A/N: Happy Holidays Everyone! In celebration of Christmas, I'm uploading this bonus omake chapter. I hope to get an actual chapter out by New Years, so here's to hoping. I will warn you right now though, this was a hard omake, because in Japan, Christmas is a romantic holiday more than anything else. So let me know how I did!

Set in the winter at the end of chapter 8, but before Hibari went to middle school.

Tsuna looked out at the snow lazily drifting down from the sky from his bedroom window. It wasn't coming down hard now, but it had really snowed overnight, so it was pretty deep on the ground. It was lucky that he had [A Winter's Blessing], or he'd catch a cold when he went out to play. Plus, with all the time he'd spent with Daikon and Tsuki he and his friends were much more accustomed to the snow.

Speaking of his friends, an orange box popped into view near his face.

"HI TSUNA! LET'S EXTREMELY GO PLAY IN THE SNOW!" yelled Ryohei at a volume that made Tsuna's ears ring.

Tsuna clapped his hands over his ears, but he still smiled.

"Sure, Onii-san! That sounds like fun!"


"I'll let the others know. Thanks!"

With that, Tsuna disconnected the chat and pulled out his phone. He sent out a few quick texts, then went to get his snow gear.

"Mama! I'm going out!" he yelled.

"Okay Tsu-kun," Mama said, but there was a bit of a waver in her voice.

Tsuna slowed down putting on his snow coat. "Mama?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

Nana came into the room. She was smiling, but her eyes were a bit too bright. "I'm fine," she said.

Tsuna frowned. "Are you sure? I don't have to go out," he said.

Tsuna's mom gave a light laugh at that, and shooed him towards the door. "Oh, don't worry about me, I'm fine. Go have fun with your friends."

Tsuna wanted to stay, but he could tell that his mama wouldn't be telling him anything even if he did stay. So he opened the door and ran out into the snow, resolving to buy her something nice to cheer her up.

His darker thoughts were so swept away by the wonderful white around him. It was so strange to see his neighborhood covered in white, not just the empty white plains of the Frozen Hills. He wondered how snowy it had to be there if it was this bad out here.

Tsuna's phone buzzed. He pulled it out and read "From: Hana. Hey, want to go together, since our houses are nearby?"

He texted back "Sure" and then started walking to Hana's house. Hana met him at the door, dressed in what looked like a new coat.

"Hey, nice coat," Tsuna said.

"Thanks, it was a Christmas Eve gift," she said.

"Christmas Eve?" Tsuna blinked, remembering the date. "Oh, right. You get gifts on Christmas Eve?"

"Dad has a lot of international clients, so he adopts international ways of celebrating. In a good part of the world, children get presents on Christmas. I just got this one early because there was no point in wasting it and my old one was getting to small and damaged."

Tsuna wilted, feeling guilty. Unfortunately, doing winter dungeons meant that they had to wear their winter gear while fighting, and it took a toll on the clothing. Tsuna, Kyoko, and Haru had been able to mend most of it, but even so, they had gotten a few questions about how they had managed to put rips in their winter coats.

Hana smacked Tsuna upside the head. "Not your fault, stop feeling guilty."

Tsuna grinned sheepishly at her. She raised an eyebrow at him, then sighed and faced the front again as they reached the entrance to the park.

"Anyways, has your Mom ordered the Christmas chicken yet?" Hana asked.

"I think so? I don't really pay attention to things like that."

"Well, she should have, otherwise you aren't getting it. Dad said that the stores were booked solid a week ago."

"I hope she did then, I like KFC."


And with that they walked into the clearing.

Ryohei already there, of course, along with Kyoko. Hibari had cleared one of the trees of snow and lay with his back against the trunk, lazily keeping an eye on his surroundings, Mite in his lap. Takeshi and Haru weren't.

"HEY!" yelled Ryohei. "What were you Extremely talking about?"

"Christmas chicken, monkey," said Hana.

"Hi Onii-san," said Tsuna.

"HI TSUNA! I Extremely love Christmas chicken!" Ryohei yelled.

Kyoko nodded next to him. "I look forward to it every year! Normally Onii-san and Papa eat a lot, so we get two buckets."

She turned to Hibari. "What about you?"

Hibari gave them a look that Tsuna didn't feel like interpreting. It was probably something like "You herbivores expect that I eat something as plebian as fast food?" or something like that.

"Okay!" Kyoko chirped, not put off in the slightest. "I hope everyone gets their chicken then!"

Something in Tsuna's head dropped and he had a sudden sinking feeling in his stomach.

Immediately after a man in a bright red and white suit fell from the sky and fell into a snow drift.

The kids in the clearing blinked at him.

"Hahi, is that Santa Claus!?" said Haru from the entrance to the clearing, having had just arrived.

"Umm…." Tsuna looked at the man. "He's wearing a Santa suit, at least," he said.

Hana rubbed her head as Ryohei yelled Extreme and Hibari stalked forward to poke the man with a tonfa. "I don't know what I was expecting," she mumbled. Tsuna patted her on the back in sympathy. He wasn't sure what he expected either.

There was a pause as Hibari poked the man in the foot, and then the man started flailing.

Ryohei walked forwards and pulled the man out of the snow drift. Instead of a whole beard, he had a small goatee and glasses.

"Colonel Sanders!" Kyoko and Haru gasped.

"Colonel Sanders?" Takeshi asked, the last to arrive.

"Oh dear," said the man. He seemed rather dazed. "Oh dear," he said again.

"Umm, hello?" Tsuna started when it seemed like no one was moving to do anything but stare at the man. "Are you okay?"

The man blinked at him.

"Are you good at fighting giant chickens?" The man asked.

"I-what?" Tsuna said, confused.

"Are you good at fighting giant chickens?" The man repeated.

Tsuna could just tell that it was going to be one of those days. By the way Hana groaned next to him, he could tell she could tell too.


"So let me get this straight," Hana started, pinching the bridge of her nose. "There's a secret KFC factory somewhere, populated only by Colonel Sanders clones, that has bred giant chickens for the Christmas season."

"Correct," said the Colonel Sanders clone.

"But," Hana continued. "They didn't think it through and now they don't have a good way to kill the chickens."


"And now you're asking us, a bunch of elementary students, to help you kill giant mutant chickens."

"That's right!" said the Colonel clone, clearly not seeing anything wrong with that.

Hana moaned and rubbed her head. "There are so many holes in your logic that I'm not sure where to even start." Tsuna agreed with her.

Ryohei frowned at her. "I Extremely don't get it," he said. "What's wrong with it?"

Kyoko and Haru smiled and nodded. "They have asked us, as heroes, to assist them in their time of need. We, as Battle Sisters, should help!"

Takeshi laughed. "Haha, yeah! All we have to do is "woosh" and "bam" and then the chicken will go "krree-ack" and then everyone gets chicken!"

Hana and Tsuna exchanged a look.

Then Tsuna sighed and hit the accept button on the orange box that had hung in the air in front of him ever since the Colonel clone first asked him to help.


After a short drive in a chicken-shaped white and red van, Tsuna and the others looked at large warehouse liberally decorated with the KFC logo and Colonel Sanders. Coming from inside was the sounds of shouts and crowing.

Tsuna sighed and glanced at the box near the top of his view.

[Chickens killed: 0/10]

It was just going to be one of those days.


It was pandemonium inside the building. The warehouse was split into several sections, and there was two or three chickens in each of the sections.

"Lets split up!" Ryohei cheerfully suggested. Hibari had actually already started to walk deeper into the building.

"Lets not," Tsuna said. "We don't know what this enemy is going to be like, so lets take down one together, and if its easy then we split up." Because while Ryohei and Hibari were monsters, the girls, Takeshi and Tsuna weren't.

Hibari gave them an annoyed look but followed after Tsuna as he headed towards the sound of the nearest chicken.

"Wait…" said Hana as it came into view. "Is that thing covered in chicken nuggets?"

It was. Instead of feathers, the entire chicken was covered in uncooked chicken nuggets.

"Wha-how? How is that even physically possible?" Hana moaned.

Tsuna had no clue. He just sighed and lit a Molotov.

It was just one of those days.


Somehow, lighting the thing on fire cooked it nicely instead of actually burning it black like fire normally does. But the thing was still dead, so Tsuna shrugged and divvied up his Molotov's to the friends. Then they paired off, Tsuna with Hana, Takeshi with Ryohei, the Battle Sisters with each other, and Hibari with Mite. Each one took a sector, with Tsuna and Hana insisting that the Battle Sisters take the one they were already in.

After that, they divided and conquered. It only took about an hour. In the end, all the giant chickens collapsed, against all logic, into piles of chicken nuggets.

It was just one of those days.


"Oh, thank you, thank you!" said one of the Colonel Clones. They all looked and acted the same, so Tsuna didn't bother to differentiate between them. "In thanks, let us grant you each a gift!"

"Umm- Okay?"

Ryohei wanted boxing gloves, Kyoko and Haru got new dresses, Hibari just grunted and grabbed a bucket of chicken nuggets, Takeshi got the same, and Hana gave all the clones a look and then asked for a book on how to properly farm chickens. The book was handed over cheerfully with no hesitation what-so-ever, making Hana's eyebrow twitch.

Then it was Tsuna's turn. He-he had no idea what to get. He didn't really want chicken, he'd probably get that tomorrow, and he didn't really need anything at the moment.

Tsuna thought back, trying to think of something and- oh.

"Um, could I get something from my mom?" he asked, shyly.

The Colonel clones all happily bobbed their heads and the one closest to Tsuna handed him a small box that he got from who knows where.

"Okay, thank you."

And then they were cheerfully escorted from the building.


Tsuna walked up to his front door.

"Mama, I'm home!" he yelled.

"Welcome back," Mama said, with a bright smile, far brighter than the one Tsuna got this morning.

Tsuna paused, looking up at her.

"Did something good happen?" he asked.

"Oh, yes! Tsu-kun's Papa called to say Merry Christmas!" Mama said happily.

Tsuna pouted. "You don't need him," he said. "Here." Tsuna gave the mysterious box to his Mama.

"Oh, a present? But Tsu-kun, we give those tomorrow, on Christmas or on New Year's."

Tsuna just pouted at his mama again.

She giggled at him and opened the box. Then she gasped. "Oh, Tsu-kun. It's beautiful."

Nana lifted a silver necklace with a small heart from the box, and put it around her neck. Then she smiled at Tsuna, eyes suspiciously bright again. "Thank you."

Tsuna smiled at his mama, and then went into the kitchen for dinner.


There was a box of KFC delivered anonymously to Tsuna's door Christmas day. The only thing with it was a note that said "Thank you."

A/N: I blame Toriko for this mess.

Anyways, KFC for Christmas is a thing in Japan, and as Japan lacks any convenient Christmas or winter holiday yokai I haven't already used, I jumped on the idea and ran with it.

You can decide if this it canon for the story or not, it doesn't really make a difference. If it is, the mission becomes an annual thing, something Tsuna delights at throwing at new recruits and uses to test their sanity year after year. The warehouse, following its illogicalness, can be reached in the same amount of time from wherever Tsuna is in the world. As far as Vongola scientists are concerned, it apparently exists in its own pocket dimension. Tsuna, his friends, and his allies new and old learn to deal with it.

Sorry if this seems a bit rushed. I will try to get an actual update out before the end of the year.