Title: Something More

Prologue: Dream

The stars were the perfect compliments to the full moon hanging low in the night sky. Its luminous glow, while soft, was strong enough for the couple enjoying themselves in the inky waters of a small lake. Surrounded by trees and miles away from the city, their only audience were the crickets singing softly to them.

"This is such a wonderful night, Nick." Judy cooed as she lazily floated along the water's surface. It was the middle of summer, the nights nearly stifling hot in the forest they were camping in. Dressed in a pale blue bikini that was nearly white in the moonlight, the night dip was the perfect balm to the sweltering heat.

Entranced by the way the moonlight played off of her soaked fur, Nick was slow to respond. "Yeah."

Turning an eye in his direction at his softly spoken word, Judy slowly stood up, the water trickling down her body as she did so. Being in shallow waters, it came up to her chest, while Nick was nearly waist deep in it. Gazing up at him, her amethyst eyes nearly glowed in the moonlight, their light reflecting off his predatory eyes.

"I love you." Nick said, his whole soul bared in those three words. His breath hitched in his throat when she smiled adoringly at him.

"I love you, too."

Reaching out to take her paw into his, the tod drew her in closer until their chests were pressed against one another. Gazing down at her, he lifted his other paw up to stroke her cheek as he leaned down to—


With a startled yelp, Nick awoke to the brutal ringing of his alarm clock. Wide-eyed, with a paw braced against his chest, he took in gulping breaths,trying to calm his racing heart.

When he was cognizant enough to realize exactly where he was, Nick let out a frustrated groan as he flopped back down onto his bed. The alarm continued to blare loudly as he glared at the ceiling.

Lifting a paw, he splayed his fingers wide, paw pads facing towards the ceiling before he turned it around. He gazed at the appendage for a beat.

"It was just a dream." He whispered sorrowfully. Resignedly.


What are dreams? Hopes and desires not yet acquired, or mental pictures all mushed together in one kaleidoscope of images that made sense only to the individual dreaming them.

'It doesn't matter.' Nick thought as he smiled bitterly as his paw. 'They're both imaginary...unattainable.'

With that somber thought, the tod finally turned off his alarm and got up to start getting ready for another shift of trying to make the world a better place with the one bunny that meant the world to him.


Authors's Note: Prologue written by Starfang's Secrets and edited by SovietMD.

This is a collaboration between myself and Starfang's Secrets for WildeHopps Week. If everything goes well, we will post a chapter a day, one for each prompt found on AoiRem2816's DA account. Check it out for more details.