Okay, so this one is going to be one of my more outlandish ideas, Steven universe crossing over with legends of tomorrow. I know, very weird and probably one that you'll never really expect or really want, but this is my story full of crazy ideas for one shots, so I'm pretty sure that this idea is qualifies for what I was going for.

Again, I'm really into other au's where Steven's mom is someone else, and with coming up with this idea, I suddenly recalled on an au where somehow, Sapphire while still working for homeworld, looked into the future and saw Steven. Seeing the potential, home world decided to advance and make Jasper Steven's mother. Again, a very weird and strange idea, but I nonetheless wanted to explore it, mostly because adding a more malicious and mostly morally neutral Steven would be able to mix pretty nicely here.

So just for clarity sake, this takes place in whatever this universe's version of 'the return' is. Steven and Peridot were sent to earth, and they hate each other. Steven reluctantly freed Lapis, and both share a same sense of passiveness and apathy for things. The ship crashed thanks to the Gems, who were able to beat them more easily in this universe. A lot of other stuff happens and long story short(don't worry, I'll explain it more latter.) Steven and Lapis live pretty much everywhere while Peridot tries to destroy them because she's petty like that.

I would like to think that this version of Steven would get along with Sara, Snart, and Mick, so many of this steven's interactions I'll make in this story will be with them. Sadly, this chapter is mostly just an introduction of Steven's perspective on the mission, so there's probably not much as far as story goes, but its something I wanted to do, so take it as it is. The next chapter will probably be another Universe Falls chapter on the crystal falls au.

I own nothing.

"I really didn't think this whole 'free yourself from homeworld' by abandoning everything all that well, did I?" A young but very raspy voice said as the source of it dodged a green energy blast by getting down low to the ground. He wore a brownish suit that had a slight hint of orange mixed in to it, with ends of the sleeves and pant legs being a little torn up He hair was rather messy and all over the place, being scraggily and long. Most peculiar about him was the bright orange gemstone than occupied the space that his nose would've been in. Right next to him was a taller blue figure attempting to fly with water made from pure water.

"Well, you aren't really best known for all the great choices that you've made in your life, are you know?" The blue figure said with a slight smirk to her expression.

"I suppose I can't fault you their. Listening to you really was the worst choice I've made in my existence. If only there was a way to take it back." He countered back with a smug grin of his own. The blue lady only smiled back with a small chuckle as she looks back at her little friend. Unfortunately, a tall green figure aiming her arms at the two of them didn't seem to enjoy the same sentiment that the two runaways had as she fired away more green balls of energy at them.

"Listening to you clods is torture itself you know. I had the displeasure of being confined in a pressurized metal container for months with you two, and I'm going to make sure that when I take you two back that you sound emulators are permanently silenced!" The green and slightly mechanical woman demeaned.

"Oh Perry, It's words like these that make me glad that the years of bonding and working together have made us truly incapable of ever offending each other. I could probably insult on how short you are, how insecure you are, or on your oddly cute obsession with our Diamond, and just revel in how strong our relationship is." The boy mocked as the Green lady became just a little more than steamed at that remark.

"Seriously, I'd swear you actually kiss the very ground she walks on." The Blue lady continued to joke, once again capturing a smile on her companions face.

"Actually I'm pretty sure that I caught her doing so one time. Remind me, did you really do it because you thought that it would somehow bring up your status with her?"

"It, It was merely a mistake! I-I, I accidently got too close to the ground when bowing in her mighty presence!" The green lady flustered as she blushed a dark green. "Oh, you, you clods are so going to shattered for this!" She yelled as she continued her attack, not that they did much to threaten the safety of the two. "I'm actually mildly surprised, Steven. You were specifically made to serve our diamond. It, its improbable! You, you of all gems shouldn't have strayed from the authority!"

"That's just it Peridot, I'm not exactly all Gem." Steven explained himself. "I'm not some sort of weapon for someone to use, and I'm not just some flesh bag that lets himself get pushed around. I'm literally a mistake, a mistake that shouldn't even exist. If someone as 'high and mighty' as the Diamonds produced me, than there is no point in doing their work. If gems can deicide their own fate when we've been told our entire lives we couldn't, then how can we trust such a flawed authority."

"Flawed?!" Peridot screamed in horror. "Why you filthy pebble of dirt, if it wasn't for.." Peridot continued with her insults, though before she could even continue, the blue lady summoned a handful of water from seemingly out of nowhere, and used it to restrained the limbs of Peridot, who fell with a thump on the ground. "Why are you even with this clod, Lapis Lazuli? He held you on that ship just like I did!"

"Because he freed me. And he talked to me." Lapis told the green Gem rather bluntly. "He isn't as annoying as you, and he at least agrees that we shouldn't be bound to anything anymore. Confinement to anything, to duty, to authority, that's a prison of its own. A prison that I will not be apart of again."

"Prison!? That's going to be the least of our problems if you don't let me help us!" She screamed. "The cluster is still emerging, and if we don't find away to get off the rock or at least delay the development, than we're all domed to be stardust! Let me go and help me, and I won't let any of the Diamonds know about your betrayal."

The two gems stared at each other for a bit before Lapis gave out her answer. "Yeah, we really don't like you, and I could just fly us off this planet at anytime, so there really is no reason for us to help you." She takes the water binding Peridot as she used it to form some sort of pole like object pointing the sharp end right in the middle of Peridot's chest.

"Don't worry, we'll leave with your enhancers in tact." Steven smirked before signaling Lapis to pierce Peridot's form. Peridot lets out a scream before being silenced, and in no time at all, she was reduced to nothing but the triangular stone on her head.

"Are you sure you just want to leave her here? She could find us again you know." Lapis questioned as she walked beside her shorter companion, who simply gives a slight shrug.

"Eh, if she does pursue us again, she'll get poofed again. We're more than a match for her. Besides, she'll be to focus with fixing this cluster mess than to really be getting revenge." He answers as Lapis grabs onto his arms and begins to form her wings again. "You sure your okay with flying off planet? They probably don't care for us anymore, but there's always the risk of running into homeworld Gems." He warns.

"I'm pretty sure. I just want to go somewhere that doesn't remind of prison. This planet, it, it holds too many painful memories." She shudders a little in discomfort. "But will you be okay with leaving? I know this world doesn't hold much for either of us, but you said it yourself that your father might be here."

Steven thought about that for a second. Family was never something he thought about, not before rebelling, and not even after it. It was an alien concept on homeworld, so it was one he hardly indulged himself in. To be fairly honest, that's what probably made growing up as a weapon all the more horrible, but nonetheless, he felt no need or desire for it. He lived this long without it, so what was the point in embracing the notion now?

"I'll be fine." He answered rather unconvincingly, to himself at least, though it was enough to satisfy the blue gem. "I think it will be for the best if we begin our trip now."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry for this then." A British voice popped up from right behind them. The two turn around to see a tall man with light brown facial and head hair covered in a big brown overcoat, and he also armed with a small, silver cylinder device that emitted a small light from this. "I'm afraid you'll have to reschedule it." The man announces, blinding the two of them as they both were knocked out.

After what felt like hours, Steven found himself waking up on some sort of roof top with a slight headache. He awoke, confused greatly by the new surrounding around him. Gone were the small towns houses and the beachfront as they were replaced by tall city buildings and bright shining lights. This was strange enough on its on, but was more confusing was the company of people that were right along side him.

Lapis wasn't there beside him, but in her place were two thuggish men with two big and bulky gun like devices attached to their side, and next to him on the other side was a dark haired man in some sort of mechanical outfit. The others were a blonde haired woman in what looked like winter gear, an old man with thick black glasses, a man and woman with matching warrior like costumes, and a dark skinned young man with short hair. Steven simply stared in confusion at these colorful batch of people all together. None of them really seemed to have anything in common, other than how much they didn't. "What the hell is going on here?" The homeworld boy announced, alerting the others to each others presence. All of them stared awkwardly at each other as they began to question the same thing.

"Stein? What the hell are you doing here?" "I'm as ignorant as you for once." "Where are we?" they all started to ask themselves as Steven began to process this. 'okay, so I'm in the middle of nowhere, knocked out against my will, with a bunch of people I've never seen before, and without Lapis. Someone is so going to die today." Steven thought internally as the collection of people were suddenly interrupted by what appeared to be their captor.

"The name's Rip Hunter." The British man announced to everyone. "I'm from East London. And also the future." He explains in an almost casual manner, like it should've been obvious.

"Hello Rip." The bald man said in a threatening tone as he prepared to grab his bulky gun, though he begins to get even more confused as he finds the trigger to be jammed.

"Uh, while you were incapacitated, I've may have tampered with your weapons." Rip explains on. "I've assembled you all here because I need your help. The future of the world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."

While the rest of the group was initially confused by the name of the threat, the couple in the matching outfits took on a look of concern, apparently knowing the threat personally. Apparently there was something with reincarnation and immortally mixed into the little story that even the blonde woman had a say in. 'not the most insane and crazy thing I've ever heard, but its still boggling to hear that humans of all things have been able to figure it out.' Steven chose to tune out most of the conversation, at least until Rip explains the ever looming threat more.

"What the hell does this, Randall guy have to do with any of us?" The bald man questions.

"Vandal." The British man corrects with a seriousness in his tone. "In the future, he will use the evil he's perfected of the course of his long life, and the power he's amassed throughout history, to finally, conquer.

All of a sudden, Earth was starting to sound more and more like homeworld. "I know a little something about that." Most of the group looks at him in curiosity. "Oh, I'm from a long line of galactic space conquers that have been taking over planets for hundreds of centuries." The group could only stare in shock of that revelation.

"Good for you, because I've been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him." He speaks up again.

"How?" The Blonde woman asks.

"To travel through time." Rip announces as he turns away, looking upward as he waved his hand, slightly ignoring the woman's question. "To capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes."

Steven would've been lying if he said that this story didn't scare him. To think, one man, one simple little human could grow into the biggest threat the world has ever seen. Still though, he tried to push those thoughts aside. Earth was never, and it would never, ever be apart of his concern. "Yeah, I'm trying really hard not to get involved with the affairs of humans. Its complicated enough with me being on this planet."

"The brat has a point." the man in the blue jacket says, though Steven became a little more than miffed at the 'brat' comment. "This is not my problem, and hero ain't on my resume." He announces as he leaves, the bald man agreeing as he begins to follow suite. Rip stops him though as he continues talking.

"Oh, believe me, I know this might be hard to fathom, but where, when I'm from, the year 2166, each and everyone of you on this roof, aren't just considered heroes," He pauses for what seems to be dramatic effect. "Your legends."

Now that got everyone's attention, especially Steven's. Him, a legend? Now that was something to laugh about. Jasper, his mom.., uh, the person who gave him the gemstone on his face, was considered a 'legend' on homeworld, though that was mostly because the decision she made for yellow Diamond was always controversial to talk about. And him, he was nothing more than a weapon, a tool, and a abominable one at that. But to be something that's good, that was something he never thought he'd be.

The rest of the group seemed to be intrigued, though the old man seemed to a few reservations. "I, um, I hate to nitpick, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" He said with a blunt tone.

"Yeah, see, that's a deal breaker for me, so um, I'm going to pass." The dark skinned young man agreed.

"Its dangerous for any of you to know too much about your futures, but I'm here, because each of you, as individuals, is destined for greatness." The British man tried to convince them.

"Yeah, I can get behind that." The man in the metal suit smiled as he agreed. Steven saw the joy in his eyes. The poor fool was already jumping at the opportunity to jump aboard any daring and bold feet. Though, actually be told greatness was in his future was a very comforting thought for the young Gem, always being told that he never would be.

Rip Hunter wasn't finished as he walked slightly away from them and held up a small device in the air. "And if you don't follow me, this is what is in store for your world, 150 years from now." All around them, the image in the air began to change. Gone were the massive and mighty structure of the city, and in their place instead, where the sights of blazing and destructive fires everywhere. The skies burned red as smog and despaired filled the air around them. Ashes and shots of missiles and lasers were seen everywhere.

Nobody could describe what they were feeling as they saw the apparent future they had ahead ,. They didn't know how to feel, sure it was awful to see such a grim outlook of the future, but it was in the future, a new time and place that most of them wouldn't even live to see. Steven felt himself rather unfortunate. He didn't know if the gem on him would grant him an immortal lifespan like his fellow gems, but he figured at least he would live longer than most. This would always be the sight that laid before him if he ever caught a glimpse of the Earth again, which to be fair, he'd know he would eventually. And seeing this sight, it sickened him. This reminded him way to much of homeworld and the destruction they would always leave behind. Again, it was hard to imagine man becoming such a big threat to itself.

"I've could've gone to any time at anyplace." Hunter started to conclude as the image began to fade away "Out of anyone, I chose you nine. I certainly hope that you won't let me, or the world, down." He starts walking away, leaving everyone with a look of contemplation on their faces. "If your answer is yes, meet me at this address in 36 hours." He extends a small piece of paper to the old man as he leaves them to decide what to do.

"So what do you guys all think?" The mechanical man asked with a giddy smile, expecting everyone to jump at the opportunity. To his surprise, most of the people began to walk away, the two thuggish men walking away without a care, the warrior couple disappearing to who knows where, and the dark skinned young man taking off in a huff. Both Steven and the blonde haired woman had confused expressions on their faces.

"I haven't sign on." The blonde confirmed.

"Agreed." Steven voiced in, getting the attention of the two. "I honestly could care less about the life on this planet. Heck, this morning I was completely convinced that it was all going to crumble upon itself within the next year or so." He sad nonchalantly.

"Isn't that a very self centered and vain way for someone to live? I'd thought kids were suppose to be the innocent ones." The metal man stated.

"Yeah, you would think so. And maybe it is selfish, but I've lived my entire life serving others without so much as a single thought for myself." The boy sternly aid, pointing a finger at the man. "For once, I'm thinking about myself, and for once, I have a say in what I get to do. So for once, I would like to live my life without constantly getting myself involved in the problems of other people." He turns away with his head down, but not before showing three marking along side his arms. "This is what I get for getting involved in others affairs, so, I think I'll save myself the trouble and just go away." Steven announced he began to search for a way down. "Now how do I get back home?"

It turns out that the city he landed in wasn't that far off from where he and Lapis were, so it was actually fairly easy for Lapis to find Steven once she finally came to. She of course was very pissed at what happened, and she looked like she was going to start drowning some people for answers if the giant orb of water floating next to her was any indication to what she was planning.

While waiting for the blue gem to find him, he had time to think about the offer. He, in all honesty, felt no guilt about the state of the planet. True, he acknowledged the bad homeworld has done, but that didn't mean he felt responsible for their actions. He was merely with them out of circumstance. He wasn't anymore, so that ended they ties he had with him. Same with this Savage guy, he had no tie or quarry with him, so why should it be his concern.

But with acknowledging the bad homeworld has done, there was that small pain that was their that came with knowing he was for something so bad. The concept of even thinking he could be more just seemed so, so inviting.

The boy of course explained the crazy British man's plan, the time travel, future, all of that stuff. "So apparently, I'm soo important that the universe its need me to travel through time to stop some undying threat. Crazy, huh?"

"Definitely. Steven, your not bound to this planet, we're not bound to it at all." Lapis assured him. "You stood your ground when life went bad for you, and now, now you have the chance to be free from it all. No more duty, no more caring."

"Oh, I definitely want that, believe me." He assured. "But, but you might think I'm being stupid here, but I couldn't help but be a little excited at Rip's offer." Lapis turns her head. "The promise of being something more than what I was made to be. Homeworld made me to be a weapon against rebels, but this one human goes, and says I'm not that. That I'm, I'm suppose to be this grand, legendary person, known for good." He smiles a little as he puts his head down a little.

"But you don't need some, some legendary status to be great. You don't need to prove anything to anyone anymore." Lapis argued.

"Maybe." Steven said a little somberly to himself. "Maybe its time I prove something for myself." He give Lapis a good look in the eyes. "If, if I've know anything, its that no matter how much you reason, or justify, or rationalize it all, my creation was something, something bad. Something that should've never happened. It feels awful to always live with that guilt. But this, this might be my chance to forget it, to finally, to finally develop who I really am, without homeworld or earth in the mix. Maybe I should.." He chuckles more. "Its silly, isn't it? I shouldn't try to do this. We should focus on when we're leaving, right?"

Lapis didn't answer right away. She never knew Steven to smile so much, but the way his face lit up while talking about changing what he was, the joy, the hope in it. It was a good look for him. It was a look that she didn't want him to lose. And she knew only one way that he would have it.

"Do, do you truly believe that you can change like that?" She asked sincerely. "And don't, don't sugar coat it or hold anything back. Is this something you truly want to do?"

"Yes." Steven immediately answered. He answered so fast that he was slightly ashamed, because he knew that he had thought there was no other choice. "I, I really think I, that I could be better if I take this chance."

"Then if you are sure, than you need to go." Steven was shocked at her acceptance. "You said that your using time travel?" He nodded. "Than you'll be back before you know it. I think I can handle myself for a while."

"Are you sure?" The little gem boy asked. "We could take this trip together. There's no need for us to be alone."

"This is your trip. Its what you need to do." Lapis assured. "But if they give you trouble, I'll be sure to give them something to worry about."

And within the next day, Steven was prepped and ready to go. The entire group was there, though the teenager was knocked unconscious for some unknown reason. They were all there for Rip and his supposed time machine. "Are we getting punked." The metal suite man, out of his metal suit, asked. "Do people still say punked?"

"No." The blonde said in an annoyed manner.

"I'm not even from this planet, and even I know that they don't say that." Steven announced as the group waited with a hint of annoyance. "And do you treat all you companions like that?" Steven asked semi-seriously as he saw the teenagers body in the car.

"Its for his own good." The old man assured. "He just doesn't know it yet."

"Well, I see that you've all decided to come." Rip came out of nowhere. "Now lets be own our way."

"I ain't footing it anywhere." the man in the blue jacket said, thinking that they had to walk all the way.

Rip explained with some irritation. "A time master's duty is to not mess around with the time line." 'Isn't that what we're doing?' Steven asked himself internally. "Can you imagine what a time ship would look like, in say, Victorian England?"

"Holographic indigenous camouflage projection." The old man said in awe.

"Indeed." Rip Hunter confirmed as he pressed a small device in his hand, showing off about ten feet away a giant, silver ship with some sort of circular object in the middle, flying slightly above the ground. Everyone looked in awe and surprise, well, everyone except Steven.

"Eh, I've seen better ships." He said as he made his way onto the ship along with the others, not knowing the adventures and dangers that he would soon begin to regret and enjoy being apart of.

Again, not much in terms of story of progression, but I had fun writing this, and if you don't enjoy what you make, then what's the point of writing at all.