It had been 3 years since the end of the Reaper Wars and Shepard was in formal attire with his medals on his chest. The day was the happiest day of his life as he was finally going to marry Ashley.

"Nervous, Shepard?" said a voice.

Shepard turned and smiled at Garrus, who was his best man. "I'm fine, I was going to ask you the same question."

Garrus had to bring in the duties of the best man in human customs, but he soon got into the role of it.

Garrus' mandibles clicked. "John, I've survived a missile to the face, I've survived the Collectors and I've survived the Reaper Wars, I think I can handle being the best man in a human wedding."

He and Garrus were in a St Paul's Cathedral, which had survived the invasion, and the place was packed. Shepard hadn't realise how many friends he had made over the years, but in truth he should have been surprised considering what he accomplished.

Soon the doors of the cathedral opened and Shepard saw in the distance Ashley walking down the aisle. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and had her white veil over her face. Shepard could see Tali and Sarah, her younger sister, acting as her bridesmaids. Admiral Hackett agreed to give her away, since her father died years ago and she had no other male relative.

It was something that he was never going to forget.

It had been 27 years later Shepard was now become Fleet Admiral, he was on Earth in Alliance HQ in London and walking beside him down the corridor was Captain James Vega.

James was now a fully-fledged N7 and a Spectre to boot, he was already highly regarded in the Alliance. London had been one of the first two cities rebuild after the war and Alliance HQ was now surrounding the Conduit.

"Any reason you wanted to talk to me, Loco?" James asked.

Shepard chuckled. "Most still call me that, James?"

James looked at him with a small smile. "You've still done some crazy things, sir."

Shepard shook his head, because he knew there was no point of arguing. "I take it that you've heard that I'm taking command of our newest warship."

James nodded. "They're calling it the David Anderson, right?"

Normally they would name their cruisers after famous people, but a large majority within the Alliance Parliament agreed that famous military leaders should be named after dreadnought as well as mountains.

Shepard nodded. "Yes, and as such I need someone else and commands the Normandy." He then looked at James. "I was thinking of you, Captain."

James came to a sudden stop. "You're serious?"

"I can't think of a better soldier to take command of my old ship," Shepard smiled. "Besides the Alliance are still warming up to the idea of AI-controlled ships and I would prefer that someone familiar with EDI would be in command."

It had been slow going, but the galaxy was now open to AI. It took some persuading on Shepard's part to convince them to create more ships with capable AIs based upon EDI's design. As a result there was a new form of training for commanding officers to adjust to AI controlled ships.

"One more thing, I have a favour to ask of you," Shepard continued.

"Anything, sir."

Shepard looked at him. "I want you to take my son under your tutelage."

David Shepard soon found himself on the Normandy, his father's old ship. He had just finished training at the Academy and had already gained the rank of lieutenant through some very hard training.

It had been very trying considering his family's reputation, both his parents Spectres and his father was the hero of the galaxy. There had been a lot of staring every time he entered into a room or walk down the corridor, because they expected him to be even greater than his father.

Thankfully his mother knew how it felt to have a family legacy on one shoulders as his great grandfather had the reputation of the first human to surrender to an alien. There was also their family friend Tali and Liara as their parents carried a lot of weight as well.

Of course the first person he met was someone he knew pretty well. Standing before him was a mech with probably the sexiest body he had ever seen. Her name was EDI and she was the Normandy artificial intelligence and a smile was on her robotic space.

"Welcome aboard, David," she said in her sexy voice.

David smiled. "It's nice seeing you again EDI."

"Captain Vega wants to see you right away," she informed him.

"And where is he?"

"Is located in the War Room, just follow me," said EDI.

They started to make their way through the ship as they did EDI looked at David.

"Are you excited on serving on the Normandy?" she asked.

David looked at her as if she was joking. "You kidding? Everyone in the Academy wants to serve on Normandy, most came to me asking if I pour few strings to get them on board."

"Admiral Shepard valuable skill above anything else," said EDI.

David nodded. "That's what I told them."

EDI looked at him. "I imagine that it wasn't easy for in the Academy."

"You can say that again," David sighed. "I had to be the best in every single field and there are many who wanted to prove that they were better than me."

EDI looked at him. "I should warn you that things will only get harder from here."

"Yeah, that's what my Dad said when he told me I'd be serving on the Normandy," David nodded.

Soon they entered into the War Room and that's where he found Captain Vega over the War Table with two others. They looked to be about his age, one was male short blond hair and looked as if he then push-ups every day in his life. Beside him was a young woman in a skintight outfit, she had long black hair and he notice on her uniform she was wearing a different insignia than that of the Alliance, it was a large M over what appear to be a human.

"Ah, Lieutenant, glad to see that you made it," said Captain Vega.

"Captain," David saluted.

James saluted back and looked at EDI. "EDI, can you tell Joker set off."

"Of course, James," EDI nodded and left the War Room.

The young man looked at James. "How can it doesn't call you sir?"

James sighed. "Because she's an old friend and don't call her 'it', Briggs."

"With all due respect so she's just a computer," said Briggs.

Young woman then leaned towards the table. "A computer that can hear everything you say on the ship."

"My Dad always treated her like a person," said David.

"That's enough all of you," said James slamming his hand onto the War Table. "EDI has served the Alliance long before any of you were born and I need I remind you that the council agreed to treat AI as living beings. Now, I believe introductions are in order."

He then looked at David. "David may I present you Gunnery Chief Sam Briggs and Agent Clara Lawson."

David looked at up. "Lawson?"

Young woman smiled. "I'm Director Lawson's daughter."

"I still don't understand why a Midgard is here," Briggs muttered.

Midgard was formed as a replacement for Cerberus, but didn't believe xenophobia beliefs. David knew that his father managed to convince former Fleet Admiral Hackett to form this organisation, albeit with a lot more control. They were basically the Alliance right-hand, and function much like perspectives and STG.

Shepard even convinced Admiral Hackett to put Miranda Lawson in charge of this organisation. It was a pretty good call, because she was able to use connections to act as a focus group and managed to rally former Cerberus agents, mostly those that assisted in the war.

"If you have a problem, Chief we can take it down in the training room," said Clara folding her arms.

"Oh don't worry we will," Sam grunted.

"Agent Lawson, is here because she has vital information regarding a threat upon the krogan homeworld," James continued.

David looked up. "Tuchanka? What kind of threat could possibly endanger the krogan?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, those guys are tough, they proved it during the Reaper War."

"Yes, but not many people are happy by the rise of power," Clara reminded. "Most of the salarians feared that they would seek retribution for what they did during the Krogan Rebellions."

"My Dad mentioned that Dalatrass Linron wasn't happy with the arrangement and trying to cut a deal with him," said David.

James nodded. "Yeah, but the Admiral felt her concerns were ungrounded. He knew Overlord Wrex personally and after talking to Ambassador Bakara he could see that there was no threat. Of course, many salarians still believe that they would seek vengeance."

Clara then brought out the holographic image upon the map which shows the remains of the Shroud.

"If my sources are correct, a splinter group within STG are slowly repairing the Shroud without the krogan realising it. If they succeed in finishing and they will unleash a new Genophrage and we all know what that would mean."

"All-out war with the krogan," Sam finished.

"We cannot allow that to happen," said James. "The krogan have now formed an alliance with the turians and hostility towards the salarians has been quelled. There are still groups of krogan that still wish more calling themselves the Sword of Shiagur at the moment the nothing more than just a band of rebels, but if this succeeds more will join their ranks."

"Should we contact the krogan first?" David asked.

Clara shook her head. "Ill-advised, the moment word got out of these separatist's plan it could start a war. We need to do with it quietly and quickly."

"You heard her, that's why you three will infiltrate the Shroud and take out any separatist extremists," said James with his hands behind his back. He then looked at David. "And you'll be in charge Lieutenant."

"But your Spectre, sir," Sam frowned. "Wouldn't it be better if you want with us?"

"I'll jump when things get serious, but I want to see how well you work together."

David looked slightly uneasy. "But shouldn't Agent Lawson be in charge?"

"Midgard Agents, while the authority similar to Spectres, they must follow Alliance command," James explained.

Clara looked at him, her expression emotionless. "That was agreed that we would go rogue on missions."

James then looked up. "Joker, take us out."

"You've got it, Vega," said a voice over the comm.

Immediately the Normandy left to dry dock soon flew up into the air and into the planet's atmosphere. It flew past the Citadel, which was still orbiting around the planet. It was agreed that since the Council species' fleets had been so badly damaged during the War that for security purposes the Citadel should remain where it stood, until they regained their strength.

There was also tons of debris of Allied ships arrived in make it during the war and the remains of Reapers. David had seen them a few times when he left Earth and can only imagine what they look like in real life. His teachers in the Academy, when asked about the Reapers, had said that it had been the most terrifying experience in their lives, most of them were about his age during the War and they lost their parents.

"It must have been frightening," said a voice behind him.

He turned and saw Clara standing behind him looking out of the window as well.

"My parents told stories about the Reapers and I can barely imagine what they went through," said David as a past the moon.

Clara nodded. "I know what you mean, in Midgard most of our scientists were busy studying the Reaper remains. And the small pieces of them gave us the Thanix Cannons."

David looked at her. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"When the Reapers were destroyed all of their nanobots were destroyed as well," Clara explained. "Though we make sure that every single piece is shielded and everyone that handles them go for a psychological evaluation. Cerberus made the mistake of underestimating the Reapers and ended up getting indoctrinated."

David shook his head. "I still don't see why the Illusive Man wanted to control them?"

"Cerberus was more about human dominating the galaxy then pure common sense," said Clara bitterly. "They went to any lengths to study indoctrination, researching on refugees, mutating their own soldiers…" She shook her head. "Thankfully my mother got out just before things took a turn for the worst."

David's eyes laid upon the blue orb in the distance that was disappearing from sight.

They soon entered the Charon Relay, the Mass relays had been badly damaged during the War, so much so that only a small portion of the network had been fixed. Without the Mass Relay it took days to reach sector to sector with their own engines. Scientists have been working night and day to understand the Mass Relays in order to prepare them so far they've only managed to repair the new connecting to homeworld and very important colony worlds.

A few hours later, they were in the DMZ Krogan system and were soon plying their way down towards Tuchanka. David and the others were in their armour and were in the hangar bay arming themselves.

They soon met up with the shuttle pilot, who would take them down to the planet. She was rosy cheeked, with raven black hair and a cheerful look about her face.

"Hear you guys won't go down planet side," she smiled.

"You heard right," said Sam.

"The names Helen Rogers and I'll be your shuttle pilot today and everyday," she said cheerfully.

"Okay boys and girls, let's get this mission underway," said David.

Soon they were in the Kodiak heading down towards the planet. David knew from stories from his father that Tuchanka was a wasteland thanks to the krogan nuking themselves in their early days.

Sam whistled upon seeing the wastes through the screen. "They really did a number on their planet."

"Our planet will probably look similar the Cold War took a different turn," said Clara.

"Dad said that the krogan were busy rebuilding and cultivating," said David looking at the others.

Clara nodded. "They are, with a little help from the salarians."

Sam blinked. "Krogan and salarians working together, now I've heard everything."

"And it's our job to make sure that things stay that way," said David strongly. "My Dad helped establish close ties between the krogan, turians and salarians, I am not going to let some idiots ruin it."

"We're approaching the drop-off point," said Helen as he guided the ship towards the Shroud. "Give those bastards hell, sir."

David smiled at his team. "You heard the lady, let's bring it on."

They immediately jumped out of the Kodiak and soon found themselves in front of some ancient ruins.

"What is this place?" Sam asked.

"Temple to Kalros, mother of all Thresher Mauls," said David.

Sam blinked. "You're pulling my leg."

"He's not," said Clara. "I read the files, Kalros is real and completely devoured a Reaper Destroyer."

They started to proceed their way towards the ruins and we could see the wound Shroud in front of them. His Dad also mentioned that the Tower had been completely trashed by the battle between Kalros and the Reaper, which resulted in the death of a close friend of his.

"Isn't this the place where one of the first major victories happened in the Reaper War?" Sam asked as they proceeded carefully.

David nodded. "Yeah, this is the birthplace of the alliance between the krogan and turians as they work together to cure the Genophage. Ironically enough it was a salarians that killed them, at the cost of his own life."

"I still find it hard to believe that a salarian would do such a thing," said Sam shaking his head in disbelief.

"According to Dad, he was a brilliant scientist that did not see the value of wiping out an entire species. He also mentioned that he was a little odd, apparently he had a thing for Gilbert and Sullivan."

"Let's cut the chatter," said Clara strongly. "We're not here to reminisce of the past, we are here to protect the future."

They soon reached the centre of the temple which split up into three different directions. David knew that the left and right pathways would lead them to the giant Maw Hammers on either side of the temple.

"If I remember my Dad stories right, we need to take the middle pathway towards the temple," he informed them.

They carefully made their way up towards the centre parkway which led upwards and that's when they heard voices. Keeping themselves low to the ground the look over the edge and there in front of the Shroud were a squadron of salarians.

"Looks like your intel was right," said David looking at Clara.

"They appear to be talking," said Sam quietly.

"Then let's see what they're talking about," said Clara as she raised her right hand.

She then fired a small dart that blew across the air and latched itself onto the side of the Shroud.

David looked at Clara. "What was that?"

"Something that our scientists have developed, it's a listening device," she informed them as she activated her omni-tool. "We should be able to hear what they're saying."

"When are you going to get off this rock?" said a purple skinned salarians.

"When the mission is finished," said the squad captain.

"You really think that she can get this thing operational?" said the sergeant sceptically.

"You got to admit, Captain, he's got a point," said a lieutenant. "This place took a real beating in the War. It is a miracle that we managed to fix it without the krogan discovering us."

The Captain scoffed. "They're too busy fighting each other to notice us."

The purple skinned salarian frowned. "Uh, that's not true sir. Intel suggests that their busy rebuilding one of their own temples and are focusing on cultivating."

A red skinned salarian nodded. "Sir, are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean our founding leader predicted that the krogan would attack us right after the war, but they haven't done anything like that."

The captain narrowed his eyes. "The krogan know nothing but war. Admiral Shepard was foolish into believing that the krogan could ever give up their instincts. He even conned the council in giving them an embassy for goodness sake."

David gritted his teeth. "I really want to kill that guy."

"Sounds as if they haven't got the place fully functional yet," said Sam.

Clara nodded. "This would be the best time to attack."

David nodded in agreement. "Agreed, but I think there's too many for us to engage in a straight up fight."

"I agree," said Clara. "We need a distraction to thin their ranks and then attack them when they least expected."

"I've got a cloak," said David.

"As do I," Clara added.

Sam shrugged. "Then I guess I got the distraction."

With that both David and Clara cloaked and began to sneak their way towards the salarains making sure not to make a single sound. They soon reached the door that would lead them into the Shroud, but there was no way they could sneak in while they stood guard.

Then a few seconds later there was an explosion, no doubt caused by Sam which caught their attention.

"What was that?" said the sergeant.

"I don't know, but if it's the krogan were in big trouble," said the lieutenant.

Immediately he and his men began to investigate the explosion allowing David and Khaleda entered the Shroud.

Upon entering David noted that the facility had indeed seen better days. The inside look worse than the outside, there are crust consoles, the elevator that led to the controls with in the Shroud was all but destroyed.

Then they saw the salarain captain pacing up and down as a female salarain with orange skin was fiddling with one of the few intact consoles.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" said the captain impatiently. "My men have already reported an explosion happened not too far way. We discovered I don't need to remind you what would happen to us and our people."

The scientists looked at him. "Need I remind you that you're asking for a miracle? This place is completely trashed, I was fortunate enough in order to get the lights on."

The captain narrowed his eyes. "You said you could do it."

"That was before I saw the extent of the damage," she spat. "Besides coming here and having doubts whether we doing the right thing."

"Where trying to say future generations from attack from the krogan."

"Which hasn't happened in 30 years," she added. "Need I remind you that our founder predicted that the Krogan would attack the moment the Reaper War was won, but instead they focus on rebuilding?"

"They're just biding their time."

The scientist shook her head. "I'm sorry Captain, but I'm beginning to think that Admiral Shepard had the right idea."

The captain turned on her. "It's a bit late to grow a conscience."

The scientist got to her feet. "No, I think it's the perfect time."

The captain then drew his pistol at that precise moment David and Clara deactivated their cloaks aiming their pistols straight at the captain.

"I wouldn't pull the trigger by we do," said David.

The Captain looked up. "So the Alliance are chosen interfere, why am I not surprised."

"You're going to start another war with the krogan," David pointed out.

"What is going to happen unless we fix the mistake that Admiral Shepard created," the captain spat.

"My Dad made no mistake," said David narrowing his eyes.

Captain looked up. "Your Admiral Shepard's son? I should have known that the Shepard's would interfere again with salarain matters."

"It's over captain, surrender," said Clara.

The captain smirked. "Did you forget that I'm STG? This outcome, albeit different, was one of the scenarios we cooked up and we had a countermeasure."

Suddenly the cloaking around them were three salarain soldiers of them aiming their pistols directly at them. David could tell by their make-up they were Scorpions, a very dangerous pistol in the right hands.

"Perhaps you should surrender," said the captain.

"No, you should," said Clara.

Her hand then began to glow and before anyone could do anything a massive pulse erupted around her. David managed to jump just in time to avoid the polls but the salarains weren't so lucky and were instantly blown away.

David then activated his jump jet and landed directly in front of the captain with his pistol raised. "Now what was that about surrender?"

They soon tied up the salarains and made their way outside where Sam was waiting for them with his own prisoners.

"I see you guys were successful," Sam noted.

"We wouldn't have been if it wasn't for Clara," said David. He then looked at her. "Why didn't you tell us that you were a biotic?"

"You never asked," she said plainly.

"Fools," said the captain. "You have no idea what you have done."

"Tell it to the judge," said Sam dismissively.

David then looked up. "Where are we expecting visitors?"

Clara frowned. "No? Why?"

"Because I see quite a few krogan making their way towards us," David pointed.

He was right towards them was a group of krogan and leading them was a powerful looking young krogan. David knew instantly who that was, it was Urdnot Mordin, one of Overlord Wrex's sons, he was actually named after the salarain doctor that killed died while trying to cure the Genophage.

"Why are they here?" Sam asked.

"It's possible that we got their attention," David assumed.

"More than likely," Clara nodded.

Mordin approached them and looked at them. "Now, this is unexpected. Humans and salarains, a very uncommon site on Tuchanka."

David then stepped forward. "We apologise for arriving without permission, but we wished to prevent a war that could consume the entire galaxy."

Mordin laughed. "Oh, we knew about these salarains quite some time."

Everyone looked up and stared at the krogan.

"You knew?" Clara stared.

Mordin laughed. "Come, I'll have my father explain everything to you."

David and his crew soon found themselves in a tank driving towards the krogan capital of Urdnot. The salarains they had captured had been put into the shuttle they came in and were being escorted to the Normandy by Helen.

As they drove they noticed that they soon saw more green in the distance and there was some construction work going on around the city.

"My dad told me that this place was mostly rubble 30 years ago," said David looking outside.

"30 years ago it was the Reaper Wars," said Sam.

Clara rolled her eyes. "The entire city was already rubble long before the Reapers arrived. The krogan nuked themselves when they discovered gunpowder, that's why there's so much radiation in the air."

"Yeah, all planet like was almost eradicated on the planet," said Mordin as he drove. "Thankfully we do have a few good botanists, but they're mostly learning from research left behind by one of the greatest botanists we ever had. Nakmor Vorn."

"What happened to him?" Sam asked.

"The joined the Andromeda Initiative," said Clara.

"The what?"

"The programme devised by Jien Garson in 2176," said Clara. "The Initiative main goal was to colonise the galaxy of Andromeda and former new Galactic Council. They left in the year 2185, about six months before the Reapers invaded."

Sam just stared at her openmouthed. "You're making that up?"

Clara looked at him, but said nothing.

They then soon entered a temple in the exact centre of the city and it itself was still under construction. Mordin soon led them inside with a saw several krogan workers hammering away at the stone walls and some were even carving statutes.

They soon reached what was a throne room and there sitting on his throne was none other than Overlord Wrex, David had only met him a few times and he still couldn't get over the size of him. However what drew his attention was the fact that Captain Vega with a big smile on his face.

"Captain?" David stared. "What are you doing here?"

"Congratulating you on a job well done," James smiled.

Clara rubbed her forehead. "It was all a test?"

"What?" said David and Sam in unison.

"Kids bright," said Wrex.

James chuckled. "We knew about the salarains for some time, the Salarain Union informed us of their intentions. However, when the three of you were being assigned to my true life or to test how well you guys can work as a team."

David then looked at Wrex. "And the krogan knew about this?"

Wrex smirked. "I want to see what you were capable of Lieutenant Shepard. I wanted to see if there was any of your father when you and I'm happy to say that there is."

Mordin looked up. "Father? Are you saying that this human is the son of Admiral Shepard?"

Wrex nodded. "Did what the poor kid being pressured for what his father did for us."

"You're not wrong," David muttered under his breath.

Everyone then laughed.

"So what now, sir?" Sam asked looking at James.

"Now we make our way to the Citadel, Councillor Ryder wants to speak to us," said James.

"So we're heading back to the Sol System?" Clara asked.

"Yeah, he wishes to discuss the situation with us personally," James nodded.

"I would consider it a favour if you allow Mordin to join you," said Wrex.

Mordin looked up. "You want me to go with them?"

Wrex raised an eye. "You always said you wanted to go off world. Trust me when I say that you enjoyed the Normandy."

Sam looked unsure. "Is that okay having non-Alliance crewmembers on the Normandy?"

David looked at him. "My dad did it all the time and it worked out well."

Clara nodded. "Captain Vega is the captain and he has final say on who he was on his ship."

"And I'm completely fine with it," said James then looked at Mordin. "Welcome aboard, kid."

"Kid?" Mordin blinked.

And with that David's journey officially began.