Its official. Out of all the missions and crappy situations she's ever been in.

This has to be the worst of them yet...

The mission was a success and where just about to wormhole jump. That's when everything went wrong. She knew that weird lightning did something to the wormhole but she was to relieved with getting out of there to realise the potential risk it brought.

She remembered her anxiety as the wall of the wormhole changed from its beautiful and calm sea of blue to a sickly mixture of purple, sparking like electricity. She honestly felt no better fear then when the Green Lion was flung from the Hanger and was pulled towards the violent pulling force of the tainted interior.

She could recall her wishing that this wasn't the end. That she still had to find Matt and her Dad. And return to Earth, her mom waiting with open arms. And as she felt her and Green crash against the wormhole walls, she felt her fear spike and clench her eyes shut as the fell through the walls, the pure surprise and relief as she came from the other side alive, gave her a sense of gratefulness to any superior entity this galaxy believed in.

Until she was thrown strongly towards a cluster of space debris.

Which led her to where she was now. Crash landed on what was like a trash nebula of some kind.

To say the crash landing was terrible would be an understatement.

And what's worse…...the Green Lion wasn't responding.

So Pidge wasn't having a good day.

With the lack of information about where she had landed and the knowledge that she had no communications till -or if- the Green Lion was back online again, didn't leave much to ignore the pool of anxiety that bubbled in her stomach.

She scanned over the black screen for the millionth time that hour, silently hoping this time they would light up again. But they didn't, just the other times she wished them to. She couldn't help but let out a drawled out sigh in frustration.

"Okay Pidge stay calm. Remember what Matt taught you, 'When you're lost in space the best thing to do is to stay put and wait for people to find you'" she told herself, her heart tightened at the thought of her brother. God, she missed her brother. She shook her head, banishing her thoughts. She didn't have time for that. "This could be fun" she tells herself, straightening her back, her hands resting between her crossed legs.

"No one to annoy me" she sighed out. She felt her mind drift, old memories of all the time Hunk and Lance would come find her in what the duo would like to call "The Techno-hermit Cave" and drag her out from any projects she was working on. Or even when Coran came to occasion chat or rather she would type out some coding as he would tell her tales of the "Old days". That is until Allura personally came to drag him out of her hair, with some assignment or duty in mind. Or even the times Shiro would nag and scold him about not sleeping or missing an occasional meal or two.

Hell, even Keith came in just so he can have a place to himself to think or just have someone there while he did all his angsty mullet haired stuff, like clean his weapons (aka his knife and bayard).

As she thought of her team she felt the pit of worry in her stomach deepen at the thought of them out there.

Did they even make it out alright? Did they get stranded just like she did?

Wherever they are she just hopes their okay.

She shook her head quickly, physically trying to banish her thoughts. What was she thinking. Of course they were okay. They always are. There wasn't any reason for them not to be.

Well except beside the tear in the spacial gravitational pull of the malfunctioning black hole.

Pidges sighs heavily, lightly tapping her knee with her index finger absently.

Going outside wouldn't hurt right? Maybe she could occupy herself with finding some scraps of metal that was lying around and make junk versions of the team. Maybe even a mini junk Voltron. But only if she was bored enough.

Which seems exactly where she is right now. Bored

And with nothing to do but wait.

And what if one of them landed her with her?

She froze at the absent thought. What if they close enough for her to find them? Or even have a functioning Lion that could send a signal out to Allura and Coran.

If they made it out safely through the wormhole that is, a voice quipped in the silence.

Dammit she can't just sit here and do nothing while her friends could possible be out there, looking for her and the others. She needs to find a way of this junk pile. Or look to see if anyone crashed along with her. Patience wasn't her thing afterall.

Sorry Matt, she thought. She looks over to her bayard that was placed, locked in, into the key-like compartment before taking it out, placing it into the palms of her hands. She closes her eyes for a moment and grips her bayard tightly.

But I can't just wait around while the others try to find me.

"Okay" she mumbled to herself. She let her bayard dissolve into the armors interdimensional storage unit before standing up from her seat and walking out of the cockpit, not once looking back. But instead of going through the mouth of the Lion, she went to the crown of the head where there was a small panel that lead her out of the Lion, the passage created for the precaution where the Lion in question was no longer functioning

She tapped the small button on the side which caused the panel to slowly open up just above her head. She grunted disgruntled as she quickly climbed out of the panel. From there, on the top of the Lion, she could really see where she had landed.

"Huh" she mumbled under her breath as she scanned around her surroundings. "Looks like their really is no gravity here huh". She must be far enough away from the surrounding planets orbital fields, preventing any sort of gravitation to this condensed spot and location. Probably the reason why this nebula is crowded with junk like it is.

She couldn't but wonder if the others had landed someone similar to this place or if they found themselves on a planet that was filled with life.

She took in the view for one last time before turning her gaze to the Green lion, the once powerful, and stagnate presence, sitting there now in front of her, large and devoid of the life and presence it once had, it's large paws holding it up from its now lifeless weight. She couldn't help but feel the sense of wrongness that surrounds her sight.

She wasn't ashamed to admitted that she wasn't the most closest to their lion. Two that rely solely on knowledge and intelligence, they lacked the art of "bonding" and weren't the best at connecting with others. They were more like allies or even a partnership of common interest. With the Green Lion, Pidge can find her family and for the Green Lion would have a paladin and pilot to be used in this war.

They had a good understanding between one another.

But now…

Pidge looked at her Lion, who stood still like a frozen statue, the light in its eyes blackened and dimmed. She's never seen her Lion like this before. This empty.


Worry tightened her chest. She didn't know why but she knew that she hated seeing her lion like this and silently she made a promise to herself to never let Green end up like this ever again.

When Green was back she's gonna try to be the most sociable person in the universe. Even more than Coran or Lance, if that was even possible. Quietly, she rested her hand onto one of Green's limp paws.

"Rest up, girl. I'll find a way to get us out of here" she whispered, sighing as she got no response in return. Now, she turned around, her gaze focused on the junk pile before her.

Where to start….

She looked at her wrist hoping to see the screen light up, functionally and actually have something to work with. But-


She tapped the screen hoping it could do something but nothing. She sighs.


Now she wasn't just crash landed on a space nebula of some kind that was on the other side of the universe with a lion thats offline, no way of this place and with no map.

She groaned in exasperation. There wasn't much she could do except look around, scout the area. With what actual area there was. At least it's a start. But what then. She floating was around in a trash nebula with a offline Lion and nothing to do except wander around, she could be lucky enough to find something that could help her get off this thing.

….Yeah she doubted that would happen.

Maybe she should try the comms again, see if they work. If she wasn't lucky enough to connect to her team she had some probable chance of connecting to a nearby ship that could help her. Of course there also the chance that she might contact a scouting Galran ship designated to this part of the system as well.

But if that happens she could ambush them and uses there channels to try and connect to the castle, maybe gets some useful information while she was at it.

Or it could just not connect to anything and she would have spend her time wandering around. Maybe make that junk team that she thought of earlier.

Wouldn't hurt to try, she guessed….

She raised her hands towards her helmet, activating her comms once again. She felt disheartened by the quiet sound of static filling her ears. Still, she opened her mouth, ready to test out the comms, until she heard a crackling sound that clipped through her helmet.

" t-there?"

Wait that voice, it couldn't be…

"Shiro?" she called out. "Pidge?" he called back, questioningly. It really was him!


She could Shiro sigh in relief through the comms, a soft exhale through the constant pants of breaths. " Good to finally hear someone's voice in this dump" he joked. "Good to hear from you too, Shiro" she answered, causing him to release a small breathless laugh in response.

"What even is this place?" she heard him murmur, quiet and probably only for himself to hear if it wasn't for the comms picking it up.

"What do you remember?" she asked.

"I don't know. I just remember falling through the wormhole and then crashing here." he explained. So the same as her then.

She glanced around the nebula, looking for the Black Lion in question. "But I didn't see the Black Lion" she hears Shiro grunt softly like he was pushing against something, a soft clatter of metal echoing through the comms.

"Yeah, when we fell through the wormhole, we collided and crashed through one of the holes and I can't get my lion out. The Black Lion was damaged by the impact of the fall and it isn't working"

So exactly the same position as her then. Except the you know, Lion trapped in a hole part. But the majority of it is the same.

"What about the Green Lion, is it still operable" he asked, sucking in sharp and shallow breaths as he spoke. Why was he panting? "No, their offline too. Guess we're both stuck here then" she replied, silence static stretching out through the comms, no more words spoken.

She looks around, scanning over her surroundings for a familiar black figure but nothing. "Do you know where you are exactly. Like specific 'landmarks' that might hint me to where you might be?" she asked.

"T-Theres…" he stutters before starting over again. "There's a large dish in front of me. It looks….like some kind of satellite. About twenty -twenty five?- inches give or take in length" he said, the comms crackling slightly. She looked around and noticed two distinct satellite dishes, two that fit exactly wait Shiro described. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, a little bit ahead of the dish there's this….I don't know. A wing of some kind. It's tall curled and battered. It looks kind of bronzed and rusty"

A bronze looking wing? She scowled as she scanned her surroundings. "A curled broken wing" she muttered to herself, trying to remind her what she was looking for her. Just as she was about to open her mouth to ask Shiro for more details, something caught her eyes. She squinted her eyes as she looked at the object and realised it was the wing that she was looking for. She smiled.


"It isn't too far away from me. I could get there in ten minutes. Five tops" he grunted out. She nodded absently as looked for the clearest route to the satellite dish. "Okay, I see it. It isn't too far away from me, probably take five minutes to get there too".

"So, how are holding up?" she asked, trying to pass the time as she made her way towards her destination. "You don't sound as excited as you would be falling through a wormhole and crashing into a giant space junk pile"

"Well, it takes more than a glowing alien wound, a fall from here and crashing into this cluster debris at what i'm guessing was 25 metres per second squared to get rid of me. How are you?" he commented on in a casually sarcastic tone, that caused her to grin in response. Pidge makes her way towards the large tower like structure, her fluffy companions following right behind her, chirping and beeping occasionally.

"The Green Lion isn't responding to me, so I'll scout out and find you okay? From the looks of it your Lion isn't to far from where we are" she reported as she looked around the aimless debris and junk that floated around. Then she blinked. Wait..did she hear that right?

"What do you mean wound? Are you okay?" she asked, as she hopped past piles of junk, keeping a careful eye so she doesn't trip. She maneuvered around the larger clusters of junk around her as she continued to get closer and closer to the broken wing, which means she was almost at the tower.

"Define Okay" she heard Shiro mutter under his breath, probably wasn't supposed to hear him. Well that doesn't sound too good. If Shiro of all people is being brief and sarcastic, that mean things weren't so good.

Not that Shiro didn't have sense of humour. Hell, Pidge could remember a time where Shiro was just as goofy and jokefull as her brother whenever she saw them together. Even now, during training she would hear Shiro shot a joke here and there to relax the team. But even Pidge noticed that Shiro doesn't joke as often as he used to. And when he does, it was to calm a tense situation or used to cover up how he felt or if he was severely tired or hurt.

Like now…

Though he wasn't being funny but sarcastic. That's new. So that could mean he's either mildly okay and actually not too injured or he was very injured and could be covering it up with sarcasm too instead of just simple humor. Then again he coul-

Ugh Pidge. Rambling.

Suddenly she heard a large clatter of metal echo from beside her, drawing her out of her thoughts. Was someone her? She turned around then flinch when she heard the same clatter come from behind her. There it was again. That couldn't be just coincidence.

She twisted her body around, facing the hooded metal hole where , she presumed, the sound came from. She activated her senser on her armor leg, waving her hand across it and taking in the feeling of her bayard appearing in the palm of her hand.

"Who's there?!" she shrieked, raising her bayard out in front of her, feeling the bayard slowly take its form in her clenched hand; ready to attack. She watched anxiously as the hooded cave began to lit up, small glowing eyes dimmed eerily in the shadows, her nerves speaking higher and higher as more eyes glowed bey the second till the entire cave filled with glowing eyes.

She watched nervously and keep her bayard on hand, ready for them if they attacked, Whatever they were. Slowly, they floated towards her, their doey eyes filled with blank curiosity that Pidge couldn't help but quietly 'aw' at.

They didn't look so bad. Maybe there were actually friendly, she thought. She looked at the small and innocent looking creatures in front of her, floating there calmly, bleeping and gurgling from time to time. Without a second's thought, she drops his bayard to her side, still activated just in cause.

Suddenly in a flurry, the fluffy creature bleeping in a high pitch tone somewhat excitedly- or what Pidge guessed as excitement- and flew towards her, floating bubbly around her while some just floated just above her shoulder.

Pidge couldn't help but coo at the sight.

"Awww Hey little guy. Aw, you guys are so cute. Too cute to be found in a dump like this. Are you the only guys living here?" she questioned absently, smiling as the bleep and blink in response.

"Eh Pidge, What's going on?" she yelped in surprise as Shiro's filtered through her helmet. Shit, she forgot to turn of the comms. "Eh nothing" she stammered out. "I just came across the locals, that's all" she replied, her eyes locked onto the group of fluffy space furballs that floated around her. She watched hesitantly as some drew closer to her, as if they were curious.

"I hope my rough landing didn't disturb your day. I'll only be here for a short amount of time. I'm just waiting for my friends to find me."


"Anyways we were separated during a wormhole jump but one of them landed here with me and I have to find him"

The fluffy created that Pidge dubbed as- the Fluffies- let out a questioning blurb, which she took as curiosity. The huddled around her, floating aimlessly as they continues beeping and gurgling.

Quiznak, their so fucking adorable.

"Want to come help me find him?" She asked, knowing they wouldn't be able to reply. But even so, the gurgle to her happily and she couldn't but smile as the floated around her bubbly and excitingly, some circling around her constantly.

"Pidge?" she heard Shiro worry voice come through the comms, his voice filled with concern. "I'm fine, I just found some our friendly neighbours"

"Neighbours?" he asked questioningly. She looked up at the junk pile in front of her. Maybe she should fly over it? It doesn't look too high. She crouched down before activating her blasters. Pidge tries to keep balance as she flew over the top of the pile before floating back down. "Yeah but their harmless" she grunts out as she lands conveniently on top of the pile. Well that wasn't too bad.

"Be careful though okay? We don't know what else could be lurking around here" Pidge rolls her eyes. "I know. I'll be careful" she promises, stopping for a moment before she skids down the junk pile , almost face planting once or twice in the process.

She looked around again to make sure she was still on track. Not too far to go now, he thought to herself. Just through small walled area in front of her and she would be there. She glanced behind her too see the flurry of space fluffies slide down the junk pile while a few just floated over it in mild satisfaction.

She waited for a moment as they all gathered around her once again before making their way into the walled off area. She strolled through the pathway, looking around the place absently, the furry creatures behind her bleep and coo bubbly, as they continue to float around her.

Suddenly she heard a sudden clatter of metal coming from ahead of her, immediately she held her bayard in her palms tightly, cautious but careful to no jump the gun. Maybe it was just some floating metal crashing into one another, she though. Then, Pidge heard another clatter of metal, louder this time, immediately tensing up in anticipation. She held her breath and listened.

Yeah that doesn't sound like just metal crashing into each other. Maybe it could be just more of these fluffy caterpillars flying around.

Damn it, she wished her map would work. She wouldn't be so goddamn antsy if she knew what she was dealing with here.

Pidge stood there for a moment, before slowly and cautiously taking a step forward, right towards the wide corner where she heard the sound come from.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she violently turned the corner, her bayard activated and in front her as she stood on the offensive battle stance. Ready to attack, but she stopped as she saw Shiro ahead, his head down as he leaned heavily against the surrounding walls.

"Shiro!" she yelled, waving her hands in the air, grabbing his attention. Quickly, Shiro turned his gaze to her, finally noticing her presence. "Pidge!" he breathes out, a small smile gracing his lips before he curls inward into his chest, hissing in pain.

Immediately, she ran towards him, watching intently as he tried to stay on his shaky feet. He continued to lean against the wall as he pants into himself, his breaths shallow and uneven as his one hand steadies him onto the wall while the other clutches his side tightly. For a moment Pidge thought she saw a glow coming through his fingers but ignores it as she reaches to Shiro's side, her bayard long unactivated as she lay her palm softly on his shoulder.

"Holy shit Shiro" she mumbled out, ignoring the his quiet but curt "Language" from him. Before Shiro could stagger on his feet and buckle under his own weight again, Pidge grabbed Shiro arm and slung it on to her shoulder as she supported his size. Which was hard considering she's only fifteen, tiny and has literally no upper body strength while Shiro was a fucking bulky ass rock of a man and over half her weight. Still she managed somehow.

"I'm okay, I'm okay" he mumbled, his voice slurred and slow.

She feel worry consume her the second she watched Shiros eyes roll slightly back before dropping closed. "Shiro!" The sudden energy and life in his body disappeared from him, along with his consciousness so it seems, she mused. This was bad. "Come on stay awake. Stay with me Shiro"

Suddenly he lets out of a small but sharp exhale of breath before slumping heavily against Pidge, her own body almost buckling under his weight as she yelps in surprise .



It been a few hours since they landed on this nebula.

When Shiro had fallen unconscious, Pidge didn't know what to do, until the Fluffy creatures drew her attention, nudging her shoulders before floating a head of her, waiting for her to follow. She complied, slinging Shiro around her before carefully -and kinda grunting- followed behind as they lead the way.

After much dragging and a lot more turns that Pidge wish weren't there, she found her and the group of fluffies in front of the cave where she first found them. Immediately she walked into the cave and left Shiro into the corner of the cave as she waited for him to wake up.

Not long after, Shiro woke up again and was in more pain. Her thoughts of the past hours were drawn away from the sound of Shiro groan in pain.

She looked at Shiro in worry, taking notice to how pale he looked. He looks so tired, it seemed so out of place, like an expression that should never even exist on his face. She couldn't help but wonder if Shiro looked the same when he was in captivity from the Galra. Fighting in those coliseums. Tired.


In pain?

The very thought of him like that left a tight knot in her stomach. She can't bear to see her brothers best friend, her leader and her friend, in such pain. Like it was something that just didn't fit and shouldn't fit.

She and the other won't let it fit. Not on their watch.

Shiro noticed her gaze and gives her a small smile, trying to reassure her but only makes her more worried and the wince it causes.

"It's okay, Katie. Really, it isn't as bad as it looks"

Pidge tried to ignore the urge to roll her eyes at Shiro. Okay, her ass. They were god knows where, with no clue where the others are and Shiro is injured. Okay isn't close to describing this.

She stepped towards Shiro and crouched down beside him. From a closer view, she could see just how much of "okay" Shiro was. The sweat-drenched frosted tips plastered on his forehead, the pale look from his skin. The ragged breaths.

And the flash of pain in his eyes.

"Let me see" Pidge mumbled. Gently she rested her hand on top of Shiro's clenched one, silently asking for permission. When Shiro relaxes his grip, Pidge slowly held it in her hand, moving it away from the wound, letting it rest limply on his thigh. She hears Shiro let out a loud hiss, but keeps her eyes on the wound. When she finally sees the wound, she felt her stomach drop.

If she was completely honest, this had to be the weirdest wound she ever saw. And the most vile.

The wound was plastered over his entire lower side, pulsing slightly as the ever glowing shade of lilac surrounded the entire wound. The sickly shade spread out like its was lightning, the ends sharp and zig zagging like the end of a thunderbolt. It was sparse and uncontrollable, stretching all around Shiro's torso. There was rapid and noticeable discolouration surrounding the glowing wound, a few bruising blemishes danced around the existing wound.

There was also visible signs of swelling, contorted by the layer of….something, distorted how much swelling there was present, only noticeable by the uneven bumps that stuck out of his side and upper hip. The sickeningly illuminescent violet mingling with his wine red blood, mixing in the bloody puddle beside him. Fuck, it looked even bigger than before.

Shit, what the hell is this wound?

Shiro blinked, owlishly. If Pidge wasn't so worried and stressed than usual she would have made a snarky comment about his face. But even she knew it wasn't time for that, even if she really wanted to comment on it.

Sacrifices for the greater good, she guessed.

Carefully, she reached towards the small sachet that she added to her belt just before the mission and took out a small cube, the box dimming in a low fluorescent neon blue. She pressed against one side of the cube and watched as the top of the cube slide to the side, revealing a soft and smooth goo inside, its sickly acidic yellow tang contrasting against the navy blue interior.

Softly, she scooped a large bit of the goo onto the tips of her fingers and turned to towards Shiro before gently placing the slick substance directly onto his glowing wound. She tried not to flinch as Shiro hissing vehemently and continued to spread the goo around the surrounding injury., scooping some more goo from the cube when she needed to.

Once she was done she quickly went stood up and told Shiro to wait there as she went back to her Lion to get the remaining bandages she had left. Once she finally returned she wrapped his wound tightly around his torso, making sure it was tight enough to keep together but not enough to cause any discomfort.

"Your good at this" she heard Shiro whisper above her as she knots the bandage together. His words absent and almost dazed as he spoke, almost saying the words as though it was a statement or something deeper. Like a child who just observed something they didn't notice before.

"Yeah, my Mom liked to teach me basic first aid when I had nothing else to do. She would always say it was stupid for a nurse like her to not teach her kids at least some first aid." she replied, smiling slightly.

She couldn't help but reminisce at the thought of her mother, memories of all the afternoons with her mom in the living room, learning how to bandage someone with a sprained leg or to make slings. Ever since they came to space, Pidge has been using her skills to help or fix anyone that was mildly injured to the point that going into one of the healing pods would be a waste. If she wasn't decoding an Galra info the got from recon missions or searching for her family, that us. Still, the last thing she expected it to be so handy out here in space.

She focused back onto the task at hand, knowing full well what would happen if she continued that train of thought and purposely ignore the slight tug of her heart at the thought of her mother alone. She mental shook her head stubbornly.

Dammit, she cursed. This wasn't helping. Finally shed tied the last knot in success and quickly snapped he hands back to rest on her lap.

"And done! Better?" she asked, looking up to older man in front of her. Shiro gazed down at the neatly wrapped bandage with a small smile. "Yeah….thanks Pidge" he spoke out softly. Pidge replied with a small tilted grin.

"Thank me when we get out of here" she replied, slowly getting back onto her feet. She turned to her gauntlet, watching absently as her screen pops up. She reads over the screen, looking at lack of frequencies displayed. Pidge's sighs out in frustration. Still no form of communication.

She guessed they really would have to wait here.

"Hey" she heard a soft whisper and looks up to see Shiro looking at her softly, a small encouraging smile in place of his earlier crunched up and pained expression. She watched absently as Shiro looked at her, a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead to his bottom jawline. "They'll come" he said, his straining chords suddenly soothed by the strength of his words.

She looked into his eyes, gazing intently at the sudden fire that builded in iris, determination, confident and faith fueling its spark. He was so confident that they would come, believing that they were alright, safe and well and alive.

It was so strong even Pidge could almost believe his words.

He was right. They will come. All she has to do is have a little faith in her friends. She turned her gaze to the group of 'Fluffies', and watched as they they clustered together in some line, their markings glowing more brightly than before as the turn their gaze outside of the small metallic cave. Curiously, she followed their gaze, wondering what caused them to act this way.

"Pidge? What's going on?" Shiro asked, concern dripping from his voice as she looked out of the cave in silence. Shiro couldn't see what she was looking at at the angle he was but couldn't help but think something was wrong. She turned to him, confusion etched into his expression as she grinned at him wildly.

"It's the Green Lion! She's rebooting!" she yelled back. She watched in awe as the Lions eyes that were dark abyss glew in its usual temperate amber, glowing brighter than Pidge hever saw. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at seeing Green return back to her, unscaved and the same as always. Even without a strong bond, Pidge couldn't help but feel glad to feel Green's bond and presence once more.

"Hey you're working again! Welcome Back!" she cheered, flailing her hands in the air as the Green Lion to move onto its feet, a soft purr emitted from its metallic body.

She ignored Shiro's grunt of surprise as she rushed out of the hooded cave and bolted towards the Green Lion. Without warning, she used her back pack to accelerate through the condensed nebula at a faster rate, drawing closer and closer to her Lion, not noticing some of the furballs trailing behind her.

2 seconds….

That's all it took for her to start her jet pack, fly a few feet, then get her foot caught on a large cable wire and fling herself smack down onto the ground.



"Pidge!" Shiro called out, his eyes drawn to his fallen teammate as she lay flat against the pile of junk underneath her. "Im fine" she grunted."I just tripped on some rusty…."


Pidge you genius.

"That's it!" she yelled, raising her hands up into the air- space! - in happiness. Shiro yelps in surprise at her sudden burst of energy before crunching his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Eh-wha..?" he stumbles out.

She turned towards him, knowing full well her eyes would be gleaming with determination. "I think I know a way to contact the castle"

She turns back to the broken satellite and parts, gesturing her hands towards them. "If I get the right parts that could be still used and linked them to the Green Lion, I could send I strong enough signal that Allura and Coran could get" she explained.

Shiro looked at her for a moment, taking in the confidence in her voice, before letting his lips curled upwards slightly. "'re a genius"

Pidge couldn't help but smile back shyly at the praise. She's used to people calling her a genius, whether out of scorn or in admiration. But hearing Shiro call her a genius warms her heart and can't help but remind her of every Matt would say the same thing, giving her the exact same feeling in her chest.

It was...nice.

Awkward as hell….but nice.

"I know" she agreed, playfully, which only made Shiro smile widen. She raised her hand under her chin as she thought deeply. This shouldn't be too hard. They had all the materials right in front of them after all. Speaking of materials.

"We'll need to get a big enough satellite disk or various small disks that aren't broken enough" Pidge muttered.

"Then I'll help you get the materials you need" Shiro pants out. She watched as he grabbed the wall he was lying against and rushed towards in worry as he tries to push himself up only to fall back down.

"Like hell you are. You're going to sit here and rest "


"No. You're going to stay there and no hurting yourself, got it?"

"Besides, I'm sure these little guys won't mind lending a hand" she said, grinning widely as the continued to bleep excitingly. "Now rest up. I don't wanna have to deal with Keith's "protective emo brother" phase" she smirks and can't help but let it grow at the sound of Shiro's soft chuckle. "Fine" with a sigh, he relents and Pidge couldn't help but feel victorious.

"Hang in there, o' gracious leader. I'm gonna make sure Allura and Coran get her before you keel over okay? When they come they'll fix you right up. So just hold out a little longer okay?" she watched as Shiro turned his gaze to her before give a small wince of a smile before nodding. She gave him a her large grin before turning her gaze away, her mind drumming with anticipation.

She looked at the Green Lion, taking in the sight of the once lifeless machine, drum with energy and she couldn't help but smile at the sight and the soft purr she could hear the lion emit.

"Lets get started"

"Okay then I put this here and connect this wire with this one" she mumbled to her herself unconsciously, her mind running constantly as she focused solely on the task in front of her. Her hands fumbled as she connected each wire together with another.

With the help of the furry space caterpillars, it didn't take long to gather enough materials to use to build the satellite. After a few hours of searching and scavenging through the entire nebula, they were finally able to get enough materials and wires to actually built this thing. With her tools, the ones that she secretly smuggled into the Green Lion when Coran wouldn't catch her taking, she was able to put it all together with short amount of time.

She was a quick worker after all….

Plus she may have got extremely focused into her work and may or may not fell over some metal plates from time to time.

As she continued working on making the satellite, Shiro and the group of fluffies gathered all the material, organizing it so she wouldn't have to go looking for them. But secretly, she knew it was just a way for Shiro to do something while he waited and try to be helpfull without worsening his injuries. But for his sake, she would it go this time, pretend she didn't notice.

Or at least try to.

As did the finished connecting the finally pieces together, Shiro lay a few feet behind her, his hand still resting on his wound, occasionally she would take a small glance at her leader, making sure he was still conscious and couldn't help but feel her mouth twitched as he gazed, dazedly, at the fluffies that circled in front him, playing with one another. Some had settled down, laying around the crooks of Shiro's legs or a few slowly gathering around him.

When she finished the last piece of the circuit, she glanced over once again and watched silently as one of of the caterpillars got up and quietly and sneakily -or at least tried to be- onto his lap, snuggled together in the crooks of his crossed legs. It silently gurgled as Shiro hesitantly and rather cautiously, lay his hand onto the fluffy creature, his eyes wide and amazed as the creature bleeped in delight.

"These guys sure are friendly" Shiro muttered and one of them bleeped in response. Pidge couldn't help but snort at the sight. Shiro turns to her a little flustered, a small embarrassed blush dusting his pale cheeks as he quickly places his hand back down to his side again. The fluffy creature in front coes slightly, beeping and gurgling sadly before slowly floating up to him, grazing its furry cheeks against Shiro shoulder.

She watched in amusement as Shiro looks at the creature conflict, like he didn't know whether to maintain his pride as leader or to give in to the cute creature in front of him. But after a few moments, Shiro eyes sharpened, his mind made up as he lay his hand down onto the space caterpillar once again. Pidge laughed lightly as the fluffy fluttered, satisfied and content laying there as Shiro began petting him once again.

"That ought to do it" she hummed in approval, happy with it finally all coming together. She placed the final panel to cover up the last of the connected wires and circuits, screwing it in place. She turned to the panel in front her, her fingers typing vigorously across the screen. "Now lets see if we can get a hold of the Castle"

She then pressed the activation and floated back as she watched the entire satellite charge up, the entire thing slowly immersing itself in an acrylic blue glow of energy until it lights flickers momentarily before all the glow disappears, dimming quickly and the drumming sound of the satellite is cut off. She rushed to the panel, trying to maintain whatever energy left in it keeping it going but it all shuts down.

She slammed her hand against the panel. "No, No! Come one, what's wrong?!" she typed against the panel furiously as she tried to revive it but the tower continued to only let out a low buzzing sound but going silent once again. She tried and tried but it just keep building up with energy only to die out again.

"Dammit, we need to get out of here and get Shiro some help" she yelled out. "Pidge" Shiro whispers softly but before he could continue, she turned to him in a flurry of frustration. "No Shiro, this needs to work. It has to. We need to find our friends"

They can't just sit here while their friends were in danger. She can't just wait anymore. Not like with Matt and her father. She just can't. Not again.

"Come on!"

Suddenly, she briefly saw a certain bright neon orbs shine brightly and dangerously as the Green Lion rage into life, and lets out a loud bellowing roar that, one that shakes the entire nebula as the metal clatters against one another from the sound of its roar. Then without warning, the satellite lights up, a bright luminescent ivy green energy courses through the machine, sending out a large wave of echoes ahead.

"Yes!" she cheered, relief and pure excitement bubbled up inside her. She turned to her lion, listening to the soft purr of contentment from the being, and at that Pidge couldn't be smile in return.

"Thanks girl" she whisper and couldn't help but be surprised at the distorted but soft 'your welcome' she received back in return. Beside her she can hear the fluffy caterpillars flew around her, beeping and gurgling in excitement. She laughed as they bounced around her in delight.

"You did it" Shiro said, his voice soft but not taking away the happiness and pride in his words. They watched as the satellite continued to send waves out towards. They did it.

Now all they have to do now is wait.


Then in a blink of an eye, she saw a wormhole door appear in above them, tearing through space, it's familiar aqua blue energy swirling into each other as a even more familiar spacecraft bursted through the veil of the wormhole, its pearl white exterior shining brightly around its rusty and slowly corroding surrounding. Pidge blinked.


That was faster than she expected.

"We made it!" Allura's and Corans voice boomed through her helmet, as the spaceship hovered above them quietly. She could help but feel the tension that built up inside her since crashing into this nebula evaporate into thin air at the sound of Allura's voice.

She did it. The were actually here.

She turned to Shiro as he blinked at the spacecraft owlishly before his face relaxes into an expression of pur relief and happiness. "Pidge! Shiro! Thank the stars you're alright" Allura's voice boomed through her helmet. Shiro looks up at the spacecraft and smiles.

"Good to you too, princess. Coran, How are you two holding up?"

"Great my boy. Fantastic even! especially with all that crazy wick whacking that just happened" she heard him say, easily able to imagine the orange haired Altean fiddling with his moustache as he spoke. Geez it was great to hear her crazy space uncles voice again. She almost missed his antics.


"That's right. Pidge, you saved us. We were stuck in a time loops" Allura explained causing Pidge to arch her eyebrow in question. A time loop?

"Yes! You got us out with this giant trash pile" Corans voice suddenly boomed through the turned creation, her heart swelling up with pride. "It's a makeshift communications link that sends out the Green Lions energy. Its similar to the energy that guided the Blue Lion home. Or at least that was the theory I used to build this with" she explained.

"Pidge your a genius"

"Thank you Pidge" Allura praised, her voice filled with utter gratitude that it made Pidge squirm a bit at the praise.

"I know" she remarks before continuing. "But we have bigger problems to deal with. Shiros injured and-" she begins but is cut off by the princess' voice. "Shiro? He's with you? Are the others with here too?"

"No it's just us two. We check the comms and everything. But forget that, Shiro's wound has worsened and he needs medical attention as soon as possible"

Pidge bounced over to Shiro would still lay against the wall, too weak to get up on his own. Carefully she helped him rise to his feet before hooking herself under his arm, supporting his weight as he stood up with shaken feet. He let out a loud hiss before finally relaxing against Pidge.

"Preparing a crypod now" Coran reported. Pidge smiled. "Thanks Coran"

"Now let's go save the other Paladins"