Toriko and Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Story Type: Semi-Canon Compliant!Toriko with KHR elements, MoreReliable!Komatsu

Flame Types:

Komatsu: Sky (primary), Mist (secondary), Rain (tertiary?)

Toriko: Sun (primary), Lightning (secondary)

Coco: Rain (primary)

Zebra: Storm (primary)

Sunny: Cloud (primary), Storm (secondary)

Komatsu has never talked much about his past or let alone his childhood. All they knew was that he was an orphan, was raised by his grandmother since he was a small child, and that he used to train as an apprentice chef alongside his friends, Otake and Nakaume. So out of respect for him, the Four Heavenly Kings never pried and patiently waited for him to open up.

But there was something about the diminutive chef that no one in the world knew about him.

You see, Komatsu is a descendent of an ancient tribe of people who once used an ancient ability known as Dying Will Flames. A forbidden ability that was thought to have been lost during the later years of the Gourmet War. However, in a time where food is the main driving force behind humanity's evolution, there was no more need for the Flame Users to exist and no room for their destructive and chaotic way of life.

As a result, people began to revile them for their unusual abilities. They had no Gourmet Cells to explain what they can do. They refuse to use their abilities to contribute to a world where food is everything. They were remnants of a bloody and destructive past that no longer matter to them. And so, countries all over gathered up huge armies to commit a mass genocide on those who possessed the accursed Dying Will Flames and to destroy every aspect of their way of life. However, it wasn't until the Gourmet Era began that the hunt for the complete destruction of Flame Users finally stopped, but by then the damage was already done. The people who once ruled all of the world's society from the shadows have faded into obscurity. If there even were any Flame Users still left, no survivors were ever recorded.

And so for centuries, the only evidence of the existence of Flame Users lives on in the myths and legends of a blood-stained past. Until one day, a child displayed an eerily familiar ability that his grandmother had only ever heard of in the stories her ancestors have passed down through the generations. Tears of joy came to her eyes when she witnessed him play with his beautiful amber-colored Flames. Little Komatsu was a Sky! The future ruler of all Elements! Their tribe is not destined to die out after all!

Sadly to her disappointment, her grandson's parents immediately abandoned him on the spot, believing him to be cursed. And so, she carefully taught Komatsu everything she knew about Dying Will Flames. And most importantly, why he should never reveal himself as a Flame User to anyone other than his Guardians.

"You are the All-Encompassing Sky, Komatsu-chan," his grandmother told him one day. "The home and unconditional acceptance which your Elements can always go back to no matter what. They are yours as much as you are theirs. No one else matters. The rest of the world cannot understand the importance of the Harmonization between the Sky and their Guardian. So think of all outsiders as your enemy. For they will seek to snuff out not just your Flames but destroy the bonds you share with your precious Elements. Do not let that happen, Komatsu-chan. The Sky cannot exist without their Elements and the Elements always long to have a Sky to call their own."

AN: A while back, I recently got into the Toriko franchise and had just finished reading the manga. Suddenly, I had a brainstorm…

What if Komatsu has Active Dying Will Flames from the very beginning. And not just any Flames, Sky Flames. That would definitely explain why everyone is so drawn to him. To be honest, this is just my desire to see a more capable Komatsu working alongside his combo partner and the rest of the Heavenly Kings. Yes, he's "normal" compared to the rest of the cast, but in my opinion, it's actually kinda annoying to me how he keeps hiding and crying out "TORIKO-SAN!" practically every single episode and chapter.

Back to the plot bunny, to sum, Komatsu is the first Sky to be born in generations. To his tribe, he is seen as their savior and the one to revive their way of life in the new Gourmet Era. Eventually, the Four Heavenly Kings finds out about this, and they fully Harmonizes with him. In the end, Komatsu becomes the first Flame User in his tribe's history to have Gourmet Cells.

Although to be honest, if I ever turn this into a full story, It'll probably be a Fem!Komatsu story since I'm more comfortable with writing girls. Also it'll be a slow-burn!4KingsxKomatsu cuz I am a shipping piece of trash who likes that kind of stuff. To be fair, those five have more chemistry than other relationships in the show (at least in my opinion) so is it a wonder why this fivesome is so popular in the fandom?

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you've found what you've been looking for~ (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)