A little boy with blonde hair was running to his older brother's bed, jumping on it. He shook his brother, trying to wake him up. "Psst. Leo. Wake up, wake up, wake up!" He whisper yelled.

His older brother has black hair and icy blue eyes. "Mikey, go back to sleep." Leo told Mikey. Mikey huffed and layed on Leo. Leo grunted as Mike said, "I just can't. The sky's awake. So I'm awake. So we have to play." Leo smiled playfully, pushing Mikey off the bed.

"Go play by yourself." Mikey sat there, thinking, then gasped and climbed back on Leo's bed. He pushed Leo's hair from his face and said, mischievously, "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Leo opened his eyes and smirked.

"Come on! Come on!" Mikey yelled. Leo shushed him and Mikey said, quietly, "Come on." They entered the throne room, closed the doors, and walked to the middle of the room. "Do the magic! Do the magic!" Mikey squealed, excited.

Leo swirled his hands in a circle, a ball of snow forming in them. "Ready?" He asked. Mikey nodded, smiling bigger than the sun. Leo shot his hands towards the ceiling. The snowball hit the ceiling, then Leo spread his arms wide and the snowball exploded.

Snow began to fall and Mikey yelled, "This is amazing!" Leo looked at Mikey and smiled. "Watch this!" Leo said. He stomped his foot on the floor and the floor got covered in ice. Mikey squealed and started jumping, happily.

They played in the snow and built a snow cat. "Hi, I'm Klunk, and I like warm hugs!" Leo said in a high pitched voice. Mikey giggled and ran over, hugging the snow cat. "I love you, Klunk." He said. Leo smiled, warmly.

Mikey grinned and said, "Catch me!" Leo stood up and looked at Mike. "Hang on!" He said, forming a snow hill. "Again!" Mikey said, jumping. Leo formed another snow hill. Mikey giggled, jumping faster. Leo frowned, trying to keep up.

"Slow down!" He yelled. Mikey didn't hear him and kept going faster. Leo slipped. Mikey jumped and shouted, "Weeeeeeee!" Leo saw and yelled, "Mikey!" and, accidentally, shot snow at Mikey's head. "Ugh!" Mikey grunted and rolled down the snow hill, unconscious.

Leo ran over and lifted Mikey's head. "Mikey..." He whispered. Leo gasped as he saw a blue snowflake appear on his brother's left temple. "Mama! Papa!" He yelled, scared. Leo started crying and held Mikey close to him. His emotions made the ice crack and thicken.

It destroyed the snow cat and the snow hills. The doors busted open as the king and queen (Master Splinter and Tang Shen), Leo and Mikey's parents, ran in. "Leonardo, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!" Splinter scolded, worried.

Shen picked Mikey up and gasped. "He's ice cold!" She said. Master Splinter had an idea. "I know where we have to go." He said. They ran to the library. Splinter grabbed a book and flipped through the pages. He found a map and looked at it.

He dropped the map and ran, Leo and Shen right behind him. He called for two horses and hopped on one of them with Leo, Shen on the other. As the horses started running, there was a trail of ice following them the whole way. Leo was scared and worried and that's why the ice was there.

As they were headed to the place on the map, two turtle tots, one with green eyes and one with amber eyes, came out of the woods and saw the ice. "Ice?" The one with amber eyes asked. Green eyes shrugges and decided to follow it.

In the middle of a clearing full of rocks in the woods, Master Splinter and Tang Shen got off their horses, with Splinter helping Leo and Shen holding Mikey. Mikey was still ice cold and unconscious.

"Please help! My son!" Splinter yelled. There was silence for a moment until, suddenly, the rocks in the clearing started moving towards them. They shifted and appeared to be trolls. Leo was confused and a little frightened at this.

Somewhere hidden from the royal family, the turtle tots were watching the whole thing. "Trolls?" Amber eyes asked. Suddenly, a girl troll appeared between them and whisper yelled, "Shh! I'm trying to listen!"

The troll then looked at the turtle tots and smiled. "Cuties. I'm gonna keep you." This made the amber eyed one smile and the green eyed one grunt. The troll smiled, then watched the king and queen, again.

One of the trolls gasped and said, "It's the king!" The rest of the trolls moved out of the way as an elder troll rolled in. The elder troll grabbed Leo's hand, frightening him a little, and asked, "Born with the powers, or cursed?"

Leo looked at his father as he said, "Born and there getting stronger." The elder troll looked at Shen as she showed him Mikey. He touched Mikey's head and hummed. "You're lucky it wasn't the heart. The heart is not so easy to save. But, the head can be persuaded."

"Do what you must." Splinter said, worried for Mikey's health. The troll nodded and waved his hand in the air, images appearing of Leo and Mikey's adventures with Leo's powers. "I recommend we remove all magic, just to be safe. But, don't worry. I'll leave the fun." The elder troll said as he took the memories and placed his hand on Mikey's head.

Mikey smiled in his sleep. "He won't remember I have powers?" Leo asked, looking at Splinter. "It's for the best." His father said. The elder troll looked at Leo and frowned. "Listen to me, Leonardo. You're power will only grow. There is beauty in it. But also great danger." The elder troll said as he made images appear.

They first looked beautiful, then everything in the image turned red. Leo gasped in horror as he watched the images play out. "You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy." Just as the elder troll said that, the people in the image attacked image Leo as he screamed.

"No!" Leo yelled, putting his face in Splinter's chest. Splinter held Leo and said, "We'll protect him. He will learn to control it, I'm sure."

"Until then, lock the gates.

Reduce the staff.

We will limit your contact with people.

Keep your powers hidden from everyone..."

Mikey ran to Leo's new room, only to find Leo looking sad, shutting the door. Mikey frowned and walked away.

"...Including Michelangelo"