A/N : New story ! I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter, and if you do, please remember to review!

Naruto tried his best to stand tall as he walked into the lobby of one of the largest skyscrapers in Tokyo. His hand clutched an envelope as he made his way towards the front desk where he was greeted by a young woman. Her white-blond hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and Naruto couldn't help but notice she was quite beautiful.

"How may I help you, sir?" she asked in a kind voice.

"Um," Naruto reached his hand out to give her the envelope he had been holding onto. "I've been instructed to give you this letter."

The girl took the envelope and opened the crease. Her blue eyes read over the contents, and her soft pink lips widened slightly. She then folded the letter back up and stood up.

"Please follow me, Mr. Uzumaki," she said in a more proper tone than before. Naruto followed her as she led him to an elevator.

"So what's your name?" Naruto asked, trying to make conversation as he wasn't comfortable in silence.

"Ino," the girl replied. "I'm Ino Yamanaka."

Naruto grinned, "it's nice to meet you!" he cheered.

Before Ino could respond, they had arrived on the 5th floor and the elevator doors opened. Naruto stuck close to his escort as Ino led him across the marble tiles towards a lonely office.

"Mr. Uchiha," she spoke loudly and pushed open the door. "This is Naruto Uzumaki," she continued and Naruto looked on. A dark-haired man seemed to pause from his work and looked up, meeting Naruto's eyes before standing up and giving Ino a questionable look.

"What do you want?" the man replied in a rather antagonistic tone.

Ino walked up and handed him the letter from Naruto, and the man seemed to have a similar reaction of slight shock.

"That bastard," the taller man muttered under his breath, and then he waved his hand to dismiss Ino. "I'm Uchiha Sasuke, and from this point on you will be my apprentice - which really means my assistant," he stated and returned to his leather chair. Naruto wasn't getting a good first impression of this guy, he seemed like kind of a dickhead. But he did have to wonder what that letter said, after all, it took all he had not to open it up and read it himself. Naruto returned his gaze to Sasuke once more and noticed the man had been looking at him. Sasuke stood up once more and walked over so he was standing directly in front of Naruto.

"Rule number one, Dobe, you need to start dressing like you actually have any grasp of professionalism," Sasuke said in a very condescending tone. "Rule number two, you are not to speak to clients unless I tell you to - I don't want you embarrassing me. And rule number three, don't feel like you deserve this job, you only got it because of my god-awful brother and his stupid connections."

This pissed off Naruto, especially since he had worn his nicest shirt today just so that he could make a decent impression.

"That's rude, Teme!" The blond teen replied, his short-temper flaring. "You're a really arrogant and annoying person and if I had another job opportunity there is no way in hell I would stick with this job."

Sasuke smirked at this, the kid had some bite to him. "Let me guess, you don't have a decent suit?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Does it really matter what I wear?" Naruto rejected as he glared at Sasuke.

"Just…go ask for Kiba, and tell him I need him to lend you a suit for a few days until your first paycheck come in."

Naruto tucked the wrapped up suit under his arm as he made his way up three flights of stairs. He reached into his pocket to grab the key, and unlocked his small apartment. It had been a long first day, and Naruto had to follow some weird guy after work to grab a spare suit. As he lay the suit down on his couch, Naruto made his way into the tiny kitchen to put on a kettle of water to boil. He tried to put his first day out of his mind, but it wasn't working and all Naruto could think of was his new arrogant boss. But then, there was a knock at his door.

"Naruto!" the familiar voice said cheerily when Naruto unlocked his door. The man who stood before him was a tad taller and had dark hair along with a scar across his face.

"Hey Iruka," Naruto replied, trying to act like his first day hadn't been a complete disaster.

"So…how was the first day?" Iruka asked, excited to hear about his previous student's new job.

Naruto gave in and frowned, "it wasn't great. My boss is a complete jerk and I'm not even doing anything important - just getting people coffee."

"You can't give up, at least stick to it for a few weeks - after all, your parents were the ones who were able to get you that job, since the owner was partners with your father back then, and he is still owner," Iruka insisted, and Naruto knew he was right.

"Wait, the owner is some guy named Sasuke, and he's my age - maybe a year or two older. It's impossible he was owner back then as well," the blond teen said, feeling very confused.

Iruka nodded and walked further into the small apartment. "From what I've heard, the original leader is on leave a lot of the time, so he promoted his younger brother to be co-owner, that's probably who you met."

Naruto was interested in this 'older brother.' After all, if he was friends with his father he must be a good and kind man. Obviously, he would have been nothing like Sasuke, because Naruto found it hard to believe that Sasuke would have many - if any - friends.