Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter nor Naruto. Nor am I making any profit from this story.

Summary: The night of her death Lily tries to call upon an ancient spirit to protect her son. She gets a desperate Kyuubi who agrees to protect her son for the chance to escape the Elemental Nations.





'Telepathy/Mind speak'



"Foreign languages"

"Summon/ Bijuu Speaking"


February 6th, 1987

Six year old Harry Potter lived with his Aunt Petunia and her husband Vernon Dursley but wasn't well liked by them or the neighborhood. It was mostly due to his family spreading lies about him and his cousin Dudley beating up anyone that wanted to be his friend with his gang. The other reason in his opinion was because he had proven to be very intelligent and children were petty and jealous of him. The Dursley's disliked him because of his parents and what he represented; an intruder into their perfectly normal lives.

There were many strange incidents Harry couldn't explain. These incidents hadn't helped Harry battle any disliske from his relatives. They only seemed to fuel the Dursley's dislike of him. However Harry also sensed their fear. Harry always seemed to heal unnaturally fast. Something that caused his relatives much consternation when they got in their darker moods. Cuts and bruises seemed to heal within seconds while broken bones took only minutes. There were also incidents of shrinking clothes or his hair growing back overnight when his Aunt shaved it all off.

At school and outside of it, Harry spent most of his time at the library reading different books or using the computers. Harry had seen many stupid people in his life, including his relatives, and he never wanted to be anything like them. Knowledge is Power was one of his favorite sayings and Harry liked power, especially the power to protect himself. While Harry was a loner there were times when he too craved companionship.

Harry didn't know it but his wish was about to be granted.

His life irrevocably changed the day he found a book on meditation in the Surrey Public Library after hearing a teacher talking about how it helped him to another member of the faculty. With it's help he found a protector and a life-long companion. Harry had walked to his favorite hiding place in the woods. He had tried meditating at several places but none of them had felt right or he kept getting interrupted. He hoped being out in nature might help him. Just as his breathing had evened out and his body relaxed he felt like a switch had been flicked in the back of his mind before he lost consciousness.

Harry sighed as he woke, a gentle heat warming him. He opened his eyes but immediately closed them again when a bright light shone in them. He blinked carefully several times until his eyes adjusted. What he found astounded him. He was in a large forest clearing surrounded by trees and flowers. He could see several bees and butterflies flying around and even saw a pair of a fox kits wrestling off to the side.

"Welcome young one." A smooth melodious voice called. Something about the voice brought forth a feeling of recognition in his heart.

Harry whirled around and saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. Every other person seemed boring when compared to her. She was tall, easily taller than his uncle by several inches, with long blood red hair and dark ruby eyes which looked to be outlined in purple mascara. Pointed ears stuck slightly out from her hair.

Her skin was a smooth ivory color except for the two purple stripes beneath her eyes and on the inside of her wrists. She wore wicked looking crimson armor over a red and orange battle kimono. A large bastard sword, styled like something out of a nightmare, hung from her back. The crimson hilt was scaled, the end of the hilt held an amber colored slitted eye that seemed to stare at him, making him a little nervous. The blade itself appeared to be wrapped in bandages. Around her neck was a black choker covered in strange symbols, he thought might be runes he had read about once in a history book.

"W-Who are you? Are you the one I have been dreaming of at night?" Harry asked backing away from her a little. She had a strange presence to her. He knew that she was most definitely not a normal person. Ever since he could remember when he was upset or had a nightmare he dreamed of being held by a red haired woman and her singing to him. He had never been able to see her face, just the hair.

"You have guessed correctly. I am the one who comforts you in your dreams as your relatives refused to. Waste of human filth that they are. " The woman replied, eyes narrowing at the thought of the child's relatives.

Her eyes returned to him, assessing him.

"I am the Kyuubi no Kitsune or the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox." The woman replied calmly, her eyes assessing him.

"A-A demon!" Harry yelped. "Have I died and gone to hell?"

"Of course not, this is your mind Harry. In truth I am a Bijuu, or Tailed Beast, not a demon as humans have labeled me and my kind. I am a large fragment of a being called the Juubi, along with my eight siblings." Kyuubi replied brows raised and sounding amused. "You arrived here because you were trying to meditate like you read in that book and I brought you here. I thought that it was time that we meet face to face."

"My mind? Why are you inside of my mind?" Harry asked eying her nervously.

"Your mother summoned me to protect you from a great evil before her death." Kyuubi informed him. "She was not powerful enough on her own to save you but with my power you are protected. To protect you I was sealed inside of your body. Your mother loved you so much she willingly made a deal with a being far greater than herself. This place you see is where we may meet."

"Protect me from evil?" Harry asked.

Kyuubi stared at him for a few moments before seeming to come to a decision.

"Please come inside my home so we can speak comfortably." Kyuubi said. When he hesitated she sighed, "You need not fear me young one unless you do something wrong. Your mother and I made a pact so I would be forced to protect you even if I didn't wish to."

"Alright." Harry replied reluctantly.

He followed her as she was walked a ways through the woods before they stepped out of it. They reached a pair of twin lakes which seemed to surround an island on all sides. The water seemed strange though, instead of being clear like normal water it was glowing blue with veins of red inside of it. The second lake was filled with a shining golden liquid that seemed to give off a sense of pleasant warmth and power. The lakes seemed to be fed from a waterfall higher up. A stone bridge was placed over both of the lakes allowing them to reach the island across it. On the island grew many wildflowers and a tall stone manor house.

"The first thing you should know is that there is more to this world than you and many other humans know." Kyuubi said as she poured two glasses of tea from a pot she had conjured from midair. They were both sitting in a comfortable but stately sitting room. "There are beings that can naturally manipulate the energy inside of them. Some call themselves witches and wizards. Your parents and yourself are a part of this group. You are a wizard. Your people have kept themselves mostly hidden from the greater world for centuries due to fear, jealously and distrust."

"A wizard?" Harry asked shocked. "The weird things I can do is magic?"

"Yes." Kyuubi answered. "The golden energy you saw in the lake outside was your magic. It will grow larger as your body ages and you exercise it."

"What about the others?" Harry asked, picking up on the fact that she hadn't mentioned them.

"That energy is called chakra. It was used by humans called shinobi, or ninja." Kyuubi informed him. "Most modern day humans have forgotten their ability to mold chakra. Very few can still do it and even then they haven't been able to use it to it's full potential. Only those living on a hidden continent known as the Elemental Nations still use it widely."

"What's it for?" Harry asked. He had always been curious about things he didn't know about. Only fear of being harmed by his relatives had really kept it in check in the past.

"Chakra is a combination of spiritual energy and physical energy inside of the body. Spiritual energy is produced by learning, our experiences and just living. Physical energy is produced by their bodies, learning to push it to it's limits and from food that is consumed. When combined together to form chakra it can do amazing things, including making your body faster, stronger and allowing you to harness the elements themselves. It can even used to disguise and make copies of yourself, or escape from being injured. Some shinobi even had special abilities that set them a step above others called Kekkai Genkai or Bloodlines, special traits or abilities that they could pass on to their descendants." Kyuubi explained. "The blue chakra in the lake is produced by your body and the red is mine. I am also the reason why you have such a large chakra supply. Normally it would have been the size of a river if you were lucky. My energy, or yokai, is also the reason your body heals faster than it should, a benefit of our relationship. It boosts your already considerable natural healing rate offered by your magic."

"Thank you." Harry said feeling he should be grateful for that considering all of the times his cousin had beaten him up with his gang, or the odd times his uncle had gotten angry enough to come after him. He had always healed quickly and hadn't known why.

Kyuubi nodded at his show of gratitude.

"You are welcome young one. It appears that we have gotten off topic about why I am here though. Not to worry I will explain more about chakra later if you desire." Kyuubi said the last part when she saw him about to interrupt her. "According to your mother's memories, which I have all of, your parents were being hunted by an evil wizard, a Dark Lord, calling himself Lord Voldemort when you were born. According to her memories a prophecy was discovered about a child who could possibly defeat this Dark Lord. He hunted your parents for over a year before he finally caught up with them. Your mother found out about me in legends and was actually able to summon me. An impressive feat by itself."

She paused to sip her tea before continuing.

"Before that time I had had been sealed inside of two other humans. The night I was summoned I was being transferred from my first Jinchūriki to the one who was supposed to be my second. I was just about to be sealed again when I was summoned by your mother Lily." Kyuubi continued. She was honestly grateful for the mortal woman summoning. Which was the main reason she had immediately struck her down when she had appeared before Lily."Following the ritual tethers I was surprised to find myself coherent once more since I had been under the man's influence even when sealed. For your mother's help in freeing me from that man's control I made a pact with her. In return for helping me escape she asked that I protect you from this Voldemort character and any other threats to your life for as long as you lived. I agreed and with my help she was able to seal me inside of you before Voldemort killed her. A tiny part of her soul was absorbed by my own so I received all of her memories and her feelings for you, her only child. When Voldemort tried to kill you with his spell your mother's love combined with my own significant power protected you and reflected the dark curse back upon him."

Kyuubi stopped and sighed.

"Unfortunately his defeat was not without consequences. A piece of his soul latched onto the only living thing in the room which was you. As soon as it did it tried burrowing it's way inside of you. I was somewhat weakened by the backlash of the first attack and from being controlled for well over a century and was not able to stop it right away."

"I have a piece of his soul inside of me?" Harry asked, horrified.

"I am getting there." Kyuubi said, a little irritated at the disruption. Harry nodded sheepishly a small an apologetic grin on his face. Kyuubi forgave him with a roll of her eyes. "Brat. By the time I had gathered my power it was being held off by your mother's protective magic. The piece of soul was able to establish a link between the two of you before I could destroy it. I have blocked off the link between you as best as I can but it may someday reopen. I was able to capture the soul piece and drain the magic from it. Unfortunately I was not able to get all of the mortals memories just the first thirty years but I was able to give you his special magical ability that appeared in his bloodline. It is called Parseltongue, the ability to speak with snakes, serpents and reptiles."

"Cool." Harry said. Talking to snakes sounded like a cool power to him. Suddenly he remembered that he had interrupted her again. "Sorry."

"It's alright." Kyuubi said, amusement in her eyes. "Some believe that Parseltongue marks the witch or wizard as dark, or evil but it is mostly the actions of those of Voldemort's bloodline that tainted it so in Britain and some parts of Europe. It is a rare gift used for destruction but also healing and warding. His was not the only bloodline to have it as your mother researched it when she attended school. Parselmouths are widely sought after in many countries, especially those with larger snake populations. Now you and your descendants will also have the gift. I figured that it was better to have a weapon of your enemy so he cannot use it against you."

"Will you teach me to use my chakra and magic?" Harry asked.

"Of course I will." Kyuubi answered. "I am glad that you aren't going to waste this potential power."

A/N: Any complaints about the Kyuubi not being evil enough. Well she is still the Kyuubi. Only now she has the memories of Lily Potter and her feelings for her son. She sees him as her own and her feelings for him will only grow. She will be extremely protective of him. I consider her to be Lawful Evil while Harry will be more Chaotic Neutral. Plus I go with her being more reasonable since she is actually whole when she is sealed into Harry and is beyond the reach of any Uchiha or Senju who would wish to control her. This will not be a Harry/Kyuubi either.