Well, hello there. I bet you're wondering, "WHERE'S MY CHAPTER?! I can simply say, the current chapter I am writing is currently out of steam. So, as I was in my bed, slowly succumbing to the madness, I thought to myself, "Hm, I have an idea!" So this is it.

In the Aurum household, video games are a material that is generally accepted. The Emperors' progeny were born after video games saw their decrease with the Dark Age of Technology, so these games were a completely new subject matter to them. Of course, all good things may start with good intentions, but the often do not end in the expected manner. For example, "Alfabusa was strolling the forests of Swedesia, when suddenly, he gets assaulted by a moose." While I have no doubt in my mind that Karl the Deranged had no idea that that response would come to this video, the result is still pretty good. Thus, the following.

The Emperor, Luke Aurum, had decided one day to introduce his children to video games. They were born after the Age of Strife, where Old Night occurred. The initial reaction was confusion, but intrigue nonetheless. He had given them each an allowance of a set amount of 'lien', the people of Remnant had bizarre ways of tracking money, and set them loose upon the poor and underpaid Entertainment Crossing clerk. Serves him right, though, taking a pristine copy of the original Superb Bario Siblings* at five lien store credit.

He trusted his sons to make their way home safely, as they were his sons (in young bodies, granted) and had their entire legions at their disposal to protect them. When he returned from work, the sight in the (large) living room was akin to that of early M2-3 gaming gatherings. Large piles of empty Mount Moisture bottles were haphazardly tossed into a corner of the room, and there was a sizable hoard of Nacho Triangles in another. You should have expected this, my lord, Malcador spoke in his mind. He allowed himself a small sigh as he looked upon the damage.

Rogal and Perturabo had commandeered a portion of the room for their "pillow fortress" and were playing a co-op base building game that required their full attention. Corvus was playing the most recent Steel Cog Solid game, the graphics improved heavily from the last one, as the twins watched on as Corvus' character stalked around the game in a METAL BAWKS while sneaking around the enemy base, taking out the enemies. There was a table set up where Donjons and Drakes was being played, with Horus as the Warmaster (obviously) as Lion, Fulgrim, Leman, Roboute, Ferrus, and Vulkan had begun to play. Jaghatai, unsurprisingly, was surrounded by empty bottles as he participated in a racing game, where his vehicle's loadout was geared toward nothing but speed, as everything else came afterwards. Konrad and Sanguinius were participating in the grueling challenges that To Software had produced, Progeny of Blood, fighting some sort of great beast. Angron had taken to To Software as well, taking on Damned Souls and fighting for all his life to escape the tutorial alive. Lastly, Mortarion, Magnus, Kitten and Lorgar had begun to play Collection of Sorcery, Magnus of course running Red Blue.

Luke sighed once more. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. He summoned up the usual group and began the usual game. This gaming marathon had continued for several days, and all outside the immediate people in on the information thought that they were on a top-secret mission, or training exercise. Luckily, as it was summer vacation, there were no immediate repercussions besides acute insomnia for a few days and caffeine withdrawals.

*Reference to Game Theory.