Happy Halloween, I hope you aren't getting too spooked by all the ghouls and monsters trick or treating around your neighbourhood. Without further ado I give you the final chapter of my little fluff fest.

Chapter 3

He followed Molly up the stairs enjoying the sight of her legs in those sexy, ripped fishnet stockings and boots. He was definitely seeing the advantages of dressing up in a way that he hadn't considered before. He even wondered if she'd let him have sex with her whilst she was still wearing them but he shook his head trying to dispel the image, knowing he was getting ahead of himself but hopeful all the same.

When they got to his flat he took her coat, hanging it up, and offered her a drink. All he had was an old bottle of wine but she agreed and he uncorked it and poured them both a glass. As he did she wandered around his flat, touching the odd item on his table or mantelpiece and he felt as though he was acutely aware of exactly where she was in relation to himself.

He walked over to where she stood by the empty fireplace and offered her the glass; joining with her as she took a sip.

'What's going on Sherlock? You're acting very unlike yourself and….and enjoyable though it is…kissing you that is…I…I deserve an explanation.'

He took a deep breath and then gestured for her to sit down in John's chair. As she did she crossed her legs and the top of her stocking was exposed once more tempting him with images and ideas all over again. He focused instead on her face, which looked so serious even with all that Gothic make up accentuating her soft, brown eyes. He knew he must look just as odd but neither of them seemed to care.

'I like you Molly; it's as simple as that. My feelings have been there for a while but with everything going on with my family and sorting out the damage here I just wasn't in the right place to pursue them…I realise that I am now…I want it Molly…I want you.'

He let his voice drop at the end and he saw her give an involuntary shiver and he liked how much he could affect her even with just his voice.

'The question is…do you still want me? Do you still love me Molly?'

She was still for a moment, her eyes downcast but then she glanced up at him and nodded. 'Yes…of course I do…always.'

Slowly he put his glass on the small table in his right. 'Then is there anything else to talk about?'

She shook her head and put her own glass down. 'I suppose not.'

Then she stood and took the single step over to him before sliding her knees either side of his hips. 'Are you sure Sherlock? Tell me now if you aren't.'

He looked up at her, his eyes caught by her lips. 'I'm sure.'

This time when they kissed he realised that she was very much leading it unlike in the cab. She twisted her hands in his hair forcing his head to one side so that she could immediately deepen the kiss and he felt his body responding to this new, more dominant Molly…one that he had rarely seen before.

His hands had naturally fallen to her waist and he roughly pulled her against him groaning as she came into contact with his now obvious erection. He'd been struggling with it most of the evening but he didn't need to cover it up or will it away any longer.

They kissed for longer than he would have thought possible but it still wasn't long enough and his mouth sought out her skin as she pulled away. Her breasts were just at the right level for him and he brought his hands up to her corset starting to pop the thick metal hook and eyes that encased her. As he undid the last one the only thing keeping her clothed was his hands holding the material and he looked up at her to make sure that she was happy for him to remove it and his breath caught in his throat at the look she was giving him; it made his cock pulse and he wanted to rip the material off her and fuck her right here in his chair.

It seemed Molly was feeling similarly turned on because she bucked her hips towards him making his eyes roll back in his head for a moment at the sensation. Her hands were on his shirt undoing the buttons and he finally peeled away the corset watching as her breasts were revealed to him. He wanted to take one in his mouth but he held off, drawing out the pleasure, so he could use his hands on her first. He could feel the soft weight of them against his palms, the nipples hardening and tightening as she arched her back tempting him further.

He couldn't wait any longer and he used his tongue to rim around the nipple before sucking it into his mouth, relishing her moan as he did.

He could feel her nails scratching down his chest which meant she must have managed to fully undo his shirt. Being with her seemed to render him incapable of following simple actions and time passing….it reminded him of being high but without the adverse consequences.

As he slid his teeth across the soft skin of her breast she tangled her hands in his hair again to hold him closer, encouraging him to bite down on her hardened nipple, feeling her hips bucking again as she sought more stimulus from him and he wanted to be inside her, fucking her and making her his.

Between them they managed to undo his trousers and push them down just enough that Molly could reach into his shorts and tug his erection free. This time it was his turn to moan at the feel of her hand wrapped around his shaft and as she kissed him again she stroked him, feeling him growing even harder. Her tongue was in his mouth and all he could think about was her body and how it made him want those things he hadn't even thought about in years.

His hands were on her thighs now pushing up the material of her skirt, feeling the suspenders and the stocking tops as he did. She helped him push her knickers to one side and then she was sliding down onto him and he had to break away, had to stop kissing her so he could concentrate on this new sensation of being joined with another human being. It had been so long and he had forgotten just how good it could feel.

Her greedy mouth was on his neck, sucking on his skin and leaving wet trails up his throat as she got used to the feel of him inside her and then she started to move, rocking back and forth, stretching herself and forcing him to hold onto her hips and moan out her name. He knew he wasn't going to last. It had been too long and she felt too good.

His hands moved back to her breasts and he just hoped that he could hold on long enough for her to gain some pleasure herself from the coupling. He knew he was begging her to come, pleading with her, but he couldn't stop himself. She made him do and feel things no one else ever had.

Just as he thought he couldn't hold on any longer, his own hips lifting up to meet her, he felt her starting to unravel; her muscles contracting around him and her voice crying out his name. His hold on himself gave way like a dam bursting and he came hard, feeling his come pulsing into her. It short-circuited his mind, whiting it out and leaving him wanting it again; a new addiction forming within seconds.

As he came down from his natural high he felt both drained and sated at the same time. He felt Molly sagging against him, her lips at his neck once more but this time just kissing his skin gently, her breath hot and ragged.

He held onto her as though she was the last thing on earth; anchoring him and keeping him rooted.

Finally she slid off his lap and he watched as she made her way to the bathroom, enjoying the sight of her naked back even as she still wore her skirt, heels and stockings. He let out a deep sigh of satisfaction and smiled to himself as he pulled his trousers back up. He was already calculating how long it would be before he'd be ready for a second round, he just hoped Molly wasn't too tired.

He stood stretching his back and arms and picked up his glass of wine before glancing in the mirror. What he saw made him chuckle. He'd completely forgotten he was wearing makeup and devil horns. He pulled the horns off his head as Molly exited the bathroom and he couldn't help but notice that she looked a bit shy….nervous even and he paused for a moment as he tried to work out why. She had his light blue dressing gown on and she seemed to be looking anywhere but at him.

'Molly, what's wrong?'

'N…nothing, I just need to get my top and then I'll get out of your way.'

He frowned, did she think he wouldn't want her here now they'd had sex?

He caught her wrist lightly as she tried to pass him to get to the corset lying on the floor.

'What makes you think I want you "out of my way" as you put it?' He put a couple of fingers under her chin and raised her head up so their eyes could finally meet.

Rather than try to convince her with words he resorted to actions again, they were so much simpler. He bent his head and pressed his lips to hers, his eyes closing as he did, enjoying once more the feeling of giving in to her. He found he loved just kissing her.

When he finally pulled away he opened his eyes and gave her a slow smile. 'Stay…please.'

She still seemed a little unsure but she nodded her head once and he reached over to pass her her glass of wine, mostly untouched.

'Maybe I didn't make myself clear earlier but I meant it when I said that I like you…it's more than that. I…I love you Molly. I tried to tell myself that when I said that all those months ago in that phone call that it was platonic, that I said it to try to save you, but I meant it then and I mean it now. You have become the most important person in my life and I no longer want to live it without you. I don't just want you to stay the night I want you to stay full stop. Move in, share my life with me.'

This time he saw realisation washing over her face; hope, love and finally happiness. 'God, Sherlock, you mean it don't you. I never thought that you would feel the same way about me. I…I'd given up hope.'

He chuckled. 'That's because I'm an idiot. I couldn't see what was right in front of me. I did what I always berate John for, I saw but didn't observe. If you give me a chance Molly I will make it up to you, I promise.'

She stepped forward and brushed his curls on one side. 'There's nothing to make up for, having you…' she smiled at her unfortunate choice of words, '…is the best thing I could ever ask for.'

He plucked the glass from her hand and she shrieked then giggled as he picked her up and carried her bridal style into his bedroom. They had the rest of their lives to get to know each other but Sherlock had no intention of waiting any longer.

And there we leave it. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's nice to do something short and smutty every so often. Let me know xx