The train ride was two and a half hours long. It took nearly forty-five minutes to get the ticket and explain as to why there was a unconscious boy with them...Making them almost miss the train.

Lenalee and Lavi slept on the way to the next stop, while Bookman and Kanda stayed in the awkward silence the whole trip. Deciding to ignore the uncomfortable silence around him, the dark haired hunter looked out at the dark scenery outside. Deep in thought, everything that raced through his mind was about the strange kid. Who, per say, he was currently playing with his hair.

It was only when there was about twenty minutes left of the train ride, Lavi and Lenalee woke up.

Twenty minutes later, the train arrived at the station. Out came a pissed off samurai, a traumatized rabbit, a uncaring panda, and a sleep deprived long haired girl.

"Boys! Will you shut up? You've been fighting ever since we woke up!" Said girl having to carry the whitette. "And can someone else carry him!"

"Che." Kanda took the kid of Lenalee's back and held him bridal style. Being careful of his injuries.

"Good now if you excuse me I'll be in bed. Have fun walking up." with that she activated her Dark Boots and flew the rest of the way up.

A sleep deprived Lenalee was never good. No matter the reason. Even Kanda refused to go up against her when she gets like that.

Five AM came and the boys finally made it up to The Order. It took them an hour from the station to get there. Needless to say they were all tired. There was suppose to be a carriage waiting for them but it never came. The station wasn't close to the order either. Seeing that it's isolated from everyone and everything.

Once inside the Order Bookman disappeared so the two boys took the now sleeping boy to the medical wing. During the dreadful walk up the boy awoke, looked around, and passed out again.

Kanda dumped the boy on one of the empty beds and walked away. The kid wasn't his problem anymore.

"Wait Yu! Aren't you going to stay with the kid!?"


Once he was out of the medical wing he went straight to his room. He was tired as hell.


"You're saying that Kanda found the boy?" Komui questioned next morning.

"Yeah you should've seen Yu. He even carried the kid all the way up! I offered to help but all he said, and i quote; 'Do you want to lose a hand baka usagi'. And before that he even gave him his jacket! It was tooootally out of character for him!" Lavi exclaimed.

"Yeah. I even saw him play with his hair. It was soooo cute! Maybe he's not as cold as we thought, even after-" Lenalee was cut off by a door slamming open.

"What do you want sister complex." Kanda walked into the messy room, annoyance on his face.

"...sit down. I need your report of what happened at the Campbell mansion." all playfulness in the room vanished when Komui said that.

"I went to kill the vampire, he opened a secret passage, I followed him, he disappeared for an hour, killed him, went where he was, found the brat. Happy?" he grumbled out.

"Did you see anything afterwards? Anything about the boy?"

Kanda thought back to the glass picture he found in Neah's room.

I stuffed the glass picture frame into my coat.

"Che, Of course not."

"Alright then. On another note the head nurse said that he was in an awful state-"

"No kidding."

"-but there is a chance of full recovery. When I saw him earlier this morning he was still sleeping soundly. That Campbell person really did a number on him. Say...why don't we all go and visit."

Lavi and Lenalee beamed at that idea. They wanted to see how the boy was doing. And see if he was awake yet. Kanda looked almost revolted at the idea. He was done dealing with the boy.

"Che no." Kanda got up and headed towards the door.

"Kanda! Come on, you're the one who saved him." Lenalee came up behind him and grabbed his arm.

Next thing you know it all four of them were walking down to the medical wing. Kanda holding his stomach. Courtesy of Lenalee's 'convincing'. Lavi snickered quietly next to him. Komui opened the door and the head nurse was there.

"Oh chief Komui. The kid's awake but he went into a frenzy a little while ago. If you're going in be careful and don't crowd him! He needs rest! And plenty of it! He's so skinny to it's a miracle that he's even alive!"

"Thank you head nurse but if you don't mind, we want to see how he is doing."

"I want you all out in twenty minutes tops. And if you can get him to speak, please tell me." The head nurse said before leaving.

The four of them walked into the room to witness the boy with bandages all over his body. Now you could clearly see his face...somewhat. He had bandages covering the whole left side of his face. He was still pale as a ghost but it kinda suited him. And his hair, now cleaned, was white as freshly fallen snow.

"Hello." Komui said first, startling the boy. "I'm Komui and this is the Black Order. How are you feeling?" Komui said in a soft voice.

The boy looked scared and hid underneath his blanket. The yellow thing from earlier was circling around the room before zooming straight to the scared kid. Immediately, it curled itself in the white hair in a protective position.

The four other occupants in the room exchanged a look before looking back at the bundle of blankets.

"I know you're scared but please come out. We won't do anything to hurt you. This is a safe place for you." Komui tried again. The strange boy just peered out from under the covers.

"See," Lenalee gave him a kind smile "It wasn't that hard. We just want to know how you are. It must be scary being in a new place after a long time. I'm Lenalee and this is Lavi and Kanda." she pointed to each of them. "Kanda here is the one that found you."

A small gasp was heard before Kanda was attacked in a small hug. Surprising everyone in the room at the sudden movement.. Especially Kanda. Kanda looked around at everyone making eye contact saying 'get-this-kid-off-of-me-now'.

Lenalee was going to pull away the boy away but stopped when she hears that he was crying. She took a step back next to Komui and looked at Kanda. A look saying 'no'.

"Th-th-thank you-u." the white headed boy spoke out in a raspy voice. It was as if he hardly ever used it. He tried to get out more words but was too busy crying and remembering how to breathe.

The two of them stayed like that for awhile until he calmed down. Much to Kanda's dismay. While that happened Lavi and Lena sat down in two of the chairs and watched the awkward exchanged.

Kanda lead him to the bed and made him sit. When the dark haired samurai tried to walk away something or more like someone latched himself onto his arm. Kanda glared down at the boy but was distracted by his silver eye. Snapping back into reality he looked past him instead of at him.

"Moyashi get off."

"Awwww looook Yuu already gave him a nickname!" Lavi called out.

"Shut it Usagi!"


"What was that? Komui questioned.

"A-Allen...n-name." a nasty cough followed after that. Lenalee went to go grab some water.

"Well then Allen," Komui gave a kind smile, "When you're feeling better or up to it; do you mind if I ask you some questions. It's pretty important involving your...situation." It took a few moments for Allen to realize what was being asked of him. Allen's grip on Kanda didn't falter but he slowly shook his head yes.

"Thank you. The head nurse will be here soon to look after you and help you get cleaned up and hopefully something to eat. That Campbell did a realy number on you...I hope you feel better soon." Allen looked away.

"Yeah Allen-chan. You don't want to be like that forever, it's not good for you!"

Lenalee came back with a pitcher of water and gave a glass to Allen. Allen nodded in thanks, to tired to use his voice.

All the while Kanda was quietly still seething about the kid. 'Why the hell won't he let go!? I'm not some kind of weird plushie! Stupid clingy brat.'

"Bye Yuuuuu have fun~"


"Oi!" the door closed and Kanda was left alone with Allen. Who was still holding onto him...

'What the fuck just happened.'

Kanda turned to Allen and glared but only to be met with a smile. The fuck.

"What are you so happy about Moyashi?"

"Y-Yuu." Allen smiled again at that small word play.

"Don't call me that! And would you let go!?" Kanda snapped lightly at the boy. In returned Tim bit down on Kanda's ponytail. Hard.


Allen looked down and hesitantly let go and grabbed Tim off of Kanda. "S-sorry. Th-thank y-you-u for f-find-ding m-me." The silver eyed boy looked away.

For some reason Kanda immediately felt regret snapping at the boy...Not like he'll show it.

"It was nothing…Moyashi" Kanda's speech drifted off.

After a moment of silence Kanda got up and went for the door. Casting a last look at Allen before walking out and shutting the door. Only to be looking at a angry nurse.

"What took you so long! Get out and leave the kid alone!" She scowled at him.

"Che. Yeah yeah i'm going." Kanda suddenly remembered that the kid still had his jacket. 'Fuck'. Kanda went back to go retrieve it but the head nurse gave him an earful. He would just get it later then.

[Authors note: Thank you everyone for reading, I hope you enjoy it so far! And thanks for the comments! I'm glad that some of you are actually looking out for the dumb mistakes I make. And I do go back usually to change the stuff that I made wrong, thanks to all of you. I'm trying to improve as a writer and this helps me a lot! Thank you again, see you next time~

Edit: i just changed some minor things, don't worry

AND i am writing 2 other stories at the moment so please bear with me!

p.s. if you see any mistakes please tell so I can go back to fix them!]