(Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or it's characters)

Last chapter guys! Ahhhhh! I'm pretty excited.

Please leave a review.

Thank you to all the reviewers: Ash59, Sketchy-d00d, ahowell1993, Sarry22, SpencerFTW, civilwarrose, chenryrn1, AZCatmom, MelissaCceres3, Annoying tourist, Scarlett"Wu, tannerose5.

Your support has been wonderful.

I hope you enjoy this final chapter!

"Hotch! Reid!" Emily called, a frown over her brow.

"They're not kids", Rossi muttered, examining his arm with painful misery.

"They're vampires! That's worse! If they attack someon-" Garcia stopped herself, returning to pacing nervously, letting her eyes dart back and forth over the surroundings.

"I've got their scent, Garcia. Don't worry. Prentiss and I will find 'em", Morgan promised, putting a furry hand on Garcia's shoulder.

"When did I volunteer?"

"Right now. Come on, let's find these two before it starts getting light again", Morgan urged, grabbing Emily's arm and dragging her along as his nose hunted for the scent.

Reid glanced at Hotch who's eyes were also inflamed in hunger. They both stalked their target; skirting the woods, waiting to pounce. The middle aged man who had quickly become the prey of the two vampires, was lent up against his car, slip on slippers covering his toes and a fluffy, navy dressing gown draped over his shoulders. He took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke into the night air, small clouds hovering around him before dispersing with the wind.

The human part of Reid held back within the safety of the branches. He wanted nothing more than to turn back and find the others, but his parched throat pleaded for replenishment and an odd urge refused to allow him to turn back.

Hotch wasn't making any move either, experiencing a similar internal battle that Reid was enduring.

Reid heard branches cracking behind him and the vampire could no longer wait; he took a menacing step forward.

"Reid!" He heard Morgan's voice ring out from behind him, Reid's head twitched slightly, his eyes crawling towards the voice.

"Reid! STOP!" Morgan yelled; a set of fiery red eyes fell on the werewolf and it took all his effort not to reel back in fear.

"Reid, this isn't you. You need to stop!" He shouted, but Reid was already turning back on his target.

"Don't say I didn't warn you", Morgan muttered, lunging out for Reid, his canines sinking into the geniuses leg. Reid gasped, whipping his head around with his fangs extended ready to defend himself. Morgan shoved the back of Reid's head into the ground to avoid getting bitten, while he jumped on top of the kid, digging his knee into his back.

"Omfh! Get off!" The younger man groaned, trying to lift his face from out of the leaves.

"No way. I'm not letting you do something you'll regret. HOTCH! Hotch stop!" Morgan bellowed at the other vampire who was twitching convulsively, desperate to maul his victim with his fangs.

Emily gaped from Morgan to Hotch, not knowing what to do. She wasn't strong enough to hold Hotch down until the man finished his cigarette. She flicked her attention back and forth in panic.

Reid's writhing slowed as he started to gain control on the vampire within him. Morgan didn't loosen his grip, but his eyes were focused on Hotch, his own mind in conflict over what to do.

Hotch couldn't hold back anymore; he took a quick step forward, but before his foot reached the ground his vision darkened and he was falling. He felt his body collide with the ground and darkness swarmed his vision.

Emily stood over him nervously, a rock in her hand.

"H-Hotch?" Hotch heard a worried distant voice but he was out before the other voices reached him.

"-waking up- hit- my fault", Hotch groaned through the darkness, muffled voices penetrating the comforting unconscious state he had been dwelling in.

"No-only way-fine", is that Morgan? He thought to himself, his brow furrowing.

"He frowned; he's fine", definitely Rossi. Hotch moaned as his eyelids fluttered open, dim light making his head throb worse.

"Are you okay?" Hotch managed to drag his eyelids open and blinked away the sleep seeing a black cat perched on the couch he was lying on.

"What happened?" He demanded, sitting up quickly and knocking Emily off in his haste and embarrassment.

"Um...I may have hit you...", Emily mumbled guilty. Hotch scowled at her in confusion and she raised her shoulders and opened her mouth, formulating unintelligible sounds in her defence.

"Well...I-I was...you were going to attack that man a-and I had to do something!" She exclaimed. Hotch looked down guiltily, recalling how he'd lost control again.

"No, Emily, I understand", he said, raising his hands to calm her.

"Oh really?...I mean..uh, good", Emily's whiskers lifted as she smiled.

"What's the time?" He asked, looking around at the team who seemed to have been twiddling their thumbs.

"You were out for ages. It's almost lunch...for us that is...I haven't got anything for you to eat", Garcia grimaced.

"11 hours 27 minutes and 13 seconds until we are back to normal", Reid exulted excitedly.

"Urgh! Why is it taking so looooong?!""moaned Garcia.

"Time doesn't alter..." Reid said with a frown, not understanding.

"Well it feels like it does! Feels like we've been trapped like this for weeks!" JJ groaned.

Garcia stood up unannounced and skipped off to the kitchen, coming back out with Reid's bow in one hand and her wand glued to her other hand.

"What're you doing, Garcia?" Reid asked, his eyebrows bunching up at the sight of his forgotten bow.

"Like you said we only have 11 hours and..."

"24 minutes and 36 seconds"

"What you said. We might as well take advantage of our 'powers' before they're gone."

"Uh, Garcia, sunlight", Hotch pointed out. Garcia dropped the bow sadly.

"Oh." She stood there thinking for a minute while the others continued their conversation.

"-10 victims, they caught him crossing the-"

"I can do a spell!" Garcia cried, interrupting the disgruntled zombie.

"NO!" Reid shouted.

"Too late, I'm trying it", before Reid could escape Garcia flicked her wand. Reid froze, his skin sparkling in the light bulbs beam. His skin soon returned to its eerie vampire paleness.

Reid stood up straight and looked down at his palms.

"What did you do?"

"I just thought really hard of something to protect your skin. I guess it worked", Garcia beamed, turning on Hotch, who hid behind his hands.

"No, Garcia. I'm fine."

"Aw come on, Boss man!"

"I'd rather stay in here anyway, thanks", he muttered.

"I'm not going anywhere either. Morgan might take off with my other arm", Rossi complained.

"Fine! You be boring and stay here. We will go and have fun. Come on, Reid", Garcia took the young man's hand and pulled him towards the door.

"G-Garcia...what if it didn't work...I might...", but it was too late, the weak November sun hit his skin and he scrunched his face up, preparing for the pain. When none came he reopened his eyes and gasped at how his skin sparkled.

"Yay, it worked!" Garcia cheered.

"You were just lucky, Baby Girl."

"Oh you know I'm so much more than that, Chocolate Thunder."

"Hey, Reid, stop hogging the bow!" Morgan whined, snatching the bow from Reid's hands.

"Hey!" Morgan stuck his tongue out as he nocked an arrow, ignoring Reid's pouting. He aimed his arrow and shot it at a tree. The arrow planted on the edge of the tree and Derek turned with a grin plastered over his face.

"Show off", chided Garcia, taking the bow, aiming and firing off her own arrow into the tree, landing it in the centre. She stuck her tongue out at Morgan.

"Alright then. Let's see who wins in a running race", he challenged.

"Bring it on. I have tricks up my sleeve", she winked, giving her wand a gentle wave.

They started to walk back to Rossi's mansion as the night sky canopied the woods. Garcia and Reid were arguing about something Morgan had dubbed 'Nerd Talk'. JJ was throwing sticks back and forth amongst the tress with her mind, watching them fall among the leaves and get lost. Emily kept twitching, her head darting back and forth.

Suddenly, the giant black cat scampered away to a nearby tree; crouching low.

"Uh...Em?" JJ called. The cat didn't turn.

"Em, what are you doing?" She asks raising an eyebrow. Emily whipped her head around and JJ and Garcia gasped.

"Please tell me that that is not what I think it is?", JJ muttered, putting her hand over her mouth. Emily sucked up the tail that had been hanging out of her lips. A resounding crunch could be heard before she swallowed. JJ gagged.

"I'm just taking advantage of my 'power's", Emily shrugged.

"That's not a power...that's just gross, what did that mouse do to you!", heaved JJ, trying to keep her dinner in her stomach.

Rossi held his dismembered arm glumly, the others filed around him chatting about a case, but he could only stare at the limp limb.

"Aw cheer up, Rossi", Morgan said, nudging the Italian's arm. Rossi reeled back and glowered at the younger agent.

"This is your doing!"

"I didn't mean to, jeez!"

"How long, Reid?" Garcia asked, changing the subject.

"An hour."

"Wake me when it's time," Emily yawned, curling up on the couch.

Reid was staring at his watch, his eyes wide with excitement. The others sat on the couches or paced anxiously.

"Is it time yet?" Morgan whined for the fifth time.

"Two minutes."

"Urgh, I wish it would hurry up", JJ grumbled, pacing around the couch.

"First thing I'm gonna do is have a hamburger!" Morgan sighed, imagining the taste of a greasy burger and fries.

"I second that!", Emily grinned.

"Are there any fast food places open at this time?" Rossi mumbled.

"There better be. McDonald's has never let me down before."

"One minute!"

"Well I for one am going to go back to my appartment and watch reruns of gossip girl", Garcia chirped.

"I'm going straight home to Will and Henry."

"I need to see Jack."

Reid squirmed a little when he realised he had nothing to look forward to. No girlfriend, or wife or kids or even pets. He knew that doctor who wasn't playing at this time.

His mind wandered to the fresh stack of books he'd bought the day before the party and his face lit up with the rest of the team (bar an armless David Rossi.)

Morgan suddenly felt a warmth leave his skin. He looked down and found his fur to be vanishing.

"IT'S TIME!" Reid announced obviously.

JJ opened her eyes, suddenly feeling light with relief. She looked around the room, her eyes narrowing on a book, willing to to tear itself up. Her command went unfollowed. She exhaled deeply, slipping off the corsage that had been glued to her wrist all week.

Garcia threw her wand to the floor with a squeal. Hotch gritted his teeth without his fangs digging into his lips.

Emily and Morgan looked at the human skin, glancing at each other stand grinning upon seeing no fur on either of them

Rossi was the happiest, he gazed at his hands and his arm with sweet relief, clutching them close to his chest, promising to treasure them for the rest of his life. The dismembered parts had already disappeared.

Reid's hands groped the top of his head and he pulled the hat down with no resistance. He grinned stupidly, practically bouncing off the floor.

"It worked! It worked!" He cried excitedly. The others turned to him and their smiles dropped. Reid continued to grin, taking in how normal they looked.

"Uh...Reid...", Hotch started. Reid glanced at him and saw how serious and stern he looked.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, his smile flattering as he stared at the hat in his hands. "It worked...what's the problem?"

Reid's crimson irises bore into each agent, who all looked extremely grim.

"You're Uh...well", Reid's eyes widened with realisation and he touched his teeth, feeling the sharp fangs hanging down below his front row.

"Oh", he mumbled. "Oh! Oh God!" Reality suddenly came crashing down on him, this is real! "I'm a vampire!"

Phew! I'm afraid to say that 'All Hallows' Eve' is over!

Sorry if that chapter was bad, I lost some motivation. I didn't know what to write, so it may just seem like a whole load of drabble, sorry! :(

A question some of you may have is; am I going to write a sequel? To be perfectly honest, I don't think I will. I know this can easily lead off into one, but I struggled with this one and I think it will be better left like this.

Now that this story is done and dusted, I can finally start my new story! I've been so excited!

Thank you guys for all your support, through reading, reviewing, favouriting and following!

Please leave a departing review, and I will be eternally grateful!

Thank you for taking this journey with me!