My mind was screaming at me to run, but I was shocked to stiffness by the sight in front of me.

The person was wearing filthy clothes, covered in grime and dirt, wearing shoes that were visibly ripped to shreds, and holding a metal baseball bat in one hand. I assumed that was the cause of the ominous knocks and scraping from earlier. A somewhat tattered hood was also covering their head, though not tattered enough for me to take a peek at their identity. From the outline of their form, I could only guess that they were male. And once they spoke, I mentally confirmed that my prediction was true.

"What're you doing here all alone, love?" He asked flatly when he readjusted his grip on the handle of the bat, causing it to swing some back and forth. I took a few steps back, unsure and afraid behind whatever intention there was for the man to have a baseball bat at this time of night. Of course, I wobbled a bit with each step in my tipsy state.

"I'm waiting for someone."

"Doesn't seem like it," he rasped. The man seemingly inspected his bat, also holding the hollowed part in his opposite hand. With the way his voice sounded, it was like his throat was getting eaten away by harmful chemicals. The possibility of drug use and alcohol caused me to become a little more frightened of this mysterious figure whilst he advanced towards me. I began to take slow, wobbly steps backwards, running my hand along the wall for support.

Dino, where the hell are you?

The man gave up on slowly stalking me and decided to take a few long strides, almost at arms' distance. As soon as he reached for my jacket, I jerked away, whipped around, and began running in the heels I shouldn't have been wearing. Soon enough, I was hearing the pursuing thumps of the man's shoes.

"Dino!" I screamed as the man yanked the collar of my jacket. "Help!" I managed to utter out before collapsing down, shouting in pain from the blunt weapon he batted me in the shin with.

The man laughed sadistically. I looked up at him from my place on the cement floor with slightly blurred eyes, the pain in my leg stinging while I held the bruised spot. I noticed him grip the bat with both hands. He brought it over his shoulder, readying it to pummel me. I raised my arms and covered my skull, cowering. My head pounded as my eyes produced the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Before I felt any impact, I heard the baseball bat clatter to the ground. I looked up in time to see Dino tackle the man to the ground. The man tried fighting against him, grunting and thrashing under Dino's hold. My eyes widened in astonishment as I watched the scene unfold.

The man freed an arm and his fist collided with Dino's face. He grunted and made eye contact with me before he shouted, "Danika, I want you to run! Go!"

"What the fuck are you gonna do with him?!" I screeched.

"Not anything bad but if he somehow escapes, you must hide until I come for you, understand?"

I nodded, picking myself off the ground and beginning to run from their plight. Oh, God. If anything happens to Dino while I'm not around him, what should I do? Should I just hide somewhere for a bit and seek out if something bad happened to him? Or should I just hide somewhere until he finds me, like he said?

Hearing a howl of pain resounding from their area, I picked up the pace in case the unknown man wasn't the one who obtained harm.

After some time, and a fair amount of blocks away from the site of the fight, I came to a stop in an alleyway between some tall buildings. I leaned against a brick wall of one of the buildings, relaxing my pounding heart. A fresh wave of dizziness washed over me and I slid down to the floor.

Out of all the outcomes I imagined prior to going to the nightclub, this wasn't one of them. I thought maybe I wouldn't get tipsy or drunk and stay alert the whole time until I decided to leave. In fact, when Dino approached me, I had decided to leave. If only he were the least bit drunk or acting like a complete and utter idiot, I would've just left him there and gone home. But no, he was kind-hearted and sweet whilst talking to me. If I left, would this be happening? Would the unknown person have beaten me? Could I have been dead?

The thought of possibly getting killed by some stranger gave me chills. I never imagined anything of the sort to happen to me. But because it almost did, it made me realize that I should be extra careful when it comes to being in this world. Shit happens. Murders happen, drugs happen, rape happens, every criminal offence happens and no one actively knows it's happening all around them. Everyone in the nightclub didn't know that I could've gotten killed because of all the loud music. They didn't know a wackjob was waiting to strike out the back. Even I'm oblivious to the things that are probably occurring ten metres away.

I put my legs out in front of me but winced as the fabric of my jeans rubbed against my recently attained bruise on my right shin. I rolled up my jeans to inspect the injury.

"Wow," I breathed, seeing that the bruise was a sickening lilac hue. Exactly how hard did that bastard stranger hit me with the metal baseball bat? Damn, I can't wear shorts for a while now. Oh well, I'm down for wearing tracksuit pants all day everyday.

My head perked up when I heard a powerful car engine pull up somewhere. I also heard a door open and close. I'm a bit insecure about the situation as I'm still sitting on the cement, but I was leaning forward with the palms of my hands behind me against the wall in case I needed to make a run for it again.

I saw a tall figure walking past an opening of the alleyway. Just as I thought they were going to pass by, they stopped abruptly, with their gaze seemingly on my sitting form. I froze up, unsure if it was another stranger or if it was Dino. I didn't dare to speak, either.

They began walking towards me and once they were close enough, I could make out the familiar colour of a formula red leather jacket. Realisation dawned on me that Dino had found me, not unscathed, but better than dead.

Realisation seemingly dawned on him, too, as he began jogging to me. When he was by my side, he knelt down and engulfed me with a warm hug that behaved as a safe haven.

"You're okay," I chuckled shakily into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his form, more than grateful to see him unharmed.

"Be that as it may," he stated, pulling away, "I hoped the same for you." He looked at my bruise and grumbled something under his breath, chiding himself.

"Oh, this? This isn't anything, really. It might stay there for a bit over a week and it'll be gone." He continued to look down. "Trust me, I'm fine," I quipped firmly. I guessed it was enough to make him look at me. He stood from his kneeling position and offered me a hand. I took it, knowing we should be on our way.

While we made our way to – what I assumed was – his car, I observed him walk by my side as his eyes assessed the area around us. I presumed Dino was just as much paranoid as me that someone else would unexpectedly meet me, with a pleasant surprise beating on the side. I also noticed that I wasn't physically wobbling with each step like previously, although the dulled dizziness was the only thing impacting on my walking in the smallest amount.

Dino fished out his car keys as we turned a corner. I stopped in my tracks, mouth agape and unable to believe my eyes. The car he owned was a Ferrari 458 Italia, my most favourite thing in the world apart from the yellow and black beast I saw prior.

Dino chuckled, pulling me out of my sudden shock. "You like it?"

"I think with the way I'm looking at it, it's a yes – whoa," I responded, seeing the two doors of the car open upwards on their own in a butterfly-like manner. How about this? I'm going to actually ride in the car to my apartment. I'm so giddy about this whole situation; it's causing me to feel lightheaded.

"You didn't expect it, did you?" He asked, smugness coating his voice. I'm laughing on the inside because I know exactly how to wipe the smirk off his face.

Raising a brow, I said, "No, but sadly for you, I think I like that Camaro I saw before better." I chuckled while his smirk dropped into a slight frown, knowing he would react the way he did. "Do you know whose it is?"

"It's Beau's," replied Dino. "You're welcome to get into the car, Signorina." He slid into the driver seat, closed the door and revved the engine of the idling vehicle, causing my brain to go haywire. Gosh, the engine sounds nice. But not as good as that Camaro's, I bet.

"Thanks. You do know I was kidding about saying the Camaro being better, right?"

His brows rose, "Oh? And how so?"

"Because I like this car as much as the Camaro," I said, slipping into the passenger seat. I was about to reach for the door handle when I noticed the door itself lower down and close with a hiss. Fancy here, aren't we? Got the door upgrades on point. It's everything a person would want. Well, maybe not all people.

Mind wandering back to the little fight he got caught up in, I wanted to know what happened to the pitiful soul that was the strange man who had decided to attack me earlier. Precisely what did Dino do to make him howl in pain? Did he break a bone?

"Dino," he faced me as we peeled off the side of the road, now driving in the opposite direction of what the one-way lane was labelled as. "Exactly what did you do to the guy?"

A few moments passed until a formed answer came with a look of regret displayed on his face as he looked back at the road again. "I didn't intend to do it, but I broke his arm when I tackled him and it caused some bleeding from torn skin. I had to get Ryan to stop the bleeding because the man fell unconscious after shock and blood loss."

"Shit, did he take him to the hospital?" Dino gave a nod in confirmation. "Good. Well, at least you didn't end up killing the guy on accident." I grimaced, imagining the numerous other injuries Dino could've inflicted on the man. Understandable since he works with the military.

He glanced at me with incredulity. "Yes," he paused a moment. "Scusa, but where was it that you're taking residence?"

After briefly mentioning where he needed to go to get to my apartment, Dino and I sat in a comfortable silence. Looking out the window, I watched the bleak and monotonous surroundings as we drove past each block. All the same colour scheme, and yet, nobody wishes to change it. Neither do I but, perhaps, it could be for the better. Sure, there is plenty of graffiti on walls, both artistic and non-artistic. It gives the right amount of authenticity that every city and landmark needs.

To say 'I'm not top-notch' is a very bold statement, indeed, but it is also true for everyone and anyone. No one is top-notch; not even the Queen of England herself. She's just another person, most likely richer than anyone else in the world.

Unsure of why my thoughts unwound into something brutally honest yet true, I snapped out of my daze, observing the road as we approached our destination. I now wonder if my friends even went back to their own neighbouring apartments. My stomach dropped. Oh no, what if something happened to them? Are they okay right now? Where are they? All these questions swirled inside my head; all of them causing a sense of foreboding.

Anxiety filled every thought that came to mind as we neared the hotel we were heading toward. Dino must've regarded my time-to-time fidgeting as he looked to me, concern etched into his facial features.

"Is something the matter, Signorina?"

My expression was full of worry. "Nothing much," I sighed, "just worried about my friends is all."

"I see. I'm sure they'll be fine," he said, smiling at me in assurance.

I exhaled, "I really hope that you're right with that."

For some strange reason, I had a thought in the back of my mind that even if my friends were to be possibly missing, Dino – or rather, him and his friends – would help find them if need be. Dino just seems like the type of person that would help a friend or loved one if they're in any kind of trouble. I don't even know if he considers me a friend at all.

And yet, I can't put my finger on something about him. It's like there's something more to him than meets the eye. Yes, I did just say that.

Dino pulled up beside the sidewalk before the hotel and cut the engine. My questioning gaze on him shifted into one of surprise as he exited the car and walked around the front to my door, pulling it open and offering a hand. Delighted, I took it, muttering a 'thank you' under my breath.

Once I was standing on my own two feet again, a fresh wave of vertigo hit me. Dino kept me upright, my hand still held in his while I swayed. After the dizziness subsided for the moment, I nodded, signalling that I was fine to stand on my own. He was dubious as I extracted my hand from his, deciding to place a hand on the small of my back.

Walking up the few steps that lead to the entrance of the hotel, I indulged in the little warmth Dino's hand gave off whilst rubbing my arms to produce more desired heat, the crisp air biting at my unexposed skin.

As we entered the lobby, a lone receptionist looked up from something she was focused on with a smile, Dino and I walking up to the desk. She was a rather old lady with few wrinkles decorating her face, her greying hair tied up in a bun. When my friends and I first arrived at the hotel, the very same woman was the first to greet us with a cheerful smile and friendly demeanor. Her badge also stated that her name was Patrisha. A fairly strange way to spell the name, but I'm not here to be a pessimistic critic.

"Hello, dear." She gasped, "Oh my, what happened for you to get that god-awful bruise?"

I looked down to see that I had forgotten to roll down my pant leg, the disgusting minor injury in plain view for everyone to enjoy. Idiot. "Oh, I, uh- I fell down before when I was drinking at the club I told you about. The one my friends dragged me to? Yeah, that happened." I didn't want her to be alarmed and worried about me by telling the truth, so I decided to lie.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Dino give a look of disapproval, though not very visible. I'll apologize for it later.

The lady chuckled softly, "Dear, you should be more careful next time. Would you like an icepack for that? I'm sure I can get you one."

"No, it's fine. It stopped hurting a while ago, but thank you anyways," I smiled warmly. It wasn't completely true. I still have a dull, aching feeling whenever I assigned pressure to the leg my bruise is occupying. I didn't give much mind to it.

"Alright, then. Did you at least have a good time with the handsome man next to you?"

I blushed. Indeed, I did have a great time getting to know him and his friends. Drinking with him, too. Although I was the one on the brink of getting drunk, Dino was fixed on not taking advantage over my tipsy state and still being a gentleman. I respect that a lot.

"Yes. He was also kind enough to drive me here," I said, looking to Dino with a cheeky glint in my eyes.

"That she demanded from me," he grinned, looking down at me.

Patrisha giggled, enthused by our bickering. She then sighed, "Ah, young love. Well, you two do look rather cute together. If I hadn't known better, I would say that you are a couple."

Eyes widened and we averted our gazes; my face overheating from all the blushing Patrisha was causing me. Why must this nice old woman be so cheeky at a time like this? She pulled open a draw that had cards in neat assortment, searching through them to find what I presumed would be mine as I gave it in to her until I returned. I couldn't trust myself because anything could've happened during my time at the nightclub. Could've misplaced it somewhere.

"Anyhow, here's the key card to your room." She handed me the card and looked over to Dino, "Would you like to have a room of your own for the night, too, dear?"

A thought that I should repay him for the burden of driving me here clicked in my head.

"How about you stay the night in my apartment, Dino? If you don't want to, I'll be fine with it. Just say the word," I offered shyly, awkwardness still hanging in the current atmosphere.

After all, he was such a gentleman with the way he treated me the whole time in his presence. I wanted to voice the praise I had for him but I feared that I would come across as too flirtatious and needy. And I know for a fact that there isn't any sort of romance between him and I.

He pondered for a few moments until he reached a conclusion.

"Yes, that would be much appreciated, looking at the time," he stated, nodding upwards to the analogue clock above the lobby desk. The time read 2:00 AM. Oh wow, I didn't even realize it was this late.

I looked back to the old woman, "Then, it's settled. He'll be spending the night with me, Patrisha." I paused. "Have you seen any of my friends come in earlier?" She shook her head and I nodded, acknowledging that she hasn't seen them. I should check when I wake up - see if they'll be in their rooms by then.

"Alright then," she yawned and smiled. "Have a good night you two."

"Goodnight," Dino and I said in unison, causing the both of us to chuckle. We made our way to the elevator leading to the second floor, not bothering with the option of ascending via a flight of stairs. We stood outside my room as I slid the key card through the slot, not needing to punch in the four-digit number code that was beside it. I turned the knob and opened the door, allowing Dino inside first.

He looked around my dwelling. On the right, there was the bathroom, a little kitchen/dining area, and an accessible balcony that extended out as a relaxation area. On the left was the master bedroom and living area with a comfortable recliner in the corner beside a four-person couch and a large flatscreen television. "Nice room," he complemented.

"Thanks." I closed the door and unzipped my heels, kicking them off. Utter relief coursed through my feet as I sighed. I took a change of clothes out of the drawer of a tallboy that was across the room, next to the master bedroom. I turned to Dino, "If you'd like, you can take the bed and I can sleep on the couch. I'll be in the bathroom if you need anything."

"Signorina Danika, I should be the one taking the couch since I'm a guest," he protested. I don't need a fight right now about who gets the couch, and I don't plan for him to be the one taking it.

I stood up straight, chest puffed out, "I believe that I should be the one on the couch tonight. You are the guest after all, no? You're taking the bed."

He rolled his eyes, also kicking off his own shoes, "If we don't get to a resolution, why not share the bed with your guest?"

Trying my best not to blush but failing miserably, I agreed, already knowing that both of us were too stubborn to move on our decisions. I whizzed past Dino, entered the bathroom and quickly switched into my plain black tracksuit pants and singlet top. Finally free of my previous attire, I felt a little bad for Dino, considering he has to sleep in the clothes that he wore for the past many hours he may have spent before going to the nightclub.

Exiting the bathroom, I made way for the kitchen, fetching two glass cups and filling them both with water. I thought that Dino could possibly wake in the middle of the night in thirst of water like I sometimes do. After filling them up to the last drop, I made sure to be careful with each step toward the master bedroom as I couldn't trust myself with much speed.

Passing through the doorway of the bedroom, I saw Dino taking his shirt off, back facing me. I caught myself staring at the man and tried covering my eyes with my wrists whilst turning away.

"I could've at least had a five second warning, mate," I said, unsure if he wanted his privacy or not. What am I thinking? Of course he would want his privacy. Gosh, Danika, I thought you were smart enough to understand the concept of human needs.

Surprisingly, he chuckled, "I don't mind if you look at me. It's a normal human thing, isn't it? After all, I'd like to think I'm attractive."

"What is this sudden bravado that I'm hearing from you? Is it a rather human thing that happens when your comrades aren't around?" I questioned, humoured by the new topic.

One of the glasses I held slightly above my head was plucked from my hand. "Not usually, and thank you for that."

I spun to look at him, watching his retreating form. "You're welcome," I commented, walking to the bedside table that I would be sleeping by. I took a few sips of the water and placed the cup onto the small table's surface, slipping underneath the covers of the king-sized bed. "Would you be a good man and kindly turn the lights off?"

Dino flipped the switch, the lights simultaneously turning off. I grinned as I got comfortable lying on my side, intending to have my back facing Dino. He, too, slipped under the covers. I remembered that I was going to apologize for a part of the conversation between Patrisha and us in the lobby.


"Yes, Signorina?" His voice was husky, filled with exhaustion. Most likely from saving my ass earlier.

"Thanks for saving me," I thought about his leather jacket, getting an inkling of what to say next. "You're a true Autobot… and sorry about lying to the woman before," I quipped.

He chuckled deeply, the sound reverberating in my chest. "You are forgiven. Goodnight, Signorina Danika."

"Sweet dreams, Signore Dino," I replied.

With all that has happened in the past, what, five hours, the night's after-effects were finally getting to me, mentally and physically. The dulled sensation of dizziness was making me somewhat nauseous, but otherwise, nothing could outweigh the exhaustion that was close to consuming my conscience.

With no other thought in mind – apart from the fact that a very attractive man is sleeping beside me in my bed – I didn't resist in succumbing to my much needed sleep.



Told you the chapters were bound to be sporadic, didn't I? Lol.

Apart from that, is there anyone reading this who is a fan of a little game called Titanfall 2? Or anyone who knows about Titanfall in general? Or anyone remotely interested in seeing a new fanfic from me? If so, please do PM me if you think I should create a story on it. I've been thinking about this for a long while now, but I would like to know what you guys think.

Side note: Shadow of the Colossus remake for PS4 is set to be released on the 6th of Feb, 2018 AND I'M SO FKN EXCITED 'CAUSE IT'S 6 DAYS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY AND IT'S MY MOST FAVOURITE GAME IN HISTORY (considering it came out in 2005 on PS2). Literally listening to the soundtrack with headphones. Watch the trailers. It is so beautiful. I cried watching them.

I am so sorry about that fangirling. I need help. :)

Also, one more thing, beautiful people. I want to thank those who have favourited/followed my story and/or myself. I am well and truly humbled. And them 300+ views... exactly how many of you are there reading this?! MIND GOT!

