A/N: I'm back! Sorry it took so long to get everything back on track so I could start writing and posting again. I appreciate how patient everybody was with this. I know it's short, but it's the ending I'd always planned on for this. Since a few people on both platforms have requested it, this will be getting a sequel called Slow Burn.

Disclaimer: I do not own or in any way profit from Harry Potter or its related properties.


Hermione roused to the sounds of shouts and a countdown beginning somewhere in the distance. She could feel something tighten around her and hear someone sigh contentedly as she began to stir. It took a few moments to remember that it was New Year's Eve and she'd gone to bed with Charlie. She spun into his embrace and patted his chest to wake him.

"Charlie?" she whispered as he began to stir.

"Hmmm?" he pulled her closer, dragging her halfway over the top of him.

"We're missing the countdown. Everyone will notice we're missing!" Her tone was more alarmed than even she expected. It occurred to her that she actually didn't care all that much if people noticed she was missing, or that they may assume she and Charlie had run off somewhere.

"No, they won't. Bill will have told them you weren't feeling well or some such. Don't worry about it." Charlie rolled them both so that he was leaning over the top of her, forcing her to stifle a giggle.


"He has a way of knowing what's going on without knowing what's going on." Charlie shrugged as he cocked his head to better hear where in the countdown they were.




"Happy new year." He leaned down and kissed her gently, hoping that a bit of New Year's magic was being worked between them. He had heard that whatever you were doing at midnight would be what you would do for the rest of the year. He wouldn't mind making a habit of kissing the woman underneath him.

"Happy new year, Charlie." She whispered back to him as he pulled away from her.

"Do you want to go back down to the party or do you want to stay here?"

"If it's all the same to you, I think I'd rather stay here. I'm sobering up now and don't much feel like dealing with all our drunk friends and relatives." She chuckled as she reached up to twist a strand of his hair through her fingers.

"Mum will expect you for brunch in the morning anyhow. May as well stay here…" he trailed kisses down the side of her neck once more, smirking at the contented sigh they elicited.

"I don't know that I can go another round, Charlie…" Hermione warned.

"S'alright, I just like kissing you."

"Is that so?" He could hear the smile in her voice even though he couldn't see it from his position buried in the crook of her neck.

"Yes. You taste delicious and you smell like vanilla and cinnamon. What's not to enjoy?"

"You're pretty tasty yourself, Mr. Weasley." She shocked him by playfully licking his cheek and bursting into a fit of giggles.

The tussled in the sheets for a bit, licking cheeks and tickling to make each other laugh. Several minutes later, out of breath and relaxed, Charlie settled in next to her on the bed. Hermione wriggled her way under his arm and partway onto his chest with a happy sigh. It wasn't long before they both drifted off to sleep.

Hermione woke slowly, now recognising the scent of the man beneath her head. She did not particularly want to leave the bed, but she was getting cold in the winter chill that had settled in the room. Carefully, she slipped from under Charlie's arm and sought out the mixed pile of clothing they'd discarded the night before. Without much thought, she pulled the old sweater she'd made a habit of sleeping in the last few months over the top of her head and cast a cleansing charm on her knickers before hiking them back up.

"Everything okay? You're not sneaking off are you?" Charlie asked groggily.

"Just got a little cold. I'm not going anywhere." She promised as she slid easily back into bed next to him.

"Is that my sweater?" He chuckled sleepily at her.

"I like to think of it as 'our' sweater at this point, I have been sleeping in it the last several months."

"Well, if it's going to belong to both of us we'll need to set up some kind of custody arrangement. It is my favourite sweater after all." He propped himself on one elbow next to her and gently tugged at the collar to reveal the love bites he'd left the night before. He lightly ghosted his fingers over them and watched as she shivered beneath his touch.

"Trying to get me out of it again so soon?"

"Moreso enjoying the sight of you in it. I'd apologise for the love bites, but I'm not sorry."

"Don't be. How else is anyone supposed to know I'm with you now?"

"Are… are you with me now?" Charlie sat up in a hurry, shocked by her statement. She followed, fidgeting nervously with her hands as she spoke.

"I like you. I think you could be good for me. And after last night I thought…" Charlie held his hand up for her to stop before carefully tugging her closer to him by the front of the sweater. He kissed her soundly before leaning his forehead against hers.

"You're already on your way to stealing my heart."

"And your sweater?" She teased with a lopsided grin.

"And my sweater." He laughed before kissing her again, his wish from the night before already starting to come true.