Wylde Twyned Furies - WTF

Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling

Chapter 1

I thumped up the stairs, and barreled past my older brother. I ignored his call out to me, and only just barely stopped myself from slamming my bedroom door. I knew that it wouldn't go well, and I needed some privacy. I was seventeen, not seven, and boys didn't cry. Getting my door thankfully locked, prior to my brother being able to force his way in, and find out what all the yelling downstairs had been about, was the first thing that went well today. It actually might have been the second, but as the first caused me to lose it…. Well let's count this one, as the first.

Dropping the letter on my desk, I threw myself on my bed, and let my pillow soak up the wetness on my face that weren't tears. I ignored the knocking on my bedroom door, and tried to stop my sniffling. Figuring if he didn't hear me, he would go away.

"Look Mathew I know you're awake, you just went in there. I heard my name several times mentioned in the spat you had downstairs with Mom, and Dad. So I have a right to know what you were throwing a hissy fit about, now. So stop being a baby girl, and let me in. I know you're crying." He was so uplifting in how he conversed with me.

I just stopped myself from throwing the lamp at the door, and held in my frustration. Nothing good would come of it, and Michael, like my parents, will never acknowledge that it was his fault. I tried to breathe as quietly as possible. I must not give any reason he could use, to force getting into the room. Breathing as calmly, and quietly as I could, I forced myself to not react to the taunting. To wait for him to get bored, and question my parents, on how he had screwed up my life, again.

I had been nervous, exited, and relieved when my Princeton letter had arrived this morning. Initially, while working up the courage to open the letter, I was hopeful that I had got in, like my best friend and crush, had. Diane had been accepted nearly two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I got accepted. If I'd been rejected the last forty minutes of hell wouldn't have happened. Of course I would have been upset, but not as badly as I was now. Once more I wished I was in a different family. Or at least one that either had similar aged siblings or none. Due to my brother being nine years older I have the worst of both worlds, I am an only child, and I have to share with a selfish brat, who is my parents' favorite.

Nearly ten years ago, my parents in their hopes to light a fire beneath my brother told him they would pay for Princeton, if he got accepted. I of course greedily got them to agree the same thing for me. The dream was shared with Diane, our next door neighbor, and my best friend. We pushed ourselves so we would both go. She was an only child, and so we joked we were siblings, as my brother didn't count. Puberty hit, and I no longer thought of Diane as a sibling, but haven't yet managed to convince Diane of that. She just missed valedictorian, and was given a partial scholarship grant with her acceptance. Mine didn't include any financial help. However, the promise ten years ago had not mentioned the need for that.

Eight years ago Michael got a decline from Princeton, and went to our local university, and struck out. About eighteen months ago, having done nothing but annoy me for the intervening years, he got accepted by a private college. Of course, our parents happy he was going to get a degree, agreed to pay for him. Thus when I showed them my acceptance letter they let me know I would be going to the local uni' as they couldn't pay for Princeton. My dead beat older brother was using my college money. My parents had not bothered saving more, as they hadn't needed to use any of the first lot, eight years ago.

I hugged my pillow, getting the wetness from my face that were not tears, and sniffled. Crying wouldn't do any good. I would be labeled a girl and a child. I wished I was anywhere but here. Anyone but myself. Where I wouldn't be ridiculed for feelings that were justified due to unfairness. My brother had finally left, and I needed something to distract myself. I couldn't go out, as I doubted I could keep from letting Diane know, and ruining her day. I needed something to distract me from getting hungry, because I was not spending any time around the family.

Getting off my bed I crossed to my bookshelf. It was stuffed to the gills with paperback science fiction, and fantasy novels. The shelf at eye level in addition to books had a few odds and ends that were special to me. A replica of the 1919 .38 Smith & Wesson M&P used by military, and police officers in World War II. A fake reminder of the one my great-grandfather, I never knew had carried. A crushed and used 357 magnum bullet, and a silver plated athame in a leather arm holster that I had made from salvaged pieces of leather, in crafts last year. Though, like all the things in my life that were either fake, crushed, used or a combination of the three, the blade did have a sharp edge. Due to this it could be useful too. After rolling, and tucking up the left sleeve of my long sleeved, and dark green shirt to my shoulder, I strapped the holster to my scared left arm. Now with the holster attached to the lower part of my limb, I practiced drawing the blade with my right hand, and returning it.

The blade easily slid across the multi-aged scars of my arm. I barely pressed, as I wouldn't cut deep outside the bathroom. There is something mesmerizing of watching the blood well up, in randomly spaced beads along the angry line of a new shallow cut. Each bead grows to a different fixed size then breaks its attachment to itself. The criss-cross patterns build layre over layre like a runic binding spell. The new patterns are alive, hypnotic and magical. The new bright reds fading into the older pale purples of death beneath. After getting bored of the shallow scratches, and knowing I need to find something else, I chose to re-read my Harry Potter books.

It was the middle of the night, and thus a new day, and I was into book five. They had descended into the Ministry after their thestral flight, and my eyes were bleary. I had only carefully left the room twice to use the bathroom, and ignored all requests from the other lodgers in this house. They sure weren't my family. I would take being any of Harry's friends fighting for my life from death eaters, over those poor excuses of humanity.

I'd obviously slipped asleep as I was disoriented, and I must have turned the lamp off, and fallen off my bed. For it was fairly dark, and I was on the cold stone floor. Huh, my bedroom is carpeted. Pushing myself up, I confirmed that it was hard cold stone that my hands pushed against. It was too large to be my room. It was also circular with rows of stone seats that seemed oversized in descending circular rings. There were dim flickering lights around the periphery of the room that enabled me to see the steps, and seats that had moving partial, and full shadows sliding across them. It was like a theatre in the round, complete with a raised dais or extremely small stage in the middle with a stone framed, black curtain?

Fine I was obviously asleep, and thinking I was in the veil of death room. I wouldn't have thought the seats would be so large. They must be awkward to sit on. Deciding to pinch my arm, and prove I was asleep I noticed my hair was really long. It was level with the elbow of my left arm, which was hanging at my side. I also noticed my bare legs, followed by the fact I was wearing a skirt. Wow this was one really weird dream. I involuntarily swung my left arm away as the pinch had hurt, and some of my hair swung around my left shoulder. Huh, I'd never have thought myself with this color. I mean if I was going to give myself red hair in a dream, I would do the typical one. Complete with green eyes, and the freckles on the face that is considered when a red head is mentioned. However, I had a mid-auburn chestnut brown with warm red-red highlights that looked good against my dark green shiny shirt.

I was woken from my musing realizing that it was cold in here too, causing me to shiver for both the cold, and from concern as to why I could feel a pinch when dreaming. I tried not to think about the other items, as they were disturbing, and that way led madness.

The door swung open across the room from me, and there was Harry, along with Neville, running in. They were tall. I thought Harry was supposed to be short?

"There's a little girl in here!" Neville said having noticed me.

I didn't have time to reply, or think over Neville's comment before I saw death eaters, complete with masks, and black cloaks, following them into the room. One was wearing a white mask. The other two wore silver masks. So two inner circle members, and one cannon fodder. Ducking behind one of the large seats I was now glad the seats were oversized. What attack spells did I remember? Why couldn't I have read through the actual confrontation in the department of mysteries, prior to falling asleep? I was fairly sure there were attack spells mentioned in that fight. Stupify, bombardo or something, depulso was one I think. What did it do? Thinking that I guess stupify was better than nothing I realized that I was not holding a wand. Great so I dream myself into the ministry battle without wand, and wearing a skirt. So obviously a nightmare, and not a dream.

The room quickly filled with more death eaters, and more of Harry's friends, and I kept ducking behind one stone seat then another, trying to find somewhere to hide. I was being absolutely useless in helping out. In fact, I was worse than useless, as often a shield was being cast between me, and a curse. So I was a hindrance, and hostage to be protected. I couldn't get to the exit. In fact, I found myself down by the steps that led to the arch.

Finally, members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived to help them out. Remus, and Sirius were protecting Harry, and myself. Thankfully the three of them seemed interested in catching up with each other, and too busy with the fight to query on who I was.

Deciding that my job was to stop Sirius falling through the veil, I followed him as he danced toward Bella, taunting her. As soon as I saw the red spell hurtling toward him, I yanked him away and backward. The spell missed, but I had not really paid attention to how small I was, so when he stumbled into me, I was unable to hold him up. I momentarily felt the coldest shiver running down my spine, and just realized it was the veil, as Sirius continued toppling onto me, and we fell through it.

I hit the floor. Then the back of my head hit, and I felt as if I had been bludgeoned from behind. Next Sirius landed on me, and all the air whooshed out of my lungs, and my chest provided agony to let me forget how bad my head felt. Thankfully he rolled off, and after checking around for enemies with wand outstretched he rose, and offering his offhand, he pulled me up.

Well I guess the veil of death is just a pass through in my dream, as we are on the other side of the stage. Except, hold on, where is everybody else? The room is empty bar the two of us.

"Hi little lady, I am Sirius Black, Harry's Godfather. I hope you know I am innocent. Who are you? Are you Hogwarts age? You look too young to even be in school, let alone be in fifth year."

"Umm…" thankfully my attempt at a reply was interrupted.

"Welcome Sirius, and Diane. Thanks to Diane's intervention Sirius, you entered the veil not cursed by any active magic. Thanks to that I can manipulate you both back into the time stream. You can't be yourselves though."

Whirling around I didn't see the being who had interrupted me.

"Where are you? Who are you?" Sirius queried while swinging his wand around.

"I can get both of you into Harry's year during the first year sorting ceremony. I will do this by creating a twin to one of Harry's year mates. So Diane, chose between Vincent Crabbe or Gregory Goyle. Sirius, chose between Harry or Neville Longbottom."

"What kind of options are those?" I yelled. "Will I be with Harry? Do I also go to the Dursleys'?" Sirius asked at the same time as me.

Suddenly I was alone. "Well I can give you one more option Diane, if you are comfortable in that body."

"Where's Sirius?" I was panicking now.

"Sirius chose to be Harry's twin. It was the most important thing to Sirius, to be able to be with him all the time."

Thinking about it, I figured that what was said did fit, with how I believed Sirius would chose. Then I recalled the query into whether I found my current body comfortable that was mentioned earlier. Panicking, and hoping it wasn't what I suddenly thought it might have meant, I discreetly checked my crotch. Unfortunately, I was unsure how I could be discrete when there is an invisible voyeur in the room with me. I did the best I could, and realized my fears. I discovered that this body was female. "Can I be Neville's twin?"

"Nope that won't work."

"So what is it Crabbe, Goyle or Bulstrode for me?" I asked annoyed.

"No it will be a twin to Crabbe, Goyle or a none muggleborn girl, in the same year as Harry. The third option will minimally impact your prior knowledge or intelligence, as it will chose the most appropriate fit. You had wished for a different life, one where you could express your feelings, and to quote your prior thoughts, you said you would be happy being any friend of Harry, able to fight death eaters. Harry has both male, and female friends, and you didn't make any qualification."

"Crabbe and Goyle are death eaters!" I exclaimed.

"They aren't death eaters in their first year, and as a twin of one, you can decide what you want to do. Thus you have the potential to become a friend of Harry. If you choose to be a twin to one of the boys you will of course not be as smart as you currently are, but I am sure Harry will be happy with any help offered. No matter what you were able to remember."

"I am only interested in girls! I am a boy!" I petulantly stated while thinking that even with my current intelligence I drew a blank on spell incantations. Worse I could only recall 'swish and flick' for wand movements. So I really only had one spell possibly known, if I was lucky. How much help could I be as a twin to Malfoy's muscle? One of them killed himself to fiendfyre if I was remembering correctly, and I didn't even know which one.

"Well for your first statement, I will translate it into what you mean, and say that is your choice no matter who you are. As to the second I can only say 'really'. You already checked that a moment ago. Then ask, as you are now an eleven year old girl, how much has it effected, and changed your current interest?"

As soon as I thought my decision I found myself sitting on a stool with cloth around my face. It was dark, and a bit musty. "SLYTHERIN!" the sorting hat yelled.

2800+ words - reviews appreciated