Blood, blood rose up to her ankles as blades fell from the sky and featureless figures dropped dead with each death the blood rose higher and higher until it goes to her neck, then she felt a stabbing pain in her stomach she looked down to see a knife protruding from her stomach as blood gushed from her abdomen like a broken faucet the blood rose past her mouth and nose.

"Am I gonna die by drowning in blood?" She asked herself desperately trying to swim up through the thick blood but to no avail.

"Erza!, Erza! wake up! wake up!"

Erza's eyes snapped open her face flushed, tears in her eyes her breath heaving.

"Did you have that dream again?" Zeref asked handing Erza a cup of lemon tea.

"Yeah I don't know what's going on I've never had nightmares like that before," said Erza

"Here drink you're tea and get dressed we'll go for a walk to clear your mind," said Zeref.

"I don't mind walking with your sister," said Erza.

" It's not your fault," Zeref said before leaving the room.

"But it's still my failure" Erza whispered as she got out of bed and headed to the shower.

"Where are we going?" Erza asked as she was pulled along by Zeref through the bustling town.

"If you're gonna get back to 100% you have to exercise I'm taking you to the flower garden to keep up your training," Zeref said.

"Training we don't have our swords or anything," said Erza.

"There's more than just physical training I want you to train your mental strength to only then can you stop having those nightmare's," Zeref said.

" I told you I'm fine," said Erza with a sigh.

" You might be able to fool Natsu but you'll never fool me! where sisters damn it! I know when you're upset! I know when you're happy! I know when you're scared! I know you! like I know the back of my hand!" Zeref said roughly placing her hands on Erza's shoulder.

" I think you need more training than I do, you can't talk to anyone other than me and Natsu," said Erza with a smile.

" S-Shut up!" Zeref shouted as they arrived at the flower field

"Take a seat," said Zeref. as she sat down and closed her eyes.

" I wonder how Natsu's doing with that tramp kagura," said Erza.

"Jealous?" Zeref asked with a knowing smile.

"What? no way" said Erza.

" You better hurry up and get better who know's what Kagura might do," said Zeref.

"Don't even joke about that," said Erza.

"Close your eye's and just think about your nightmare" Zeref instructed.

"Okay I don't think this would work but I trust you," said Erza closing her eyes as instructed...

" I want you to bring all your negative thoughts into the forefront of your mind," said Zeref.

"This is so stupid I told you thousands of times that I'm alright," said Erza.

" Tell me as many times as you need to I know my sister I know when you're upset," said Zeref.

"Ugh, what makes you an expert on this stuff anyway," Erza asked.

"Boss Yajima makes me do this exercise when I come to work upset about something," said Zeref.

" I much rather go home and have a some of your Lemon Squares," Erza said whilst rolling her eyes.

" You can have all the Lemon Squares you want once you let out all your griefs you may try and keep it bottled up but you witnessed something truly horrific ten people were killed in front of you and you were stabbed I'm sorry Erza but I can't just believe after all of that you're okay! it's okay to be upset it's okay to cry to feel pain to feel regret, that what makes us human!" shouted Zeref.

"You think I don't have regrets! Pain! you think I'm not hurting! I've done horrible things in my past! I've killed so many innocent people! that I could shower in their blood! my sins are burning! my heart is melting! and you want to know the worst! part!" Erza shouted clenching her fist.

"What?" Zeref asked

"I can't even apologize!" shouted Erza as she broke down into tears

" Of course you can," said Zeref with a smile

"No I can't fairy tail hates me and I can see the looks I get from the citizens they hate me too no one likes me no one loves me," said Erza.

"I love you," Zeref said hugging her sister.

"That doesn't count you're my sister," Erza said wiping her eyes.

" What about Natsu?" Zeref asked.

" Yeah sure we had sex and sure we may have said we've loved each other but was that true love or was that just the effects of the moment?" Erza asked

" I'm no love goddess so I can't answer your question myself the only who can is Natsu," said Zeref.

" Don't you want to know you're part of this to?" said Erza.

" I-I am don't be stupid sure I may have joined you two a couple of times but I'm more like a mistress," said Zeref.

"Oooo you're naughty," said Erza a smile finally gracing her face.

" You were supposed to say no Zeref that's ridiculous of course Natsu loves you," Zeref said.

" You always told me not to lie," said Erza.

"Oh my god you're so mean to me come on let me, make you some Lemon Squares," said Zeref.

" Oh yeah can't wait," said Erza as the two of them walked home together.

Meanwhile with Natsu and Kagura.

"Use your senses! sense my movements!" shouted Kagura as she swung a bamboo sword at Natsu.

Natsu put his arm up to block the attack it was so strong that if he didn't jump back his arms would've shattered.

" Fire Dragons Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted taking a swing.

Kagura managed to block it with her sword but his strength managed to make her slide back a few feet

" Nice hit your strength is phenomenal but don't rely on it!" said Kagura as she brought her foot around and kicked Natsu in the chin sending him into the ground.

She then followed up by trying to slam her bamboo sword into him while he was on the ground but he managed to react quick enough to dodge the blow that left a crater on the wooden floor.

" Good job you used your senses to dodge my attack," said Kagura.

"Gah! Natsu yelled clutching his arm he looked down to see a dart protruding from it.

"What happened to the senses you boasted about before why didn't' you here, or smell Kama?" Kagura asked as Natsu fell to the ground feeling his bones become loose.

" The way you fought before was using your magic to enhance your physical prowess and fighting style and you only used your enhanced senses to track people, for the most part, am I correct?" Kagura asked after putting it all out.

"I guess I never thought my senses could be used for combat purposes," said Natsu as he laid on the ground still not able to feel his legs.

"Of course you didn't and that's why your training by the time I'm done with you-you'll be able to fight with your eyes closed," said Kagura.

" Sounds good I hope I can get strong enough to protect everyone," said Natsu.

" The feeling in your legs should be back in a few minutes until then let me ask you one last question and I want your honest answer," said Kagura.

"Yeah you've been training me for the past five day's I definitely consider you a friend," Natsu said.

" Good, well then I'll just go ahead and ask," Kagura said her face getting a bit red.

" I'm listening," Natsu said as he began to start feeling like he can wiggle his toes.

" Well there's been a rumor going around that you've been banging the Knightwalker sisters you're a legend among the male guards," said Kagura.

" I'm not sure if they want me to tell anyone," Natsu said.

" You basically just told me but don't worry I'll keep it secret," Kagura said with a smile.

" I think I can stand up now," Natsu said as he rolled over and pushed himself up.

"Natsu! hurry King Jellal needs to talk to you" said, Coco, as she stood in the doorway.

" In his office?" Natsu asked as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"No in the laboratory down in the catacombs," said Coco.

"There's catacombs?" Natsu asked.

"Don't all castles have catacombs?" Coco said with a confused look on her face.

" I guess," said Natsu as the two left towards their destination.

"I swear to the gods that I'll make that boy mine," Kagura said under her breath as she watched him walk away.

Coco and Natsu arrived in the laboratory and there stood Jellal next to a woman with mid-length black hair, purple eyes covered by a pair of reading glasses she wore a pale green halter top with some knee high pink pants and a lab coat.

"Natsu this is Daphne the head of our science division, Daphne this is.,

"I know exactly who this is the man from another world nice to meet you mister Dragneel," said Daphne reaching out her hand.

Natsu shook her hand and greeted her with a smile.

" What was it you needed me for," Natsu asked turning Jellal.

"Allow me to explain Daphne," said as she whistled and some of her assistants pushed out a large device.

"What's this?" Natsu asked.

" While I and my team was working on a way to get you back home it seems your friends were trying to find a way to bring you back here," Daphne said.

" Okay thanks for the help but I don't see why I need to be down here for this," said Natsu

" Oh trust me you wanna see this" Daphne said nodding to her assistants who turned the device on.

A Screen showed up it was fuzzy at first and the sound had so much static no one could possibly pick up what was being said even if they did have advanced senses.

"Piece of crap is always doing this when I first turn it on," said Daphne as she knocked on the side of it.

As the picture began to clear up Natsu's eyes widened as he saw the faces of his friends appear.

"Natsu! is that you!?" shouted Lucy Heartfillia with a happy smile on her face.

"Yeah! it's me" Natsu said with a smile.

Suddenly Lucy got pushed aside as Erza showed up on the screen an angry look on her face.

"Hey Erza," Natsu said with a smile.

" Don't you Hey Erza me! what's this I hear about you having a sexual relationship with my counterpart?" Erza asked glaring at Natsu.

"Jellal?" Natsu asked.

"Don't look at me?" Jellal said holding his hands up in defense.

"Hehe that was my fault I just love a good gossip," said Daphne.

Natsu began talking to them and telling them what he's been up to since getting left behind in Edolas

"What! Jet is taking my place in the S-class trials?" Natsu shouted

"Yes, my boy unless you can somehow get back here by this weekend," said Makarov.

"Gah! Jet! don't let Stripper get S-class!" shouted Natsu.

"What was that Flame brain!" shouted Gray appearing on the screen.

" You heard me stripper!" shouted Natsu.

" Shut up you two! and tell me more about this relationship you've had with other me!" said Erza punching Gray in the face sending him flying off the screen.

" I think I told you everything already she regrets what happened and is trying to become a better person," said Natsu.

"Hey, Natsu how's my counterpart doing?" Cana asked appearing on screen a barrel of beer in her hands.

"Oh hey Cana you wouldn't believe it but your counterpart is the daughter of Gildarts counterpart," said Natsu

"What no way," Cana said with a forced smile and a laugh as she walked away.

Natsu noticed it was forced but he decided not to bring it up now.

"Well it's been nice talking to you we'll get in touch again after the trials," said Happy.

" Alright little buddy I'll see you around," said Natsu.

Just then the screen went black.

"Phew at least they don't know that I'm dating Erza and her sister," Natsu said.

"What!" shouted Fairy Tail as the screen suddenly turned back on and all of Fairy Tail stood their with their jaws on the floor.

And then one bye one they bursted into laughs

"Man Natsu you sure are funny I really did miss you," said Happy.

"Uh guys I don't think he was kidding," Lucy said.

"Is that you! Scarlet!" came a shout from behind Natsu.

"I'm sorry, I tried to get her to come home but when she heard rumors that we were able to talk to the other world she barged down here," said Zeref as she tried to drag Erza Knightwalker away.

"Knightwalker," Erza said as the whole room went quiet.

"Is what Natsu told me true?" Knightwalker asked her face turning red.

"What did he tell you?" Scarlet asked turning towards Natsu who despite being literally worlds apart still felt the fingers of fear creeping up his back from the glare he got from the red head.
"Well two things one is it true you think Strawberry is the best flavor?" Knightwalker asked.

"Of course it is nothing can top strawberries," said Scarlet

" I knew you where the evil version! only someone truly wicked would put nasty strawberries over the soury sweet taste of Lemon" shouted Knightwalker.

" What! don't be ridiculous" shouted Scarlet.

eventually the two Erza's got into a huge fight over which was better between Lemon and Strawberries there friends leaving them their to hash it out.

" Alright everyone is gone now tell me the second thing which you where obviously to embarrased to tell in front of anyone else other than your sister," said Scarlet.

"Yes tell me is it true that you're a... a"

" A what? spit it out?" Erza said

"Are you really a Masochist?" Knightwalker said red faced.

"W-What I-I have no idea what you're talking about," said Scarlet quickly cutting the communication.

While that was happening something far more sinister was going on in the dark continent.

"So wanna catch me up on the details of what happened one more time!" shouted Lady Irene as she, Belserion, Igneel, Metallicana all rode in the back of a carriage.

" I'm sorry Lady Irene but I just couldn't kill Lady Ur's daughter in front of those children," said Belserion.

"Igneel you're fairly new so let me tell you a story about a woman who used to work for me," said Lady Irene digging around her person.

"I love a good story," said Igneel.

" Now she didn't like all this violent stuff nor the sight of blood hell she barely liked people but she was a friend and she was a doctor so I kept her on the pay roll her name was Grandeeny," Irene said.

" She doesn't need to hear the story of that coward who ran to that other world," said Belserion.

"SHUT UP!" Irene yelled as she pulled a knife out of her purse and stabbed him in the hand.

"Gah!" Belserion yelled.

"Now where was I? Oh right now Grandeeny had a lot of faults she was grumpy, she over priced everyone and she even cheated me in a few games of poker but you know what she never did?!" Irene shouted yanking the knife out of Belserions hand.

"W-What?" Igneel asked her eyes full of wonder.

"She Never! disobeyed a direct order!" shouted Irene stabbing Belserion in the other hand

"Gah! I'm sorry!" shouted Belserion.

"Metallicana bandage his hands up I can't believe a couple of orphans made you hesistate," said Irene placing her knife back into her purse.

"Their names are Hisui and Meredy they were just twelve years old," Belserion said.

"OH! so ya got to know them did ya? What are you going to their birthday parites, gonna send them gifts on christmast!" shouted Irene.

" I'm sorry I'll take any punishment," said Belserion.

"I would feed you to my dogs but there still picking the meat off the last idiot who disappointed me," said Irene.

"Lady Irene where here it's Lady Layla's home," said Igneel pointing to the great mansion.

"Guys whatever you do don't eat or drink anything she offers you," said Irene.

"Aw why not?" said Mettalicana.

"Lady Layla poisoned her ex husband Jude so unless you want to end up dead I suggest you not take even a wiff of whatever she tries serving you," said Irene as the four of them exited the Carriage.

"Hello lady Irene my name is Taurus! and I'll be you're escourt!" shouted a rather large and muscualar dark skinned man who wore a nice white suit with a black tie.

"Yell in my ear again and I'll sew your mouth shut," said Irene as she stepped inside her entourage following her in.

As Irene walked into the meeting room her blood nearly boiled when she saw Ur and Zera sitting their chatting it up like old friends.

"UR! Irene shouted pulling out her knife and charging towards her.

She was forced to stop as Loke and a woman with short pink hair wearing a maids outfit stood their knifes pressed against her throat another woman with slightly longer pink hair had two pistols pointed to the backs of her entourage.

Irene looked up to see another man with black hair holding a bow n arrow trained right on her and though she didn't she them Irene knew there was at least six more people who worked for Lady Layla bringing the total amount of her servants to twelve though there as been rumors that there was a thirteenth

" There will be no violence in this house hold," said a woman's voice.

The guest all looked towards large double doors at the top of a flight of stairs as a woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun came walking out her body filling out a dress made of gold.

"It's been awhile Lady Layla," said Ur with a respectuful bow.

"Please where friends right just call me Layla," said Layla with a smile.

"Is there a reason you invited these two here?" Irene asked nodding towards Zera and Ur.

"What your still mad at me I apologized," said Zera.

"You sent me a head in a fucking box! take your apology and shove it up your ass!" shouted Irene.

"Would you like me to kill her Lady Zera?" asked a man with short dark purple hair.

"Calm down Mest I know your new to this but you don't start trouble in the Ashley House," said Zera.

"My apologies," said Mest.

" So how did your little plan to kill my daugther go?" Ur asked knowing full well that it failed.

" Don't you push me I wanted to get Layla's help to burn down both of your families but apparently! she didn't get the damn message!" shouted Irene.

"You three can work out your personal problems with each other later we have a bigger problem," said Layla.

"i've been standing here for like five minutes can I sit down," said Zera.

"Well no one ever said you had to stand," said Layla motioning to the chairs around the circular table.

"I thought you said we had to keep standing up," Zera said in a angered tone turning towards Ur.

"Please calm down and listen we have a problem that may ruin our way of life here and it's all thanks to you three idiots going after each other" Layla said.

"Hey! who you calling an idiot?!" shouted the three lady's

"You three, I'm calling you three idiots the Empire as a spy in one of your houses and that spy reported information that there's gonna be a war between us," said Layla.

"Yeah so how the fuck is what we do the Empires business?" asked Zera.

"Because now they are thinking about sending in a group to try and stop this," said Layla.

"just a small group we can handle that," said Zera.

" The last time we under estimated a single person the four of us almost died and three of our children got taken away," said Layla.

"Oh is it flash back time?" asked Igneel in an excitable tone.

" I suppose I can tell this story," said Layla.

" Ugh I hate flash backs," said a man with dark blue hair wearing a fur coat his eyes where blue and he kept his hands in his pockets.

" Silver shut up right now," said Ur as she pulled a cigarette and a lighter from her purse.

"you light that and I'll pull your teeth out," Layla said with a sickly sweet smile


"What are you four doing this isn't the plan we set out to do!" shouted a woman who was about twenty-three with long wavy bleached blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a white blouse that was much too big for her small frame.

"Mavis you're naive do you really think we can make the world a better place by becoming friends with everyone?" asked Ur who was about twenty-six at this time and her hair was a lot longer than it is now she wore a pair of blue jeans with a white bikini top and she had recently picked up a smoking habit.

"Yes! I'm sure with this plan we can bring peace to Edolas!" shouted Mavis.

"Mavis there's no such thing as peace," said a twenty-three year old Zera. whose brown hair was tied in a french braid and she wore a dress-shirt with a pair of suspenders and a skirt.

"Yes if we follow the plan then maybe we can?" Mavis said.

"We can what? stop conflict? stop hatred? you can't change human emotions you may stop wars between nations but you'll never stop one man from hating another man. you'll never stop one woman from gossiping about another woman, you'll never stop lions from devouring bison, you can't bring peace to the world because there's simply no such thing" these where the words of twenty-five year old Layla Ashley whose blonde hair was chopped and styled to cover her left brown eye. She wore a pink turtle neck sweater with a pair of skin tight black pants.

" What happened to you four what changed since we last talked?" asked Mavis.

" We saw the world for what it truely was," said Irene who was the oldest at twenty-nine her Scarlet Red hair at this time looked much the same as Erza Scarlets and she wore a rather revealing black dress that showed much cleavage.

"Fine maybe your right, maybe I'm dreaming to big but so what you have to dream big for the small dreams to have a chance to come true," said Mavis.

"look Mavis there's an island off the coast of the empire we'll divide it between the five of us and start a cilvilization they're perhaps it isn't world peace but at least we'll have some sort of semblance of order that we are in control of," said Zera

"in control of? order? just what are you four planning" Mavis asked looking around at her friends.

" We can't bring world peace no way in hell but maybe we can control the conflict," said Ur.

"You want to become crime lords?" Mavis asked shock on her face.

"Yes it's the only way we'll invite criminals to join us and build our crime families," said Layla.

"That's insane!" shouted Mavis.

"No what's insane is thinking we can change the world! thinking we can control human nature!' shouted Zera.

"I just can't follow this plan," said Mavis.

" Please Mavis at least try," said Zera.

Flashback over

"Wait did she try and what happened to the almost killed you part I'm getting tired of these damn cliff hangers," said Igneel.

" I'm sorry but as we are short on time it you'll either have to ask Irene to finish the rest or wait another day and I'll tell you myself," said Layla.

" I guess I can ask Lady Irene to fill me in when we get back I'm sorry for the outburst Lady Layla," said Igneel with a bow.

"I like your new recruit Lady Irene she is very respectful," said Layla.

" Yeah she might work her way up to my right hand woman," said Irene glaring at Belserion.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but can we get back on topic how exactly did you know one of our houses is the one with the spy what if it's your's," said Zera.

"Because I have a spy in the Empire her name is Mini she began working for me four years ago after her brother Gemi was killed by a magic sword," said Layla.

"Okay, okay so you have a spy in the kingdom and they are sending people over but what are we supposed to do about it?" asked Ur.

"We unite our familes and invade the kingdom first," said Layla.

"Are you saying we go to war with the kingdon?" asked Zera.

"Yes Lady Zera this has always been the plan," said Layla.

"I know we where gonna topple the empire and make Mavis the queen but that was before the incident no one even knows where Mavis is or if she's even alive," said Zera.

"Your right we don't know which is why we'll have our citizens vote for which one of us four becomes queen," said Layla.

"Our forces aren't no where near big enough to stand up to an entire empires military it'll be suicide," said Irene.

" Irene how many people do you have in your service?" Layla asked.

"I don't know probably around 500 or so active people," said Irene.

"What about the rest of you?" said Layla looking around the table.

"I have around 800 people working for me," said Zera.

" I have 1000," said Ur

"and I have another 1000 that brings our total of troops to about 3300 people plus our elite guards," said Layla.

"The Empite as a hundred times that many people fighting for them even if we recruit every person on this island it still won't be enough to even out the numbers," said Ur.

"You ladies are right if we right them head on we are sure to lose and possibly even be executed, however a head on fight isn't the only way to win a war," said Layla.

"Are you saying we use gurrelia tactics?" asked Irene

"Precisely ambuses, explosions, assassinations whatever it takes," said Layla.

The four Lady's all stood looked at each other as a smile graced their faces.

"We're really doing this?" asked Irene.

" the four of us haven't worked together since then," said Ur.

"Yeah that was what eighteen years ago," said Zera.

"Good however before we move on I'm gonna need you three you reconcile your differences," said Layla.

"What?! now way" shouted Irene.

with a snap of her fingers Lady Layla's guards had their weapons trained on the three women and their entourage.

"Fine Zera I know you had no control of the actions of that man and you even tried to apologize so for that I forgive you," said Irene.

"Thank you," said Zera.

Ur sat there a smile on her face waiting for Irene to forgive her.

"Wipe that damn smile off your face you stabbed my daugther and you did it personally so don't you think you can just get away with a it's wasn't my fault!" shouted Irene pulling her knife from her purse and walking towards Ur.

"bring it on!" shouted Ur taking a knife from her back pocket.

"Did you two not hear my warning?" Layla said.

"I'm sorry but this crazy bitch stabbed my daugther I can't just say oh it's okay after that," said Irene.

"She does have a point Lady Ur but please take it outside," said Layla.

"Fine just get it over with," said Ur.

The group went outside and watched closly has Irene shoved the knife deep into Ur's stomach.

"Good you got that out your system?" Layla asked.

"Yes, yes I did I'm satisfied," said Irene.

"Aries patch her up," said Layla

"Yes Lady Layla," said Aries coming along with a first aid kit.

It was late at night Natsu and the Knightwalker sisters had spent most of the day in 9-Island and was finally coming home when they noticed their door was opened just a crack.

"You two didn't leave the door open when you left did you?" Natsu asked.

"No way," they both said at the same time.

"Alright stay behind me," said Natsu pushing open the door and walking in.

Suddenly the lights turned on and sitting on the couch was a old man with a long white beard, tattered clothes and cut up skin.

"Faust what are you doing here?" Erza aksed shocked at seeing her former king sitting in her living room.

" The Empire is in danger," Faust said...

To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed possibly another Lemon next chapter for sure one the one after that.