"Your reliable Shrine Maiden Fox, Caster, has now arriv- oh. It's you" Tamamo's voice went from a rather happy, chirpy tone to one ridden with venom as she locked eyes with the red saber, Nero

"Is something the matter?" Gudao raised his arms in a placating manner, hoping there wouldn't be any issues. Currently he and the Roman Emperor, Nero, were in a empty room inside Chaldea. He had gathered enough resources to do a summon ritual, and Nero had decided to accompany him out of boredom.

"Not with you, Master. Just don't expect me to work with this… Harlot." Tamamo once again did a personality flip, gracing Gudao with a lovely smile before looking at Nero from the corner of her eyes with a sneer on her beautiful features.

"Umu! I have done nothing to offend you, so why-" Nero's defence was interrupted by a rather distraught Tamamo.

"Nothing to offend? Mikon~ Do you not recall the Holy Grail War? Pushing me off a cliff!? Stealing my beloved husband? Invading my lands? Slaughtering my soldiers? Attempting to kill me and my husband?!"

Gudao was doing a wonderful impression of a deer caught in the headlights. He certainly wasn't expecting this. At least they hadn't come to blows. Sparing a moment to view Nero, she seemed extremely taken aback, one hand brought up to her considerable chest in shock.

"What on Earth are you talking about? I don't recognize you at all, nor your odd manner of speaking!" Nero had fallen into a rather confused, if indignant manner. Her other hand brought up to the side of her head as the words 'Holy Grail War' were mentioned.

Tamamo's eyes darted to Nero's left hand, which both the woman in question and Gudao noticed. A simple silver ring, adorned with a deep red gem rested on the Emperor's ring finger. The Shrine Maiden's wide amber eyes grew narrow at the sight.

"Yet you retain your ring." Tamamo's voice grew frosty, believing Nero to be insulting her, her memory of Hakuno. Was the Roman Harlot really pretending to not know, so she could be closer to her current Master? A sneer appeared on her features once more.

"Master, what is your relation to this woman?"

"Uh, well she's my Servant… Beyond that, I'd say we're friends?" Gudao's voice grew weak as stares from both women drilled into him. Rather intimidating women, he'd say in his defence. Even with their diminutive statures. If only he'd brought Mashu along for this summon.

"What matter is this ring to you? It is a thing of no consequence, merely a fine piece of jewelry." Nero puffed out her chest in defence, not comprehending why this foxy woman had decided to be hostile to her.

"Yo- You dare? You dare dismiss my husband, your dear 'Praetor'? The bonds you had… Simply a fine piece of jewelry?" Tamamo's eyes were wide in fury, hands clenched by her sides.

The sheer fury, the poisonous gaze the Shrine Maiden held, Gudao couldn't help but flinch. He had just met the woman, but already the emotion simply didn't fit with her appearance. The lone master of Chaldea took a step back as Tamamo turned to him. Her gaze had softened when looking to him, but he could still see the repressed anger.

"Master, I think I will take a walk. I apologize you had to see such an unsightly side of me. This Tamamo No Mae was simply enraged by a former enemy." She lowered her head in a sign of apology. Gudao simply nodded, still struck speechless by the mixture of beauty and poison the woman in front of him held. A slight smile appeared on Tamamo's face, directed towards her new master as she made her way out the door behind him. As the door closed after her, Gudao turned to look at his Saber.

Nero was hunched over in pain, both hands grasping the sides of her head. Gudao's eyes widened and he moved over to crouch next to the small Roman emperor.

"Nero, can I help?" He placed a hand on her right shoulder, knowing there wasn't much he could do. She had chronic headaches, he knew that much, but there had never been one affecting her as harshly as there was now.

"Um- Umu… This headache… That woman triggered it, merely by standing before me… I can't help but feel I'm forgetting something…" Nero's speech was halting, her beautiful visage flawed by a grimace of pain.

"Let's get you to a bed, you need to lie down. I'll look for someone or something to help you after that." Gudao brought an arm around the Emperor's midriff, crouching so she could lean her weight on him.

"My thanks, Master." With that, the duo began making their way out of the room. Nero with a hand held to her head, slowly massaging it and Gudao, with a concerned frown on his face.

He would have to talk to Tamamo after taking care of Nero. For something to simply bring Nero down like it had, clearly it was an important matter.

Gudao found the recently summoned Shrine Maiden seated by herself in the cafeteria. All the other tables had multiple servants seated at them, but none had made to approach their new comrade. Even the more friendly Servants, such as Saber Lily and Martha were simply loitering about, warily gazing at the obviously incensed Caster. Their caution was to the point that when Gudao made to approach Tamamo, Saber Lily briskly walked to his side, not saying a word as Gudao glanced at her. Martha, Kojiro, EMIYA, Medusa, Cu and Orion all watched intently as their Master sat next to Tamamo.

"Mikon~ I apologise once more, Master. It was wrong of me to allow my anger to show in such a manner in front of you." Tamamo greeted him with a hesitant smile, remorse clear in her tone.

"Ah, it's fine. I realised that eventually there would have to be some… Serious enmity between servants." Gudao's eyes glanced towards the area where Cu and EMIYA were currently seated when he paused in his sentence.

"Those two were enemies? They seemed quite content to work with each other, last I saw." Tamamo tilted her head to the side, the action causing a slight flush to appear on Gudao's face before what she had said sunk in.

"Wait, wait. You know EMIYA and Cu, but also Nero?" His voice, raised in volume from sheer incredulity, drew the servants in question attention. Cu quickly strode over, while EMIYA simply remained still in his seat, however a deep frown made it's way onto his face.

"Haaaa? I don't recognise you at all." Cu had no problem leaning in to view Tamamo's face, red eyes narrowed in confusion as the Caster servant leaned backwards in response, bringing up a hand to wave in front of her in a declining fashion.

"I see why that Roman harlot recruited you, you both have no idea of boundaries." Her tone grew slightly condescending as Cu backed off, moving to slump down in a seat beside Gudao.

"So how do ya know me and the other two?"

"And just like her, you lack the mental faculties to recall what is truly important." Tamamo turned her head upwards, giving out a light 'hmph' as she did so.

"Ya gettin' on my nerves lady, how about ya get to the point already" Cu's eyes narrowed in annoyance, his power briefly flaring up before Saber Lily put a hand on his shoulder. The other servants observing had shifted in their seats, ready to stop any action Cu might take. The hand on his shoulder and the slightly wary look his Master sported caused the Irishman to relax in his seat, slumping down and giving Tamamo a look of ire.

"Do none of you recall the Holy Grail War? The Kingdoms we protected? Our war against one another?" Her gaze swept from Cu's confused expression to EMIYA's impassive frown, to the uninterested Medusa. "Granted, the Archer does look different, but nonetheless he is the same person."

Gudao took in Cu's obviously bewildered look, the Lancer shaking his head as he met his Master's gaze. EMIYA similarly offered no information, as he all but glared down Tamamo.

"What's different about EMIYA?" The simple question was asked.

"Hmm? So his name is Emiya then? Well, he lacks his red clothing and his hair isn't spiked upwards. Beyond that, he's exactly the same. Not many achieve that look of apathy he has." Tamamo directed a rather cheeky wink towards the man in question, causing him to stiffen. Gudao's eyes slid towards the white haired man, trying to picture EMIYA with spiked hair… He really couldn't.

"What Holy Grail War do you speak of?" The cold tone from EMIYA surprised most of the servants around. Tamamo merely rose a brow.

"The Holy Grail War constructed by the Moon Cell Automaton of course. You should know, you were there for it."

"Moon... Cell?" The muttered question from Gudao brought Tamamo's attention to him.

"Hai~ One hundred and twenty eight masters were chosen to participate in the Holy Grail War, the Moon Cell Automaton controlling it all. My beloved husband and I fought relentlessly, being the pair out of one hundred and twenty eight to win." Tamamo's chirpy tone was in great contrast to the increasingly cold air around EMIYA. Saber Lily's concerned gaze did little to stop the man from glaring at Tamamo.

"One hundred and twenty eight? When was this war held?" The Archer's tone allowed no argument, but Tamamo merely smiled mischievously towards him.

"Mikon~ I'm not too sure… The Moon Cell was discovered sometime in the two thousand and thirties, so…" Tamamo trailed off in confusion as everyone around her went still in shock. Gudao's face was blank, Saber Lily had taken a step back and brought a hand to her chest, Cu had widened eyes. Only EMIYA remained unchanged.

"Is there an issue?" The Shrine Maiden's voice held none of its previous attitude.

"It's two thousand and seventeen, and we're trying to save the world." Gudao blinked a few times in confusion, his voice coming out surprisingly even. Tamamo drew in a deep breath, bringing Gudao's undivided attention to her.

"Does this mean I can find my beloved as a child?! Hakuno would be so cute~" Tamamo squealed, her hands clasped together in front of her chest as she did an odd wiggle in her seat.

AN: Pfft I haven't tried typing for a few weeks. Idk this is just an idea floating around my head. We're in FGO territory now boys. Totally didn't recently waste all my quartz trying for a certain Lancer only to spectacularly fail, getting spooked by Drake. At least those doors will be murdered with 20000% efficiency.