You open your mouth, but you can't find the word you need.

All you can do is watch in horror as the knife inches closer to Undertaker.

Thankfully, he's far more nimble than he looks; in one swift movement, he uses his legs to knock Sebastian out of the window, before jumping down after him.

You're about to rush over to the window to watch the fight, when something unexpected happens;

The door behind you bursts open, revealing the last person you'd expected to see tonight…

'What the bloody 'ell is goin' on?'


What is he doing here?!

You're about to ask him just that, when he speaks first, holding up his hands to hide your partial nudity from him. 'Jesus Christ, put some bloody clothes on!' Well, that makes another man who's seen your breasts now. You'd just rather it hadn't been like this…


That gives you an idea!

In all honest, you'd rather not give yourself to Sebastian or Undertaker. No matter how the two men have acted, they're not exactly human, are they? Do you really want to spend your life with someone that isn't human? Even if Undertaker promises that he'll let you leave if you want to, can you truly be certain he'll be true to his word? What makes a reaper any better than a demon really? They're both after souls; the only difference is that, to your knowledge, Undertaker doesn't eat them.

Bard is human, however. You can cope with human. Humans may lie or cheat or turn out to be just as evil as Sebastian has been, but at least they're not a literal demon! Besides, you know for a fact that Bard has feelings for you, so surely convincing him to bed you right here and now wouldn't be too difficult, would it?

Well, you'll never know if you don't try…

Trying your best not to sound like a crazy person, you walk closer to Bard. 'I honestly don't have time to explain everything, but I'll give you the basics.' You pause to take a steady breath. '… Sebastian and another man are out there right now fighting over which one of them gets to sleep with me. I'm terrified, Bard. If I don't find someone else to… join with, so to speak, before they finish fighting, one of them is going to force me into being their sex slave!' That's pretty much the gist of it. It's what Sebastian will do at the very least…

Bard's whole face goes red, anger clearly present in his eyes. 'Right. I'll sort this. You wait 'ere, and I'll beat the shit out of 'em!' He rolls up his sleeves, and is about to leave, when you grab his arm, cuddling it to you so it sits between your breasts. If he goes down there, he'll only end up dying it the crossfire. If he is willing to help though, maybe there's still time for this to work.

Making sure that you jiggle your chest against his arm as you talk, you lay your cards on the table. 'You can't stop them, Bard. They'll tear you apart. I can't lose you, not to them. But, if you take me to bed instead, you can free me that way. You can help me.' You hope your desperation is clear in your eyes, otherwise Bard's inner gentleman will be your undoing.

Sure enough, Bard's anger quickly fades into embarrassment. 'Er… come again?' You only need to do that the once, part of you wants to retort. Then again, it's not you that needs to finish; it's him.

Gently trying to lead him to bed, you explain the situation. 'Sebastian did something to me a few months ago. By tomorrow, I'll be nothing but a shell of who I once was. He'll keep me locked in here, a slave to his desire. All I want is for someone like you to set me free.' You make it to the bed, and take a seat, urging Bard to do the same. You hear a loud crash from outside, something that gives to a renewed sense of urgency, but you can't afford to rush this, lest you scare away your best chance of being free once more.

Bard still seems shellshocked, but he's getting there slowly. 'So… what you're sayin' is that if I don't… you know… shag ya, Sebastian'll come in 'ere and lock you up? I'll never get to see ya again?' He's starting to look upset, something that, sad as it may be, works in your favour.

You nod deliberately slowly. 'That's right. I'll never see you again, and I'd hate that.' Another truth. You've already been missing him terribly; he's one of the reasons you've actually taken time to weigh up your decision.

For a moment, Bard is silent, until… 'the other bloke, he'll take you away too?' You nod once again. 'Then I'll do it. Whatever it takes.' You can hardly believe your ears. He's actually going for it? He's going to help you?!

Overjoyed, you bring him in for a kiss, something he returns eagerly. His hands have already found themselves on your breasts, a clear sign that he means it as well.

After a few moments, Bard breaks the kiss to speak again. 'What do I 'ave to do? Just get you off?' Well, at least he's not lost his inner gentleman…

You shake your head. 'No. All you have to do is finish inside me. Your… release is what I need to stop Sebastian's influence. So, you just need to stick it in and let go I guess?' You really wish you'd looked into this. Do you actually have to finish too? No one mentioned it. What if you do?! Oh shit, why didn't you think to ask that?!

It's far too late to ask now; you don't want Sebastian to discover what you're doing right now.

Bard seems taken aback. 'That's all?! Bloody 'ell, if you keep those tits out, I can 'ave you free in five minutes.' Without missing a beat, Bard shoves his trousers down, revealing a prominent erection.

Now it's your turn to look shocked. 'That was quick! Were you only pretending not to look or something?' Not that you're complaining in this circumstance. Although you don't think you'll ever let him live down his brag of being able to make sex last five minutes…

Bard blushes even brighter. 'Yeah, alright. I was. It's not my fault! I'm a simple man; I see tits, I want sex! You have an amazing pair, by the way. Can you keep them out while we do it?' If it means you never have to go back to Sebastian, you'll do whatever he wants.

Reclining back on the bed, you yank your robe apart even more, making sure your breasts are completely exposed for him. With that done, you hike up the bottom part and spread your legs, given Bard a clear view of his 'target', so to speak. You're not as wet as you'd like to be, but given the huge time constraints and far from ideal location, you'd be surprised if you were! Still, you're more that able to take Bard, and that's all that matters.

Bard gets himself into position, rubbing himself against you opening a little.

He flashes you an awkward grin. 'I gotta admit, this isn't how I pictured this 'appening. I don't supposed you'd give me a proper shot at courting you like, when this is over? I know it's a lot at ask but…' you stick you head up, silencing him with a kiss. You'll happily give him a proper chance to be with you, but if he doesn't hurry up…

The sound of the fight draws ever closer: it's now or never.

You break the kiss. 'If you break this ritual, I'll fucking marry you. Just get a move on!' That's all the motivation Bard needs apparently. He slides into you without a moment more of hesitation, finally appreciating the urgency of the situation.

It's… so awkward. You can't even bring yourself to look him in the eyes. Bard seems to be focusing on your chest anyhow, which suits you just fine. You only wish you'd had the proper time and place to do this properly with Bard.

Well, you'll just have to make that right next time, if Sebastian doesn't tear his head off the moment he discovers what you've been up to.

True to his word, Bard finishes in what would normally be an embarrassingly quick amount of time, spilling into you as instructed.

As Bard's release works it's way through your body, you can feel the influence of Sebastian's ritual slowly fade away, replaced with a sense of relief.

You're free.

You just have to deal with Sebastian's wrath…

As if on queue, Sebastian appears in the room, and looks upon your current position with raw fury in his eyes.

Said fury seems to be largely aimed at Bard, who is still inside you, wearily holding himself up on his hands.

Sebastian marches closer. 'You! How dare you?! How dare you take her from me?!' You brace yourself for what's to come, certain that this is the end for both you and Bard.

Thankfully, Undertaker intercedes, standing between the bed and Sebastian.

His voice is full of mirth. 'Hehehe, it looks like someone made their choice while we were fighting. What do you say we give the lovebirds some alone time, Sebastian? There's no place for us here.' Huh. Maybe Undertaker really was on your side. He's still not human though, so you're still happy with your choice.

Sebastian scoffs. 'As if I could. You won't always be around, Undertaker. The moment you leave, I'll tear out Bard's entrails, and take back what's mine!' You and Bard shudder simultaneously, grabbing onto each other tightly. Both of you know only one thing right now; Sebastian means it.

Just as Undertaker is about to engage Sebastian in combat once more, another unexpected voice calls out into the room.

'What the bloody hell is going on?!'

Holy shit, it's Lord Phantomhive himself! Ciel has heard the commotion, and decided to investigate.

How many more people are going to see you naked?!

Sebastian seems like he's about to explain, but Ciel spots you and Bard on the bed first, his uncovered eye widening almost comically before he looks away in horror.

His voice is panicked. 'Why are they naked? Why is Undertaker here? WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BLOODY WINDOW! SEBASTIAN, EXPLAIN YOURSELF!' You're starting to get quite cold right now, exposed as you are. You really just want a portal to open up and swallow you whole…

Sebastian is about to explain, when Bard cuts him off. 'With respect Master, 'e's the problem! He's been planning to keep 'is 'girlfriend' locked up as a sex toy! Whoops. Probably shouldn't've said that… but anyhow, she's mine now, and 'e's so mad 'e tried to kill me!' That's… about right, actually. Doesn't explain the window though…

Thankfully, that's what Undertaker is for. 'Bard is telling the truth, Young Earl. I ended up breaking the window, when I threw this butler of yours off of me. I'm afraid he's quite mad.' Furious is more like it. Or does he mean insane? Either way, you think it works.

Ciel sighs heavily. 'I knew letting Sebastian have a live-in girlfriend would be a bad idea. Very well, there's only one solution.' He turns to face Sebastian. 'Sebastian, this is an order. I hereby forbid you to harm Bard or this woman. You are also forbidden to engage in… whatever Bard is doing to her. Is that clear?' As if an order can control a demon. Unless Ciel has more hold over him than you think…

Reluctantly, Sebastian bows to Ciel. 'Very well, my Young Lord. So long as I am in service to you, I shall leave them both alone.' You sense a double meaning behind his words, but there's nothing you can do about that; a promise is a promise, after all.

With that finally concluded, Ciel ends up going with Undertaker's suggestion; they all clear out, leaving you and Bard alone.

Bard sighs heavily, cuddling into your chest. 'Well, that was unexpected. You reckon he'll actually leave us alone?' You desperately want to say yes, but something in the back of your mind is screaming no.

Without any clear knowledge of the future, you opt for a neutral answer;

'We're safe for now, and that's all that matters.'


A lot has changed in the six months since that happened.

For one thing, you're now a married woman. You and Bard had a shotgun wedding a few weeks ago, and are now living together in a little cottage on Ciel's estate. It's not exactly what you'd planned to do with your life, but neither was getting involved with a demon…

… or getting pregnant the night you escaped his grasp.

That's the only real reason you got married. Despite appearances, Bard is surprising traditional. The moment he found out you were 'up the spout' as he once put it, he insisted on marrying you, and taking care of you and the baby.

You agreed on the spot.

Granted, he has his faults. The cottage seems to constantly reek of cigarettes, a habit he's promised to give up when the baby comes. Whether or not he'll actually do that is anyone's guess, but you'll see.

At least he's not a supernatural being.

Speaking of which, so far Sebastian has followed Ciel's orders. He's not been within three foot of you, although you have noticed him glaring at you and Bard more than once.

Well, you're fine with that. As long as he doesn't come near you, that's all you care about.

The only thing that has you concerned is his final words that night. So long as he is in service to Ciel, he'll stay away from you… but what happens when he's not? You're not sure if you're imagining it or not, but the Young Lord seems to be growing paler by the day. You don't think… no, of corse not. Demon or no, Sebastian wouldn't kill his master, not without eating his soul first. Surely he wants his master fit and healthy, full of life. A tasty meal, carefully cultivated…

That doesn't stop you from wondering though. What happens after Ciel is gone, and there's no one to stop Sebastian going after you? What will he do to you, the baby, and Bard? You don't think he'd kill you; not quickly. He'd want you back at his side again, nothing but his whore. You doubt Undertaker will be able to save you a second time…

Your thoughts are interrupted by a strong pair of arms wrapping themselves around you, hands settling over your bump. 'How're my two favourite people? You want somethin' to eat? Gotta keep you fed up, after all. I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad! Only a few more months and we'll 'ave a perfect little baby. I don't think I could be 'appier if I tried.' Bard kisses the back of your head, blissfully unaware of your thoughts. You'll never let him know your thoughts either. Let him live in blissful ignorance.

Meanwhile, you'll watch and wait, knowing that someday soon this fragile peace will be shattered, and the broken pieces of you that Bard holds will be spilt out onto the floor once again.

So much for being free.