"I hope you have good news, Arthur," Minerva McGonagall asked immediately after entering The Burrow. The Order member leaned back in his chair and sighed. He had had a long, eventful day.

"For once, Minerva, I do." He smiled, tiredly.

"Well?" The witch pushed after a moment of silence. "What is it?" Arthur opened his eyes slowly. Whatever his news was must be incredible. The anticipation was eating away at her.

"I've gotten word from the searchers. Albus's help has paid off. They've located and destroyed a horcrux. And they know where the next one is."

The older witch's jaw dropped. Of course this was the kind of news The Order had been dreaming of, but until Albus's portrait (which she had managed to smuggle out of Hogwarts) had, reluctantly, decided to share the information he had given Harry, she thought they might never see any progress. It was incredibly unfortunate of course that Minerva needed to tell the portrait about the boy's capture before it was decided that The Order would need to find the remaining horcruxes without him.

"How? Where was it?"

"I don't know all the details, but I'm told they had to make some questionable decisions and take some actions that fall into some morally grey areas, but the horcrux was in the Lestrange vault at Gringotts."

"Is everyone alright?"

"I believe so. Some minor burns though."

"Right. That's good then." McGonagall finally leaned back in her chair. She hadn't realized that she was leaning so far into the conversation the entire time. Her back was starting to hurt. "And the next? Where is it?"

"That one might be quite a bit trickier. It's in Dolores Umbridge's custody." Minerva grimaced. She couldn't think of an easy way to get it away from that horrid woman, whatever form it took. The two sat in silence for a bit, before Minerva broke it once more.

"And Potter?" Arthur's face turned grim.

"None on him or Hermione. We're unable to confirm or deny whether they've actually been taken. They left no way to communicate since they left for their search. I'm afraid we can only assume what Severus claimed is true.

The wizened witch's emotions were in turmoil. She cared for both young people as though they were her own family. But now she was certain they were taken by a werewolf, being tortured, and probably turned. There was a full moon recently. They would both be cursed with lycanthropy by then.

"Very well," was all she said before standing to take her leave. "Stay safe, Arthur."


"Alpha?" I was hoping to have a word." Fenrir turned from his place overlooking the construction of a large, new home. It was almost complete and Auguste and his wife would be moving in soon. Good thing too, if they planned to continue to have more litters, which of course they did.

"Yes Auguste?" Speak of the devil. "What can I help you with?" The Alpha threw an arm around the smaller werewolf's shoulders and led them in the direction of the food hall. It was nearly lunch time.

"Word's gotten around about your new mates and…Becca was sort of hoping to meet them." The bespectacled young man told him.

"Oh? Why's that?" Fenrir asked warily. His mates were still new to the pack and he couldn't have anyone negatively their grooming. They would be perfect mates for him as long as he manipulated them just the right way.

"Well, you know she was the only unbitten mate in the pack, until yours came. I think she just wants to connect or something." Fenrir took time to think as they entered the building and collected their meals. It was chili. As they took their seats, Fenrir finally responded.

"I haven't spoken with your wife in some time. I'd like to see her when we're done here, if that's alright." Auguste perked up and beamed at him.

"Yes, Alpha! She would be delighted." The pack leader nodded and began eating, silently signaling that his companion may begin as well.

When they finished, Auguste put a plate together for his wife and the pair made their way to his cabin. It was on the outskirts of the camp, since the couple enjoyed privacy from the large pack, so a bit of walking was required. When they approached the door, Auguste pushed it open with the hand not carrying his wife's lunch and led Fenrir inside.

"Becca, dear. I'm back. Alpha's here too." Fenrir stepped into the cabin and his eyes almost immediately found the werewolf mate inside. She was sitting on the small rug by the fireplace, keeping warm. She needed the fire's heat, considering she was completely naked.

"Alpha! It's so nice to see you!" She exclaimed, taking a few moments to stand, thanks to her heavily pregnant stomach.

"Thank you, Becca. I thought I would drop by and see how you were doing." He watched as the naked woman slowly waddled over to him, starry-eyed and smiling.

"Oh, thank you for thinking of me. You're too kind," she replied as she stopped in front of the two men.

"How have you been? Are you still happy with pack life?" The Alpha invited himself to one of the seats at their kitchen table and the couple followed.

"Yes, Alpha," she smiled dreamily at Fenrir. "As long as I have my Auguste, pack life couldn't be better."

Fenrir observed the brunette for a moment. He took in her expression. She was smiling brightly, her eyes wide and innocent, almost dazed. His eyes travelled lower, taking in the multiple bite marks covering her neck, legs, shoulder, arms, and breasts. The light scars weren't the only eye-catching feature of her breasts through, a bar of metal had been pierced through each nipple, reflecting the light of the fire.

"And how do you like those?" Fenrir asked, motioning to the piercings. Looking down at them, the woman took one of the bars between her fingers and twisted it.

"Auguste told he'd like me to get them and he loves them. So do I." Her smile grew bigger and her eyes drifted shut as her other hand began playing with her other piercing. "Aren't they pretty?"

Yes, they were. The Alpha gazed at her as she fondled her breasts some more, before turning to look at the woman's husband. Auguste wasn't paying any attention to his Alpha; he was staring at his wife, eyes suddenly dark and hungry. He licked hi lips and Fenrir could almost hear a faint predatory growl from the man who was usually upbeat and smiling.

"Alright then, I'll leave you two alone. I'm sure you'll meet my mates very soon, Becca." The woman's eyes opened slightly and her glassy gaze met Fenrir's.

"That would be lovely, Alpha. I can't wait."

As Fenrir closed the front door behind him, he could hear a passionate snarl come from Auguste, and a crash as the young wolf knocked over whatever was on their kitchen table to get to his wife. It was good to know the couple still had the same effect on each other as when Auguste first brought her to the camp. They really were the model couple for the pack.

Thinking, the Alpha made his way back to the food hall to collect lunch for his mates.


Hermione woke to pressure in her pelvis, painful pressure. She shifted in bed, turned to her side, and curled into a ball. Nothing helped. Her drowsy mind needed to wake up a little more before she thought to throw the sheet covering her to the side.

A red patch was slowly growing between her legs. Then she realized. It was that time of the month.

If she had her period, that meant Fenrir had failed to get her pregnant. He would surely be disappointed. Would he be angry? Maybe. Would he hurt her? She hoped not. But…maybe she deserved it. When Hermione thought about it, the Alpha really only wanted one thing from her: to be a good mate and give him pups. That shouldn't be so difficult. And he had fed her, housed her, and would give her pleasure. Would he throw her out when he noticed what happened? Life could be good here with him, and Hermione had grown weary of the constant fighting she had to join in the world outside.

The door clicked. Quickly, Hermione brought the sheet back to cover her lower area and the blood patch.

"Alpha!" The title fell easily from the witch's lips now, as the werewolf stepped inside. She sat up, leaving her chest uncovered, hoping it would distract from the fact that she hadn't stood up for him.

"Little mate." Fenrir stood in front of the door and stared at the sight before him, thinking. After a moment though, he closed the door and deposited the witch's lunch on the small table.

"Come eat, Sweeting."

She wasn't sure what to do. He wanted her to sit at the table, but if she stood, he would see her failure. He was getting impatient. So, head hanging low, Hermione stood from her bed, revealing the red stain and took a seat at the table, bundling her sheet with her. She didn't want to bleed everywhere.

"What's this?" The witch kept her eyes low, focused on her meal. She knew though what he had seen. "Won't you say anything?" Tears gathered in Hermione's eyes and her throat constricted.

"I'm sorry…" she choked a sob and her head and shoulders drooped lower.

Fenrir looked at the pitiful sight before him. His bitch was crying because she got her monthlies? She had apologized though. Perhaps she was sorry because he didn't get what he wanted from her, a litter. She kept crying and Fenrir came to a decision. He had been mulling over the thought during his walk here, but if his mate was looking for forgiveness…

"Sweeting, don't worry. You can make it up to me." The witch's sobs subsided and she warily glanced up at her Alpha.

"You're not mad?"

"Not as long as you come with me right now."

"Come with you?"


"Out…there?" Hermione asked again, pointing at the front door.

Hm, it was true it would be the first time he'd allowed either of his mates outside their cabins since he brought them to camp. But it could be a good test of her loyalty.

"Yes, little mate. Come with me." He extended a hand to her. She took it quickly, eager to avoid punishment. Standing, she tried to keep the sheet around herself. The Alpha noticed this and stilled her hands.

"No need for that, Sweeting." Fenrir swiftly undid the knot she had made and the cloth fell to the floor, leaving her nude. The werewolf moved to pull her towards the door again, but was stopped when Hermione stayed standing where she was.

The witch was peering down at the sheet on the floor, and the red spot that had gathered on it. Fenrir rolled his eyes and pulled his wand out of his back pocket. A few quick scourgifies and a charm to keep the girl clean did the trick. She still seemed apprehensive about her nakedness though.

"Are you ashamed?" He asked her.

"Of…you? N-no." Hermione brought her arms to cover her private areas, but her Alpha unwound them.

"You are my mate. A place of honor. You should show yourself off with pride." Taking her hand once more, he led her, with a bit more strength, to the door.

She froze when the door opened. Had it been so easy to get out of her cabin? Her Alpha simply opened the door for her? This was something she'd been trying to accomplish for weeks, but suddenly, the thought of escape terrified her. Hermione Granger had been afraid many times in her life, but she had always had to take care of herself. This time, though, her Alpha would protect her. If she was a good mate and did as he asked, he would take care of her and make her feel good for the rest of her life. So, mustering up some courage, she stepped out of the cabin, and into bright sunlight.

She followed him past another small cabin next door, and through rows of other, larger cabins, before they came upon a central area to the camp. Dozens of people were milling about. Slowly though, they each began to notice the Alpha and the small, naked young woman by his side.


"Not to worry. They admire you." And it must've been true, because as the couple walked through the crowd, every single person was smiling brightly at her. This realization gave the young woman renewed confidence and she stood just a little bit taller, even with her body on display for everyone to see. Perhaps being mate to the pack Alpha was something she really should be proud of.

Before long, the pair approached another cabin. Fenrir knocked and a man's voice called out from inside that he was coming. The lock clicked and a large, tattooed man stood in the entranceway.

"Alpha! What a surprise. How can I help you?"

"Hey, Donny. I was hoping you had some time free to do me a favor," Fenrir responded, motioning to the petite witch beside him. If the other man was surprised by the young woman's presence or her nudity, he gave no indication of it. Instead, he smiled and ushered them both inside his home. He led them past the kitchen, and into a back room that had all sorts of gadgets and interesting artwork adorning the walls. Fenrir walked Hermione to the large chair that sat in the center of the space and instructed her to sit.

"So, what'll it be?" Donny asked as he began washing his hands in the sink against the wall.

"I've liked your work with Becca. Was hoping you could to the same with my little mate here." The large man glanced at Hermione, giving her a once-over.


"Both." Donny nodded and pulled on a pair of sterile gloves.

"So," the tattooed man said, turning to Hermione again. "You ready?"

"Uh…ready for what?" Donny chuckled good-naturedly and pulled out twin small metal bars.

Hermione was far from stupid. This was clearly a tattoo parlor. And she was aware that, in many cases, tattoo artists also did piercings, but…

"My ears are already pierced."

"They're not for your ears, sweetheart." Both men chuckled again and the witch couldn't pretend not to know what she was there for. She knew she had experienced pain before, but something about what she was expected to do now made her start to panic. He breathing became erratic, and her eyes darted around the room in fear.

"Sweeting," Fenrir spoke, placing his hand in her hair to gently direct her to look at him. "Calm yourself."

The reaction was instantaneous. She met his eyes as he spoke and the fog crept on her. Her heartrate slowed and she felt as her muscles relaxed into the chair she sat on. Seemingly for extra insurance, the werewolf trailed his thumb down her neck and grazed her mark. The shiver that coursed through her caused her to sink even more into the chair and a soft sigh escaped her lips.

Donny glanced at Fenrir for the ok to go. The Alpha nodded his approval and the tattooed man began his work.

It went by much faster than Hermione thought it would. Or maybe it was because she was under the influence of her bond, since Fenrir was stroking her mark the entire time the needles went through her nipples. She hardly felt a thing.

"I've charmed them so they'll heal within the next half hour, but they'll still be a bit red for the rest of the day," Donny informed his pack leader. Hermione was floating on a cloud and could only follow as her mate thanked the fellow pack member for his services and led her back outside.

She drifted by the other werewolves they passed, and they smiled and greeted her warmly from afar. They wouldn't dare approach her unless they were introduced by their Alpha first, especially because they could tell she clearly wasn't fully within her mind. Eventually the couple returned to her cabin and she was seated back at her small table, continuing the meal that they had interrupted for their excursion. It had grown cold, so Fenrir warmed it quickly with a charm before he left her alone in the cabin to stew in her hazy euphoria once more.