Heeyyy pretty people… Sorry i haven't updated in a while but have no fear i am here and this story will be updated weekly starting now. So you can expect an update every Wednesday… Along with a playlist of songs that helped me write this chapter.

Chapter 3:

Scott froze in front of Stiles.

Stiles raised both of his hands to his head and turned around letting out a shaky breath as he took fist fulls of hair in both hands.

Stiles father appeared before him placing a hand on his son's shoulder, "Breath Stiles."

Stiles sucked in a breath, and repeated that process several times each time looking over his shoulder at the bundle in his best friend's arms.

"God I've messed up." He muttered to himself turning to look back at his father, "I….."

"Need to relax." his father finished for him. "Just relax Stiles."

"I don't know what to do with a baby…. I can't even remember when to do laundry…. Lydia always use to remind me to….. God Lydia…." Stiles turned back towards the women in question lying motionless on the bed.

By passing his best friend and baby, Stiles lowered himself down on to the edge of the bed beside the red head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

The room was silent for a moment, the only sound coming from the heart monitor as it slowly beat allowing the small group of people to know that Lydia was indeed alive before them.

Allison was the one to finally break the silence, "After everything you had been through with the Wild Hunt, she didn't want to let this draw you back here and trap you. She told me that losing you, and forgetting you was the hardest thing that she had ever done, and she would be damned if she brought you back only to lose you again. We may be stuck here, but you didn't deserve to be."

"She made the choice for me." Stile whispered.

"Scott and I both tried to talk her out of it so many times, she always said if she needed you she would call but then weeks turned into months and then she went into labour and even then when she was in so much pain she refused to listen."

A small smile caught the corner of his mouth, even faced with a difficult decision his Lydia was stubborn to the bone.

"And you agreed with her?" Stiles asked looking back as the friend he thought of as a brother.

"I agreed with her about not wanting to lose you again, not about keeping this from you." Scott replied moving forward, "I had every intention of calling you after the baby was born if Lydia had not caved and called you. But, then she started bleeding and they rushed her away…. I thought she was going to die, and that you would blame me because i could have prevented this."

The baby gave a grunt from his arms and began to whimper.

Stiles eyes snapped to the bundle of blue blankets in Scott's arms once again. "Is he okay?"

Scott nodded, "Mom was there the whole time."

Standing up slowly Stiles peered over at the bundle and pulled back the fabric to look at the face of his son for the first time.

His heart stopped, before him lay what he had deemed an angel.

His son had his fist jammed in his mouth sucking away as his eyes flutter back and forth behind closed lids.. Small patches of brown hair lay upon his small head.

"Lydia thought he was a girl, she had every intention of calling him Claudia, guess that's out of the question now." Scott stated offering up the baby to Stiles.

Stiles shot his father a look, who proceed to give him an encouraging nod.

Opening up his hands to make a cradle, Scott slide the small infant into his father's arms.

"He's lighter than my lacrosse stick." Stiles stated.

"5lbs, 3oz… he's a bit small for his age but the doctor's say he'll gain it fast."

"And Lydia?" Stiles asked looking back at the women he loved.

"She lost quite a bit of blood. She's been given a transfusion. The doctor's said it could be up to 48 hours for her to wake up, that her body needed time to heal mentally as well as physically." Stile's father replied coming to stand beside Stiles to look down at the baby, "He looks like you as a baby, although i think that nose belongs to Lydia."

He had to agree with his father, that cute little nose was indeed Lydia's.

Stiles looked up at the clock on the wall again for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour before shooting to his feet to pace the room.

Lydia remained asleep in her bed as unchanged as when he arrive 12 hours earlier.

His son had been taken by Melissa almost an hour ago for a check up.

His son.

Stiles still couldn't grasp the fact that he was a father. A father to a small innocent little child that need him.

Continuing to pace the room Stiles pulled his phone out of his pocket once again to check the time, not noticing the redhead in the bed starting to move.

"Where's Claudia?" her voice whispered.

Stiles heart stopped as he locked eyes with Lydia. Her green bore into his brown.

He hadn't realized he was moving till he was grabbing her hand and kissing it, "Thank god."

"Stiles….."she asked confused.

"I'm here… Scott called me." he said touching her cheek, "God you scared me."


Stiles smiled down at her, "I don't think we can name our son Claudia….. I mean its a nice name but a little to girly don't you think."

"Baby… boy."

He nodded, "Melissa took him for a check up, he should be back soon."

Lydia raised her hand slowly to touch Stiles's face, "I'm sorry."

"I understand your reasons, as much as i want to be mad, i understand." he replied taking her hand once again in his. "You have nothing to be sorry about."

"I should have called you, you deserved to know… I just couldn't…" a tear rolled down her cheek and on to the pillow below her head.

She groaned in pain as she tried to sit up.

Stiles jumped to his feet and pushed her shoulders down, "Stay still, I'll get a doctor."

"Please don't leave me. "She whispered.

Stiles leaned down and brushed his lips against her forehead, "Never."

As if on cue Melissa walked in carrying their son, when she spotted Lydia's open eyes she beamed with joy, "Your awake. We were so worried."

Lydia didn't even acknowledge Melissa her eyes and mind to focused on the baby in her arms.

Melissa understood instantly and moved forward and offered the baby to Stiles, "I'll give you a moment and then send in a doctor."

Stiles mouthed a silent thank you and turned back to Lydia, "Lydia meet baby… Baby meet the most beautiful women in the world who is also your mommy."

Stiles lied the baby gently in her arms and sat down beside her as she got her first looks at their son.

"He looks like you." she whispered touching her fingertips to his cheek.

"He's got your nose though." he replied laughing a little as the baby once again shoved his fist into his mouth, "I think he might be hungry again."

"Help me sit up more." She whispered pointing to the buttons on the side of the bed.

Hesitating at first Stile moved his fingers down and pressed upon the button as the humming of the bed filled his ears as the bed began to sit up until Lydia was sitting.

She hissed in pain for a moment but then relaxed and took a deep breath. "Undo the tie behind my back."

Stiles froze in place, "You want me to undress you?"

"I want you to untie the gown so i can feed our son." Lydia said looking up at him.

"Feed him." Stiles stuttered.

"How else he going to eat."

"I don't know from a bottle like earlier." He replied nervously running his fingers through his hair.

"I want to feed him Stiles." Lydia replied turning so he could have access to the strings holding the gown up on her torso.

Reaching forward with shaking fingers Stiles pulled on one of the strings.

The Gown slipped forward showing her pale shoulders before falling off them to reveal her left breast.

"Oh god." Stiles muttered looking away.

"Stile you have seen my boobs before." Lydia remind him lifting their son towards her chest.

Moving his head back and forth almost animal like the baby quickly latched onto lydia's breast greedly causing Lydia to yelp out of surprise.

Stile spun around to see what had caused her to shout and quickly averted his eyes, " I might remind you that the last time i saw them I was in his place."

"It was also the time we made him." Lydia replied looking down onto the sleepy face of her baby.

"Their much bigger now." Stile muttered to himself as the doctor walked in followed closely behind by Melissa.

"It's good to see you awake Miss. Martin. How are you feeling?" He asked coming to stand beside her looking at the machine's to view her vitals.

"Sore and confused….. I don't remember what happened." Lydia replied.

"Your placenta torn away from your uterine wall while you were in labour last night, as you pushed your body began to release all the blood the tare made causing you to bleed out. We were able to stop the bleeding once we began operating, and there should be no permanent damage but just to be safe we want to do a follow up ultrasound in 6 weeks." the doctor responded writing something on his tablet, "I see your breastfeeding that is good. has told me that your baby is as healthy as can be which is good. Although dad here looks a lot more worse for wear." he laughed.

Lydia smiled at that and turned to Stiles, "He could definitely use a shower and a nap."