AN: New chapter... Yay. Don't own dgm or bride of the naked tribe

Time passed rather quickly as Allen stayed with this interesting clan. Before Allen knew it several months had passed. He had learned enough of their language to communicate the basics and was still learning of course. He also had a job of his own to help out around the village which was gathering fruits, vegetables, herbs and the likes. Allen realized that Tyki's main job was to hunt and fish. So far since that first day Tyki surprisingly hadn't touched Allen sexually which didn't really bother Allen. But he learned that the adults of the clan who seemed to be couples would do whatever sexual things they felt like doing out in the open which often flustered and embarrassed Allen especially when he would accidentally stumble on a couple in the middle of some public...affection. But one thing Allen liked about this clan was that they had no rules based on gender. So long as they were happy that was all that seemed to matter. He saw plenty of same gender couples as well as straight couples.

This observation also led Allen to realize that the "bottom" person in the relationships were the ones who did the gathering and cooking while the "top" person was the hunter, gender played no part in what job they had. Which that also led Allen to realize that basically he was considered the bottom between him and Tyki. Which was accurate as Allen of course was a bottom and he knew that well before any relationship but he hadn't considered that he and Tyki were in a relationship. But then again...that made sense given that Allen had been sharing a hut with Tyki and boy did Tyki love to cuddle with Allen at night. Again, that didn't bother Allen at all, even though they could barely communicate and had only known each other for maybe half a year but Allen felt like Tyki really cared for him especially when Tyki held him at night or when Tyki came back from a hunt and he just smiled so brightly at Allen like seeing Allen was the best thing in the world.

Allen was helping cut up fruits and vegetables for lunch when a group of hunters came back from their recent hunt which included Tyki. Tyki walked up to Allen smiling so happy as he greeted Allen showing him all the fish he had caught while he constantly touching Allen whether it was his hair, his arm, hand or back. Allen smiled at Tyki nodding a little as he looked at the fish Tyki showed him, Tyki was so cute when he was all happy and excited about something. Eventually Tyki got pulled away from Allen by Sheryl who Allen wondered was his older brother since they looked more alike than most in the clan. Tyki pouted as he was pulled away but he had to go clean the fish he caught so they could be cooked.

After lunch Allen was sitting down by the river which was actually empty at the moment. He liked watching the water flow downstream and this was really the most beautiful scenery Allen had ever seen. Soon he was joined by Tyki who seemed relieved to find him. Tyki chose to sit behind Allen with his arms wrapped around Allen holding him close as they watched the scenery together. As they sat there Tyki played with Allen's long white hair braiding and unbraiding it, he ran his fingers through Allen's hair a lot too which Allen just loved. Allen sat with his eyes closed enjoying the feeling of Tyki playing with his hair. Allen was surprised when Tyki tenderly kissed his bare neck as he held Allen's hair off to the side a little bit. Even though it was just a tender kiss it felt really good. Just something about Tyki's affection always felt...right. Before Allen realized what was happening they were laying on the ground with Tyki over Allen as they made out with Tyki leading the kissing. Allen knew very little of kissing so of course Tyki had to take charge with that and Allen didn't mind at all because Tyki was really good at it.

Allen let out soft moans as Tyki started kissing his neck and started to sort of grind against Allen like he had the first day they met. This time was much less scary for Allen because as far as he knew Tyki wasn't going to go all the way. Which that was accurate, Tyki had no intention of going all the way especially since it was against tradition. Much to Allen's surprise Tyki sat up pulling Allen with him so Allen was sitting in Tyki's lap with his legs around Tyki's waist as he faced Tyki. Allen watched as Tyki moved Allen even closer so their members were pressed against each other again. With their members pressed together Tyki gently started to stroke both of them with one hand. It was hard to sit still in Tyki's lap but Tyki's free hand was on Allen's hip keeping him as still as possible. Tyki loved Allen's cute moans so of course he wanted to make Allen moan as much as possible. Allen's hands gripped Tyki's shoulders for some stability as he was reaching his limit.

"Tyki~!" Allen cried in pleasure as he climaxed hiding his face in Tyki's neck and shoulder. Tyki was still rubbing both their members even though he couldn't see as Allen was resting his head on Tyki's shoulder. It didn't take too much longer before Tyki climaxed as well with a moan of Allen's name. After that Tyki led Allen into the river so they could wash up. He hadn't planned to do that with Allen but Allen was just so pretty and it had been quite some time since Tyki had any release so when he got started he couldn't stop.

As they were walking back to the village a snake was slithering across their path. Tyki moved to kill the snake but Allen stopped him. Catching the snake Allen held it so he could see it without it biting him. Of course the snake wasn't happy about being caught and unable to bite Allen but the albino figured it was better to be mad than dead. Tyki watched Allen surprised that Allen hadn't freaked out like most of the younger feminine people did. If anything Allen seemed to like the snake, well up until he threw the poor snake off to the side gently. Allen simply threw the snake off to the side so that it was away from them and could continue on its merry little way. The snake wasn't happy about being tossed but was alive, so it continued on its way away from them.

"Tyki..." Allen called with his arms stretched out towards Tyki as the two were in their hut after dinner. It was so cute how Tyki tilted his head to the side a little trying to figure out what Allen wanted. Smiling Tyki walked over to Allen climbing into bed hugging him. The two laid in bed cuddling each other with Tyki nuzzling Allen's neck. Now that Tyki seemed to learn that Allen was fine with his touch it seemed Tyki couldn't get enough. After some very nice cuddling Tyki pulled back raising Allen's legs up which he kept closed. As Tyki held Allen's ankles gently and kissed them he slid his member between Allen's thighs rubbing against Allen's member and inner thighs. Tyki was already rather excited so his member was slick with precum allowing his member to slid between Allen's thighs easily. Allen was surprised at how good it felt to have Tyki thrusting his member between his thighs causing him to moan a little louder than he would like. But Tyki didn't seem to mind Allen's loudness at all, if anything Tyki seemed to love it. Surprisingly Tyki actually came before Allen did this time which made Tyki gently lay Allen's legs down before parting them.

"Tyki~~" Allen moaned gently tangling his fingers in Tyki's soft curly hair as Tyki took his member into his mouth. Tyki was really really good at oral sex so Allen didn't last much longer. After they both reached their bliss Tyki laid down with Allen holding Allen close so Allen's back was against Tyki's chest as the older male wrapped his arms around the albino with one leg over both of Allen's legs.