism, however, or endless words of praise are very welcome ;) [email protected]

Disclaimer:  If I were Joss, people would be happy, not indulging in puke worthy infatuations and lame storylines.  Does that answer your question???

Rating:  R for sexual references, maybe some violence, and bad language

Pairing:  B/A, of course!  B/S semi-relationship, friendship (i.e. Spike friendly story), also W/X sorta…and possibly some others, but I don't know yet.

Summary:  Set about 7 years after Angel left Sunnydale at the end of GD2.  Angel takes a trip to Sunnydale to see Buffy only to find her living in an unconventional situation with Spike and a few other surprises pop up.  Don't worry, this is a B/A reunion fic!!!

Spoilers:  Everything up to the ends of Seasons 6/3 occurred, including what happened to Spike at the end of Season 6…oh, one thing that didn't happen, no Connor (I think!).  Sorry, the storyline just does nothing for me.  Basically, this jumps cannon after 6/3 although there are a few things pulled from what's happened so far in season 7, nothing descriptive though, won't give away storylines that much.  As for past stuff, not much specific…so far mentions of "Lover's Walk", the post-"Flooded" "Carpe Noctem" meeting, and probably "I Will Remember You", that's all I can think of at the moment.

Dedication:  To all the B/A shippers out there suffering through *stuff* that makes us all want to lose our lunches.  We have to keep believing that in the end, we'll get what we want. (No, I don't actually believe that will happen…wishful thinking I guess)

Distribution:  If you want it, just email me and ask first.

Author's Notes – Just a clarification…I refer to Angel as Spike's sire, I go with the theory that Dru sired Spike but because she was insane Angel became Spike's surrogate sire.


Part 1


"Are you sure you want to do this?" questioned Cordelia for about the hundredth time that day.

"Yes, Cordy.  I'm sure.  Even if it changes nothing, I have to tell her, it wouldn't be fair not to," answered Angel.

"I just worry about you.  I don't want to see you get hurt, and that's all that ever seems to happen when it concerns you two.  But I know you'll always love her and that this might just be the chance you've both been waiting for.  I just hope that you don't get your heart broken…again.  I don't think I could deal with weeks of brooding from you," she replied, with more than just a little sarcasm at the end.

"Thanks Cordy…I think.  It'll hurt if she doesn't care, but I still have to do it.  I'll call you when I get there, and you can call me if anything really important comes up, okay?" stated Angel as he finished packing his bag and made his way to the front doors of the Hyperion.

"No prob.  Good luck!"


Buffy sat on the roof outside her window and watched as the sun set over the horizon and the darkness of night descended upon her.  She reveled in the slight warm fall breeze that twirled around her bringing about a feeling of peace and content.  Watching the sunset like this had become almost a daily activity for her in the last few months.  No matter what was going on around her, what bad guy was trying to destroy the world, what personal crisis was evolving, no matter what, she could sit out here and just forget it all existed. She could look out at the world, and up at the stars, and just live.

With a sigh, and a last look up to the now dark sky, Buffy crawled back inside the window and into the room she had called hers for the last 10 years.  Instead of climbing the rest of the way into her room, she seated herself on the windowsill and looked over at the bed and the man occupying the left side just as he had for the last 2 years.  As much as she hated to admit it, she was glad that he was there.  If someone had asked her 3 or 4 years ago if this was where she would have ended up, she'd have told them they were absolutely crazy.  But if there was one thing she had learned in her 10 years as a slayer, it was that the world was never predictable, and things pretty much always ended up as you least expected they would.  He was precisely one of those things, but just because it was unexpected didn't mean it was bad.  It wasn't exactly a perfect situation either, but for her, and him as well, it was what they needed for the lives they led and the world the lived in.

As she watched him sleep she saw his face contort in anguish and knew he was once again being plagued by the nightmares.  She hated that it happened to him, but it was expected.  How could it not be when the soul is forced back into a body that had committed innumerable crimes and atrocities?  Their numbers had decreased over time, but they still came, and she hated the pain they caused him.  It didn't seem quite fair, that the soul should suffer for events that occurred when it wasn't even there, and she'd now experienced the aftermath of soul reinstatement in two vampires.

Buffy left her seat on the sill and went over to the bed.  She sat on the edge and placed her hand on his cheek, caressing it lightly with her thumb.  His face slowly relaxed back to its peaceful sleep state.  When she was sure he was once again deep in a dreamless sleep she quietly got off the bed and made her way out of the room.


After leaving here room, Buffy made her way down to the kitchen and started a fresh pot of coffee.  Once the coffee was brewing, she grabbed a plate out of the cupboard and a cinnamon muffin out of the basket on the counter.  Just as she was about to sit down at the counter the doorbell rang.  Placing the plate with the muffin on the counter she made her way to the front door.  As she pulled open the door she was greeted with the last thing in the world she expected to see, the ex that she'd never quite completely gotten over no matter how much time passed.  Neither spoke for a moment, both too caught up in the weirdness of seeing each other after so much time had gone by.  It was Angel who spoke first.

"Buffy…hi," he spoke, a certain amount of shyness in his voice.

"Angel," was all she could manage to squeak out.

"Can I come in?" he requested.

"What?...oh yeah, sure.  Sorry, just wasn't expecting you when I opened the door.

"It's okay.  I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced.  I guess I should have called first."

"No, its okay.  Just a surprise.  Why don't we go into the kitchen?  I have a pot of coffee brewing."

"Sure, sounds good."

They made their way into the kitchen.  Buffy wanted to ask why he was there, but she couldn't quite bring herself to ask.  Mostly likely it was some new danger here to try and exterminate her or trying to open the hellmouth that was always being a pain in her ass.  And even if she did ask she wasn't sure she'd be able to get the words out.  It seemed that seeing him always muttled up her brain and caused all rational thinking she had to fly out the window.  So for now she settled for general niceties that would normally exist between two people who hadn't seen each other in years.

Angel was fairing much the same.  He had come to see her with a purpose, but now that he was there he wasn't quite sure of where to start.  And part of him wondered if he had any right at all to come to her and tell her what it was he had to tell.  She looked good, so obviously her life was going well.  What right did he have to come and stir up the past and make things confusing once again.  That is, assuming what he would tell her would make a difference at all.  For all he knew, she could be happily entrenched in a serious relationship and had completely gotten over the past, their past.  Even so, he told himself, it was still something he was obligated to tell her.

The two stood in the kitchen, each one leaning against a different section of the counter.  Neither knowing quite what to say or do.

"So…," Buffy said, finally breaking the silence.

"So…," Angel replied.

"You want some coffee?" she asked.

"Ok," came his unsure answer.

Buffy started to pour him a cup of coffee but was interrupted by the sound of a cell phone ringing from inside his jacket.

"Angel, and cell phones, who woulda thought," she nervously joked.

"It's probably business, do you mind if I take this somewhere quiet?" he questioned.

"Nope, don't mind, you can go into the den," answered Buffy.

She watched as he left the kitchen and went to the den.  The shock of him arriving at her front door had yet to completely set in.  The last time she had seen him was 4 years or so ago after she was resurrected.  Had it really been that long, she wondered to herself.

As Buffy stood there, she thought back to that meeting so long ago.  Her return from heaven was still heavy in her mind and she was still struggling to get back to life.  And then he had called and wanted to see her.  So she ran off to see him.  They spent hours talking about nothing and everything.  Just reveling in being near each other after they thought they never would be able to again.  As sunrise drew closer they had reaffirmed their love for each other, but both understood that it just couldn't happen.  That they were destined to live apart no matter what they felt.  Though neither actually said it, the meeting had been, in a sense, the goodbye they'd never said.  Both knew they had to try to get on with their lives, lives that no matter how much they wanted it, couldn't be carried on together.  So they left each other that night, for what they both thought was perhaps the last time.  Then again, maybe not, Buffy thought as she stood there leaning against the kitchen sink, staring out into the night and thinking about that meeting 4 years prior.

In the den, Angel spoke on the phone to Cordelia.  She'd called him to see if he had arrived in Sunnydale safely and to see if everything was ok.  He assured her that things were ok, or as ok as they possibly could be.  She also relayed some information on cases to him to keep him up to date before saying goodbye.  He hung up the phone, but continued to sit in the chair.  Why was he so nervous about this, he wondered.  Running a hand through his hair, he stood and went to make his way back to the kitchen.  It was then that he felt another presence in the house.  Wondering, or perhaps nervous, about who else was there, he quietly walked back toward the kitchen, stopping in the shadow just outside of the entrance to watch for who entered.

Buffy was startled out of internal reverie by a familiar kiss on the cheek, bringing her back to the present.  Almost, but not quite, forgetting about her unexpected guest, she settled into her normal routine.

"Morning luv," spoke Spike, in a not quite yet awake voice.

"Morning huh?  Last time I checked, the sun setting meant it was nighttime," she rebutted sarcastically as she turned to face the man standing behind her who was holding a young, auburn haired child.

"Hey sweetie, how was your nap?" she asked the child as she reached to take her from Spike's arms.

"Gooood, I hungy," the child answered.

"Hungry….hungry huh?  Well I guess we'll just have to do something about that then won't we," said Buffy, fake exasperation in her voice as Spike chuckled.

"Is there any coffee, luv," queried Spike.

"Of course, isn't there always cof-," she started to respond, but was cut off when she caught site of Angel standing just outside of the kitchen, mouth part way open in apparent shock of what he was watching.

"You ok, luv, what's wrong?" a worried Spike asked before he turned to look in the direction her eyes were gazing.  Upon reaching their destination, his eyes widened at the sight of his sire staring at them, a somewhat pained expression on his face.  "Angel," Spike said quietly.

"I, uh, I gotta go, uh, thanks for the coffee Buffy," spoke Angel in a shaky voice.  He quickly made his way out of the kitchen to the front door as Buffy stood there not knowing what to do, and damning herself for practically forgetting he was there.

"Go on, go after him.  I'll look after Sierra," Spike said with a sigh as he took the little girl from Buffy."

Buffy didn't answer him, instead looking up into his eyes with an unspoken thank you.  She hurried out of the kitchen and went after her former lover, hoping to catch him before he again disappeared out of her life.


TBC – feedback is greatly appreciated, promotes more writing