Genma waited at the game. Where were they? They were supposed to be back by now. Genma and Ebisu had tried everything to get Gai to snap out of it. Choza, his wife, doctors, the hokage...they had all tried. Gai never moved. It had been days. Yelling, food, challenges...Gai didn't move to any of it. He didn't talk. He didn't acknowledge anyone. Now Genma was waiting on Team Minato. He needed Kakashi.

Minato sighed. Their two week mission had turned to three. He wanted to go home to his girlfriend and ramen. Finally the gates came into view. He wanted to cheer. His boys actually quit arguing. Minato didn't expect a genin to come running to him.

"Sir we were attacked by the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. And Might Duy saved us but he didn't make it. And now Gai won't talk, eat, or anything! Can your team help?" asked Genma.

Minato was shocked. He turned around to see if his team heard Genma. Only two members were there. Kakashi had been gone when Genma finished the third sentence. Minato smiled.

"I think the one you need is already there," said Minato.

Kakashi ran into Gai's house to his room. He took in Gai just laying there.

"Gai! Come on! I'm back. Let's go train!" said Kakashi. Nothing.

"I'm sorry Gai. I'm so sorry," said Kakashi, a tear falling.

"Kashi...hurts..." whimpered Gai.

"I know. It gets easier. I promise," softly said Kakashi.

"Is when...your dad...died?" asked Gai tears falling.

"Yeah," said Kakashi, wrapping Gai in a hug as Gai cried openly. Kakashi didn't let him go till he was done.

"Do you want to stay with me?" asked Kakashi.

"Yeah...can I see you without your mask?" said Gai. Kakashi didn't answer. Gai looked up to see a maskless and smiling Kakashi. Gai tackled him in a hug, tears falling again. They would both be alright, as long as they had each other. For not only were they rivals, but brothers as well.