Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon no matter how much I wish I did.

She calmly strolled down the street checking her watch to make sure she was late (a/n yes, that's right). It was during one of these frequent watch checkups that she found her delicate face squished against a leather chest. 'Wait a second, leather?' She looked up to thankfully see him not wearing his ugly green *thing* but instead wearing a black leather bomber jacket.

Noticing her gaze focused on his new outfit he spoke, "I couldn't wear it." "Huh?" was her intelligent reply. "I said I couldn't wear it. I still haven't gotten the pink stains out from yesterday," he repeated, his glare directed at her. Usagi suddenly turned red from embarrassment and guilt. In reality however she was pleased, he looked good in leather. Mamoru however had other thoughts; 'she looks cute when she blushes.' It was a few seconds before what he thought began to register.

"About that..." Usagi started as she put a hand behind her head and laughed nervously.
But he wasn't paying attention as fear of his own thoughts took over, "Never mind Odango, it was my fault for provoking you anyway." And with that thought he proceeded to rush off to his Saturday morning class. 'That was weird,' she thought to his disappearing figure before realizing she was late to her own engagement and ran.


"Usagi, pay attention," Rei snapped. She was irritated as usual. Because of Usagi's stunt yesterday in the arcade the Senshi/study meeting they had intended there had to be moved to this afternoon at the temple. "Rei I-" Usagi started but broke off as she noticed a familiar figure leaning against one of the temple pillars. *It was him* and now that he was keeping still out in the open she was finally going to let him have it. "Hold on, I'll be right back." she finished as she walked off towards him.


As soon as she was out of earshot of her friends she let all her anger out. "What the hell are you doing here?" she hissed. "Nice to see you to," he replied calmly as he fully stood up to face her. " As to your question I just happened to be in the neighborhood," he finished switching to English. Usagi switched to English too as she shot back sarcastically, "Yeah, just half way around the world." Her tone then softened to that of anger with a hint of pain, "I left for a reason."

"Sere I know, and I respect that reason. Not long after you left I quit too." One of her immaculate eyebrows raised as she looked at him with skepticism, "You?" He shrugged, "Well, they said they would fire me if I left my post, thought I should save them the trouble." Her eyes softened as realization came. "You came looking for me," she said her eyes falling. He gently raised her chin with his index finger so that her sky blues met his emerald greens. "Hey, a man like me is nothing without his charge," he said flashing her one of his characteristic smirks. The action gave Usagi a small giggle. "Now there's that sound I love so much," he said pulling her closer so that her head rested against his chest. "How did you find me anyway?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled.

"Well I figured you wouldn't let your dad's company go down so I hacked into some records and found that most of your company's activity recently was in Tokyo. I then remembered how you once lived there and that I coupled with you mentioning the Tsukino's once or twice. After that I had to stake out the place until I was sure it was you."

"How did you become sure?"

"I saw you transform into Sailor Moon and based on our knowledge of her it all fit."

"I knew you were watching. God, your bad at stakeouts."

"I guess I'm no Sherlock, heh?" he said chuckling softly. She chose not to reply but instead breathed in his deep scent. "I missed you," she said after a few seconds of silence. "I missed you too," he replied, his breath tickling her hair. Suddenly both became aware of the senshi's stares at their backs. She drew back to part but he held her fast at the elbows. She stared up at him her eyes questioning. For a moment he got lost in those eyes remembering the color they once were before shaking himself out of it. "Meet me tonight, in the alley beside the crown arcade." She opened he mouth to refuse but he silenced her with a finger to her lips. "Please Sere, I have something to show you," his emeralds pleaded with her sapphires. She hesitated, "Okay," she finally said. His palm unconsciously moved to cup here cheek; his thumb then rested there gently stroking. "Thank you," he whispered before turning and walking away. She stood there gazing after him, lost within past memories.

"Usagi!" She suddenly jumped as Rei's voice penetrated her haze. She then slowly strolled over to annoy Rei further before sitting down. "Who was that?" Makoto asked echoing all of their thoughts, "he looked like my old boyfriend." At this everyone face-faulted including Usagi. "Jeesh, Makoto, You're worse then Minako," Usagi stated. Everyone broke out in giggles before Minako's mind caught up with her and she shouted hey, which only caused more laughter. "Usagi, you did not answer the question," Ami pointed out abruptly halting them. 'Damn Ami and her undistracted mind,' thought Usagi. "He's just a friend of mine," said Usagi aloud putting on an unreadable mask. "Seemed more than a friend to me," Minako spoke up a gleam in her eye. She was after all the Senshi if love. "No, not like that. He's more of an older brother or a father. Besides didn't we come here to discuss the rainbow crystals? Luna hesitated a moment. She wanted to question Usagi further on this strange man but something in her tone told her to drop it. The latter part of her won out and she nodded her head for the meeting to begin. Though not without the occasional glance towards Usagi who had suddenly taken charge.


Usagi was walking home with her books from the meeting. Her head was
down as she kicked a pebble along. The topics discussed at the Senshi
meeting were still bothering her. One of them was whether Tuxedo Kamen
was friend or foe considering he had two rainbow crystals and intended
on keeping them. But despite all evidence to the contrary something
inside told her that he was on their side, and always would be.
Unfortunately she did not see Mamoru struggling with his own books
ahead. The two collided, books and papers flying. They both
desperately started picking up their things and cramming them into
their respective packs all the while glaring at each other. Just as
Usagi was reaching for her red folder Mamoru spoke. A disgusted look
on his face as he pulled one of his papers out of a puddle.
"I swear Odango you're such a klutz. Some day you're going to kill
She froze fingers still outstretched. Her eyes clouded over. Mamoru
stopped noticing her wayward stare. "Odango?" he asked. When she
didn't respond he became even more concerned. He stretched out a hand
to shake her shoulder. "Usa-" his fingertips barely brushed her
shoulder before she jerked back as if burned.
"Don't touch me!" she snapped, panic written on her face. Seeing
Mamoru's now even more concerned face she decided to beat a hasty
retreat. She did not even notice that he was going to call her by her
real name. "Gomen nasai!" she cried before getting up and running
away. "Wait!" he called. He took two steps before he hesitated,
looking torn between running after her and the mess of papers still on
the street. 'Arghh, I spent six hours on that physics paper,' he
thought as he crouched down cramming the papers and books into his
pack, not even bothering to look down. He then stood up and ran after


Twenty minutes later he had given up. He had long since lost sight of
Usagi's disappearing back in the crowd and he realized he had no idea
where she lived. Taking one last regretful look over his shoulder, he
trudged the long walk home.


Usagi ran through the crowd, her heart pumping. You're going to kill
someone.... The words echoed through her mind. She was constantly
colliding with others but she didn't care, she couldn't stop now. She
had to run. She ran home never slowing down. If she did they might
find her. She threw open the door to her house, swept past her mother
and father in the kitchen, and her little brother in the living room,
and leaped over Luna resting on the stairs. She sprinted all the way
to the washroom, where she stripped her clothes and stepped into the
shower after turning on the water to scolding hot. It was only then
she stopped. Leaning against the wall panting she inhaled the steam
filled air. It was then they caught up to her. The memories hit her
like torrent, making her feel as if she were drowning. She slowly slid
to the ground going into a fetal position as the tears and memories
finally came forth.

A/N Guess what? Next chapter you find out about Usagi's hidden and
past and secrets. Now I bet your all wondering whom the brown-eyed
guy is if it isn't the * him *. Ha ha, confused you a little there
didn't I? But don't worry because the next chappie clears that all up.
Also thanks for all the reviews. I know I took really long to update
but I'm really busy but I promise you I will finish this fic if it's
the last thing I do.