Most things tend to have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

A great author once wrote that one should "start at the beginning and continue until you reach the end: then stop."
This is a tenet that many people seemed to live by. Chief among them, one Jaune Arc, a young man who found it easy to begin. One namely does this by being born, and is usually the second simplest goal in life, as a large proportion of people tend to achieve it.

Jaune then attempted to reach the end, as previously described. Normally, this is the simplest goal in life, as all people achieve it. In fact, of all the people you are likely to meet in this tiny blip of existence known simply as "life", it would be infinitely more impressive to meet a person, thing, or entity of unknown description that would not, at some unknown point, achieve it.

While one could argue that Jaune did indeed manage to reach an end, it is the stopping that seemed to trouble him.
Regrettably, the same cannot be said for others that he became fond of.

In lieu of greater words, let us start at a beginning.