Authors Note; Hello! Welcome to my new Yugioh story called Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Akashic Records! This story borrows elements from .hack/ /Link only for Yusaku to travel the past of Yugioh protagonist's histories instead! Each intro to protagonist's histories will be introduce after the recap episodes from the anime or something like that. I hoped that you like the story!

P.S. For my other readers, sorry on the slow update on my other stories. This week I got a nasty cold which dampens my writing spirit, but I will continues writing my stories! Now I'm better than before and resume making chapters to it.

*I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS show! I own the OC characters and cards!

This is after Episode 21 and before Episode 22.

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Email

One night at Den City, a place where the Cyberspace known as LINK VRAINS has been used. It is where Virtual Reality Duels taken place as Duelists uses D-Boards to perform Speed Duels and ride the Data Storm, the digital wind in cyberspace. It stands for "Link Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Network System" and it is described as "a cyberspace constructed with the latest technology".

In the Café Nagi's interior, there are two individuals who are monitoring the net for any suspicious activities happening at this hour. One of them is the owner of the food truck while his other occupation is a hacker, Shoichi Kusanagi. He is a young man with fair skin, grey eyes, purple hair comes to the base of his neck, and it has multiple small bangs brushed over to hide his forehead, and he also sports a small goatee. He dresses simply, wearing a brown trench coat over a purple hoodie with a bronze zipper and light blue shirt, and teal pants tucked into burgundy boots with prominent black soles.

The other is a rangy teenage boy with fair skin, green eyes, and dark blue hair that spikes outward in the back and contains light blue bangs with pink accents. His standard attire consists of a slate-colored jacket with light blue trim over a white dress shirt with a blue tie and a pair of black pants and black and white shoes. His name is Yusaku Fujiki and he is also a hacker like Shoichi Kusanagi.

After one hour of monitoring, Shoichi relax on his chair as he lets out a sigh from exhaustion and tiredness. Yusaku who is concerned about his partner's well-being ask him about this.

(Yusaku) "Kusanagi-san, are you alright?"

(Shoichi) "Sorry, I'm a bit tired of patrolling through the net for the past few days now. I also erasing videos and footages of Playmaker's duels while I'm at it."

(Yusaku) "Then I'll do the rest of the monitoring while you take a rest. It is the least I can do for you."

(Shoichi) "I'll take your offer. Sorry about this and thanks."

(Yusaku) "Don't mention it."

Shoichi took his offer as he start to doze off before sleeping completely as Yusaku continues the search. In LINK VRAINS, many people use their avatar forms to avoid being using their identities while freely communicating in the network. Yusaku's avatar name is Playmaker and he use this avatar to fight the hacker group known as the Knights of Hanoi in order to find the truth of the incident in his past while rescuing Shoichi's brother from his darkness.

After 30 minutes of monitoring, Yusaku decided that it is enough and was about to end the search when an email suddenly appears on their screen and it is address to Yusaku.

(Yusaku) "An email for me? But I don't remember giving my email to any associates that I know except Kusanagi-san. Also the fact that I don't have many people know me so this feels suspicious…"

Yusaku thought of that as he study the email before reading it. He didn't have many close friends or allies due to his status as a hacker and also the fact that he currently battles against Knights of Hanoi so he doesn't want anyone to get involved.

After seeing that there is no information of the sender, Yusaku became more suspicious of this as he opens the mail. The contents of the email is encrypted in codes that only experienced hackers can read and Yusaku is one of them. As he continues to read the mail, Yusaku's expression turns disbelief due to the contents on it.

(Email) [Hello, Playmaker. Or should I call you Yusaku Fujiki? I'm fine with either way because I know about your existence and your history. I have to say that it is a very interesting one, especially your battle against Revolver. I bet you are wondering how I know that and your real identity. If you want to know, then head to this place with these coordinates right now. Also, don't tell anyone about this letter, especially your partner, Shoichi Kusanagi, or I will tell your identity and your associates to SOL Technologies or maybe the Knights of Hanoi. I bet that they are willing to take this information since you have the Ignis named Ai they wanted. Beside, you don't want Kusanagi to miss a chance of finding the truth of the Hanoi Project and save his brother from his condition, aren't you? I'm looking forward of meeting you~]

After finishing reading the letter, Yusaku searched carefully of the email and try to find any traces of the sender until he couldn't find one thing about it.

(Yusaku) Who's is this person? How does he know about my identity and past? Could I trust this information here?

The frustrated Yusaku is thinking about his choices of whatever to believe the contents in the mail or not as he deeply pondered on this. The information in this text reveal several facts that only he, Ai and Shoichi knows like the battle against Revolver, the name that he give to the little Ignis, and also the name of the incident. This forces him to believe the intention of the sender as he finally make up his mind.

After downloading the coordinates into the flash drive, the email suddenly deleted itself which surprises Yusaku who didn't noticed the self-destruct program before when he scanned it earlier. He realized that this sender must be better than he thought as he gets up to leave the cafe. He took one last look at Shoichi Kusanagi who is still sleeping before he leaves.

After arriving his house and logging into LINK VRAINS, Yusaku appears out from the portal in the digital sky as he landed on one of the digital buildings. He changed into his avatar form, Playmaker, as he wears a black and green bodysuit with a golden stripe going across his body and a grey belt at the waistline. His hair color also changes to yellow and red with pink stripes and accents.

He hopped into his D-Board which came to him on the Data Storm and ride the stream of data towards the location in the mail.

(Ai) "What's with you all of the sudden? You came back home only to went into LINK VRAINS without telling me what's up. Did the Knights of Hanoi show up again?"

(Playmaker) "Look at the email I install into my Duel Disk. That will keep you updated."

(Ai) "Not going to bother explaining this yourself, huh? Crude guy. Alright, let me see this mail."

The Ignis, nickname Ai, came out from Playmaker's Duel Disk to annoyingly demanded to know about his partner's action which he rudely replied back to him. Ai is a small digital humanoid being with markings over his body, in shape of lines and circles, which are tinted with a purple color. He is an AI with free will and is sought after by SOL Technologies and the Knights of Hanoi.

He was captured by Yusaku who is using him as a bargain against the Knights of Hanoi and currently resides inside the latter's Duel Disk when he finished reading the contents of the email before letting out his surprised voice.

(Ai) "Now this is very shocking. This suspicious guy knows your real identity and you're going to the place that he recommended? This smells like a trap!"

(Playmaker) "It might be so."

(Ai) "Might be?! Then why are you still going despite knowing this will be a trap of some sort?"

(Playmaker) "There are 3 reasons that I must go. #1: This person knows too much about us and Kusanagi-san so I have to see if he's telling the truth. #2: If this is set up by the Knights of Hanoi, I might get a lead to their boss, Revolver. #3: It might be a different person who have information about the incident that stole my past and Kusanagi-san's brother's too."

(Ai) "Yeah, Yeah. I get it. I bet you're eager to take this guy's demands because you don't have any leads right now."

(Playmaker) "Be quiet. We're near the location shortly so I don't need to hear your jokes now."

Playmaker rudely silenced his AI as he arrived at the designation. The location appears to be a digital warehouse and Playmaker jumps off as he landed near the door. He opens the door without hesitation as he walked into an empty dark room before arriving at the center.

(Ai) "Huh? There's nobody here? Very suspicious…"

(Playmaker) "I've noticed it."

(Unknown Voice) "Welcome to my domain, Yusaku Fujiki~"

Playmaker put up his guard when he heard that voice before he noticed the entire room has completely changed around him. Playmaker find himself in an outer space scenary with clock-like symbols and numbers roaming around him as he tries to understand the situation.

(Playmaker) "What the?! Could it be a trap after all…?!"

(Unknown Voice) "No need to be alert now~ I thought of doing the introductions here is better to convince you for what I about to say next."

Playmaker turns around where he saw a figure that just appeared out of nowhere as he look closely at the mysterious man. The man wears a blue mask over the right side of his face, he has torn clothing that covers his more casual appearance, some of his clothing is kept on by black and white bands, he has white curvy hair, and he wears four torn scarves with arrow markings.

(Playmaker) "You might be the sender that you emailed to me earlier. Who are you?"

(Mysterio) "Oh my. Immediately want to know my name, aren't you? Just what I expected from your behavior. Hmm~ What is my name? I know! You may call me Mysterio! After all, I'm the mysterious person that knows your true identity so it is right to call me that~"

(Ai) "What with this guy? He sounds creepy."

(Playmaker) "You also like that."

(Ai) "Ehh?! I don't talk like that!"

AI feel offended of Playmaker's remark only for the latter to ignore him and resume his questioning to this "Mysterio" character.

(Playmaker) "Alright then, Mysterio. How do you know about my identity? And are you-"

(Mysterio) "Working for SOL Technologies or the Knights of Hanoi, is that you wanted to know?"

Mysterio immediately guess what Playmaker about to say which surprises the latter before answering his questions.

(Mysterio) "For your second question… No, I'm not part of those organizations that are after you. I have little interest of taking that annoying hitch-hiker you carried. It's going to troublesome for me when I have that thing with me."

(Ai) "Hey! Troublesome?! Many people want me so I'm very popular!"

(Mysterio) "As for your first question… I've learned about you, that's all~"

(Playmaker) "What do you mean by learn? You can't possibly know all of that information about us. #1: I have erased all of my activities in LINK VRAINS every time that I've logged out. #2: I didn't tell no one about my identity except Kusanagi-san. #3: The details about the Lost Incident hasn't been revealed to public yet. How do you know all of this?"

(Mysterio) "Ah. Your famous three things habit~ The thing that you held so deeply to your heart from the one that gives you the reason to keep going during your captivity in the Hanoi Project created by Kiyoshi Kogami. Am I right?"

He also knows that!? Who is this person? Playmaker was speechless due to amount of accurate detail that Mysterio explained, especially the part of his habit and the name, Kiyoshi Kogami. Playmaker only find out the name of the mastermind of the incident recently and this information was safely guarded in the SOL Technologies' data bank at the mother computer. It wasn't easy for him to get in there so he is wondering how this person obtained this info as Mysterio continues explaining his reason.

(Mysterio) "Like I said, I've learned about you. I know all about of your past, present and future."

(Playmaker) "My future? That's impossible. Nobody can truly know about the future unless you're telling me that you are a psychic?"

(Mysterio) "Not exactly~ I'm more of a reader than a predictor. Not only your history, even I learned about your little AI, your partner in crime, and your opponents as well."

(Ai) "Ehh?! You learned about my private life! What a creepy stalker."

(Mysterio) "R-E-A-D-E-R~ And I'm not stalking anyone. I'm just want to learn about everything. LINK VRAINS, Den City, the citizens live here and everything in this world! Even other worlds too!"

(Playmaker) "Other worlds? What are you talking about?"

(Mysterio) "Oops~ Went too far on the topic. All that I can say is that I've learned everything about your adventures in LINK VRAINS thanks to this place."

(Playmaker) "Here?"

Playmaker becomes dubious of what this strange person's meaning as he look around his surrounding. He felt that he is still in LINK VRAINS yet there is an unknown power radiating in here. His Link Sense tells him that this space is not normal as Mysterio talks about a different topic.

(Mysterio) "First, I'm wondering that you heard of this term called Akashic Records. Sound familiar to you?"

(Ai) "Akashic Records?"

(Playmaker) "It is a fictional place that also a compendium of all events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present or future. It is believed to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane."

(Ai) "Ah! Like a library!"

(Mysterio) "Correct~ You're a very smart individual as it said here!"

(Ai) "Heh heh! Thanks for the compliment!"

(Playmaker) "He wasn't talking about you. So are you saying that this place is like that, recording everything that happens in this world?"

(Mysterio) "Well~ Here is not the real thing, but its function and purpose is close to it so I decided to call this place the 'Akashic Records' because it is easier to remember. Also, it doesn't exactly recorded everything, only things related to Duel Monsters are stored in here."

(Playmaker) "Duel Monsters?"

(Mysterio) "That's right. Every events that already happened and duelists who involved with Duel Monsters have been recorded in this very space! Even yours as well. Not only that, it also have gathered time periods from many worlds that are connected with Duel Monsters and are encoded in this mystical place!"

(Ai) "Many worlds?! That's ridiculous! There's no such thing that there are other worlds out there."

(Mysterio) "Truth is stranger than fiction, little one. And aren't you an AI that has a free will where many people believed that wouldn't be possible?"

(Ai) "Kuh! Can't argue with that."

(Mysterio) "Anyway, this is a wonderful place~ So many tales are confined in here yet very few people discovered this divine place. It is located in a special part of this cyberspace that none will ever find. Not even SOL Technologies or the Knights of Hanoi noticed this place existed."

(Playmaker) "Then why did you called me here and telling me about this? There's no way that you just want to share this secret with me."

Playmaker immediately went straight to the point of the conversation as he taking in the information he heard. As he listening to Mysterio's ranting, he realized the great value of this place as he is deeply shocked inside. If all of that is truth, then he might have a chance to learn the purpose of the Hanoi Project that torn apart his life and others like Kusanagi's brother.

However, he also realized that everything is not free as he asked Mysterio about purpose about why Playmaker came to this place. Mysterio noticed his intentions as he begins explaining his goal.

(Mysterio) "It seemed that you aren't swayed away easily about the info of this place. Very well. The reason that I bring you here because I need your help."

(Playmaker) "Help? For what?"

(Mysterio) "You see, I've been fascinated by this place ever since I've gotten here and was trying to pry on its secrets while reading some stories from other worlds for a long time."

(Ai) "Huh? You didn't create this place?"

(Mysterio) "Of course not~ If so, then why do I even messaged you guys to come here? The secrets of this domain are locked away behind a room and the heavily encrypted door won't be opened by other means. The only way to unlock the door is five special keys that are hidden away in few of the recordings from different worlds in this place. The Chronicle Factors."

(Playmaker) "Chronicle Factors?"

(Mysterio) "Yes, and they are instilled in five duelists in their worlds, the Legendary Duelists. These people make their names in their histories as they accomplished great feats and tasks on their journeys. You might say that they are strongest duelists in existences."

(Ai) "Strongest duelists in existences!? And there are five of them?"

(Mysterio) "The Chronicle Factors in them won't be removed through any means. The only way to get them is to beat the duelists in a duel and that is when the Chronicle Factors will appear."

(Playmaker) "You're saying that I have to duel against these duelists and get their Chronicle Factors for you?"

(Mysterio) "Correct~ Your dueling skills are nearly equal to those duelists so that is why I've called you here in the first place. All you have to do is to get into those special places, duel against these five Legendary Duelists and receive their Chronicle Factors. Simple, right~"

(Ai) "Yeah right! If we do it, what's in it for us? There's no way that we do free charity work."

(Mysterio) "Your owner knows about his price of this quest, didn't you Yusaku?"

(Playmaker) "The knowledge of my history, along with the truth behind the Lost Incident."

Playmaker speak those words in confirmation which Ai immediately realized his desired as Mysterio clap his hands in applause.

(Mysterio) "You have understood very well of what I'm offering. If you help me getting those keys, I will give you full access to your world's history where you can finally learned the truth that steal away your past. Maybe a way to find your partner's brother from his darkness. Do we have a deal?"

Playmaker is in deep thought as he is considering of taking his deal which Ai whisper to him about this.

(Ai) "Playmaker, you aren't really making a deal with this guy, right?"

(Playmaker) "Yes, I decided to accept his offer."

(Ai) "Eh? But do you think he is not telling out the whole reason. This suspicious fellow may hiding some facts from us."

(Playmaker) "You're properly right. However, this may be the chance to finally know the truth about the incident. Not only that, we might figured out the identities of the Knights of Hanoi and will get our revenge on those who stolen our past from me and Kusanagi-san's brother! I promise to bring the truth to light!"

(Ai) "Alright, alright! I let you have your way. Man, I don't understand how you humans take such risky tasks despite knowing the danger."

(Playmaker) "It is a common nature for us humans. Sometimes we won't get anywhere with life without taking risks. Just like the time I decided to fight against my destiny to discover the truth in the darkness."

(Ai) "Yeah, yeah. I get it. At least this trip will be interesting."

Ai let out a tiresome sigh knowing full well of his owner's personality as Playmaker speak of his choice to Mysterio.

(Playmaker) "Very well, Mysterio. You got yourself a deal."

(Mysterio) "Very good, Playmaker~ I knew you are the right person that I'm looking for."

Mysterio gleefully says that as he reach out hand towards Playmaker which he grabs it in reponse of sealing a deal between those two.

After a few minutes, Playmaker is standing in front of a digital opening doorway that is appearing out of thin air. Mysterio led him to one of the doors to the records of a different world where one of the Chronicle Factors is located.

(Playmaker) "So this door leads to the first Chronicle Factor in this record."

(Mysterio) "Yes, this Door of History will lead you to the world that it is believed to be the origins of Duel Monsters."

(Playmaker) "Origins of Duel Monsters?"

(Mysterio) "It is up to you to believe it or not. Anyway, before we begin, I need to let you a few more facts about this place."

Mysterio explaining the rules about this mission as Playmaker listens carefully. The place that he's going to is a digital recording of the time period that's already happened and the people over there are AIs with full personalities of the originals. When he arrives there, the AIs will adapt to his presence and change the scenario a little, but still remain in its course as he follows the procedure.

When he finds one of the Legendary Duelists, he won't just immediately challenge him in a duel. The time to challenge them will be a chance for the Chronicle Factors to be taken.

(Ai) "But how will we know when that time comes?"

(Mysterio) "You're know it when you both hear a musical tune coming~"

(Ai) "Musical tune?"

Ai is perplexed about it as Mysterio continues his explanation. As Yusaku follow the story, the Akashic Records will immediately tries to exclude him from the records and use duelists in that world to stop him. The Master Rules over there is different from the one in Yusaku's world. However, when Yusaku duels against a duelist over there, it immediately changed to his Master Rules and they won't noticed the change while unknowingly follow the rules. However, it doesn't prevent them from knowing about his Link monsters as they didn't have those in this record.

(Mysterio) "If you think about it a little, it sounds like RPG~ Isn't it sound exciting~?"

(Playmaker) "I'm not interesting of your jokes now. Are there still other rules I need to know?"

(Mysterio) "Oh my~ You're really not the one who likes to have fun, aren't you?"

(Ai) "Isn't that obvious?"

Mysterio said that Yusaku must not lose for 3 duels in those worlds, otherwise he will be forced out from the recording and have to start all over again in the beginning. While he is there, his appearance will change into his real one and have to use his real name to get along with the characters. Also, if he gets heavily injured or dies over there, he will be forced out from there as well.

(Mysterio) "Also, your Duel Disk will match its appearance to their world's Duel Disk, but still have the same function like your world. Your little AI won't be noticed by the people over there because they are AI themselves."

(Ai) "No way! They won't be able to noticed my great charms."

(Playmaker) "Be quiet. It better for them to not listening your rambling and save me the trouble of explaining your existence."

(Ai) "Gah! That even colder than last time…"

Ai felt dejected from Playmaker's comment as Mysterio almost finishing his explanation.

(Mysterio) "That almost wrap things up about this place. Don't you feel the excitement of this? As if you are time traveling to the past~"

(Ai) "It does sound that way."

(Playmaker) "It was just a digital recording from a different place. That's all there is."

(Mysterio) "Yes, and also a bit warning for both of you. Don't get swayed by their histories. Even though it was based on a real life event that already come to pass, it is still an illusion and you can't change the outcome because it is not actual past of that world. Also, the people you meet over there are just AIs based on the real ones. Don't talk to them about the truth of their world in order to avoid confusion, although I bet you already know that didn't you."

(Playmaker) "Of course. No matter what events happening over there, I must stay on my own path. I can't let others get involved with my struggles, even they are AIs. This is my own choice."

(Mysterio) "Good, then I wish for your success~"

Mysterio said his farewells as Playmaker stepped in the opening when his entire being is suddenly pulled in the doorway. As he travels through the corridors of time, his body receiving electrical shocks passing through the tunnels.

(Playmaker) "Kuh…! Could it be that the Akashic Records is resisting me?!"

Playmaker groans in pain from the shocks before arriving at his designation.