Sorry I don't update more! lol, I need to get this story finished.

Infinite's POV

After a bright flash, I opened my eyes and looked around. Gadget was still standing next to me, but neither of us were in the tower anymore. It seemed we were in some sort of public building. "Gad, where are we?" I asked, looking at him.

He shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I think we teleported close by to where those insurgents carrying the virus are. Let's look around and find them before its too late!" He rushed towards the door, holding onto my wrist.

"Oof!" I fell over, but got back up. "Jeez, be careful." I muttered, annoyed. The both of us left the building from a main entrance, and we took a moment to look around.

We were in the middle of a big city. The skyscrapers that surrounded us seemed to resemble the architecture of Empire City. That makes sense, a million people live here, its one of the most important cities of the west. A perfect location to release the virus.

"We need to hurry our asses, Gadget! We need to stop these idiots before they release the virus." I stared at him with my serious expression.

"Obviously. Well, they gotta be close by. I'll search one direction, you search the other!" I nodded, and bolted right. I ran down the street, looking for any suspicious groups of people carrying a suspicious package. I didn't care if the public saw me, this whole continent is in immediate danger.

I darted around, scanning crowds with my eyes, but I couldn't find anything out of place. Fuck, this is hopeless. I hope Gadget managed to find them.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks, realizing something. I've been here before, we're not far from the city's airport. These morons are probably getting off the plane.

"Gadget?" I called to him on my earpiece.

"What's up? You find em'?" I heard him respond back.

"No, but I think I know where they might be." I said, breathing a little heavy.

"Really? Where?"

"The airport. I think they're just getting off the plane, we need to intercept them!"

"Okay, I think I know where it is. Meet me there." I heard him cut off the transmission, and I wasted no time dashing through the busy streets, jumping over cars and avoiding any obstacles in my way.

It didn't take long to get to the airport, I knew this area too well in the times I've been here with my squad.

I ran up to the main terminal, and entered the airport itself. I knew for a fact I was going to be identified, but whatever. I went up to a large window that showed the airport's runway, and waited. I stared out at the runway, watching the aircraft take off and land.

I heard Gadget come up behind me, and I felt his hand touch my shoulder, making me blush a little. "So, is what kind of plane would you expect these guys to arrive in?"

I kept focus on the runway. "If I had to guess, most likely a private jet painted in dark colours."

As if on que, a dark grey jet landed on the runway. "That has to be them." I pointed at the plane.

"Let's go meet them." He took his hand off my shoulder, and we made way for the entry doors from the runway.

"Follow me." I called, and I lead him through doors and hallways until the doors were just ahead of us. That's when the two of us saw those doors swing open, and 4 men, 3 humans and one anthro, walked out. All were wearing tuxedos and speaking with thick Shamarian accents. One of them carried a briefcase.

"Let's get them!" I heard Gadget yell, and we charged at them. I kicked one in the face, knocking them to the ground while Gadget focused on attacking the anthro. With some skillfull punches, I knocked the second one out, but looked around for the third, who had the briefcase.

I looked behind me, and saw the last oone running with the briefcase. "Oh, Hell no." I grumbled, and ran after him. I hopped up on a bench, and jumped towards the man, ready to attack. Just before I was ready to swing a punch to the jaw, I suddenly got kickd off to the side and hit a wall.

I groaned in pain and hit the floor. I turned around and looked up to see the anthro, a green chameleon, sneer at me. I looked over to where Gadget was, he was lying on the floor, probably knocked out. I growled, and suddenly did a flip kick, launching the attacker into the air for a brief moment.

I swung some punches, but to my surprise, this guy dodged my attacks and headbutted me, I stumbled back, and spit blood. "Very well then, bitch." I growled, and we both started fighting hand-to-hand. Whoever this guy is, managed to keep dodging my attacks and perform counterattacks through kicks and punches.

I had enough, and I pulled out my knife. With one quick slash, I cut the bastard on his stomach, causing him to scream in pain. I then stabbed him once, but to my surprise, he pushed me back, making me lose grip on the blade. I watched as this anthro actually pull the knife out of him, and begin swinging it at me.

I dodged the knife, barely, and got ahold of his wrist with the knife just as he tried to bring it down into my head. I groaned, trying to keep the knife away, but it slowly got closer and closer to my face.

Suddenly, I heard a gunshot, and the chameleon dropped dead. I panted in gasps, and looked towards where the shot came from. Gadget stood there, holding a gun. "You okay, Infinite?" He asked me, and I nodded.

"I think so. We need to catch the last idiot!" I yelled and ran down where the man had gone. I heard Gadget follow me close behind, and soon we found ourselves in the middle of the main terminal of the airport. There was a huge crowd of panicking people who had heard the shot, but I scanned around for the suspect.

I found the bastard once the crowd had cleared out a bit, he was opening the briefcase which contained something inside. I wasted no time in charging at him. I dove at him, and tackled him down to the ground, causing whatever that he was holding to be thrown up into the air. I punched him in the face, and looked back to see Gadget do a spectacular dive, and managed to catch the object before it hit the ground.

"I got it!" I heard my love say as we got back to our feet. I looked at the object in his hand, which was a test tube that contained some sort of red liquid.

"That must be the virus." I said.

"Yep, I'm keeping this safe." He put it in a pocket.

"There he is! There's the primary target!" We heard slightly muffled voice yell, and we both turned and saw a squad of G.U.N soldiers, who started firing upon us with their rifles.

"Shit!" We both jumped off in different directions, avoiding the bullets. We jumped up to an upper level and headed towards a roof entrance.

We ran up the stairs and went out onto the roof, where a chopper flew just overhead of us. "We gotta leave!" I heard Gadget yell.

"Thanks for stating the obvious!" We ran along the roof, and Gadget tuned their earpieces to the G.U.N radio scanner.

"Alerting all G.U.N forces stationed within Empire City! Primary target has been found at the international airport! All available units are to deploy and engage the target. This is a priory order." We heard a commander on the earpiece say.

"Shoot! Infinite!" Gadget yelled at me, and I looked at him. He pulled out the Chaos Emerald. I nodded.

"Get us out of here!" I shouted back as we started to get shot at again. He lifted the Emerald and uttered those famous words that teleported us away.

Once we teleported, I looked around. We were in a small neighborhood now. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Near Miles' workshop." Gadget answered me.

"Who's Miles?" I asked, raising an eye ridge.

"You know, Miles Prower?"

"Um, no?" I shook my head, and he facepalmed.

"He's the fox kid that Sonic hangs out with. People call him Tails."

"Oh, him? Yes, I know who he is. I guess I never knew his real name." I chuckled. "So why are we near his place? He'll rat us out."

Gadget shook his head. "No, knowing him, I think he'll understand our situation."

I scratched my ear. "Look, get to the point."

"I'm gonna give him this." My love took out the tube. "He'll know what to do with it."

I nodded. "Okay. I'll trust you on this." I came up to him and gave him a kiss to his lips. We shared an intimate moment before withdrawing. "I love you."

Gadget giggled at my words. "I love you too, Infinite." He took my hand and we began walking down the sidewalk. For once, I didn't pull my hand away.

I shivered a bit, it was chilly here, this November weather was cold, but calm. I looked up at the stars, as it was already dark out. I got lost staring at them until Gadget patted my shoulder, snapping me back to reality. "Huh?"

"We're here." He motioned to the house in front, which indeed, was Tails' house and workshop. I nodded.

"Go talk to him." I stood off to the side as Gadget knocked on the door.

"Coming!" I heard a young voice yell from inside, and soon enough, the door opened up. From where I was standing, I could indeed tell it was the young, famous, two tailed fox.

"Hey, Tails." My red wolf waved at him.

"Hey, rookie! Or, I mean, Gadget. Heheh. What are you doing here?" He asked.

Gadget scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's really complicated, but..." He motioned for me to come over, and with a sigh, I revealed myself to Tails, which caused an audible gasp.

"Wait, Infinite?!"

"Yeah, its me, kid. Look, calm down. Don't jump to conclusions, okay? Please hear us out." I said, looking down at him.

"B-but you... you killed and hurt people during the war!"

"Supposedly I did, but I don't remember any of it, honestly. Look, I'm not here to hurt you or anyone else. Just to explain some things, alright? None of the others understand us, but maybe, you will." I said, still gazing at him.

He stood there for a few moments, before sighing. "Come in, you guys." He stood out of our way, and we both entered the home. He closed the door behind us, and we sat on a couch. I proceeded to tell Tails everything that had happened since I woke up to now.

"What...? So those guys out east were developing a weapon that could take out this side of the world?" Tails asked, and we both nodded yes. Gadget took out the tube, and showed it to Tails.

"This is the bio weapon they were gonna release."

"I see." He said, rubbing his chin.

"Tails, can you do us a favour?" Gadget asked, and he nodded.

"Always happy to!" He exclaimed cheerfully. Gadget took the fox's gloved hand, and put the tube in his hand before closing his fist around it.

"Take this, and hide it where it'll be safe, and where nobody will ever find it. Please. And don't tell a single soul you have this, okay? This little tube can mean life or death for our entire planet." He stared into Tails' eyes, who nodded.

"O-Okay. I fully understand, Gadget." He took the tube.

"Here, you can read up on this." I pulled out the documents we stole from that base and put them on the coffee table.

"I'll be sure to. Also, you guys aren't all that bad. If you need to, stay the night here." He smiled at us.

"Really? Thar would be nice." I said. "I'd love to sleep in a bed for once."

"Follow me, guys." Tails got up and motioned for us to follow, which we did. He lead us to the guest bedroom, and I immediately collpased onto the bed, sighing of relief. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep rather quickly.

Reviews are appreciated!