A/N: Frick, I am so Haikyuu trash right now I can't even. This is only an experimental story and goodness knows if I'll actually continue it...

I just needed this in my life.

I've read a lot of fem!OC centric Haikyuu fics and one of the common themes for Oikawa/OC fics is that he, the school prince archetype, falls for the girl that doesn't treat him like the rest of his fangirls or vice versa. Said girl may be tsundere or kuudere usually. It's a good old cliche that I like so I decided to apply it here but with a twist.

Genre: Family/Romance/Slice of Life


One way or another, the Makoshima children have been dogged by misfortune ever since the beginning. Different people cope in different ways, and the Makoshima siblings are no exception. One expressed his emotions through violence and found himself the victim of the same violence he gave to others. Another attempts to seal her emotion deep within herself to attain the necessary skills to survive and protect. And, for most of her life, the music of worry was her only familiar for the third.

You can't keep running away from the past.

Because, in the end, it'll catch up to you, push you down, and, if gruesome enough, eventually kill you.

On the flip side, we have Oikawa Tooru. Perfect family, perfect friends, and at the peak of his high school career. But not even the Prince of Aobajosai is without his flaws.

Who says you can't inadvertently become an honorary member of your kindergarten bully's family while trying to get petty revenge on the same kindergarten bully? Oikawa Tooru certainly can, after all.

"Ne, Makoshima-san!"

Two figures turned around, making the boy who had called out backpedal.

"Sorry, I meant the boy Makoshima."

The girl turned to her brother, scrutinising his flustered expression for an instant before walking ahead. "Okay. I'll head down to the convenience store and we can meet back at the old cherry blossom tree. Is that okay, Tadashi-nii-san?"

He nodded in confirmation.

"See you soon then."

As soon as she was gone, her raven locks swaying with the wind, the boy's face twisted into one of pure contempt as he regarded Tadashi.

"You piece of shit. How dare you show your face here again."


Iwaizumi Hajime sighed before turning around to face his ever exasperating best friend. "What do you want, Shittykawa? It's way too early in the morning to deal with your crap."

Oikawa Tooru pouted at him but allowed the insult to slide. "Didn't you hear, Iwa-chan? There's supposed to be a new student transferring today."

"Oh?" Personally, Iwaizumi could care less. It wasn't uncommon for students to transfer to Aobajosai, the school being one of the most prestigious in the Miyagi Prefecture. "And...?"

"We should use is opportunity to snag you a girlfriend! Emiko-chan told me that the transfer is super cute. Maybe she goes for the broody ones?"

Scowling, Iwaizumi halfheartedly cuffed Oikawa on the head. "Don't be stupid. How do you even know that the new student is a girl? What if they happen to be male? Ever consider that, Bakawa?"

"Mean, Iwa-chan!" He huffed. "And for your information, Emiko-chan told me herself that the transfer is a cute third year girl and we all know that her information is always right." The brunet tapped his chin in slight contemplation. "I wonder if she's a tsun-tsun? If she is, you'd definitely get along well~"

As the pair made their way to their morning classes, two new faces entered the school from the opposite side. It was mostly the attention from their new female peers that they drew, though more glances were spared toward the boy than the girl.

This was likely so as, at first glance, she wasn't much to look at. She was by no means ugly, but she blended naturally in the crowd with her pristine uniform and her charcoal black hair. From the back, she would look like almost any other person in the Aobajosai female population. If everyone lived in a shoujo manga, she would undoubtedly be marked as a background character.

But the boy, however, certainly was something to look at. After all, not many people had pale blonde hair that was nearly white in Japan with a handsome face to boot. Though the physical appeal was lost to some when they saw his nervous, flustered expression, a bold contrast to the girl's unreadable mask.

"Naoko-chan..." The boy hunched forward to hide his face as well as lower his eye level to match hers. "Everyone is staring..."

"Just ignore it, Tadashi-nii-san. Your novelty will wear off next week." Even as she said this, she frowned slightly. "Perhaps you should have dyed your hair black so it matches mine. Then you wouldn't garner so much attention."

"Wow... so short," one student whispered to another, not so subtly pointing at Naoko. "She's pretty cute too. If only she were taller."

"Have you seen the boy?" A female student nudged her friend. "I want to hug him soo bad!"

"Idiots," Naoko murmured under her breath. "Don't pay any attention to them, nii-san."

They stopped at the staircase which led to the third floor, where all the third year classrooms were.

Tadashi stared up at the vast stairwell, balking.

A comforting hand landed on his shoulder and he relaxed, having come to recognise his sister's reassuring touches. He shifted his head to face her serious face.

"You'll be fine," Naoko told him, her grip on his shoulder firm. "Now go up there's before you're late." Her expression softened. "I'm sorry I can't join you. I should have behaved better at our old school. Maybe then Aobajosai could let me skip a grade so we could be together, nii-san."

"It's okay," Tadashi mumbled. "I'll... be fine."

Naoko hugged him, squeezing him tightly as she did. "Good luck. If anyone talks to you, just answer politely. No need to make so much conversation."

As she watched her brother disappear up to the third floor, Naoko leaned against the wall and sighed through her nose. Already, she could tell that his was going to be a long year. Perhaps she should have chosen to go to Karasuno High instead. That country bumpkin high school seemed more docile than Aobajosai.

Oikawa yawned, slumping over his desk. So bored... When is the student going to come? After all the hype, I want to see her. Unfortunately, no one in his circle of close friends were in his class, which meant he had to entertain himself.

The bell had rang five minutes ago and the teacher was hastily sorting through his notes and trying to figure out how to start the lesson. The class had already said their good mornings (headed by the class representative) and were waiting for the lesson to begin.

Oikawa, however, was waiting to see a cute, hopefully tsundere third year female walk through the doors. And he wasn't the only one. Many of his male classmates, judging from their goofy expressions, seemed to be having the same thoughts as Oikawa or at least something along those lines.

The difference between them and the volleyball Captain was that Oikawa would never let his true feelings show, opting instead to put on the mask that everyone loved. In actuality, he had not been that excited when he had been told by Emiko, the gossipy president of the Student Council, that a "cute girl" was transferring today. He had figured that she would be just like the rest of them and go after him solely based on his looks and boyish charm. But all the attention this mysterious girl had received was really driving him toward the edge of his curiosity.

"Oh! Ishida just texted me saying that she's super short!"

"Ahh! Cute! I love short, petite girls!"

Oikawa spared the two male speakers a quick glance of disbelief, as much surprise as he was willing to show. They sound like old perverts. Don't they have a filter? If I said that, Iwa-chan would spike a volleyball in my face.

"There was a guy walking with her," one girl piped up. "Maybe he's her boyfriend!"

"Could be... but they could also be brother and sister, Yumi-chan."

"No way," said a third girl. "Yuzuru told me that he has blonde hair and she has black hair. They can't be related like that."

"Boyfriend or not," the first girl said, stealing a glance at Oikawa, who had now sat up and was leaning against the window. "She'd better stay away from Oikawa."

The pleading look she gave him disgusted Oikawa to some extent, but he smiled an award winning smile at her anyway, knowing that she needed some of his honeyed words to remedy her worries. "No need to worry, Anzu-chan~ My heart doesn't belong to anyone... yet," he added slyly.

As Oikawa expected, Anzu blushed and nodded furiously. "Y-yes, Oikawa-kun!"

Ah, false hope. Something that Oikawa was used to administering to his loyal fangirls though it was not something he enjoyed. As for why he did it, he wasn't truly sure himself, though Iwaizumi liked to say that it was because he needed the girls around to stroke his ego.

Then the doors slid open and everyone fell silent, their eyes landing on an unfamiliar face.

An unfamiliar male face.

After the shock wore off, the whispers immediately began to circulate.

"Ehh?! That doesn't look like any cute girl to me!"

"Is he in the wrong place?"

"I don't like the look of him... hmph... he's asking to be beat up."

On the flip side, the girls' whispers were much kinder albeit forward.

"Ooh! He's so cute. I wonder if he's single?"

"He's got that virgin air about him. I'd like to be the one to take it..."

"Eh? Ami-chan? You're already writing a confession letter?"

At his seat by the window, Oikawa resisted the urge to groan and slam his head onto the desk. All this hype for nothing?! He was wrong apparently; Emiko wasn't always right. And now he had to deal with the horrible anticlimax. What a letdown...

At the front of the classroom, the teacher was urging the new kid to introduce himself. After lots of stuttering, the poor boy managed to spit out the most basic introduction.

"M-my name i-is Tadashi Makoshima. Please take care of me!" He bowed at the waist, allowing Oikawa's sharp eyes to see the beads of nervous sweat that had accumulated on the back of his neck.

When Tadashi made no move to lift his head, the teacher cleared his throat. "You can get up now, Makoshima-san. Please take a seat in front of Oikawa." He gestured to the male in question, who flashed Tadashi one of his girl-charming grins.

"Yes, sensei!"

Moving robotically, he took his seat, hastily setting down his bag before getting his books out and setting them on his desk.

"Yoohoo~" Oikawa prodded Tadashi in the back with his pencil as the teacher turned to write notes on the chalkboard. "Dashi-chan?"

"H-huh?" Tadashi nearly jumped out of his skin. "Dashi-chan...? Me?"

"Yes, you. I was wondering if you could lend me your sharpener? Mine seems to have broken."

"Oh, s-sure. No problem."

As Tadashi dug through his pencil case, Oikawa wondered what could possibly be making this tall, handsome creature (in the eyes of the ladies) nervous. Usually, guy with his looks tended to be egotistical and walk with a confident swagger. Heck, Oikawa himself was living, breathing proof of that trope.

When the teacher turned around again, the blonde boy handed Oikawa his sharpener before getting it back a few seconds later.

"Thanks, Dashi-chan. I'm Oikawa Tooru by the way."

"Nuh... Nice to meet you."

Oikawa smiled but, like many of his other smiles, it was not completely genuine. There was something about Tadashi that he didn't like. But, outwardly, he merely said, "I'm sure we'll get along fine."

"Too easy," Naoko scoffed to herself as she swivelled the keys to the rooftop around her index finger. "Honestly, you'd think they have better security..."

She had managed to swipe the keys straight from the secretary's office when said secretary had her back turned to receive a paper from her printer.

Naoko expertly weaved her way through the crowd of students going to lunch, tucking the keys in her uniform pocket. Unfortunately, she had not yet gotten the opportunity to visit her brother in his classroom, not wanting to cause any trouble for him. He never left during the ten minute breaks he was given, though many of his classmates likely ducked down to another classroom to visit their friends.

Tadashi was always like that.

But now it was lunchtime, and she was going to drag Tadashi out to the rooftop to eat lunch together whether he liked it or not. He still needed to report his entire day so far to her.

Luckily, all the classroom doors were open, so she could easily see the people inside. She stopped in her tracks when she spotted a familiar head of blonde hair.

That was surrounded by big, hulking third years.

They were the only ones in there, the other students having gone somewhere else for lunch. The teacher, not required to stay in the classrooms during lunch, was missing in action too.

Crap, she swore silently. She clenched her fist, her small frame shaking. As she entered the classroom, she made sure to click her shoes against the floor to announce her presence.

"Oya?" one of the third years chuckled, eyeing her hungrily. "What have we here?"

"Step away from him," Naoko ordered, ignoring his predatory gaze. Though she was easily more than a head shorter than them, she glanced up at them fearlessly.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"N-Naachan - "

"Quiet, you!"

And then the bully backhanded Tadashi, sending him sprawling against his desk. The poor boy never saw it coming.

What they hadn't seen coming, however, was Naoko's fist and foot flying into their faces.


Tadashi curled up into a ball as, with scared eyes, he watched his younger sister set herself upon the three bullies.

Cursing, one of the third years swung at the girl clumsily, only to be flipped backwards onto the ground.

Finally, Naoko's adrenaline high lowered and she regarded her brother's tormentors icily. "Get out."

They scrambled to their feet, exiting the classroom in great haste.

"I hate them," Naoko declared, helping her brother up. "I want to kill them for what they did..."

"Don't," Tadashi said softly, wincing when she gripped his hand, her fingers unintentionally digging into a forming bruise. "It's not worth it."

"Hah? What are you talking about? They hurt you! If they are dead, they'll never hurt you again."

In Naoko's mind, this was sound logic. The dead cannot harm the living. But, as much as she wanted them dead, she knew she wouldn't be able to follow through with murder. "Tell me if they touch you again."


Naoko's gaze hardened. "I'm serious, nii-san. If you don't tell me, how can I take care of the problem?"

Tadashi nodded. "I know."

As he hung his head, Naoko was tugged on his sleeve. "Come on," she urged, her tone gentler. "Let's go to the rooftop and eat. I stole the keys."

"Eeh?! Again? This is the third school that we've been to that you stole something..."

Naoko didn't bother defending herself. Instead, she smiled and tugged on his sleeve, guiding him out of the classroom.

It had been hard not to intervene for Oikawa. Especially when poor Tadashi was so totally outnumbered and outclassed. Iwaizumi would be flaming mad if he ever found out about Oikawa's lack of action.

Oikawa was never a fan of bullying. But halfway through their first period, Oikawa had realised just who Tadashi was.

A man that wasn't worth saving in Oikawa's opinion. Not when, Oikawa remembered how Tadashi had wronged him.

As perfect as Aobajosai's female population deemed him to be, the Prince of Aobajosai was not without his flaws.

Pettiness just happened to be one of his many flaws, his strange rivalry with Tobio Kageyama, a genius setter, an example of his pettiness.

That same flaw came into play here.

Tadashi Makoshima. Nothing more than a bully.

A kindergarten bully to be exact.

And boy did Oikawa hate the guy.

But then Tadashi had been ganged up on...

And Oikawa had just left him there. He had pretended to be occupied on his phone not too far away from the scene, leaning against the wall of the outside corridor.

Then she had arrived and had taken out those gorillas like they were nothing.

Curious and curiouser... Who is she? I've never seen her before.

Oikawa made up his mind: One, to get revenge, and two, to find out more about the little fighter girl.

Though he didn't know it now, Oikawa may come to regret ever tangling with the Makoshima family.