Lance knew something was wrong.

Not the kind of bad feeling you get when you forget something, like forgetting to get the milk, only to be scolded by your abuela; or the sense that something as trivial yet equally unpleasant experience would happen.

No, this was more than that.

The sense of a heavyweight in his stomach. A strong and sharp sparking, guided by the feeling of dread, worry and anticipation. Mix and merged into one feeling.

It wasn't unusual for Lance to feel this sense of dread nowadays.

Ever since he left Earth months ago, he felt it. The sense of heavy, explainable dread washing over him like water. An unease he couldn't describe. The feeling strengthened when the found Allura's castle, finding the princess and her father's, the King of Altea, adviser named Coran and discovering a fallen civilisation and a war with the Galra Empire the plagued the entire universe for the past 10,000 years.

He felt it again in their first battle against the Galra and once again when Sendak took over the entire castle. The emotion continued to follow him into every battle, every scouting mission. A simple...thing that was just there, a reminder of what could come.

Eventually, it had slowly but surely became something that he listened to. A feeling he now took comfort in.

Especially now.

The plan was simple. Hide in one of your average planets that was swarming with gas and electrical storms and scan for Allura's quintessence signature. Then form Voltron, do some dramatic fighting (like in those Mecha animes he used to watch back on earth) and quickly infiltrate the Galra ship. And, hopefully, retrieve Allura. Quick and Simple right?

How wrong they were.

As though they somehow sensed their arrival, they had an entire fleet of Galran ship waiting ahead, a wall, impenetrable, existing solely to protect the stronghold that was Zarkon's ship. His heart sank, and that feeling only grow powerful and he just knew. He knew the worst was yet to come. Even so, he could feel the lions strengthen tenfold, sparking and merging in his mind as they flew straight to the enemy ahead.
They slashed and destroyed every ship and platoon that was in the way, determination thrumming through his and the rest of the Paladins bond. He could feel Blue presence, brimming with confidence but the sense of worry, ever present during the entire offence. They pulled through, leaving only a trail of destruction behind them; without much effort.

That was the first sign that something wasn't right, But Lance tried ignored it, trying to stop his confidence from wavering as they headed straight towards Zarkon's warship. As though some other worldly god had hear him, he freezes in his pilot seat, as he watched the sickly purple fluorescent barrier appear above them, slowly making there way around the entire base.

He stared, gazing as it closed and connected from either side, becoming one large sphere shaped wall, destroying what little hope left of escaping. There was no way in. Or in their case, no way out.

They were trapped.

And that, lead Lance to where he was now. Panting heavily as he quickly dodges the half a dozen fighters that were shooting at him.

He should have listened...

He and the rest of the paladins spreaded out and charged at the fleet of Galran ships and fighters that swarmed them, attacking them from all sides. The sound of exploded ships and blasters with the static coming from his comms, along with the sound of heavy breaths and Blues roars were all he could hear, as he dodged and attacked the cruisers that were blasting at him in every direction.

Even in the hollowness and emptiness of space, swarms of blast surrounded the entire area, shots coming from left right and centre. He continued on attacking, ignoring the bright explosion that came from the ships of his now fallen foes.

He watched as Hunk and Pidge headed straight for the battleships, clawing, slashing and blasting every single battleship around them.

As they went on the offensive, Lance decided to go on the defensive, shooting- and sometimes freezing- any ships that came towards the two paladins as they destroyed the ships that slowly surrounded them. There flew in and out, maneuvering around the debris that was scattered all over the place. He glanced quickly to his side, to see Hunk slamming a battleship, and colliding it with the two other ships beside it, successfully destroying all three ships

Suddenly something hit him- a fighter? Maybe debris? He didn't know- and he grunted at the impact, jerking forward in his seat when Blue was thrown to the side by the impact.

Just as he regained his footing, three cruisers came flying towards him, firing. Before the blast could hit, he barrel rolled to the side and rushed towards the. He blasted them with a frozen beam, effectively freezing them over.

As the trio continued on with their attack, destroying every ship and cruisers the could, he glanced around to see the two other paladins continued to attack and be attacked by several more ships. He could hear Blue's roar loudly as they sliced every fighter that came their way, their determined to defend his friends back pushing them forward.

But no matter how many ships they sliced, smashed, froze or shot, more and more came. Lance curses under his breath.

Damn, why were there still so many. Even if they destroy more and more ships, they just keep on coming!

"There's no end to these guys!"

Lance couldn't help but agree. It was never ending!

Suddenly a group of fighters headed straight for hunk from behind. But before he call out to his friend, a sudden beam of light struck the fighter, instantly destroying them, nothing more than space debris.

He turns his head in awe and saw the Castle, charging forward with determined ferocity, blasting every enemy in its way.

"Coran attack!" he hears the orange haired Altean call out.

"Ha ha! I've waited 10,000 years for this" Coran shouts, giggling gleefully as the castle blasted any ships in front of him.

Lance grins. He could feels Blue amusement prick against his mind, purring at Coran's childish antics, while in the face of an impossible battle.

He heard Hunk sigh into his headset.

"Thanks Coran"

"Well I can't leave you boys to have all the fun. I'm still young enough to fight, ya know! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I-"

Lance ignored Coran's babbling when a fighter ship flew by him and Blue, heading straight for Pidge.

"Pidge, look out! On your left!"

Immediately, Pidge turns and finds the ship that was bulletin towards them and blasted at the cruiser, blasting it to bits.

Lance lets out a sigh of relief and hear Pidge do the same. That was close. Too close

"Thanks Lance"

"No problem, Pidgeo"

"Lance, not the time" Pidge groans and Lance just laughs.

"What do we do now guys?" , Hunk's voice crackled through the comms."Our plan is really working out as- well, planned".

"I'm going for the black lion, you go get the princess now" Shiro's voice boomed through his comms, their leaders breath harsh against the headset

"I've identified Allura's exact location. I'm uploading the coordinates now." Coran notified. He watches as the sudden dot that shone brightly on Blue's panel, presumably. Lance smiles. Finally, some good news.

"In the meantime, I'll provide covering fire from out here. Alone...against an entire fleet. So yeah do you mind hurrying", he heard the Altean squeak.

"My jet packs damaged. I'll need to go through the ship" Shiro replies, the sounds of crackling and screeching heard through his helmet.

Lance nods and dodges yet another blast from a ship before heading straight to the rest of the paladins. "Ok guys, let go and save a princess" he chimed. From his side, he glances and noticed Keith flying to the other direction that lead to the centre of Zarkon's ship.

"Keith? Uh, the princess saving is this way", Lance remarked.

"You guys get the princess without me"

"What? We gotta stick together! What are you doing?!" he yells, indignantly at the dark haired boy.

"Whatever I can"

"Keith!", his only response was silence before he heard the comm turn off.

"Mierda", Lance cursed. That stupid mullet moron. Going on his own, leaving everyone behind once again. With an entire armada that's trying to kill them.

Classic Keith.

But it wasn't time for that right now, they have a lion to get back and a princess to save. He turns Blue around and followed Hunk and Pidge, flying there way to where Allura was suppose to be. They flew straight down the farthest leg (Lance knew they weren't legs but he didn't know what else to call them) of Zarkon ship to see the Allura's signature half way down the ship.

They continued following her signature till they were right in front of where the princess was supposedly was held.

"This is it. The Princess is in this part of the ship"

"How do we get in?" he asked. They floated in front of the metallic ship in silence, thinking. Until Pidge decides to speak up.

"Maybe I can try hacking one of their cargo bays"

"We don't have the time!"

"Do you have a better idea?"

Without warning, another fighter flanked his left and hit Lance growls when Blue get hit, the cockpit tremble slightly from the attack. He could here Blue yelp in pain as Lance growls.

"Lance!" he heard Pidge yell through the comms, her voice laced in worry.

"I'm fine" he grits out, jerking forward slightly in his seat.

He glanced around, trying to find the bastard that hit him but couldn't find the little brat through the several swarms of fighters that were flying around. He turned back to Blue when he heard Blue let out another whine.

"Blue? Beautiful, you okay?" he asked, concerned. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he feels her presence warm him.

Fine. My Paladin, Blue assured.

Lance smiles before he stops to think. Hunk was right, there wasn't any time to hack the cargo bay. Time they didn't have. Then he heard suggest that he could Yellow to slam into the wall of the the ship but Lance shook his head.

He knew those ships were ventilated with air and a small tear in itself would cause a violent outrush of air, creating a strong vacuum which could lead them to pulling Allura through it. And with the impact from their strongest lion would be catastrophic. No, that wasn't a good idea.

Suddenly a thought came to mind. What if he used Blue's ice to weaken the walls and to decrease the effects of the vacuum.

Well, it was a plan at least.

"Guys, I have an idea. Cover me!"

He made his way exactly where he would be right in front of where Allura's cell should be and blasted a heavy layer of ice onto the ship before shooting at the wall. He slammed Blues head straight for it, which, thankfully, worked and they slammed into the inside of the ship, plugging in the suction and vacuum.

He grinned at Hunks cheer and couldn't help the slight snicker that escaped him when he heard Pidge yell at Hunk. "Celebrate when weren't being shot at stop celebrating " she yelled, just as Lance got out his bayard and headed straight to Blue's mouth. Blue sent him an image from her of a half a dozen soldiers that stood, tense, around him and Blue, guns armed and pointed, ready for them. Probably, there guarding the princess' cell.

My Paladin. Be Careful, she begged.

Lance smiled before replying. "I will, Blue. You're talking to the best- and most handsome- fighter pilot in the Garrison. Skill is my middle name" he boasted, dramatically. His smile grew bigger when he felt her amusement roll through him like waves.

Once he reached the entrance of Blue's mouth, he quickly activated his bayard and held his rifle tightly in his hands. He took a deep breath before he he readied himself for Blue open her mouth.

As soon as she opened her metallic jaw, Lance immediately shoot the Galran androids that had surround around Blue's head. As few shots flew past, Lance quickly went to cover, hiding behind one of Blue's metallic fangs. He kept shooting under the protection of Blue's jaw, and was finally able to hit the final two soldiers, who now lay on the ground like a rag doll.

As soon as they were all down, he jumped out of Blue's mouth and looked around for any more enemies. Seeing no more soldiers coming his way, his slightly relaxed his shoulder and headed straight for, what he guessed was, Allura's prison cell.

He went straight to the doors control panel. Using one of the unconscious Galra drones that was lying on floor, he pressed the scanner that, he hoped, would open the door. He couldn't help the sigh that escaped him when the door opened from the ground up and disappearing.

He carefully steps into the dark, dingy cell and looks around hoping to see . Seeing a curled up, yet so familiar, figure in the farthest corner, he couldn't help let out a tiny cry of joy that came from him.

"Allura!" he called out. God, he was happy to see her again.

"Lance!" she yells, surprised to him here of all places. He quickly placed a hand on her shoulder and looks her over, glad to see no obvious injuries. He quickly stands up and stretches out a hand for her, which she gladly takes.

"Don't worry, princess. We're gonna get you out of here"

Allura shook her head, and turned back to him with a face of worry. "What you doing here?! Tell me you didn't bring Voltron straight to Zarkon's central command"

Lance shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "Em well- the thing is-"

She suddenly gasped, interrupting Lance from his rambling.

"Where's the Black Lion?", her voice trembled, worry etched in her tone.

Without warning, she went silent, her concentration solely on her communicator that rested on her ear like an earring. He watches in concern as her face slowly pales, her eyes widened in fear and worry.

"We have to save Shiro! "

Before Lance could even comprehend her words, she stood up and swiftly bolted out of the room.

"Eh, Allura!" he called out, running after the princess as she ran down the hallway. Well...shit, Lance thought to himself. He raced after her, hoping that he could get her before they ran into any of the soldiers he knew were lurking around.

While he was running he could hear static in his helmet before he could hear Hunks voice booming through the other side.

"Lance, did you get her?"

Hunk asked, his voice barely heard by the sound of fighting surround him.

"Yeah, but there's a change in plans. Looks like Shiro's in trouble" He said. He didn't wait for a response and raced after the princess.

He rushed through the halls, his bayard in hand, careful to not draw any attention from any guards that could be around. He was slowly rushed forward as the princess veered left, her steps filling with more and more determination as she charged on.

But just as they turned a corner, Lance stiffens, finding them face to face with a group of sentries patrolling their way. Allura freezes.

Just before one of the sentries could notice her, Lance pulled her in, both taking cover behind one of the walls. She yelps in surprise when he grabbed her, the noise alerting one of the Galran sentry. When the sentry mechanically walked to where the sound came from, Lance pulls her behind him.

"Hide behind me" he hissed.

She stares for a moment before doing as he said, nodding before quietly hiding behind him. They stayed there in silence, their shoulders tense and breaths quietened, as they heard the clanking of footsteps come closer and closer. Lance watched in silence, his bayard in hand, ready, his gaze solely on the sentry that came into their view. The sentry looked around for a moment, searching for the cause of the sound he heard earlier till it turned around and went back to their position. Lance let out a small relief. That was close.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked, indignantly.


"Lance we don't have time for this! We must save Shiro. He needs our help!"

He knew the princess was a very stubborn and determined person from the moment she came out of that cryopod. The look of fiery determination and willpower burning in her eyes. But he also knew she could get blinded by that fire and can lead her to be reckless and even more stubborn than usual. Good thing his sister was the same, so he knows what to do when his sister got like this.

Stubborn Princess, he heard Blue rumble. He couldn't help but internally laugh at that. Lance turned back to Allura.

"Look, I wanna help Shiro as much as you do. But we wouldn't doing ourselves any favours if we just charge in and alert every single soldier here" he says, his voice stern but gentle; or at least he hoped it was.

They both looked at each other in silence before Allura's shoulder slumped. She closed her eyes, before releasing a small sigh from her lips.

"You're right" she began. "Storming around recklessly won't help us save Shiro."

She bowed her head, her eyes trained to the floor. "I apologise."

He smiled slightly. "It's fine. No need to get sentimental on me." He gently rested his against her shoulder. "Let me take the lead okay. We don't wanna get that pretty face hurt now do we?"

Allura roll her eyes before turning back to him, surprised by the seriousness hidden behind the light and flirty expression. She stared at him for a moment before she nodded firmly.

They nodded to each other. Carefully, they made their way down the hall of the ships, sneaking up to any sentries that were guarding one of the rooms, closest to them and quickly destroying them. They continued making their way down the hallway, till they heard the sound of fighting and a very familiar cry of pain from the end of the hallway that lead straight to the hangar.

Not surprisingly, the hangar was barren, no ships inside the room. The only thing in the room were to figures, standing straight in the middle of the room. A swarm of cloaked white haired druids. Even though Lance hasn't never meet the druid personally, he knew who was before them. The druid responsible for Shiro's arm, the woman known to be the leader of the druids and Zarkons right hand woman.


The entire group of Haggars were surrounding something. At first Lance couldn't recognize what was in the center of the multiple Haggars, until he noticed a very familiar figure and certain black paladin armor. Shiro was in the center of the swarm, crouched and on his knees. From far away, he could still tell that the paladin was breathing and seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"Shiro!" Alura yelled. They watched in terror as the group of Haggars got closer and closer to their leader, their hands holding a violet coloured orb that swam in their palms.

"Now Champion your time is over" he heard Haggar, her voice scratchy and dripping venomous. Your typical evil villain, he mused, before mentally shaked his head. It wasn't time for this. Shiro needed their looked through the swarm of Haggar's that surrounded Shiro, scanning for some kind of difference between all of them. Some kind of clue.

"Dammit, which one's the real one" he hissed.

But unlike him, the princess seemed to trained her eyes on a specific illusion, her eyes intense with heavy concentration, before frantically pointing at the illusion on the right, the one that was slowly making their way to their black paladin.

"Lance, there. Fire!"

Lance immediately acted. He took a quick deep breath, carefully aiming at the Haggar -or the Haggar that Allura thinks is the real Haggar but honestly they all look the same to him- before pulling the trigger. Just before bullet could hit, Haggar turns and evaporates into a burst of dark cloud, reappearing on the other side of the hanger, her illusions gone -washing away into the air.

So she can teleport, he thought.


Haggar snarls, her glowing orbs gazing at him and Allura in rage. She didn't noticed Shiro stand up and slash his glowing Galran arm towards her. Quickly, she puts a shield up, protecting her from the attack. Lance watched as Shiro falls to the ground, his legs buckling against the weight. Immediately, Lance took action.

He shot again, and snarled when he only hit thin air as she teleported away again. Her sardonic laughter filling the room as she disappears.

Once they were sure they wouldn't see the druid again, Allura rushed over to Shiro. "We've gotta get out of here". She gently picks up Shiro, trying her best to not worsen his injuries. Shiro grunts as she slowly and carefully rose to her feet. "Shiro" he said, his voice dripping with concern. Shiro scrunches up his nose as he lets a hiss of pain.

"I'm alright" he panted out.

Lance and Allura exchanged a look.

"Well this could be worse" he muttered. Suddenly, an alarm blared through the entire hanger, red lights flickering around the room.

"...I take that back. Now it's worse"

"Let's get out of here." He yells before bursting down the hallway, Allura and Shiro in front of him. It wasn't long before an entire patrol of Galran sentries and a few soldiers came from behind, blasting straight at them as they continued to make their way back to him. he hear the roars of orders from soldiers and guns firing.

"Capture them!"

"Do not let them escape!"

"Right!" Allura yelled, and they quickly turned the corner. As she and Shiro continued on, Lance fired at the sentries, protecting them from the onslaught of shots that flew by them. He was able to take out three of them before they the cut the corner.

Blasts of laser-fire continued to pass by them as they ran and ran, getting slowly closer and closer to Blue.

They turned another corner. Lance noted Shiro's breathes getting heavier and shallower, his frosted tips stuck on his sweaty forehead. His eyebrows furrowed together at the intense pain Lance knows he's feeling. He took his eyes of Shiro, taking a brief glance at the hallway. He recognised the hallway.

It was the hallway where he found Allura. Which means there almost back to Blue. Almost there, he thought. He could her Blue encouraging hums graze against his mind.

Without warning, they were caught of guard by a group a soldiers that cut in front of them, raising their blaster and aimed at them. No, not them. But at Allura.

"Fire!" a soldier yelled.


But he could even think, his body moved. Before they could pull the trigger Lance ran to Allura and Shiro shielding them from the swarm of shots that passed. Suddenly he felt an intense, flaming pain coming from his left leg. He screams in pain.

"Lance!" he hear his name called out. He couldn't tell who called it. Was it Allura?

Was it Shiro?

Maybe it was Blue. He didn't know.

His focus was on the sharp burning pain that was coming from left leg. He could the burning of the bullet the injured muscle in his leg, pulsing against the flow of blow leaking from the wound.

The pain wasn't unbearable, nothing compared to that time he saved Coran when that bomb exploded. But it still hurts. A lot.

Quiznak, he cursed. He rose his gaze from his injured to Allura and Shiro. Allura was in front of him, her hands gracing over his upper arm and shoulder. The first thing he noticed was the worry etched into the hue of her eyes. She was calling his name but he was distracted by the figure behind her slumped but slashing the soldier that got close enough. It only took him a second to realise it was Shiro. His leader was panting heavily, worn out and in pain, his hand still resting against his injury, his grip tight.

He looked back at the princess, scanning her entire body for any bullet size wounds. He lets out a sigh of relief. Thank God, the princess didn't get hit.

"I'm okay. I'm okay" he grits out. He ignored the pain in his leg as he stood up. He will deal the wound later. For now, escaping was more important. He carefully stands and ignore his muscles as the scream in pain or the sensation of his blood oozing out of his leg.

He stumbles a bit but slowly regains his balance. He breathes through the pain as he grabs his bayard that laid on the ground, picking it up before activating it. He ignores Allura for a moment as he he aims his blaster at the sentries that were attacking Shiro, before shooting them down with ease.

Shiro turns to him in surprise before his legs give out and kneels on the ground, wincing in pain. Allura immediately go to him, shouldering him. Once she secures Shiro, she turns to Lance in concern.

Lance gives her a strained small that looked more like a wince if anything. His smile fell when he hears shouts and the clattering sounds of footsteps coming from behind them.


Lance turns his head, his eyes trained on the Galra soldier and group of sentries that stood there. The same group that was following them moments ago, he realised. They must've lost them for a second.

But not anymore.

"Guys, now's a good time to run!" he yells before he and Allura ran to Blue. They ran and ran until Lance could see the broken sentry on the floor ahead and Blue's very familiar head, sticking through the walls of the hallway.

His knee buckle and stumbles for a moment before he regains his balance and runs straight to Blue. "Blue!" he yells. Immediately the lion opens her mouth. Lance waited for Shiro and Allura to step into her metallic mouth before he hops in himself.

Quickly, he made his way to Blue's cockpit and didn't pay attention as her doors opened to him, welcomingly. He steps into the cockpit, his hobbling straight to his seat.

Lance slide in Blue's seat before grasping the controls and pulls them towards him. Blue pulls her head back and quickly flies back for distance, causing Allura and Shiro yelp at the force of it.

"What now Shiro" he asks, his eye directed solely on the battlefield before him. He continues dodging oncoming fighters, barrel rolling and diving away from any oncoming fire.

"We need to get back the Black. Lance, can you see if the Blue lion's scanner can pick up Blacks location" Shiro asked. Lance turned to Blue's control panel and looked at the scanner on panels far right. He was glad to see a familiar purple dot pulsing on the screen.

Shiro leans closer to the screens, a look of relief when he see's a very familiar back dot pulse on the screen. "That's not to far from our location" he hears his leader silently mutter. "Okay Lance. Lead the way"

Suddenly static sparked through the comms. Lance was surprised to hear Coran's voice drum through his and Shiro's helmet. " Shiro. Keith went to fight Zarkon! I can't connect to his comm"

Shiro tenses before he pressed his hand against the comm on his helmet. "Keith, do you copy?" he said, but was only responded by quiet static. "Keith? Do you copy?" he repeats.


Lance looks over his seat for a second, watching Shiro in worry. He could see the fear and worry plastered on his face. "Keith!" he yells.


Allura rests a comforting hand on Shiro. The fear quickly disappears and the strength and fiery determination Lance knows, takes its place. "Alright team. Getting Allura and the Black Lion back is our first priority. Black location isn't far from Keith's so I'll go and get Keith." Shiro turns his attention to his comm's.

"Pidge, Hunk, I want you two to continue fighting but stay on the defensive till me and Keith are away from the ship. Lance, get the princess back to the castle and Princess, be ready to open up a wormhole."

Lance nods and hears Hunk and Pidge reply in agreement. "Yes sir." He turns Blue around and headed straight towards Blacks location. He stepped on Blue's boosters and they burst ahead, speeding straight through the ships and debris that passed them. Lance could feels Blue determination to help her pack trum through their connection as the flew their way to Black and Red.

Don't worry Blue, we'll get them back, he assured, or at least hope he did, through their bond. Lance wasn't sure if Blue got his message. He knew that he and Blue are the bestest buds and are good, great even, but he knew that their connection was still at their new stage. Just as he was about to try to try again he feels Blue growl in determination, grateful paladins assurance.

As they made their way closer to the Black Lion, He could their bond brimming with strength and determination. They flew and glided past the ongoing battle around them and Lance glanced at the screen, watching as they were getting closer and closer to Black. Once the reached the area, Lance pulls the control, stopping Blue, leaving them hovering in space.

This was it.

He looked around the place, his anxiety slowly building up when he couldn't see the Black Lion anywhere. Then suddenly Allura perked up.

"There!" she points at the surface of a part of the battleship where the black lion lay, its body dangled and stiff like puppet.

"Lance" Shiro calls, trailing off, but he didn't have to say anything more. Lance brings them down and floated just beside the lion. He glances behind him and watched as Shiro left, his strides strong and powerful. Even as he clutched his injured side, he looked strong, like a soldier. He guessed he just forgot that he technically was. They all were.

He meets Alluras as she watched their leader walk to Blues hanger, before quickly turning back to the front. He pressed his finger on the hanger button, listening silently as he discreetly hears the doors of the hangar carefully open underneath him.

Him and Allura watched as Shiro out of Blue, jumping straight down near the Black lion. Just as he reaches the surface he tumbles, bending his knees and roll into a crouch. Shiro stands up before turn back to them.

"Go!" Shiro waves them off. Lance immediately takes action, and pulls his controls, swerving Blue before flying off. He dodged any fighter that came their way and shoot or slashed any that came too close to dodge. He could hear Allura grunts of discomfort as she held her hand on the top of his seat, grip tight as she tries to keep herself balanced. As they finally reached closer to the Castle, Lance pressed his comm.

"Coran, I'm bringing the princess to you. Can you open the hanger?"

"Already on it, my boy" Coran said. Their a second of silence before Coran continues. "Is she well? She isn't hurt, is she?" he asked, his voice filled with worried and skittish.

"I'm fine Coran" Allura assured as she stood beside Lance, her usually stern demeanor gone and replaced by a soft gentle expression.

"Thank Alfor" He heard Coran whisper, relief etched in his words. He speaks up again, his voice stern and strong. "Don't even think doing something so reckless again, you hear me? You scared me to death young lady"

Lance glances at Allura and watched as she dropped her head in shame. "I'm sorry Coran" she whispers. He could the moment he loses the tension and relaxes once again when Coran replies with a soft, "It's alright my dear. I'm just glad we got you back". She looks up at the screen, a soft smile on lips.

As they got closer and he tells Allura to get to the opening of Blue's mouth. She nods before leaving the cockpit, the sound of the door opening and closing behind him.

When they reached the Castle, he gazed at the particle barrier that quickly dissolved around the Castle before it reformed as they flew straight to where the hanger would be on the back of the Castle. The white and glowing blue exterior of the hanger blurred past them in a flurry of colour.

Once he was sure he was close enough inside of the hangar, he clenched Blue's control into his chest, stopping Blue, setting her down on the floor of the hangar.

He dropped open Blues mouth as Allura safely hopped out of the Lion. She turned to him and Blue as she nodded toward him.

"Keep them safe Lance" she says, before she turns away and runs off, straight to the control room of the ship. He playfully salutes to her before going straight back to Hunk and Pidge.

Blue raised her head before they both flew straight out the hangar, accelerating more and more as they tried to make back to their team. He looked at familiar Green and Yellow dots glowing dimly on the screen beside him. They were close. Lance noticed that they seemed to be at the center of the battle, a cluster of red dots surrounding them.

That doesn't look good. He speed up, rushing past the flurry of debris and ships scraps. Once he reached the center of the battle, he could see the Green and Yellow Lion's back and back, surrounded around a fleet of fighter that circled around them. But even with the swarm of fighter attacking them, the Lion's still stood strong.

He burst through the Fighter blasting them in one shoot, each exploding the other fighter around, like a row of dominoes, one setting of the other. He shot down the ships, and watched as the ship explodes into pieces. He turns Blue towards the Green Lion.

"Took you long enough"

"Aw, Miss me?" he teases.

"As if ", Pidge scoffed, playfully.

He heard Hunk let out a sigh-full chuckle. "So guys, ready to kick some more Galra butt?". Pidge huff's lightly into her comm. "Born ready."

They dispersed, flying straight towards the clatter of armadas that circled them. They slashed and clawed every ship in sight. Lance dodges the blast and lasers that flew past him. He dodged every attack and attack them once they were out of sight, freezing them with Blue's Ice blast. Lance panted. His blood continuing to trickle down his thigh, he could feel every pulse as the blood flowed out of his body and onto his armor and undersuit.

"Lance, buddy, you okay?"

He lets out a small playful chuckle, trying his best to hide the pain he was feeling in his voice.

"Yeah buddy. I'm good" he looks around, gazing at the destroyed ships in front of him. "Can't say much about those ships though" he adds. He wipes off a layer of sweat that formed on the side of his temples.

He caught a glimpse of the Black and Red lion rising to the air and let out a relieved sigh. Through the comms, Shiro voice stood out, strong and firm. "I got ya buddy! Alright guys let's get out of here"


His mouth curls up at the sound of Hunk's whooping as they flew straight to the Castle. Lance grip loosens on the control, his adrenaline slowly subsiding. He felt worn out and tired. But still, he couldn't to agree with Hunk, his heart bubbling in relief and excitement.

"Alright Paladins. Time to get out of here" Allura's voice rung out. Lance watched from the cockpit as the Castle charged out, glowing in brilliant blue and silver quintessence. No matter how many times he saw it he couldn't help but look in awe.

Then it happened.

He felt it again.

That feeling.

Lance freezes. No. It can't happen. Not now. They just got Allura back. They did their mission and were just about to leave, partially unscaved. Nothing can happen now. It can't.

And really? Again? The Universe is just not with them today.

He watched in horror when the bright light surrounding the castle, evaporated and disappeared. "Allura?" he whispered, too quiet for people to hear. "Hello? What's going on here. I don't see a wormhole" Hunk voice rang through his headset

"The Galra barrier is jamming our ability to create one!"

Fleets of ships flew towards the group of lions, and Lance looked at the paladins in worry. He could they were all tired and worn out beyond belief. They've never fought a battle for this long or as big and huge as this one. And what's worse Shiro is injured and the Red lion is unresponsive, leaving three, technically two if you don't count Shiro, that were functioning. Still, Lance readied himself and got Blue into position.



Suddenly, the barrier flickered. It flickered and flickered before it went down, dispersing into the void of space.

How did-

His thoughts were interrupted by the team cheers, his lip twitching at the sound of Pidge's whooping loudly through the comms. "What happened? Coran?"

"Does it matter? Wormhole!"

"Allura?" Shiro asked. They heard only silence before they saw the Castle light up once again, charging up before forming a wormhole ahead of them.

Hunk cheered in joy. "Oh thank Altea. I don't know about you guys but I don't wanna stay here any longer. Can we leave now. Please?"

That wasn't just pure luck right? The barrier couldn't had just shut down. He knew better. He can't shake off the feeling that someone was helping them. But who? And more importantly, Why?

Deep in thought, Lance only heard a slight crackle, before he could realize what was going on. And in a blink of an eye, a large bolt of violet electricity flashed past them, that came from Zarkons ship.

He watched in horror as it struck directly at the wormhole. Like static is sparked and crackled randomly at the gate of the wormhole before the beautiful aquatic blue of the wormhole exterior swirled and deepened into a sickening violet. Even though the wormhole looked completely harmless, Lance knew differently.

"What was that?!" He shrieked.

"Let's go" Shiro's voice boomed through his comms. Doe's Shiro not see the- Oh he don't know, purple evil looking wormhole in front of them?!

Lance took a moment before shaking his head, ignoring the feeling deeply rooted in his stomach. He flew straight ahead, trailing behind the rest of his team. He didn't know why he was hesitant beside hearing a voice inside his mind, screaming to him to not go in. He ignored the voice and followed his team into the swirling violet black hole.

The usual serene feeling of warmth and energy that Lance would feel as he merged through the entrance of the wormhole change to a dark and overwhelming tanje of just wrong, tingling and prickling through his entire body, from his toes to the unease in his gut.

Once Lance got inside, he knew something was wrong. He looked around at the wormhole and his eyes widen at the sight. It didn't feel right.

The walls of the wormhole flickered like sparks, a wave of darkness swirling inside it's energy walls. The structure that was once light and strong was now a fragile wave that slithered like worms on the surface of the walls. And what was once a calming and light pull of force became an intense and unwelcoming force, so powerful, that pulled and pushed, tangled in its own pressure. Lance pales.

This wasn't good..

"Coran, what's happening?!" Shiro shouted, his voice clipping and distorted through his comm. He grunts at the force of the pull of the gravitational pull of the wormhole. Something was wrong.

"The integrity of the wormhole is being compromised. It's breaking down"

"What does that mean?" he shrieks, his voice shaking as Blue blue's core rattles in worry.

"It means that we have no control over where we're heading"

This was bad.

Lance stomach drops, the intense, searing pain coming from his wounded leg numbed; overpowered by the wave of anxiety and fear that he was feeling. Blue purred softly in his mind, trying to ease her paladins fear. But Lance knew she was just as unnerved and worried as he was.

He heard Pidge scream as Green and Black spirals out of the Castle's open hanger, disappearing past the layers of the corrupted wormhole.



"Coran!" Allura screams. "The controls have malfunctioned. There not responding!" Coran shouts, his voice shaking and panicked.

Next was Keith and Hunk. They screamed as their were violently pulled out, thrown through the wormhole just like Pidge and Shiro, their lions Lion nowhere in sight. "Hunk!" he screamed.


He was alone...


He was the only one left. Lance panics. He doesn't know what happened to the friends. What happened to them?

What was going to happen to him?

Suddenly, Lance was jerked violently to the side. He grunted. He felt his entire pull into the swirling purple abyss. Blue shuddered at the force of the wormhole, her light flickering out and the purring of her engine sputtering and clanking as she was pulled of the Castle.

Lance freezes in fear. Blue rattled as they closer and closer to the flowing stream of the wormhole. His breaths shorten and looked around the cockpit, for anything to stop the impending . He can't go. He can't. He's still needs fight the Empire. He still need to save Earth.

He still needs to see his family again.

But he couldn't do anything as they grazes against the wormhole. He clenches his eyes shut as the force of the pull hits him. His felt heavy and grounded but pulled in every direction. It was too much. Lance could feel his consciousness dimming.

His vision narrowed and darkened by every second as they merged with the streamed of the wormhole. All he could do was apologise to his family. For not getting back to them. His conscious, then, strayed away to the deeps of his mind.

And the last thing he registered was Blue's deafening roar before they fell into darkness.

Annnnnd there you go. Hope it was good. Please tell me what you thought of it.

Until next time i guessXD