Raven stared at the calendar in her bedroom in Azarath. She should've been doing something more productive, like cleaning her room that was littered with crumpled up notebook paper, or finishing packing her life up in the suitcases on her bed, but she couldn't help but stare at the calendar in her room. Tomorrow, she would be returning back to Earth and the Titan Tower; the Titans had decided to take a hiatus and spend the summer apart from each other, suggested by Robin as he felt not only did they need a well deserved break from each other but rediscover themselves as individuals and train as they saw fit. Raven was all too eager to get three months away from her crew, especially after the way things went down between her and a certain green skinned beast.

Three months ago

At Titan Tower, the Titans were gathered in the main room on the couch. Robin had called for a meeting and had asked for everyone to be in attendance for it was important. The four of them sat bunched up together, wondering what was so important that Robin couldn't wait until after dinner to announce it. Cyborg turned the tv on to ESPN to watch some sports analysis show while they waited.

"Maaannn what's taking that boy so long?" he wondered aloud as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Callin' us for a meeting and not be here on time. Dude got us waiting almost 20 minutes for him!"

"Okay but really though," Beast Boy groaned out, "What's sooooo important that he had to wake me up out of my nap?" he yawned and stretched, then sneakily planted his arm around Raven's shoulder. Raven side-eyed him and pinched his tricep sharply, causing him to yelp and retract his arm.

Finally, the door opened and Robin stepped through, garnering the attention of his teammates. He walked around the couch, grabbed the remote from Cyborg's hand, ad turned off the tv, earning himself backlash from Cyborg.

"So you just gonna call a meeting, show up late, then take my remote from my hand to turn off my tv? You got some nerve."

"Good afternoon team," Robin greeted, ignoring Cyborg's comments, "You're probably wondering why I called you all here."

"Yeah, I wanna know why you disturbed my sleep cycle dude!" Beast Boy cried out.

"Now as you know, we finally took down the Brotherhood of Evil, and we're all pretty tired out."

"You can say that again," Raven muttered; the others mumbled in agreement.

"So I came up with a proposition, and I wanted to run it by you guys."

The team had their eyebrows arched and watched as their leader turned around to look out the window; it was a beautiful day in the middle of May, the ocean just as blue as ever. Robin turned back around to face his teammates. "How about...the Titans take a hiatus?"

The team's eyes all filled with concern and confusion. "A hiatus?" Cyborg questioned, "Like breaking up?"

"Wait, you want us to disband, Robin?" Starfire piped up, her green eyes wide and big.

"It would just be for the summer," Robin stated, sensing their concern, "We're pretty burned out from each other, I know, and after defeating one of our greatest nemesis, I think that we deserve to take a break not just from each other, but from this tower. Let's not be superheros this summer. We could use this time to rediscover ourselves and get stronger to benefit ourselves, that way when we come back together we'll be better in tune and stronger as a unit. What do you guys say?"

The team thought it over; it was a promising proposition, a vacation away from each other and the city. Plus, like Robin said, it would only be for the summer.

"Well, I have been meaning to take the visit to my home planet," Starfire said, "I need to see Galfore and my people."

"I could take some time traveling a bit maybe," Cyborg stated, brow furrowed in thought of where his summer adventures would take him.

"I'm down!" Beast Boy chirped.

"I guess," Raven mumbled, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well then it's settled. Starting immediately, the Teen Titans are on a hiatus. Have a safe summer, and I'll see you guys sometime in August."

Robin then walked off and left them. The rest of the team made to get up to pack their bags and start their vacations. Cyborg and Starfire left the room, leaving Beast Boy and Raven alone in the main room.

"Aw man, do I really have to go a whole summer without you Raven?"

"Unfortunately, you do," she said in a monotone voice. She levitated off the chair and made to fly off, but felt a tug at her cloak. She looked down to see that he had a hold on her, a pleading look in his green eyes. She sighed and lowered herself down to face him.

"Rae...we should talk...about us..."

"I've told you multiple times already, Beast Boy. There's nothing to talk about because there is no us."

"That's because you never gave 'us' a chance. Please hear me out. I...I love you Rae...and I know you have feelings for me too."

Raven gasped in shock as her grey cheeks turned a bright crimson red. "Wha-What makes you think that? And even if I do, I already told you that I'm way too dangerous for you. A potential relationship would never work out between us."

"Rae..." Beast Boy slowly stepped closer to her. Raven looked at him, her cheeks still flushed, but she didn't move away. He took one hand and caressed her cheek. Her glare on him softened as she looked into his eyes, searching for answers. He moved his head closer to hers and she didn't move; it was as if his hand on her face kept her in place. He stopped short of the mark, and she could feel his warm breath on her mouth before she angled her head slightly upwards and let her lips touch his. They engulfed themselves in the kiss, feeling as if the world had dissolved around them. Suddenly, a switch kicked on inside Raven's head; her eyes shot open and she broke off the kiss, glaring at Beast Boy in the process.

"Raven...what's wron-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Raven screeched out and threw her arms forward, blasting him across the room with her powers and slamming against the window hard. He struggled to sit up, then shook his head and looked at Raven with a defeated look, with Raven in shock that she had actually threw him across the room like he was a rag doll. She felt tears building up in the back of her eyes, but she furiously blinked them away.


"I told you, Beast Boy," she muttered, her voice wavering as she fought to keep the tears back, "I'm way too dangerous for you."



Beast Boy looked at her sadly before hanging his head low. "Okay, Rae," he mumbled softly, "You win."

Finding herself no longer able to hold back her tears, she angrily turned around and flew out of the room, leaving a defeated and sad Beast Boy against the window.


Raven closed her eyes as she thought about that final moment before had left the tower, and now she would be returning there tomorrow. She felt her nerves build up in having to see him again; it was inevitable that he would hate her, for she had rejected him so harshly. The friendship might not be the same either. They had gotten so close over the years, and yet she fought back whatever feelings she had built up for him during that time so that they could maintain a professional relationship as teammates and occasionally as friends. But now she couldn't hide it, and she had probably ruined whatever chance she had to be with him.

She continued to pack, making sure she didn't leave anything left out. After that was done with, she made to clean her room a little, picking up all the wadded up pieces of paper all over the place. She made to throw them away via her powers, but as she did so one of them veered off course of the trashcan and ended up knocking over a picture off of her desk. She went over to pick it up but then stopped to look at it; it was a picture of her and Beast Boy during one of the Titans' outings at the carnival grounds. He was smirking at the camera with his arm around Raven, and Raven was...wait a minute...was she? She was actually smiling.

She held the picture close to her chest and sat down on the bed. She closed her eyes and rocked back and forth, deep in thought. She would have to face the music soon, and she would have to face the glaring truth: she was in love with Beast Boy.