I sigh as I turn around once again, still trying to sleep. It normally takes a while for me to get used to being in a new place. The silence comforts me, I smile to myself in hope that thinking about good things might help me sleep. My eyes start getting heavier as I start drifting off to sleep, I yawned and fully closed my eyes. Just as I was finally falling asleep I heard some steps, quick steps. I open my eyes and jump out of bed not bothering taking my glasses.

"Gin, what are you doing?" Shinzo asked as I started walking towards where I heard the footsteps.

"Following the footsteps." I quickly answered. I look around the Ravenclaw common room. It was empty. I sighed and was about to go back to bed just as I heard the common room door close.

"This isn't a good idea Gin-Chan.." I chose to ignore Shinzo and I ran out the common room as fast as I could. I had never been outside the common room at night since it's a school rule, and surprisingly I didn't wanna make my house lose points.

"I DON'T CARE SHINZO!" Yes, I did care. I looked around the dark corridors, trying to find the sound that had brought me there in the first place, "There!" I ran to where I heard someone talking.

"You said that out loud, be glad nobody heard you." Shinzo warned.

"I said that out loud? I didn't noti-" My eyes widened as I could easily recognize that white hair, even without my glasses, I stayed quiet and hoped that they couldn't see me.

"Taichou, there was a hollow over in the forbidden forest tonight." Rangiku informed Toushiro.

"Just one? It's not bad seeing as that kid's reiatsu is abnormally high." He sighed, "We need to keep an eye on him, it'll be easier for me since we're in the same group."

"You mean house?"

"Yes. House. Anyways, you will also try to get close to him. He's probably the cause of the hollow. We'll keep him under supervision until this gets proved otherwise." Rangiku nodded and started walking away.

"You gotta get going too Gin, you can get caught." Said Shinzo, not wanting me to get into obvious trouble.

"Probably by Chibi-Taichou if I let my guard down." I stayed silent and quiet until I was completely sure that both of them had left the nearby area. I sighed and quickly went back to my common room, hoping to get decent sleep for the next few hours. However, I didn't expect to find Toushiro standing in the common room seemingly waiting for me.

"How much do you know?" He said. Not bothering to look back at me.

Hey. I know it's been two years but I just got back to writing and I might as well pick this back up. I'm not sure if anyone is still reading it. But hey, I'm back. I'll hopefully start updating once or twice a week. Sorry for this short chapter, I promise the next will be longer!