Chapter 5: Going Home

A/N Thanks to all who reviewed, followed and or favorited. Look for other parallel stories to "You Complete Me"

Sunday morning was another sunny and warm day. The children ate their breakfast of eggs, bacon and hash browns on the porch. They talked about all of the things they had done the past week. Gibbs listened as they talked. Each child had some favorite activities. Tali and Tori liked being able to cook and help with the meals. Anthony said that his favorite thing was the cowboy steaks. Charles and Beth picked fishing with Grandpa as their favorite. John, Rivka and Katie liked the trip to ZooAmerica as their favorite. LJ declared that learning to paint with Grandpa was his most favorite. "But," LJ added, "being with Grandpa and all my cousins and sisters and brother was the best of all!"

Gibbs smiled. LJ was certainly correct; having all the kids together for the week had been the best. He had gotten to know them even better and found out more of each one's personality, likes and interests. Plus, he had found a painting buddy.

"Time to pack up." Gibbs stepped out on the porch to groans from all of the kids. "We leave at 1000, so get your things packed and in the van, please." The children took their breakfast dishes inside and went to their respective rooms to get packed for the trip home.


The ride home was quiet. Gibbs wasn't sure if the kids were tired, or sad or both. When they arrived at his house, Tim and Delilah were already in the driveway. Gibbs had just gotten the van parked and opened doors when Jimmy and Breena pulled in as well.

The McGee twins got their bags moved into Tim's car and hugged Gibbs. "Thanks, Grandpa. We had fun and we want to do this again." Katie spoke for herself and her brother. "Mom and Dad, we had lots of fun, and Grandpa gave us each a camera and we got to take pictures and…"

"Slow down, princess," Tim put a hand on Katie's shoulder. "Say goodbye to your cousins and then you can tell us all about the trip." Katie skipped over to Anthony and gave him a hug. The adults laughed at the look on the boy's face at the unexpected hug. John said his goodbyes to the rest of them as a group.

The Palmer children got their gear in Breena's car. The two walked over to Gibbs and Tori gave him a hug. "Thanks for letting me cook, Grandpa. It was fun." Charles shook hands with Gibbs and said his thanks. The two waved to their cousins, "See you when we get back from Florida."

"DiNozzos, in the van!" Gibbs called to the last five. "Time to head to your house."