Everything GREAT About Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth!

Episode 5: Turnabout Ablaze



(Case intro) "Two three-legged raven cards, two embassies that share the same building, a fire, and the Great Thief Yatagarasu. Perfect intro to the final case of the game." *ding*

(Edgeworth's office, hours before the arson) "Recapping the previous cases starting from our hero's return home to the murder in his office: just a quick refresher." *ding*

(Kay: Well, then you should get too wound up, too!) "Enthusiasm!" *ding*

(At the Theatrum Neutralis) "A Steel Samurai stage show? Sweet!" *3 wins*

(Edgeworth approaches the Steel Samurai and gets his autograph) "Oh, the cruel irony. Wait 'til he meets the man behind that mask." *ding*

"Seeing Kay fangirl over the Jammin' Ninja is pretty cute." *ding*

(About extraterritoriality) "It's nice to have a protagonist who actually knows about certain circumstances surrounding a particular location in this series." *ding*

(Gumshoe: Extraterristrial rights? Sir, do you really believe that the truth is out there!?) "X-Files reference! But there's a typo in this quote, sooo..." *half-win*

"Colias Palaeno." *3 wins*

(Edgeworth offering to be Franziska's assistant) "The lengths that one would go to in order to save one's friend." *ding*

(Discovering the Yatagarasu's Key in Coachen's pocket) "Chekhov's gun!" *ding*

"Palaeno is without a doubt on the most honest characters in this series, and one of the most helpful, too! As soon as Edgeworth presents something of interest to him, he makes no effort to lie about it and tells him his straight-up, honest opinion about it." *5 wins*

"I love how both parts of the Yatagarasu's Key serve as keys to opening Coachen's safe, especially since the blade portion opens up the secret compartment." *ding*

(The documents pointing to Manny Coachen as the leader of the smuggling ring) "Red herring." *ding*

"Shih-na keeps a straight face, even after taking damage from Edgeworth's logic. She's a good actress." *ding*

(Edgeworth proves that Kay couldn't have killed Coachen) "Saving your friend!" *ding*

"One of the finer points of this case: even though you prove your assistant innocent of murder early on, there are still unanswered questions like how the murder weapon crossed country lines." *ding*

(Back at Theatrum Neutralis) "Here, we see how much Agent Lang values his subordinates as if they were his family, right to the point where he gives out a birthday present to one of them... for his sister-in-law's younger brother of course." *3 wins for how touching this scene is*

"Ambassador Alba's frail and harmless front is pretty entertaining. Sad that we don't see him like this more often." *ding*

"Larry Butz in the Steel Samurai costume." *ding*

(Franziska: ...What is it? And why have you gone pale?) "Because his fantasy has just been crushed." *ding*

(The victim in Allebasht is Mask*DeMasque II) "3-2 callback somewhat." *ding*

"Detective Badd is here?! Awesome!" *ding*

(The Pink Princess arrives) "Pink Princess, too? Sweet!" *ding*

"Oldbag again? NNNGHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH...!" *minus 3 wins*

"Missile the police dog!" *ding*

(Oldbag's undershirt) "Ugh..." *minus a win and a half*

(Discovering the revolving door in the fireplace) "Escape route-shadowing!" *ding*

(Lang on how Alba is a tough nut to crack) "Final battle-shadowing." *ding*

"Finding Coachen's handprint on the Primidux statue not only saves Larry but brings up a new exciting question: how did it get here?" *ding*

(Gumshoe gives Edgeworth whitcrystal oil) "Like Kay says, it's really pretty." *ding*

"The way Alba set up the searchlights in the rose garden to trick everyone into thinking the Yatagarasu showed up is nothing short of genius." *ding*

"Little Thief to the rescue!" *ding*

"Pretty smart of Edgeworth not to reveal the existence of the revolving door in Babahl, because that would probably give Shih-na a chance to counter before the confrontation with her." *ding*

(Shih-na's stoic facade starts to crack... and then she lets out an all-too familiar laugh) "Yep!" *5 wins*

(Confrontation ~ Presto plays) "Even though it turns out she didn't kill any of the victims in this case, this song is put to good use now that we get to finish what was started seven years ago." *6 wins*

(Shih-na/Yew laughing like a maniac) "That's quite possibly the scariest breakdown in the franchise." *5 wins*

"The sheer tension of this hostage scene." *ding*

(Edgeworth figuring out the Yatagarasu's true identity) "Yep!" *ding*

"Kay's reaction to this is pretty understandable: for the past seven years, she's believed that her late father was the Great Thief. Then it turns out she knew half the truth... er a third of the truth, rather. But now she's learned that her father's killer also shared that moniker with him and one other person... " cut to Badd pointing his gun at the traitor's back "And there he is..." *3 wins*

"Saving Kay!" *ding*

"Also, saving your subordinate despite her true nature being made clear." *ding*

(Figuring out how the statues moved across borders) "Yep!" *ding*

(Alba's transformation) "What?! Quercus Alba is evolving!" *ding*

"And now, the start of the longest final showdown-or one of them-in the history of Ace Attorney." *taking off 10 wins*

(Alba: Objection!) "A non-attorney character having his own 'Objection!' voice clip? Sweet!" *ding*

(This image of Lang and his buddies) "Yep!" *20 wins*

(Lang: Your diplomatic immunity... has just been revoked.) "Lethal Weapon 2 reference!" *ding*

"Gumshoe to the rescue!" *5 wins*

"Confession time! Finally." *ding*

(Alba: And I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling prosecutors!) "Scooby Doo reference!" *ding*

(Alba's breakdown) "Did I say Shih-na's was scary? I meant this one. Look at where his eyes should be!" *no win, too creeped out*

(At the courthouse) "And now, it's time for the Big Bad to stand trial for all his crimes." *ding*

"It's pretty cool that we have every villain in this case involved in the smuggling organization with the exception of Lance Amano... though we know his dad's been working with them for a decade or so." *ding*

"Each 'Where Are They Now?' segment begins with a certain moment of the game in a sepia tone. Nice touch." *ding*

(Lablanc unknowingly receiving the fake Primidux statue) "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." *ding*

(Ema's segment) "Don't worry, Ema. You'll be a bigger help to Edgeworth in the next game." *ding*

(Photo of Kay, Gumshoe, and a reluctant Edgeworth) "Aww..." *ding*

Total Win Score: 87

Award: Coupons!

A/N: Phew! Glad that's over with. Thank you for joining me on this little journey. Please read and review like always. And yeah, Alba was pretty annoying.

Though I will review the sequel to this game in the future, I'm going to go ahead and finish the original trilogy and then other main games. Take care!