A/N: So, I haven't been writing much, but I finally have this chapter ready for you all. I'll do my best to keep writing and working on my other stories. I hope you're all safe and healthy. Thank you for the continued support (even when I don't update in forever) it keeps me motivated to continue this story until I reach the end.


Been through hell

Thought that I would kill myself, so

Watch me burn it to the ground

Hope your god can save you now

Oh, I won't, I won't be a part of this

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Hope you know who loves you most

Oh, I won't, I won't be a part of this

-Hell, Ghost Town

Hermione fiddled with the contraption on the counter, ignoring Bellatrix's pacing as she fine-tuned the device they were currently working on. She had to be a lot more careful using Arthur now, since Ginny knew about Bellatrix. She tried thinking of other people they could use, or maybe she could just use a polyjuice to make herself look like Arthur, but that was considerably more risky. Bellatrix was growing increasingly more impatient as they continued to work on the plan. The plan that quickly felt like it was unraveling faster than they could counteract. They were working harder than they had before, but still carefully, placing strong wards and disillusionments on and around the house so no one knew what was going on.

There had been several failed tries, and an errant thought crossed her mind that maybe she should just place Seamus under the Imperius and have him cast some spells. That would surely end in more than a few explosions, but she knew the flaw in them being of magical origin. The Weasley twins would've had a much easier time with this, and she almost wished she could ask them for help. Bellatrix was growing tired of pacing, and came up behind Hermione, peering over her shoulder as she worked. She was bored, and not getting anywhere, and when she was bored she liked to find ways to be...creative.

"Hermione," she whispered against the brunette's ear, trailing her sharp nails up her sides.

Hermione shudder made her grin triumphantly, her hands shaking too much to accomplish their task. Bellatrix could feel her magic spike and heard the increase in her breathing, could practically hear the rush of blood through Hermione's veins. She pressed ruby lips against Hermione's earlobe, dragging her lips painfully slow across the skin.

"Hermione," she breathed softly, slowly, making sure her lips never left her skin, making sure her teeth clamped down on the soft flesh of her earlobe as she completed her utterance.

She chuckled darkly as Hermione shuddered again, her fists clenching to hide the shaking of her hands. Bellatrix's smile turned predatory, accepting the challenge of making Hermione lose control. She loved to push the younger witch, never going too far, just far enough to make her get a little rougher.

"Hermione," she breathed again, pitching her voice slightly higher toward the end, dragging her nails so they just barely dipped below her waistband.

Bellatrix's grin became victorious, knowing she had Hermione right where she wanted. Hermione was clutching the countertop so hard her hands were white, and her breaths were purposefully slow and deep in an attempt to maintain control, an attempt that was not as successful as Hermione wanted it to be. Bellatrix wasn't stupid, she knew what saying Hermione's name did to the witch, knew the way it made her fill with desire. Bellatrix let her hand drop a bit lower, biting down on Hermione's earlobe much too gently for both of them before pulling away and traipsing up the stairs to the room they occupied while they were here.

Hermione fought with herself for mere seconds before she relented to what she now so desperately needed, tracing Bellatrix's steps up the stairs. She was only seconds behind the dark witch, but that was more than enough ime for Bellatrix to have prepared her knives. As soon as Hermione crossed the threshold, the door closed, locked, and she was pressed firmly into it with a knife to her throat. Bellatrix's knife. Bellatrix growled as Hermione's pupils dilated, pushing the knife a little harder into the fragile skin. With her free hand, she gripped Hermione's hair, tilting her head back and exposing even more of her beautiful throat. The action caused Bellatrix's knife to rub against the skin, turning it slightly red but not breaking the skin.

Bellatrix licked her lips at the sight, guiding Hermione to the bed without ever changing the pressure of the knife against her throat. Hermione was all too willing to do as Bellatrix obeyed, excitement coursing through her veins at the prospect of what Bellatrix might do to her. She desperately wanted Bwllatrix's lips against hers as her knife slowly pressed into her skin. She could't squash the whimper that rose from the back of her throat, causing Bellatrix's eyes to darken even more than they already were.

"Tell me," Bellatrix commanded, her voice soft but not without power.

"Kiss me," Hermione pleaded, the words difficult because of the angle of her throat, "And mark me. Please."

Bellatrix smirked, loosening her grip enough for Hermione to tilt her head slightly forward. Hermione's lips parted in anticipation, a slight sigh of relief leaving her lungs as the ease of breathing returned. Bellatrix's tongue darted out to lick her lips, leaning closer to Hermione and steadily, but slowly, increasing the amount of pressure of the knife. She watched Hermione fight the urge to squirm, chuckling lowly as her lips captured Hermione's parted ones. She guided Hermione onto the mattress when her knees buckled, finally putting enough pressure on the knife to cause a trickle of red to leak out of Hermione's neck. She slowly moved the knife so the point was resting against the center of Hermione's throat, dragging it with just enough pressure to create a shallow cut down to the notch of her sternum, all the while kissing her roughly. She could feel Hermione's hips buck subtly, her attempts at staying still in vain. Bellatrix pulled Hermione's head back roughly, breaking their kiss.

Blood began to run towards Hermione's chin, and Bellatrix descended on her neck with her tongue, collecting the blood slowly and leaving Hermione's chin with a playful nip. She dragged the knife lower, leaving a line of blood in its wake until she reached Hermione's navel. Hermione loved the look of violent concentration that always adorned Bellatrix's face when she was using her knife, focusing on the expression in an attempt not to squirm in pleasure and pain. Bellatrix let go of Hermione's hair, sliding her fingertips alongside the mark she had created, diverging from her path only to circle around each of Hermione's nipples twice before continuing lower, past where her mark stopped. Hermione let a whine escape her throat as Bellatrix's fingers approached her clit, bucking her hips up when Bellatrix stopped just before their destination.

"So eager," Bellatrix chuckled, moving the knife so it pressed flat against the inside of Hermione's thigh.

"Please," Hermione gasped as the cold metal pressed against her skin, "Please, I need to feel you."

Bellatrix hummed in faux-consideration, but Hermione could tell by the look on her face that she was about to get what she wanted. Her thighs tensed in anticipation, driving the point of Bellatrix's knife into her skin, causing Hermione to hiss and buck her hips. Bellatrix's eyes were immediately drawn to the blood created by the movement, pulling the blade off Hermione's thigh in preparation for the motion she knew was about to come. As Hermione's hips reached their peak, she wrapped her lips around the wound, letting her fingers drop low enough to brush against Hermione's clit. Hermione let out a cross between a gasp and a moan, threading her hands into Bellatrix's dark tresses possessively.

"There she is," Bellatrix cooed, her lips still firmly placed against Hermione's thigh.

Hermione gave her hair a hard tug, pulling her so her lips brushed against her clit. Bellatrix flicked her tongue out, ghosting over the swollen nub and causing Hermione to wrap her legs around her shoulders. Blindly, she tossed her knife away, reaching up and digging her nails into Hermione's hip. Her other hand toyed with Hermione's lips, sliding through them easily with how wet Hermione was. The action resulted in Hermione digging her heels sharply into her shoulders and tugging against her hair more insistently. Bellatrix complied with Hermione's unspoken request, wrapping her lips around her clit and sucking harshly as she pushed two fingers into her wetness.

"Yes," Hermione sighed, pushing herself closer to Bellatrix.

Bellatrix curled her fingers, smirking to herself as she let a little bit of magic flow out of them. Hermione's breath caught in her throat, her nails digging into Bellatrix's scalp and her thighs tightening around her head. Bellatrix thrust into Hermione, curling her fingers slightly and letting a steady stream of magic flow into Hermione from her fingers. Hermione's mouth was stuck open, her entire body shaking from the sensation flooding her body. She felt herself come more undone with every thrust, nip, lick, second. A moan was torn from her throat as her entire body flooded with heat, every muscle she possessed contracting as her walls fluttered around Bellatrix's fingers. Bellatrix pulled her magic back slowly, detaching her lips from Hermione's clit and slowing her thrusts as Hermione came undone, her legs falling from Bellatrix's shoulders to the bed, her hands going limp in her hair. Bellatrix pulled her fingers out, placing gentle kisses up Hermione's torso to ground her. Hermione couldn't speak, could barely breathe, barely registered the sensation of Bellatrix's soft lips moving slowly up her body. All she could do was whimper each time Bellatrix's lips touched her skin and pulled away, her eyes struggling to focus.

"Easy," Bellatrix whispered softly, watching as the cuts closed themselves without fully healing.

Hermione whimpered, weakly reaching for Bellatrix.

"I'm here," she mumbled, nuzzling Hermione's shoulder as she threaded their fingers together.

She hummed softly, her lips resting against the soft skin of Hermione's neck. Hermione slowly came back to herself, the haze of magic dissipating more and more as she was able to focus on Bellatrix's hand in hers, her lips against her neck, the gentle humming that most people would be surprised to hear from her.

"Bella," Hermione uttered, curling her body in on itself.

"I've got you," she reassured, pulling Hermione closer.

Hermione hummed into Bellatrix's neck, letting her eyes drift closed. Bellatrix stroked her hair softly, deciding to let Hermione rest before the inevitable meeting with her traitor sister. A scowl marred her beautiful face at the idea of Hermione going to see Narcissa without her. Narcissa had betrayed her, had turned her back on her. It was a wonder the Aurors hadn't come to arrest Hermione yet. Hermione stirred in her arms, drawing her attention away from thoughts of her sister for the moment. Hermione's yawn and the subsequent way she moved closer to Bellatrix caused a smile to replace the scowl that had adorned her face.

"Hermione," she whispered softly, cleaning the sweat and blood from her body.

She made a small noise of protest in the back of her throat.

Bellatrix chuckled lightly, whispering louder this time. "Hermione"

"I don't want to," she grumbled, burying her face in Bellatrix's shoulder.

"You made a promise to her, and as angry as I am with her, we always keep our promises," she responded, lifting Hermione's chin so she was looking at her.

Hermione sighed, rolling out of bed and gathering her clothes. She smiled as the cuts on her body stretched as she moved, in different places and different stages of healing.

"Absolutely not," Bellatrix interrupted when Hermione began to pull on the Muggle clothes they always wore outside Hogwarts, "She'll lose her mind. Actually, go ahead. Just imagining the expression on her face makes it worth it."

Hermione chuckled lowly, pulling on the jeans and a shirt and making a lame attempt to tame her hair. Bellatrix beckoned her over and Hermione sat in front of her on the bed. Bellatrix summoned a brush and began brushing Hermione's curls gently. As she did, she laced her hair with charms to help tame the wild hair that seemingly had a mind of its own. When she had finished, she began braiding the now slightly-tamed hair, smoothing the flyaways down with magic. Hermione sat with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of Bellatrix's hands in her hair. A sense of calm washed over her as Bellatrix secured the braid, placing an uncharacteristically gentle kiss on her cheek. The kiss betrayed Bellatrix's nerves, she was never so gentle with Hermione unless she was actually concerned about something.

"I'll be okay," Hermione murmured to her, turning and throwing her arms around the older witch.

"I hope so" she responded, inhaling Hermione's scent as deeply as she could.

Hermione gave her a smile that attempted to be reassuring, but Bellatrix still felt uneasy. And a little angry. And maybe a little jealous, too.

"Nothing will ever make me leave you," Hermione said with a final kiss, pulling away before Bellatrix could deepen the kiss. She turned on her heel, closing her eyes and envisioning Malfoy Manor. The sensation of being sucked through a straw overtook her and she felt the change in atmosphere. Opening her eyes, she found herself at the open gate to the statuesque building. Hermione was surprised to find Narcissa waiting at the gate for her but kept her expression carefully neutral. Narcissa's lips twitched in what Hermione thought was disapproval as she eyed her clothes. Her keen eyes picked out the lacework of small, light scars on the visible parts of Hermione's arms, and the slightly unnerving lack of expression in her brown eyes.

"Miss Granger," she greeted, bowing her head slightly.

"Madame Malfoy," she returned, her voice level and unexpressive.

"Shall we take a walk through the garden?" Narcissa offered, hesitant for Hermione to be faced with the reminder of her torture.

"That sounds lovely," Hermione said, her tone level.

She stepped through the gate at Narcissa's insistence, falling into step beside her and listening as she recounted stories from earlier days. Days when things had been much simpler. Hermione listened dutifully, interjecting where appropriate but overall uninterested in the conversation so far. She knew Narcissa was trying to make them both more comfortable before they discussed the real reason she was here. It was more for Narcissa than anything, as Hermione was unperturbed by the topic of Bellatrix. Nevertheless, she did not push the blonde to broach the topic before she was ready.

Finally, Narcissa drew to a stop in front of a large fountain and turned to face Hermione. "I must confess, I had another reason for asking you to meet with me."

"It's about Bellatrix, isn't it?" Hermione asked, her eyes taking in the fountain before her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Narcissa stiffen slightly.

"Yes," she answered after a moment of hesitance.

Hermione tilted her head sideways to look at the woman, noticing the nervousness she usually kept hidden behind her high-society facade.

"What about her?" Hermione turned to fully face Narcissa, her relaxed posture soothing the blonde's nerves slightly.

"Is she-well, is she still alive?" Narcissa wrung her hands discretely, noticing Hermione catch sight of the motion. Had she always been so perceptive?

Hermione remained silent, unconsciously smiling at the thought of just how alive Bellatrix was.

"Miss Granger-"

"Hermione," she corrected.

"Hermione," she relented, continuing, "My sister is dangerous, and obsessive, and unstable. But, she is my sister and I love her very much. I know she thinks I betrayed her, which is why I wanted you to come without her at first, but I miss her and I would love to see her again."

"And I suppose you want me to talk her into that?" Hermione chuckled.

"Please, I am not so stupid to think anyone could talk my sister into anything she does not want to do," Narcissa scoffed.

Hermione hummed, turning back to the fountain.

"Why did you lie about her?" Narcissa asked after several moments of silence.

Hermione was quiet for so long Narcissa thought she wasn't going to answer. Hermione's eyes were closed and her face was tilted up to catch the slowly fading sunlight. Narcissa wondered if she had even posed the question aloud.

"Because she's mine," Hermione said, turning her face back to Narcissa.

Narcissa almost took a step back from Hermione. The tone of her voice had changed to something dangerous and her eyes had the same look she had often seen in her sister. She slowly sucked in a breath, her blue eyes flicking over Hermione. Something moved over the expanse of Hermione's neck that was visible, and she almost played it off as a trick of the fading light before she realized what it was.

A small frown adorned her face as she said tightly, "And you're hers."

Hermione blinked, the decidedly Bellatrix-looking expression being replaced with something akin to affectionate. "I am."

A flicker of jealousy flashed across Narcissa's face so fast Hermione almost doubted it had even happened. The expression was quickly schooled into something neutral, but the hint of jealousy still swirled in her eyes. She wasn't able to make out Narcissa's mumbled response, but she turned her head back to face the rays of light that were slipping through the trees. They stood in silence again, Hermione with her eyes closed and a gentle, almost-carefree smile on her face, and Narcissa, watching the ripples caused by the cascading water. Hermione seemed so much older than Draco, even though they were the same age.

"Hermione," Narcissa began, her voice startling both of them, "Do you remember anything about the final battle?"

Hermione inhaled sharply, her eyes snapping open and her face turning violently to face Narcissa. "Why?"

Narcissa did take a step back this time, a slight look of fear crossing her face at how similar Hermione was to Bellatrix. The only difference between Hermione and Bellatrix was that no matter how angry Bellatrix was- even at Narcissa- she would never harm her. Narcissa wasn't sure if the same was true of Hermione. The brunette turned away from Narcissa, taking a deep breath and forcing her hands to relax.

"I don't remember much," she finally admitted quietly.

"My apologies, I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's fine," Hermione said flatly, looking over her shoulder and raising a brow as she asked, "If there's anything else?"

"No. Thank you for your time." Narcissa walked Hermione to the gate, their footsteps the only sound.

Hermione stepped through the iron entryway, throwing her next words over her shoulder as she turned on her heel. "I'll bring Bellatrix next time."

Narcissa felt a small smile pull at her lips as the words filled the space Hermione had been. Hope flared in her chest at the prospect of seeing her sister again and explaining everything. She turned away from the gate, beginning the walk back to the Manor.

Bellatrix pulled Hermione into her arms the moment she solidified in their room, dragging her nails possessively over her abdomen. Hermione leaned back into Bellatrix, laying her head against the dark witch's shoulder and turning her face into her neck. She let out a small sigh, tangling her hands in Bellatrix's wild curls.

"Did she hurt you?" Bellatrix growled, splaying her hands over Hermione.

"Not at all," she mumbled, tightening her grip in Bellatrix's hair.

"What did she want?"

Hermione turned in Bellatrix's arms, moving her hands to her shoulder and pushing her toward the bed. "She wants to see you."

Anger flashed across Bellatrix's face and she tried to push against Hermione but the young witch remained firm. She pushed Bellatrix down onto the bed, climbing on top of her before she could get up. She bit down sharply in the hollow of Bellatrix's throat, earning hands on her shoulders, bunching into the fabric of her clothes. Hermione bit down harder, collecting blood on her tongue. The haze of anger in Bellatrix's mind cleared the longer Hermione bit at her neck, and she gently dislodged Hermione.

"We have work to do," she grumbled, squeezing Hermione's chin as she walked past her.

Hermione followed her down the stairs, frowning at the contraption they had earlier abandoned. Bellatrix ignored it, opening the cupboards and pulling out ingredients. Hermione sat in front of the explosive she was currently tinkering with, working on it while Bellatrix cooked. It was always surprising when Bellatrix cooked without magic, or did anything without magic. A steaming cup of tea was placed in front of Hermione, and she looked up at Bellatrix with a smile as she continued to work while Bellatrix cooked.

"I think I got it," Hermione finally said, a bright grin on her face.

Bellatrix immediately stopped what she was doing, ushering Hermione outside while the brunette cradled the explosive to her chest to keep it from being jostled. She placed it in the center of the yard they had turned into a blast site, making last-minute adjustments before crouching behind the blast shield with Bellatrix.

"Ready?" she breathed, her finger hovering over the red button.

When Bellatrix nodded, she pressed it, holding her breath as she waited. They were both still as statues, counting down the seconds that passed between the button being pressed and the detonation. Hermione could hear the blood rushing through her ears as she waited. And then finally, after what felt like hours, it exploded. Both witches breathed a sigh of relief, the sound was successfully muffled by the adjustments Hermione had made, and it seemed to do just as much damage as the previous version they had tested. Bellatrix cackled maniacally in Hermione's ear, earning an excited shudder.

"We're ready," Bellatrix crooned in Hermione's ear, pulling the young witch to her, "It's only a matter of time now."