Authors Note: So I know its been awhile, but I've been a little busy and I've had major writer's block. But here it is! The next magical chapter...kind of. Its a little short, but I've already started on the next chapter. This just felt like a good break point. Also thank you so much for all the favorites, follows, and reviews! I hope you enjoy the latest installment of the witch and the hunter!

"Do you really think he'll do it? Kill the woman who has finally opened his heart?" Felicity asked her husband over Facetime.

Oliver shook his head, "I don't know. He doesn't know who he is anymore and this 'ice witch' may be the key to helping him figure it all out, but only one of them is walking away from it all."

"According to her friend Cisco, a witch is destined to die tonight and another to gain immense power. And with the yellow eyed witch already dead…." The blonde shook her head.

"Barry is either a dead man or changed man."

"So, here's what we know so far." Felicity began to relay information, putting up new pictures on monitor. One was a map of Central Falls with red dots marking where each murder occurred and in the middle of it all sat a blue dot. An image of a bar was connected by simple black line from the pin-point, "All three-woman had credit card transactions from this bar the last night they were alive."

"The Cortex?" Sara read the neo blue sign.

"It's a part of the brain…kind of clever actually." Barry noted, studying the picture. The bar was a decent size, with no surrounding buildings and at the edge of the woods. Looked like the usual biker bar and some place those dead girls shouldn't even be near. "How did girls like that even end up in such a lowly place?"

"Probably seeking some sort of thrill. All girls through that phase. Dingy, dark bar, cheap yet oddly satisfying alcohol and plenty of bad boys." Sara answered.

"You would know." Mr. Diggle joked.

The blonde hunter rolled her eyes, "If you haven't noticed, I'm in my British boy band phase now." She looked over at Rip Hunter and blew him a kiss. He returned her affection with a sly wink.

"We're getting off topic." Barry stated in annoyance.

He answered by murmured apologies as Felicity continued, "The girls weren't drawn in by bad boys, they were drawn by free drinks. Each girl disappeared on a Thursday, Ladies Night. Which this bar didn't have until right before the murders started."

"Do you think the staff or the owner is involved?" Barry asked.

"Hard to say. The police haven't interviewed anybody from the bar and we don't have much on the owner or the staff." The map and the picture of the bar disappeared and was replaced by a mug shot of a woman, who Barry was instantly attracted to. "This is Caitlin Snow and according to all the paperwork, she is the sole owner of The Cortex. She also the owner of very nice rap sheet, mostly for assault, so one tough as chick."

'And very hot.' Barry thought to himself, observing her photo. Big brown eyes that conveyed her annoyance, but held many dark secrets. Her auburn hair fell in soft waves just past her shoulders, making his fingers twitch as he imagined running them through the strands. She had plump pink lips that he would be dreaming of for days. Just the thought of them wrapped around his cock had him squirming in his seat. 'She's probably connected to these murders. Get your mind out of the gutter'. The young hunter quickly scolded him for sidetracking himself over a pretty girl's mug shot.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to Felicity who was still going on about Caitlin Snow, "There's not much on her since she came to Central Falls a few years ago, besides her record, business paperwork, and damn amazing ACT and SAT scores. She could have gone to med school if she didn't like giving injuries so much."

Barry couldn't help but snort in laughter at that, "She probably didn't even apply to college huh?"

The blonde computer hacker shook her head, "Nope. She graduated high school then went to work at the bar she now owns."

"And I'm guessing no parents around to set her on the right path?"

"Right again. Declared herself an orphan at 15 years old when she showed up out the blue in Central Falls. Even I can't find anything of this girl before then. She went into foster care where she bounced around until she was 18 and now lives in a nice little house in the woods."

"Okay either this Caitlin Snow is a hunter or some supernatural creature. And I'm betting the latter." Sara pointed out, "This entire thing about her screams dark and weird."

"She can't be a hunter. Even the dumbest one would be able to see that this isn't some crazed serial killer using her a bar as hunting grounds. I'm with Sara, this girl has to be some sort of monster." John said crossing his arms.

"Well until we have evidence that isn't circumstantial everyone here is going to Central Falls to investigate." Oliver stated firmly, surprising everyone in the room, including Barry.

"All of us?" Rip asked, looking directly at the Arrow.

"Well not all of us. Felicity and I are staying behind, to you know, work behind the scenes. Also, Oliver doesn't think I'm quite ready for the field-"

"Curtis," Mr. Queen cut off the bumbling man, giving him a pointed look.

"You're coming with us to hunt? For real?" Barry asked astonished. The man hadn't been out on a hunt since he had to kill his own best friend Tommy after he was bitten and turned into a werewolf. Barry was called in for that hunt when Felicity was kidnapped and had to witness Oliver choose between killing his best friend and saving the love his life. Tommy ended up with a silver tipped arrow in his heart and Felicity with wedding band on her finger. The younger hunter believed nothing would ever pull the man out of retirement after that night.

"Barry, this man took everything, but your life the night he killed your mother and now he's using her murder as bait to finish the job. I can't sit by, watch you go at it alone, and die in the end. I can't watch another friend die in pursuit of revenge. So yes, I'm joining you along with everybody else in this room because this witch too powerful for just one hunter and we want to be there to see you finally put a bullet between his yellow eyes. Then maybe…you can take yourself out of this world once and for all." Oliver explanation ended up as a short speech for the witch hunter, conveying to him that he truly cared for him and was just as determined to end the yellow-eyed witch's terror once and for all.

And Barry could find no reason to argue with him, "You know with speeches like that you should run for mayor." he said, watching Oliver roll his eyes in response and hearing the chuckles around the room, "So it's hard to even try to argue with you."

Standing up, Barry stretched his hand across the table and was immediately greeted with Oliver's in a firm hand shake, "Welcome back Arrow."

"Good to be back Bart West." He replied, then took his hand back and turned his attention back to group, "Let's burn a witch."

Caitlin slammed the door to the back room behind her, the name Bart West echoing his ears. Cisco, who was sitting in a stool at the bar, jumped a bit, startled by the witch's act of aggression. "Fuck we're screwed!" she shouted in anger as she threw her hand out and shattered several bottles with her magic.

"And destroying our inventory helps us how?" Cisco asked sliding out of his chair and made his way towards the broom and dustpan that sat in a nearby corner.

The young witch looked at her best friend, "Seriously Cisco we are fucked ten ways to solstice. Harry wasn't trying to get us arrested, he's trying to kill us."

The psychic looked back at the brunette, "Well then good then you already caught him, so problem solved right?"

"When I kill him, only half the problem would be solved, the other half..." her voice trailed off, as terror slowly began to consume her.

Cisco immediately saw the change in her appearance and forgot about cleaning up the mess she made. He was in front her in seconds, worry and concern all over his face, "Caitlin what's wrong? I know you're not worried about the cops, so tell me. You have never been this scared before and if you're scared it has to be bad."

She took a deep breath and met her friend's gaze, "Bart West is coming for us."

"The witch hunter? But I would have seen it coming from a mile away."

Caitlin shook her head, "You won't be able to. This is no ordinary hunter. Bart West is half witch, the son of one of the most power witches to ever cross into our world and he carries her death magic. And Harrison has him coming for us and we won't see it coming."

"So, what do we do?"

The witch looked him dead in eyes, "We're going to kill him before he kills us."

So we have team effort here and Caitlin is taking Harrison's Wells advised on killing Bart West. Next chapter will give everybody their jobs and Caitlin will get some information on Barry Allen.
As always, favorites, follows, and reviews are very much welcomed and enjoyed!