Hey guys it's me Dimitri Jinx and welcome to Dares!

Here's a brief summary.

Percy Jackson Popular boy extraordinaire thinks he can get any girl to fall in love with him. His friends take this as a challenge. They say that if Percy can make a girl of their choosing fall in love with him by the end of the year that they will give him a reward of whatever he wants.

Annabeth Chase, Good girl and nerd. Her friends feel that she needs to get a relationship. They dare her to find a boyfriend by the end of the school year and if she still hates dating then they will back off.

Who knows what could happen when you mix dares and love.

Disclaimer: Am I Rick Riordan? No. I don't own PJO. Sadly.


Annabeth Pov.

" Welcome to Goode high we hope you have a great year." Squealed the cheer squad.

They were all dressed in their extremely scandalous short purple skirts and tank tops. If you ask me it's honestly just a way for them to attract attention. Who cares if a cheer squad is any good. If they have the right clothieing then they'll have everyone watching. Ok

If you ask me they are way too peppy. But it's just a front, most of them are seething and back stabbing bitches. These girls were ruthless. I passed by the girls and rolled my eyes at them. I held my grey backpack in hand and sighed as I took in the familiar sight of Goode high. Don't get me wrong I love school. I'm a total teachers pet. I just have some bad experiences with cheerleaders.

But that's a story for another time. I tucked a loose strand of my long curly honey blonde hair behind my ear as I climbed the front concrete steps. It was eight o'clock in the morning and I was ready for my first day of senior year. I'm technically supposed to be a junior but I skipped a grade. I'm terrified to say the least.

I ducked my head made my way through the halls with my book clutched to my burgundy jumper. Not too many kids were at the school yet which was good. I didn't have to talk to anyone. Not that I really have anyone to talk to. My best friend Piper McLean had been shipped off to an all girls prep school last year. It's sucked being at school without her. We did everything together. She was my rock. Then her annoying father Tristan McLean famous Hollywood actor and movie star sent her away. Leaving me all alone. School hasn't been the same without her.

I breathed in the air and WHAM! I was hit with the scent of eau de smelt of freshly polished floors with a hint of lemon that made me a bit light headed. Along with musty old textbooks and sweaty old gym clothing. The floors were so clean i could see my reflection. A teenage girl that was five foot six.( You can't call me short.) I could see my long curly hair that was in a messy high ponytail shimmering in the polish along with my black glasses that protected the world from my intense grey eyes. I don't need glasses, I practically have the lightest perscription out there, I just use them as a shield. I could see my burgundy jumper covering the top of my black skinny jeans.

My white converses treaded against the floor as I scurried down the halls to find my homeroom. I was ecstatic when I learnt that my homeroom teacher was Mrs. Addisson. She was the school's secretary librarian. My favourite human in this entire hell hole. I eventually found room forty two and was delighted to see my friend sitting at a table reading . What I said before that when Piper left I practically had no friends, I wasn't lying. Mrs. Addison doesn't count because she is a teacher. Even if she's only twenty three she's still a teacher. She was sitting at her wooden desk while flipping through Vogue magazine. Her burnt umber hair was a little bit shorter than shoulder length and it was in perfect waves that kissed her neck. She had beautiful tanned skin as if she was always coming back from a vacation in Hawaii. Her light green eyes darted back and forth between pages curiously. She was dressed in a sky blue summer dress and had ankle high suede brown boots with white lace socks that peeked out from them.

" Happy first day of School Mrs A." I smiled.

The young girl looked up from her magazine and jumped out of her chair.

" Annabeth Chase. What have I told you, when teachers aren't here-

" I can call you Nikki. I know, I know." I giggled.

She came over and wrapped me in a hug.

"It's nice to see you Annabeth."

" You too Nikki." I replied.

I told Nikki about my uneventful summer. Which included me staying home and reading along with preparing myself for senior year.

" You're sooo boring." She complained.

" Trust me, I know." I sighed.

She took my chin in between her index fingers.

" Cheer up buttercup. This is your year to shine." She assured me while her calm green eyes stared into my gray ones.

After our discussion about her summer I went and sat down on a comfy chair and curled up. I only got to read a few pages before chaos came into my homeroom. Of all the people that I had to become stuck with. It had to be them. More like it had to be him.

Percy Pov.

"Welcome to Goode High we hope you have a great year." Giggled the cheerleaders. I flashed them my signature smile and gave one of them a wink. They all giggled and began calling out my name. Reciting their phone numbers. I couldn't hear an exact one. The girls just kept shouting. I practically had to tear myself away from them.

"Maybe next time girls." I shouted back to them. I heard a collective "awww" then they went back to greeting the students and gossiping. I rolled my eyes at them. I could never and most likely will never understand how and why girls threw themselves at me. I ran my fingers through my messy and long jet black hair and sighed. I took in the sight of Goode High.

" Yo Perce. Come here bro." Shouted what could only be my friend Grover.

I climbed the steps and my suspicions were confirmed. Standing at the top of the steps was a kid with darker skin that covered all five feet and eleven inches. He had a scruffy mess of insanely curly brown hair and cocoa stained eyes. He was wearing his Save the trees blue t-shirt and black jeans.

"Where you been? School starts in fifteen man." He pretended to scowl. He waved his finger like an overprotective mother which forced a laugh to escape my lips.

" G-man, you know how I love to live on the wild side." I smiled.

" We all know that Jackson." Laughed Jason.

I looked to my left and saw My good friend Jason Grace. He was around six feet tall with porcelain skin. He had blond hair and electric blue eyes. He wore a green v neck shirt and blue ripped jeans. He's a blond superman. Next to him stood my hilarious pal Leo Valdez. We call him a little Latino Santas elf. He was around five foot six and had wildy and untamable curly brown hair. His brown eyes always had a smile to them. He has ADHD so he's always tinkering and moving.

" Oh come on, give me a break Mr. blond superman." I teased.

" Hey guys who's ready for a year full of partying and getting good with the ladies." Chimed in Leo, smirking.

" Come here Valdez." I smiled.

He shrugged his shoulders and came over. I headlocked him and gave him a nuggie.

" I missed you bud." I grinned.

" Ya, ya. Everyone does." He chuckled.

We all laughed as we told stories about our summers. I went to the beach almost every day and surfed. I know really exciting. I went to the occasional party and just enjoyed my freedom. Other than surfing and the beach I went to a few summer intensive camps for Football, Swimming and Basketball. Which were all brutal. But I have them to thank for how strong I am. Leo worked in a repair shop for most of his vacation. He loved building things and toying with machines. We have a theory that he loves mechanics more than humans. Jason went out to LA to visit his girlfriend. Jason had honestly fallen hard for this girl. We've all met her and she's fantastic. The perfect girl for Jason in my opinion. Grover had spent his summer going around and doing protests for the environment and doing some public speaking on the subject. He and his friend Juniper had spent a ton of time in the outdoors. The kid really loves nature. I think almost if not more than he loves his enchiladas. I really had missed my friends and it was great to see them again.

We all walked down the hallways and bumped into some friends of ours. Connor and Travis Stoll. If you were looking for trouble these were the guys. They were identical twin brothers. They were both tall only Travis was a quarter of an inch taller. Don't tell Connor. Connor has a few small freckles whereas Travis did not. It took me awhile to be able to tell them apart. They both have light brown messy hair and light blue eyes. Their blue orbs always gleamed with mischief and possibilities. They were the known trouble makers and prank pullers. I loved them. They were hilarious.

" Sup Perce." Grinned Travis.

" Hey Percy." Smiled Connor.

" The Stoll brothers. It's so great to see you." I laughed.

In the distance I could hear a clanking noise as if a bucket of paint had been dropped on someone.

" SSTTOOOOOOLLS" Yelled a teacher.

" Gotta run." Yelled Connor

"Catch you guys later." Hollered Travis as he ran to catch up to his twin as they gave each other a high five.

We all bursted into fits of laughter. The Stolls knew how to start a school year. We walked through the hallways and in the floor I could see my reflection staring back at me. I was dressed in old navy blue jeans and was wearing a plain white t- shirt paired with some beat up black converses. My black leather jacket was slung over my shoulder. I was about six one or maybe six two. I don't know if i'm being honest with you. I have a mop of messy black hair that just does whatever it wants, and sea green eyes. Well that's what my mom tells me that they look like. My friends and I made it to our homeroom and we barged in laughing about another teacher who had fallen victim to the pranks of the Stoll brothers. That was when I thought to myself that this was going to be a great year.

If only i'd known how wrong I was.

So guys. That's my intro to Dares! I know it wasn't the best. Please give me feedback. Let me know your guy's thoughts and ideas. Constructive criticism is a big help. This is my first multi chapter fic. So please go easy on me. I really do hope that you guys are going to love this idea as much as I do. Trust me it's gonna get a lot more interesting soon. If you want send me your guy's song requests! Please REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! I love you all so much. Have a great rest of your weekend.

-Dimitri Jinx. :)