drabbles are my specialty and so is not writing more than one fic for the same fandom, apparently

this is based off of that scene in civil war (might be a little not compliant or ooc or something cause i only just recently got into the avengers, so bear with me)


How old is this kid?

A lot of thoughts raced through Tony Stark's head in those few moments — though they'd seemed like hours at the time.

Tony had been desperate; he needed an extra soldier. Though, what made him choose a 15-year-old kid from Queens was beyond him. So he made him a suit, went over some brief ground rules, and called it a day. And he'd curse himself for not being thorough enough several times within the next couple months — one notable time being during the kid's first battle.

A feeling of triumph filled his heart when he saw that the colossal Ant-Man had been taken down. This civil war may finally be coming to a close, he remembered thinking to himself. However, the feeling was quickly washed away and replaced with panic as his eyes followed a tiny, blue and red, body-shaped speck fly through the air. Every thought going through his head in that moment had been the equivalent to "Oh, fuck."

They quickly became scrambled as he flew his suit in the direction of the flying body.

Oh, shit. He's dead. Ant-Man just killed a 15-year-old. I just killed a 15-year-old. Oh, shit. I was responsible for this kid and I just got him killed. Why did I recruit a kid?!

His heart pounded and his mind raced at 1,000mph as he approached the limp body of Spider-Man. He crouched down beside him, reaching to try and shake him awake.

He isn't moving. He's dead. He's dead. How am I going to explain this to his aunt? How am I going to explain this to the press? This is all on me. Why did I recruit a kid? Dumbass!

"Kid, you alright?"

Oh, thank God.

To his complete and utter relief, as Tony shook the young boy's shoulder, he let out a gasp and started to fight against him.

"Whoa! Same side. Guess who. Hi. It's me."

If I give this kid PTSD, I'll never forgive myself.

Peter relaxes, resting his head on the ground with a tired smile. Tony tenses, furrowing his brow. He tries not to think of the time he nearly killed a person in his sleep.

"Oh, hey, man."


This kid's going to kill me. Why did I recruit a fucking kid? I'm so dumb.

"That was scary."

"Yeah. You're done, alright?"

"What? I'm good, I'm fine!"

The kid reacts how Tony expects him to react, so he keeps a grip on his arm.

"You did a good job. Stay down."

"No, it's good! I gotta get him back!"

He's such a good kid. He has so much to learn.

"You're going home, or I'll call Aunt May!"

And he flies off, already thinking of everything he can do to babyproof Spider-Man.