Miami's most notorious criminals were together, all of them waiting when Memmo Fierro came into the room.

"Alright everybody listen up!" He spoke up.

A hush came over the room as Memmo looked around making sure that everyone was paying attention.

"I know most of you are wondering why I called this meeting, because together we all have a vendetta against Horatio Caine." He turned his eyes towards each person seeing heads nodding in agreement.

"What exactly are you suggesting?" Joe Lebrock Inquired.

"I say we need to use Caine's weak spots against him." Fierro Announced.

"It use to be his beloved wife, now our focus is on his team, the people he cares about most." He paused

"Each of you will be responsible for nabbing at least one of them. Once we have all of them, we can get anything we want from Caine if he wants his people kept alive." Memmo explained.

Clavo rubbed his hands together and chuckled. "I like this assignment!" He leaned forward.

"Hey I got dibs on the hot blond!"

"Should be easy considering I have some inside advantages." Ron Saris stated.

"Stick to the plan and we can take Caine down!" Memmo shouted, raising a fist in the air.

Natalia walked out of her apartment pulling the door shut behind her before turning back to lock it.

She looked up and was suddenly staring down the barrel of a gun.

"Long time no see, Natalia isn't it?" Ron Smiled maliciously.

"What do you want Saris?" Natalia questioned.

"You'll find out later but for now get out your cellphone." He waved the gun.

She narrowed her eyes in confusion and reached into her pocket and pulled it out.

"Good, go ahead, call Horatio, let him know you aren't feeling well and won't be working today."

Natalia lifted the phone to her ear, listening to the ringing before it went to voice mail. She closed her eyes.

"Don't even think about trying to tip him off!" Ron pulled the clip back.

She sighed. "Horatio its Natalia, I won't be in today, I've gotten a little bit sick, hopefully I'll be better tomorrow."

Ron quickly snatched the phone out of her hand.

" See? That was easy, you first and your friends later!"

(Eric & Calleigh's House)

Calleigh came back inside. "The kids are on the bus and off to school."

"Ok are you ready to go to work?" Eric asked.

"Actually you can go ahead and I will meet you there after I finish running those errands." Calleigh answered pulling her purse on.

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" Eric continued.

"I wish but I just heard from Horatio that Nat is out sick today so.." She told him shrugging her shoulders.

"Alright I'll see you later then." He leaned forward so they could kiss before parting ways.

(Crime Scene)

"What have we got Alexx?" Horatio asked leaning down on one knee.

"Gunshot victim, through and through." She got closer and pointed.

"Looks like it entered here to the lower lung, broke though one of the ribs." Alexx turned the body over. "And exited here." She showed him the wound.

"Alexx that doesn't look like a clean shot." Horatio noticed.

Alexx shook her head. "Nope it's possible he could have been caught in a crossfire."

"Hey H I think I found the bullet!" Ryan stated white trying to dig it out of a concrete parking barrier.

Once it was out he reached into his kit, pulled out a small evidence bag and dropped the bullet inside.

He handed the bag to Horatio who lifted it up to take a better look at it.

"Ok let's get this to the lab please." Horatio requested giving it back to Ryan.

Horatio walked over to Kara, just as she put the camera in her hands down on the ground.

"You have something?" He turned his head.

"Broken glass, there was most likely a car here but I don't think they were in any rush, no tire tracks." She looked up at him.

"Have a window shot out but still not in any hurry to leave." He remarked and looked off into the distance.

"Maybe they weren't here during the shooting, came back to find it like this and chose not to report it." Kara suggested.

"Maybe." He responded.

Kara closed her kit and stood up. "I'll take another look around."

(Dade National Bank)

Calleigh walked out to her car in the parking lot pointing the key towards it signaling the lights to blink. She reached out for the handle only to freeze when she felt something pushed into her back.

"Woman with a weapon, that's hot!" Clavo blurted out.

"A woman shooting a bad guy is even better." Calleigh retorted.

Clavo smirked. "Ceasar!" He called out.

Ceasar Soto appeared and yanked Calleigh's purse from her shoulder.

"Both of you are making a mistake."

"Not this time." Clavo answered.

Ceasar dug through her bag, once he found the cellphone he handed it to Clavo.

Clavo slipped it into his pocket. "Ok hands up."

"Don't do this Clavo!" Calleigh insisted.

"Shut up!" Ceasar shouted. He opened the door to Calleigh's vehicle and tossed her bag inside.

Clavo took her weapon and placed it into his waistband, He then leaned forward and kissed her neck.

Calleigh cringed, she swung her arm back in attempt to smack him but was stopped when Ceasar grabbed her wrist and shoulder, pulling her back and swung her around pushing Calleigh up to the car next to her own.

Clavo reached inside an open window pulling out a cloth, he pushed it against her face.

Within seconds she fell back into Ceasar's arms.

Both men promptly lifted her into the car.

(The Lab)

The elevator doors opened. Horatio looked up and saw Eric waiting for him.

"H, have you heard from Calleigh?"

"No I haven't."

Eric sighed. "She was suppose to be here by now and she's not answering her phone."

"She was suppose to be running errands right?" Horatio recalled.

"Yeah, why?"

"Horatio looked down. "Eric go and retrace her steps, let me know what you find."

Eric nodded. "Yeah ok." He walked past him and pushed the elevator button.

Horatio continued down the hall until he found Ryan and Kara who were working on processing the shooting victim's clothes.

"How's it going so far?" Horatio spoke up,

"A work in progress." Ryan raised his eyes up from the scope.

" I've got some trace I was about to take to Valera, but it could take some time, she's pretty swamped with Natalia not here today." Kara explained.

"Speaking of which has Calleigh made any progress with the bullet?" Ryan mentioned.

"She has not made it in, Eric is trying to find out where she is." He told them.

"Ok so what next Horatio?" Ryan wondered.

"In the mean time both of you head back to the scene and try to find out where the shots originated from, there were stores nearby talk with them and see if we might have any potential witnesses ok?"

Ryan nodded. "Ok we are on it!"

(Bull Pen)

Frank pulled out a file, he placed it on the desk and opened it.

He began shuffling through the pages.

"Let's see, noise complaints, disturbances, car accidents, oh here's one, report of gunshots but the calls that came in couldn't get anyone to narrow down the specific location." Frank acknowledged, looking back towards Horatio.

"No one?" Horatio questioned.

Frank turned another page. "Well seem like those that called had maybe done a little to much partying, hard to get details in their conditions."

Horatio began to say something when his phone started ringing.

"Yeah Eric?"

"Horatio I found Calleigh's car, her purse is inside with stuff spilled out of it, but she's nowhere to be found, I'm worried now."

"Ok we'll be right there, hang tight." Horatio pressed another number on the keypad and waited for an answer.

"Ryan I need you both to meet me at Dade National Bank as soon as possible, yes ok bye." Horatio placed the phone back into his suit jacket.

"Problem?" Frank asked.

"It appears that way, I'll keep you updated." Horatio finished before taking off in a hurry.