Warning: Attempted rape and violence

Chapter 1: The Stranger

Rey is out later than she usually likes to be. Jakku isn't a safe place for a young girl at the age of seventeen to be out at late hours of the night, but years after touching the old man, Rey finds herself still obsessed with the creature Kylo Ren. Rey likes to visit the local Cantina to see if he will appear on the Holonews. She ignores all the noise and just focuses on the Holovision. At this very moment, Kylo Ren's masked face is all that Rey can see. He never speaks and Rey isn't exactly positive if he ever realizes he is being filmed, but he is there. The footage is old and she saw it before, but it doesn't stop her from being drawn to him. She can't help but wonder if he really does have the same eyes as the beautiful Princess from the old man's memories. Or if he is just as handsome as his father. Rey wants to know everything about the man that leaves death behind everywhere he goes.

The Holovision switches to podracing. Rey blinks a couple of times and she is back in the Cantina. She can smell the smoke, drinks, and sex and hear all the crude conversations and the obnoxiously loud music. Rey scrunches her nose in disgust. She grabs her drink and takes a sip and grimaces. She doesn't like the taste but she has to buy every time she comes. The drink costed two portions which means that Rey will most likely be hungry for a week. She really needs to stop with her unhealthy obsession.

Rey is about to get up and leave when she feels a pair of eyes on her. She looks around and finds that a couple male humanoids and a few females staring, but they aren't the ones she can feel. These pair of eyes are new and are staring at her for an entirely different reason. She keeps looking until her eyes find a man wearing a hooded cloak. He is wearing all black and he is a rather tall human. She can only see his chin, but she knows he is the one staring at her. She quickly looks away. Rey feels uncomfortable with the attention and knows she needs to get out before anyone decides to approach her. She stands up quickly and is about to move forward when two large Hamadryas block her way. She looks at them and she can feel more humanoids start to stand all around her. Her left hand slowly creeps behind her back to her staff.

"Excuse me," she says as she stares up at the Hamadryas. She hates the way they do not blink. It wasn't very natural.

"What are you doing here, witch?" one of them asks. His name is Sim and he loves to torment Rey. Everyone on Jakku loves to.

"I just wanted a drink like everyone else," Rey says haughtily and shuffles slightly to her right.

Sim follows her and steps closer. Rey's eyes widen and she steps back. She jerks quickly forward as she hits someone. She looks behind her and sees several others are now surrounding her. She has found herself stuck in a humanoid wall.

Rey tries to keep calm, but she can feel her breath quicken. She looks for gaps around her. She doesn't want any of them to touch her skin, if they do, she will be down for who knows how long.

"I don't think you came here for a drink," Sim says as he continues to step forward. Rey tries to not react, but she can feel herself start to sweat. This sweat is different than the hot sweat that she gets while she is outside in the blazing sun. As she feels a bead of sweat graze her back, it feels cold. She knows something bad is about to happen. She is very hyperaware of everything around her. She jerks every time she sees someone itch a body part. "I think you came here to have a little fun."

Sim reaches his green hand towards Rey's face. Rey yells as she pulls out her staff from behind her back and swings at him. While Rey is fast, Sim is faster and stronger. He grabs her staff and holds it in his hand, stopping her so suddenly her arm vibrates from the force and everyone in the Cantina silences before they burst out into laughter. Sim's laugh is the loudest as he yanks the staff causing Rey to stumble forward and her head to hit his chest. Her eyes water from the force. She hears a clutter and looks to the ground where her staff has been dropped.

"Don't know why Plutt hasn't made you a whore, I'm sure your pussy is nice and tight for a human." Rey sees red. The Hamadrya is laughing along with everyone else, so he doesn't see Rey lift her hand until he feels the sting of her slap. His face swings right and he stumbles. Rey wants to yelp in pain from the stinging in her hand, but she only just stares at him. Everyone in the Cantina is silent. Rey is panting and she is so angry. She is so sick of everyone tormenting her when she has done nothing to them.

"You all are worthless," Rey spits out. She turns around and glares at all of them. Some of them step back. She sees a whore she accidentally touched as a child. She points at the Togruta. "You know how you will die?" Rey asks her and doesn't wait for her to reply, "While you are with some scumbag he will choke you to death because he doesn't care about you. You will gasp for breath and beg for your life." She can see the Togruta's pale montral's redden from anger or fear. Rey doesn't care-she moves on. She sees Faro, a human she accidently touched a week ago. She points at him and his eyes widen. He shakes his head and she can see him whisper, 'no', but she is so angry she doesn't care. "Your last thoughts will be about your wife who you left with your unborn child."

She keeps turning and she sees so many deaths. They all will die and they all have something in common, "You will all die alone." She whispers and she knows they can all hear her. The music has stopped, the Holovision is muted, and everyone is looking at her in terror or anger.

"Shut up, you witch."

Rey feels pain in her cheek and then her vision is not her own.

Rey sees a tanned, small girl fall to the ground and she is so angry. She hates that human girl. The tension in the room eases as everyone in the room begins to laugh again and she feels control of the game. She sees the girl's eyes are still open and her eyes are a milky white when moments ago they were brown.

"Shall we have a little fun while the little witch is down?" The crowd cheers and people come back to form a circle. She begins to undo her zipper. "I call her first." She says and she licks her lips. She has been waiting for the little girl for a long time now. She stops unzipping her pants when she notices a human male start to walk towards her. He is wearing a black cloak and she can't really see his face.

"I said I'm first, human." The man walks past her and starts to head for the door. She turns back to the crowd and says, "I guess he's too pussy." The crowd cheers again and she takes a step towards the pretty human girl. As she is about to reach the girl's leg and she feels arms circle her neck and then she feels pain and then she hears a loud crack and then she see nothing.

And then Rey sees Sim collapse on the floor with the human stranger standing behind him. Rey gasps and clutches her neck. She can't seem to breathe no matter how hard she tries. She is gasping and gasping and she can do nothing when the strange man comes towards her, puts one arm under her knees and another under her back and lifts her into the air. No one in the Cantina is moving. No one has ever seen someone break a neck so easily and they know that this stranger is someone they shouldn't mess with. It's in the air around to him. They can feel his anger and disgust and some base survival instinct tell them to not approach him or even move. They can sense that he has the ability to kill them without even touching them.

It's easier for Rey to breathe when they step out into the slightly cooler air outside. She is still gasping for air as she looks up at the man that saves her. And then it becomes hard for Rey to breathe all over again. The man who saved her is strangely beautiful. More beautiful than the ugliness she saw and felt inside the Cantina. Rey has never seen a beautiful human man before. Most on Jakku are old or broken in some way. This man has stars on his face, full lips, slightly large ears and nose-but they add to his beauty. Rey can see his dark hair now and has never seen such clean hair.

"Who are you?" Rey gasps out. Why was such a beautiful creature on such a decrepit planet like Jakku?

The man looks down at her and Rey is stunned. His dark brown eyes are so beautiful.

The man swallows and a grimace clouds his face. When he says his name, it's like he hasn't said it in ages or it's something he doesn't like,


This was shorter than I planned but I felt like ending it right there. For a short chapter, a lot was introduced. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Tell me what you thought, what you want next, and some critiques! Thanks again for reading. You are AWESOME! Next chapter: Rey will get out of shock and not like being held by the pretty stranger, and lot's of conversation and getting to know each other, a strange vision, and a force fight. And a possible scavengering trip with a rookie and a sandstorm that causes them to be locked up in the AT-AT.