Okay so… Still the same sentence. Using it as a prompt again.

"Look, I've been throwing this shoulder out since 5th grade, I'm barely gonna feel it! Now stop being a nervous Nellie and just-"

Let's go!

Some time during high school

Mr. Casey looked out over the class, he was going through the class list and got to the first person he always wondered if bothered to show up for class.

"Jack Dalton?"


He repeated, his eyes darting to Jack's seat. It was empty, but still he said Jack's name another time.

No answer.

"Okay, not here. Next one, Nick Dalton?

No answer either. That was more unusual. He looked back up as he repeated Nick's name. Finding the empty seat with his eyes he raised his eyebrows and marked it down in his book.

"Anyone know where they are? Claude?" he asked and looked towards Boxer who had the neighboring seat to where Jack would have been.

"Not a clue…" Boxer shrugged, "Waited for 'em for ten minutes by the mailboxes… Figured they could take either Jack's or Nicky's truck here if they were running late…"

Mr. Casey nodded and went on with his list. "Samantha Ericson?"


He marked it down and kept on reading the list.


Just as he finished the list, the door opened. Nick, he guessed based on the way he walked and presented himself, walked in with a backpack over each shoulder.

A few steps behind Jack, obviously, followed. He had his head hung, and his left arm nestled in a sling. By his left shoulder, hidden under his clothes, there was a pad of something. Most likely an icepack.

"What happened?" Claude, or Box as his classmates called him, beat him to the question.

"Threw my shoulder out…" Jack groaned.

"When? How?"

"This one's good, I promise…" Nick chuckled.

"Shut up…" Jack scowled at his twin, "It's painful, alright? Not funny. At all…"

"You didn't see it…" Nick shrugged.

"Guys, what happened."

"I fell down the stairs…"


"But that's not how he dislocated his shoulder…" Nick chuckled, "But it was hilarious though…"

"Shut up…"

"What happened?"

"He opened a cupboard door."


"I obviously did something to my shoulder in the fall, alright…?" Jack groaned.

"A cupboard?"

"Yeah…" Nick chuckled, "I've never seen someone injure themselves in a more pathetic way."

"Shut up, alright?"

"Really Wyatt?" Boxer chuckled, "Only you could do that…"

"Shut up…" Jack growled again, "Y'all know my shoulder is trash…"

"Exactly… It's been like that for six-seven years now…" Boxer nodded, barely able to keep a smirk off his lips. "Is it a bad one?"

"Sling. Icepack…" Jack scowled at his buddy, "You do the math…"

"Well, did you fix it at home or?"

"Made a visit to ol' Doc Harper…" Nick shrugged, "His shoulder just wouldn't get back in easily today…"

"How did you even mess it up that bad?"

"Obviously messed it up in the fall…" Jack drawled, "And then it slid out when I tried to open the door."

Mr. Casey felt a little bit sorry for the unruly Dalton twin, he had to admit that. Opening the book again he got out an eraser and erased the two marks he had left by Jack and Nick's names.

Okay. I know this was short… But… Yeah…