The idea of this story was given to me by lavelle130. This is my first RWBY Pokemon Crossover so please forgive me if its not great.

Chapter One; Soaring high to sinking low.

Ash was over the moon. He had defeated Drake the Orange Islands 'The Undefeated Champion' as people called him. But Ash did the impossible; he and his team of Pokemon had bested Drake's Pokemon including his Dragonite that was rumored to have never lost a match since being part of Drake's team. But the dragon Pokemon was ultimately out matched by Charizard. Ash turned to his friends Pikachu, Misty, and Tracy were cheering loudly as pride and joy for their friend had made a huge leap towards his goal of becoming a Pokemon Master. After he received his trophy and had a ceremony for his achievement. Ash hurried over to the Pokemon Center to have his Pokemon healed and call his mother.

"Nurse Joy here's my Pokemon can you take care of them for me?" He asked.

"Of course Mister Ketchum, or such I call you Mister Champion." She gave him a wink which Ash blushed and chuckled lightly. "I'm still getting use to it." He replied "Where are your video phones?"

Nurse Joy smiled and pointed to the left of the desk. "Just around the corner and on the right side."


He hurried over and found the phone booths. He quickly punched in his house number and waited as the phone binged his house. It rang twice before his mom; Delia answered. "Hi honey." She smiled "How you doing?"

Ash could hardly contain himself "Mom I did it. I beat the Orange Islands Champion. I'm the new Champion."

Delia was shocked at first but a big smile grew o her face as she swelled up with bride.

"Ash I'm so proud of you. I always knew you will become a Pokemon Master someday." Some tears were streaming down her face. She wiped them away but more seem to come.

"Mom please don't cry." Asked Ash some tears were pooling in his eyes. "I don't like it when you cry."

"This is okay tears Ash. It's ok to cry when you are very sad or very happy. And right now I'm the happiest and proudest mother in the world right now."

Ash told in detail of his fight over in exact details. Delia was hanging on every word giggling at her young man's accomplish. After they talked over the battle Delia gave her son a knowing look.

"What is it mom?" Ash asked.

Delia gave a small sigh then looked at her son again. "Have you been doing ok besides your battles?"

"Yeah mom. I've been changing my you know what's." Ash rolled his eyes but Delia gave him a small glare.

"Ash; what I mean is are you making friends and staying it touch with them?"

"Yeah I have some of their numbers on my pokedex."

"Have you been getting along with Misty too?"

"Well mostly. we argue from time to time but where is this coming from mom?" Ash asked curious to where this talk is going.

Delia looked at her son with mix emotions; concern and bittersweet happiness.

"I'm just asking dear. I want you to experience more out of life than just Pokemon Battles. Not there is anything wrong with them just don't be so focused on them that you miss out on friendships and new experiences. As for Misty; I know she likes you Ash." Ash felt his cheeks burn a bit. "Maybe more than a friend or maybe being close friends I don't know. But I do know she is wonderful girl and she has had an influence on you hasn't she."

Again Ash blushed a little redder and said nothing but nodded. Misty had always been with him since his first day of his journey. Though they fought and argue a lot they always seem to get back on track as friends. Plus Misty always had some advice for him to better himself as a Pokemon trainer. Then Delia had a serious look.

"Ash I want you to promise me that if you every have a low point in your travels or something happens that makes you sad; you don't push your friends away especially Misty when they try to help you."

Ash gave his mother a confused look but knew what she meant. "Okay mom I will."

They shared one last smile and Delia said she need to clear up the garden and she will said their goodbyes and Ash turned back to safe the press and media for his opinion of the match and what he was going to do next.

The next several days went fast for our young champion. Doing interviews and press conferences; but all that was over. Now he was heading home to see his mom and Professor Oak again. With him Misty was walking with him holding her Togapi in her arms. Tracey had gone home to sketch more Pokemon he saw before going to Professor Oak's . As they drew closer to Pallet Town dark storm cloud loomed ahead. Ash smile grew wider and ran to his house with Misty coming up behind.

But when he got to the house he found it was closed up. The windows were closed and the shutters were shut too. This really confused; his mom never closed up the house like this even during a storm when he was small.

"Maybe she went to Professor Oak's. That storm is coming in quick maybe it's going to be a nasty one." Misty said looking up at the sky.

"Maybe..." Ash muttered "But mom didn't leave any note or something to tell me." He said a little confused.

They made it to Professor Oak's just as the rain was coming down. Ash quickly made up to the lab and looked around for his mom but saw only Professor Oak siting on a sofa holding a picture frame.

"Ummm Professor where is my mom?" But Professor Oak remained quiet. "I want to show her my trophy." He put his pack on the ground and pulled out his trophy. It was 20 inches tall and solid gold. "Umm professor you alright?"

Misty set Togapi down so he can play with Pikachu and the other Pokemon. And she walked up to the professor. "Please Professor Oak what is the matter."

"I'm so so sorry Ash." Ash was still confused "What?"

"Ash your... your..." he tried to speak but he was holding back his tears "Ash your mother is dead."

Ash froze where he stood. The trophy he was holding fell to the floor. Misty gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as tears pooling in her eyes. Professor Oak began to sob again "She was in her garden tending her flowers when an ekans bite her. The bite was on her wrist and the poison traveled throughout her body. There was nothing we could do for her when we found her. Ash I'm... ASH!"

But Ash had bolted out of the lab into the rain. He ran and ran through the rain. His tears where mixed with rain but he felt the grief catching up. He started to faultier in his step till he finally buckled and fell to his knees balling out his soul. Then he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his chest and a head on his shoulders. He turned his head to see Misty crying into his back. Her red hair was sticking over her forehead and onto his shirt. Ash struggled to get his emotions in check but see her as broken as him set him back into brokenness. He turned to hold her and pulled her into a hug botching crying as the heavens themselves were crying over the loss of such a woman.

Five years later Ash had become cold and emotional closed to everyone. Only a handful of people every truly show any emotion. He had moved in with Misty and her sisters in Cerulean City. Misty become a sister he never had. She was the support him during his dark days after his mother died. To Misty Delia was a mother to her she never had. She and her sisters lost their parents in a boating accident when she was a baby. For Ash he continued his journey but his life was more direct and no goofing off as a child. He grew up during his travels and made several accomplishments. He took down all of the Pokemon gangs from team rocket in Kanto to team flare In Kalos.

Then one night when Ash had returned from Kalos as the new champion, he felt a presence in the kitchen. At first he went for his Pokemon but the aura coming off this person was calm and good but Ash still on alert. He opened the door and went straight for the kitchen where a man with white hair and small glasses in a black suit with tints of green was drinking coffee.

"It is usually a guest comes to the owners house on invitation, not on his own whim." Ash said darkly to his 'guest'.

"Sorry but where I'm from there no possible way to send a message here to Kanto. My name is Professor Ozpin and I come from the country known as Vale. Hear of it?" taking a sip of his coffee.

Ash was shocked but didn't let his face show it. "Only in rumors and stories from ancient times. A friend of my Cynthia tried to look into the nation but came up empty. From what I've heard is that the nation was founded centuries ago but was lost where by conquest or natural disasters I don't know."

Ozpin chuckled at that. "I would have been surprised if you found out any more than that. The nations of Vale and Atlas still exist today but is not aloud to interact with the outside world. But that can be talked over on another day."

"What do you really want? and I know it wasn't for the history lesson."

"I sent my sister away from Vale to Kanto over two decades ago hoping she have a better life away from the horrors of our home."

"I may be the champion of Kanto but I can help in missing persons..." Ash replied getting a glass of water.

"She died." He said looking at his coffee cup with sadness. Ash stopped moving and slow turned back at the Professor. He could feel the sadness of this person thanks to his aura skills. But something shook him to his core what Ozpin said next.

"I never expected her son to have such control over his aura."

"What do you..."

"Delia was my little sister Ash. I'm your uncle."

Ash looked at the man with both confusion and suspicion.

"How can I know your not lying to me?" Ash asked readying himself for any attack.

"You can sense my aura Ash. You already know the answer."

Ash did know the answer but only relaxed his posture but not his mind.

Ozpin stood up "I came here to ask for your help. Vale is under siege by forces we are not sure of but all we know is that they have no regard to human or any walks of life. We need young people to help us with strong aura You have just unlocked the potential of your aura. With proper training you can become a Hunter who could protect the people of Vale and help defeat the darkness. If the hunters and huntresses fail to stop this darkness all life on the planet will be destroyed."

Ash actually twitched a bit at that last part but made no really emotion.

"So you want me to help save the world." Ash said almost laughing as he turned to walk down the hall out of the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with five pokeballs and a Pikachu on his shoulder.

Ozpin grinned "So your wiling to come with me to Vale." But his grin faded as Ash got right up into his face with a cold icy glare. "Let's get somethings clear. I'm in not doing this for you or for the world. I'm doing this so my sisters can have a good life. They save me from myself and i will not let anything happen to them. If I have to die so that they can live so be it. But this is some sort of bullshit plan just to reconnect with me then I will disappear and you will never hear the name Ash Ketchum again. Are we clear."

Ozpin knew that Ash would have sealed up his emotions but he didn't expect him to be have such a heartless mask over his broken heart. It would take time to open back up but everything takes time.

"Absolutely." He replied. Ash nodded "Good so when do we leave."
