Author's Note: Thanks everyone for liking, favouriting and following my story.

Ta da!

As promised, a brand-new chapter!

Originally, I intended to post this chapter tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait any longer. So here you go. Hope you like it.

Don't forget to review for its your reviews that persuade me to write and update as soon as possible.

And I promise that I'll try to get a new chapter posted as soon as possible.

P.S. If you enjoy reading Envious Comrades, you may also like my NCIS fanfic 'Atta Boy!' Please check it out.

Once again, Read and Review!

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me.

Chapter 5: Tim's Tragic Times

"Urgh," Gibbs grumbled softly as he felt McGee's stare on him for the umpteenth time today. However, like the past 52 times this morning, Gibbs chose to once again ignore it in favour of completing leftover paperwork from the last case. He knew Tim was upset about yesterday, justifiably so but Gibbs also knew that Tim was one to presume the best of everyone and would therefore, expect to hear a valid excuse for Gibbs's failure to not only go back on his commitment of helping Tim with the present for his sister after it had been Gibbs's suggestion in the first place but also, his neglect in even informing Tim of his change of plans. And Gibbs had a feeling that 'I forgot' just won't cut it nor could Gibbs tell Tim exactly where he had been instead as that would require telling him why he had been at Tony's in the first place. That was out of the question!

And so, Gibbs decided that the best course of action would be to spend the day pretending to be absorbed in work and at the first opportunity that presented itself, Gibbs would find some time alone with McGee to explain the situation the best he could and right his wrong to the best of his abilities. He truly felt for the kid who had been relying on him to surprise his sister with a handmade gift and his disappointment would be harder to face than a hailstorm of bullets. God, Gibbs would break another of his rules and apologize to the kid before he went off to dinner with his sister tonight, he just needed to find some time alone with ….


So absorbed was he in his own thoughts that he had not noticed Ziva approach his desk and it wasn't until Ziva slammed another file that she had completed on his desk that he was startled out of his thoughts. It was only through strict self-discipline ingrained into him during his time in the Marine Corps that Gibbs could prevent himself from flinching and though Gibbs showed no outward sign of surprise, he could admit to himself that he had started quite badly. Now, what was her problem? As if he didn't have enough on his plate, his Mossad liaison had to choose today of all days to act out!

Gibbs didn't have the energy to have it out with her this early in the day, so he merely levelled a hard glare at her which he wasn't surprised to see was mimicked back at him before Ziva turned around haughtily and stomped back to her desk. "Must still be mad about the toothache thing," Gibbs thought and paid the matter no more attention until fifteen minutes later, when he noticed Ziva throw a glare in his…and Tony's direction?

Now, this puzzled Gibbs. He could understand why Ziva was annoyed with him but what did Tony have to do with it. Luckily, his Second-in-charge had yet to notice Ziva's icy glares aimed at him at occasional intervals. Tony had gone through enough of an emotional rollercoaster with his father, the last thing he needed was to be on the receiving end of one of Ziva's moods and Gibbs could not fathom exactly why Ziva was frustrated with Tony. Despite the uplift in his spirits since last night, Tony still wasn't quite himself yet. Yes, he was smiling today and had gone to McGee and apologized for being rude yesterday, a dispute Gibbs hadn't heard about. But it had been three hours since the day had started and Tony hadn't cracked a single joke, hadn't quoted any movie, hadn't whined about being bored to death as there was no active case. God, he hadn't even pulled a prank…wait, that's it!

'Ziva must be mad about some prank Tony had pulled on her last week and after the hell the kid went through during the weekend, he probably forgot all about it. I really hope Ziva isn't about to exact her revenge or tear into Tony today. Not today…'

Ring! Ring!

As they received a new case, Gibbs instructed the entire team to gear up and was just about to open his mouth to tell McGee to ride with him, sensing his chance to be able to talk to Tim in private, when Gibbs's eyes landed on Ziva who was staring resolutely at Tony, a determined glint in her eye, her jaw set and her stance reminded Gibbs of a lioness ready to attack whilst Tony gathered his gear, blissfully unaware of the defenseless prey he may become in the near future . Just as Tony raised his head, about to meet Ziva's eyes, Gibbs called out "DiNozzo, you're with me. McGee, go with Ziva."

Three heads snapped up in Gibbs's direction, each displaying surprise on their respective faces. All the team members knew that Gibbs had been taking McGee in with him for the past few cases to train him up as he was the team member with the least amount of in-field experience. However, before any of them could voice their objections, Gibbs barked out "Well? Get to it." Knowing better than to linger after Gibbs's command, the three rushed to obey.

As they left the bullpen, Gibbs noticed both the fury in Ziva's eyes as well as the crestfallen face of McGee's and felt uneasiness in his gut at the former and a pang in his heart at the latter but chose to ignore both in favour of focusing on the case in hand. If only he knew then how easily he could have avoided the catastrophe that lay ahead by sparing a few measly words at that very moment.

"Huh!" Gibbs sighed in frustration as he drained his seventeenth cup of coffee that day. Even by his standards, that was excessive. However, Gibbs was at his wits end. The case was proving to be one of the most difficult ones he had faced yet with very few leads and the victim being a hotshot marine with numerous political connections, ensuring that not only were there way too many eyes on this one but a good portion of the suspects were politicians in high places who were almost impossible to reach, let alone question. To add to his frustration, his Second-in-charge was distracted and kept glancing at his phone whenever he thought Gibbs wasn't looking, so much so that Gibbs had half a mind to confiscate Tony's phone like some stuck-up high school teacher. Furthermore, Gibbs had had to head slap McGee after catching him twice on an online website, shopping for his sister's substitute gift as soon as he thought Gibbs had left for yet another coffee run. And, Ziva kept giving both Gibbs and Tony the cold shoulder and the evil eye to the point that it took all of Gibbs's restraint to keep himself from biting her head off. No matter how much his heart went out to Tony, how guilty he felt for abandoning McGee and how much he wanted to let Ziva go to get her stupid tooth fixed if that's what it took to get her attitude adjusted, work had to come first; he was their boss and this case was way too important for any of them, much less all of them to be slacking off!

At a quarter past seven, they had gotten just one lead but it was taking all of Gibbs's arguing with the director, McGee's hacking which the team referred to as the Gray-area technological inspection, Tony's connections with the cops and Ziva's acquaintances in Mossad to get the location of Cillian O'Sullivan, a foreign ambassador present in the United Sates on a Diplomats visa, making him virtually impossible to touch. However, he was a solid, not to mention the only suspect whom seven eyewitnesses and a partial CCTV image had identified as the last person to not only be seen with the victim, but actively threatening the victim mere hours before his death. As Gibbs descended the staircase from the Director's office, his mood further worsened by his failure in persuading Jenny to get him a search warrant for the hotel room in which the suspect was currently residing, McGee suddenly appeared at the foot of the staircase, nervously waiting for Gibbs to reach him.

"What would he…oh boy!" Gibbs groaned internally as he realised Tim must have come to him to ask him for permission to go to his sister for her birthday and as much as it pained Gibbs, he would have to deny Tim's request.

Opting to be oblivious, and hoping like a coward, no matter how much it shamed him, that McGee would lose his guts and wouldn't ask in the first place so Gibbs wouldn't have to disappoint the kid, Gibbs slowly but surely made his descent, making sure a frown was firmly fixed on his face and his stance screamed danger. Surely, he could silently dissuade the kid from asking him, right?

Alas, it seemed as if it really wasn't Gibbs's week!

As he approached McGee, Gibbs asked, keeping his tone neutral "You got something for me?"

"Umm…no boss, there is nothing in his financial records to indicate that he had anything to do with the murder."

When the kid said nothing more, Gibbs nodded, it was a long shot anyway, and began to make his way to the bullpen when McGee spoke up once more "Boss?"

At the meek voice, Gibbs turned around and despite his better judgement, flashed McGee a small smile which was extremely counterproductive as it seemed to encourage the kid to continue.

"I know we haven't gotten any closer to solving this case but I was hoping that you could let me off early today," McGee said, fully aware that it was past office hours but knowing better than to say so to Gibbs. At Gibbs's raised eyebrows, McGee audibly gulped and rushed to plead his case "Boss, there really isn't much I can do right now and umm…. I don't know if you remember this but it's my sister's birthday and Dad probably forgot and I'm the only one she counts on to celebrate it with her and I had some plans and there isn't even a gift I can send her…." McGee trailed off.

As McGee had began to ramble, annoyance had creeped into Gibbs. He hated when people rambled, Tony got enough head slaps for it as it was but then McGee mentioned his father and Gibbs's heart twisted painfully as he realised Tony wasn't the only one with a rotten father but before he could dwell on it longer than a split second, McGee mentioned the gift and Gibbs's attention diverted. Gibbs didn't fail to notice the hurt that had sneaked into McGee's speech when he had suggested that Gibbs may not remember his sister's birthday and Gibbs almost succumbed to the guilt and let McGee go. Almost.

"Look McGee, I get what you're saying. I really do. But there are just too many eyes on this case. If I let you go to celebrate your sister's birthday, the director is gonna bite both our heads off. This case is just too important and needs all hands on deck. Okay?" Gibbs said gently, a rare event in itself and Gibbs was silently proud of McGee when he plastered on a small smile and nodded in understanding. "Atta boy!" Gibbs exclaimed as he ruffled McGee's hair before walking over to the bullpen, a slightly mollified, though still very much hurt, McGee trailing after him.

After one of Ziva's contacts came through, they got Cillian O'Sullivan into an interrogation room and made him confess. The case was winded up and the A-team was dismissed by one proud Team lead at one in the morning. As the team was packing up and getting ready to head home, Gibbs kept his gaze on McGee, waiting for the other two to leave the bullpen so that he could talk to McGee in private. He still wasn't sure what he would say but he knew he had to say something.

Ziva stomped out, seemingly still in a bad mood. Well, he'd deal with her tomorrow.

Right now, he had to take care of McGee. As McGee seemed to be wrapping up his report, Gibbs glanced at Tony and smiled softly at seeing his Second-in-charge pack up his things with a proud smile on his face at the team's victory and for once in this week, no worry clouding his head. Tony had gone through a lot the past few days, but it seemed as if all that was all over, and things would go back to normal soon enough.

"Thank God its over," Gibbs whispered to himself. However, he spoke too soon for it was at that very moment that Tony's phone emitted a seemingly harmless beep. Tony took it out of his pocket and a brief glance at the caller ID had Tony paling and rushing out of the bullpen without another word. Gibbs sat at his desk dumbfounded for all of a second before his protective instincts took over and he rushed after Tony, all but forgetting his original plan to talk to McGee and not realising that he had unknowingly abandoned McGee for the second time for it hadn't even occurred to Gibbs that McGee was doing the exact same thing that Gibbs had been doing; pretending to be finishing up a report that he had typed out an hour ago whilst waiting for his colleagues to leave the bullpen so he could talk to Gibbs privately as he had sensed that Gibbs wanted to do the same.

"Guess I was wrong. Gibbs was probably waiting for Tony to finish up and Tony didn't even know it. Gibbs is probably going to Tony's house. AGAIN."

McGee knew something had happened to Tony yesterday and he hadn't really blamed Gibbs for going to Tony's but a heads up would have been nice. Besides, Tony seemed fine today and yet, Gibbs chose to go to Tony once more. If something was really going on with Tony, McGee wouldn't mind Gibbs helping him out with it, but couldn't Gibbs have spared a moment or two to talk to him before rushing off to his Very Special Agent?

Tim knew better than to expect an apology from the almighty Gibbs, but a flicker of regret would have been appreciated. Even a simple guilt-laden smile and a 'goodnight' could have cleared the disappointment and sadness in Tim's heart. Instead, what Tim saw was that Gibbs left him to rush after Tony.

As he got caught up in his emotions, Tim couldn't stop himself from wondering, just for a nanosecond, but wondering nonetheless 'What's so special about Tony?'

Gibbs got to the parking lot in record time and almost immediately spotted Tony in the distance, standing next to his car, on his phone, clearly distressed by whatever the caller was saying. As Gibbs approached Tony, he heard the end of the conversation and it sent chills down his back.

"Fine, Dad. You win. I…Boss?"