Lucy, Cinnamon, Mocho, Annaween, Petermint, and Baking all sat in Kevin's room. Baking and Petermint we're looking down at the floor as their eye's we're red from crying. Mocho was sitting a safe distance from Lucy as the girl was showing him my little pony fan-art. Mocho having the biggest smile on his face; Cinnamon had a raised eyebrow looking at the two. As she polished her left roller skate and oiled the wheels making sure to clean them perfectly as she had just got them back.

Annaween was polishing Cinnamon's right roller skate as she check-in with her best friend making sure to do it just the way Cinnamon wanted. Kevin just walked into his room as Mocho jumped and quickly pretended to be interested in one of Kevin's action figures. Lucy frowned slightly and turned her phone off as Kevin nudged her.

"Umm…..hey guys?" Lucy said, everyone stopped what they we're doing and looked at the two.

"What's up?" Annaween asked,

"Well I just asked our parents if we could have a sleepover next week! Since we have the entire week off of school." Kevin said.

"A SLEEPOVER!?" All the kid's said (Baking included),

"Yep!" Lucy said. Both Mocho and Cinnamon paled, while every other kid was smiling the widest grins.

"I don't believe it! A sleepover at a royal castle! This is awesome!" Annaween said her hair frizzing up,

"I'd be better if Toxic could come." Petermint muttered. Baking nodded,

"No it wouldn't. I'm not even sure what you guys saw in her. She was a monster!" Kevin said.

"Besides you guy's need to get your minds off of her anyway. I'm sure whenever she comes back you'll love the new Toxic better." Lucy said, Mocho and Cinnamon both muttered something under their breathes.

"What was that?" Lucy asked,

"Nothing." Both hybrids responded.

"Anyway I'll start first thing this weekend and you can leave at any time. The sleepover will end next Sunday so don't forget to bring your essentials." Lucy said,

"I'm better start packing!" Annaween said before running out the room.

"We'll be seeing you guy's." Petermint said, walking out the room.

"Uh….yeah we better get going to! We need to do our chores." Cinnamon said, dragging her brother along.

"You guy's are coming right?" Kevin asked,

"Umm……maybe?" Cinnamon said. As she hurried her and Mocho out the room.


Mocho and Cinnamon we're now at the ice cream shop. As the hybrids' we're pulling out their own money from their coin pouches for ice cream. The new currency they held we're all coins. As each of the siblings had four large gold coins on the counter as each gold coin added up to one dollar. The other we're different sizes as well each coins being as big as how much they we're worth.

The red coins we're worth fifty cents, purple was worth seventy-five. Green was worth twenty-five and blue was worth ten. Both siblings then pulled out a purple coin and placed it on the counter (both needing to jump up to reach).

"I'll have honey raspberry and my brother will have maple caramel." Cinnamon said, the person at the counter nodded. And Cinnamon tapped her foot impatiently while Mocho was on the verge of tears. After a few moments the person bent down and handed the siblings their ice cream. The two then left licking their ice cream as they walked home. They didn't speak until they got home and finished their ice cream.

"Cin what are we gonna do!?" Mocho said, finally breaking down crying.

"I—I don't know! But….we can't go to that sleepover!" Cinnamon said,

"Then… do we get out of it?" Mocho asked.

"I don't know. But as Lorelay Bove as my witness we will never go to sleepover!" Cinnamon said, Mocho gulped. He couldn't decide what was worse; going to the sleepover.

Or his sister coming up with a plan.