Summary: "This is your cage little mouse, no matter where you run or where you try to hide, I will find you." Her voice was filled with sultry promise.

Born with recurring nightmares of a broken world, Sakura slowly pieces together the similarities between that world and hers. But it's hard when things are happening that she doesn't understand. She ultimately finds herself in the center of something very terrifying, and she has to decide who's really worth saving. (BAMF Sakura, AU, Pre Massacre)

Author's Note: Just to tell you, everything I write has a purpose and everything will eventually be revealed, I just don't believe in laying all your cards down at one time. After all, where's the fun in that! So I will continue to build the plot of the story and leave breadcrumbs of information so that it will continue to be interesting and hopefully not overwhelming.

Chapter 6

"Have you ever heard of the Kaguya Clan?" Something in her reacted violently to that name.

She'd never heard of them, at least she didn't think she did. She tried to remember all the books, all the papers, and all the journals she read, but she didn't remember any of them mentioning the Kaguya name. What type of clan were they? And why did her dad want to know if she heard of them?

She could feel the familiar throb of a migraine with all of the questions. But all she could think about was the name.

Kaguya. Red lips.

Kaguya. Haunting eyes.

Kaguya. Skin the color of death.

Kaguya. "Give me your chakra."

"Kaguya." Sakura gasp, not knowing that she said it aloud.

"Yes the Kaguya Clan." Her father's voice brought her back to reality.

Sakura wanted to know why that name effected her so.

"No, I haven't heard of them, but at the same time I feel as though I have." She was confused, so confused. Why did the name Kaguya haunt her? "Is this pertaining to your work? Is that why you are asking me, and why we are in your office?"

"No, it's a little more personal than that."

"Then what?" She felt irritated, not at him particular, but at the course of the past events.

"Why don't I just tell you a story." Her father's voice once again broke her out of her dilemma.

She perked up, listening.

"I want to tell you a story about a clan–a clan of samurai. A clan that was once so powerful that they were known throughout the entire land. A clan known for being great martial artist and even better swordsmen. A clan that faded into time, and eventually dissolved–splitting into two branches. One viciously became lost to their own power. The other was more progressive and spent that time in the shadows building their empire.

"The first branch lost to their own selfishness, they let their madness drive them to death. But no one could blamed them for there was something darker at midst. They were answering to a call. One that demanded blood and violence. So they eventually perished. Their power dwindling down with each generation. They were the only branch that kept their true name.

"However, the second branch, foreseeing their possible downfall, knew that their time of power was coming to an end. So they became private and instead focused on expanding their business. They discarded their clan name, and most discontinued the clans practices. Because of that, the clan withered into a civilian clan, a clan of merchants–but also of great businessmen.

"They eventually became so embrittled in the politics of the redirection that most lost what they once were. Only a few took up the mantle as fighters choosing to either to learn how to fight in the sanctuary of the clans compound, or renounce their heritage so that they were free to go elsewhere."

Sakura listened and tried to piece together the direction of the story.

"Now I want to tell you another story, one about a young boy groomed to lead, but lacked the passion and capability for it." This time his voice was softer.

"He was the heir. Born to eventually become the head of the clan. Yet he was born with a crippling defect... He was born without chakra, something unheard of in a clan that thrived on it." His voice held anger, and perhaps some resentment. Sakura wanted to question him, but was cut off.

"I know what you're thinking. Why would chakra matter to a clan of samurai? And it normally wouldn't." He continued.

"But given the fact that the clan had special abilities besides their swordsmanship, it meant that the child wasn't able to inherit those innate abilities. It became an immense problem seeing as though the heir should have been the best part of the clan, the strongest and the purest in power. So there was fighting over if the boy should be heir or not, but the boy's mother was the Denka*, the matriarch of the clan. Proving that he wasn't a failure, the boy's mother pushed him to lead without the use of chakra. His fists became his weapon and his mind his armor."

He paused, and Sakura waited for him to continue.

"And he did it." He continued. "For a moment, he became the rightful heir and deserved it. However..."

"However?" She questioned.

"However, he was crippled by another weakness."

Sakura tilted her head in confusion because he didn't seem at all disappointed or irritated like he did before.

"He fell in love, and with civilian at that. It was the worst thing that he could have done. Even moreso when he impregnated her. The blood was tainted." He scoffed at that word.

"In normal circumstances, the clan would order the termination of the unborn child and of both parents. But since he was the heir and his mother was of great influence, he was exiled from the compound along with his pregnant lover. But not completely. Because the man and his child were still chained by blood to the clan, they couldn't just let them go. So instead he was met with the condition of working for the clan, outside of the compound. He agreed.

"Despite the sadness of leaving the only home he knew, he found it to be the best thing that could have happened. For now he was free, free from the clan watchful eyes and disapproving stares. He was free to openly love his lover and child.

"So they traveled, they married at a small shrine, and they settled down in a place that was far from the compounds reach. But he kept his end of the bargain and continued working for the clan–becoming a businessman. For someone who was born groomed to be a warrior, it was meager work, but it satisfied him. The happy smiles of his wife and the carefreeness of his daughter was enough for him.

"He found that he loved being a father more than anything. He was sad when work called him away most nights and he missed important moments in her life, like when she said her first word. But he knew that his carefree life would soon be changed. Fate wouldn't be so kind as to leave allow him to live a happy life, to allow his daughter to live a happy life. She after all had the same blood pumping in her veins as he did.

"Foolishly he hoped to keep his past a secret from her because he knew that revealing it to her would mean that she was in danger. And because of that he couldn't train her properly."

"Not to say that he didn't try because he did. He taught her meditation and defense martial arts. She took to it like a fish to water. However he couldn't teach her what she need to be taught most because she had something that he didn't. She had access to her chakra, something that didn't worry him at first. Afterall, what made their clan most dangerous was their chakra abilities. However, he had much to worry about when she started displaying skills unusual enough for someone her age."

"What skills?" She questioned. She knew what he was trying to say, what and who the story was about. But the only way that she could learn more would be to let him continue his story.

She could feel her fathers intense eyes on her. "There were once many abilities that came from being a Kaguya."

"So the story was about the Kaguya clan," she thought.

"But after so many generations, and after the split of the clan." He continued. "Our heritage became watered down, even more so with those born into the second branch. Very few were born with the special abilities within the Haruno clan. The only thing that was continuously passed down was a natural affinity for chakra manipulation. But there's also another thing that always is passed down." He seemed to contemplate finishing the story.

She leaned into her chair waiting for him to continue. With a long sigh, he did.

"It's our blind rage and sociopathic tendencies, something that I'm pretty sure that you are familiar with." And she was reminded of the incident at the academy.

"I'm sorry hime. For everything that has happened and everything that will." It was a statement filled with foreboding.

"Why did you wait to tell me this now?" She questioned, her voice amazingly devoid of emotion.

"I'm the original heir to the Kaguya clan, and that makes you hime, the rightful heiress. Because of this there will be some people coming for us, you specifically. I don't want you to be scared, I won't let anything happen to you."

Blood, it was everywhere, spattered all over her and the floor that she was laying on. Her entire top was soaked in it and her body hurt. She tried to pull herself up, but winced when her body spasmed in response. It felt as though every nerve in her body was stretched to its limit. She eventually pushed herself up enough to settle into a half seated position.

"Where was she?" She wondered as she noticed that she was bleeding in crater and what looked to be a battle ground. She tried to stand up, but she felt a pulling on her stomach that caused her to immediately check the spot for any injuries. There weren't any. But her red shirt was tattered and a gaping hole laid there displaying her abdomen. Odd enough, the skin was unharmed leaving only crushed blood.

Touching that spot, she winced once more from how raw and sensitive it was. She called forward her chakra to heal the overly sensitized nerves, but the familiar rush of warmth and green light was absent. It seemed as though she exhausted her chakra storage. The realization angered her.

A cry sounded not far from her, her head whipped towards its direction. Was it an animal? No it sounded too human, or maybe not human enough?

She slowly rose to her knees. They knocked together, shaking while trying to hold her weight. After a few moments, she was able to stand and she stumbled her way towards the sound.

She stumbled over discarded weapons, upturned trees, and dead bodies. They looked far too dead for her to help. She continued like that until she made it to the source.

It was a teenager, he looked like he couldn't be any older than 16, a few years younger than herself. He was bloody, partially buried in the ground, and both of his legs were gone. They looked to be blown off. Sakura didn't know how he survived this long.

"Please help me." He weakly said reaching his hands out towards her. She collapsed next to him and grabbed his hand in comfort willing her chakra to come forward, but once again it didn't.

Could she help them? No. She couldn't even help herself. She tried and nothing happened.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Her voice was shaky.

"Please." His dim brown eyes looked at her helplessly.

He was just a boy. If it was any other day. A day where she had her chakra, her medical pack, or even her hospital, she could have helped him.

But even if she could miraculously recover her chakra, she would only be able to heal his life threatening wounds. He still wouldn't have his legs. That meant that she would have to carry him to safety, to a shelter. However, it would put both of them in danger because if she got caught by the enemy, she couldn't fight and protect him at the same time. Both of them would be dead before the day would be over.

She also didn't have her medical bag, meaning that once she healed him it would only be a matter of time before infection set in. Soon he would be in even worse pain, dying from the inside.

She couldn't help him. She looked at him. His pleading eyes blinded by tears, and she felt her own tears well up in her eyes. There is only one option left.

"I'll help you", she told him. "It's okay, you will be as good as new." And that seemed to relieve him as his whole body relaxed. She laid her hand on his head in comfort and he closed his eyes leaning into her touch. She moved her hand lower, feathering alleviating touches down his face until she rested at his throat.

In a quick movement, she squeezed and twisted, snapping his neck. One second he was alive, the next dead.

She sat there for a while, trying to make sense of what she just did.

And finally she cried, not for the life that she just took, but because she felt utterly useless and alone.

Sakura woke up, but the scene of the boys dead eyes replayed in her mind.

She wanted to cry, scream, throw up, but she couldn't. She felt numb like most of the things that she did nowadays. What was happening to her?

Sleep for the next couple of days was hard for her. She felt restless, but she didn't want to do anything. Walking around with Naruto and Sasuke became quickly uneventful and tiring. What was the point if she couldn't enjoy herself? Most of the time she was just walking in darkness.

Naruto and Sasuke picked up on her mood change. She knew that they were concerned and she tried to assure them that she was fine, but they saw right through her. What could she do?

Even the time that she spent with her mother at the teahouse became tedious and boring real quick. Not to mention that fact that her mother started acting strangely since she found out about her heritage. Her mother seemed anxious, constantly asking her questions about how she was feeling or being doubly attentive.

She didn't know what to do. She couldn't see. She couldn't read. She couldn't do much for herself without supervision, and she couldn't go to school. The only thing she had was to maul over the fact that her parents lied to her about their past, and wonder what else that they were lying about.

Finding out that she was from a clan of samurai was a shock, but not as shocking as finding out that her father had a whole family out there. She thought that her parents were orphaned from the war, coming to Konoha for sanctuary, but that was only half true. They chose Konoha to get away from his family, the family who would have rathered killed their own blood than have a tainted child become a member.

Sasuke's family is a clan. She wondered what they did to those who weren't full Uchiha's. Did they kill them too?

She knew that even though the clan had to abide by the laws of the village, technically their members were the clans property. Who's to say that they haven't already killed dozens of their offspring?

She wondered if there were any books on the information, but what would that matter since she couldn't read.

She could ask Sasuke, but she doubted that he knew much about it. Plus she didn't want to subject him to resenting his clan if that was something actually practiced. And asking anyone else would open her up to unnecessary questioning. Considering the lengths that her father took to keep his lineage a secret, she doubted that someone else finding out would be a good thing.

That brought her back to the fact that she was from a samurai clan. It was ironic considering her borderline obsessive interest in the samurai culture. She thought that her interest came from the many books she read and the conversations she had with Emiko at the teahouse. It should have been a mere coincidence.

Then she thought back to how she discovered some of those books, about how they were hidden away or mislabeled. She thought about the look of horror her mother had when she first discovered her first book on samurai. She remembered the contrite look on her father's face when she would tell him about the things that she read about in the book. She had no way of knowing how much she was already influenced.

And what about her?

What would this new development mean for her? Would she have to be taken away to live at the clan compound? Would they have to pack up their stuff and run? Despite her father's reassurance that she was safe, she couldn't believe him. After all his unwillingness to tell her anything about his past before spoke volumes to how much he feared the clans interference in his life.

Her father tried to comfort her, tried to explain, but he could never answer the questions that she needed. And when he did, they were cryptic and indirect. In other words frustrating. It was as if he himself couldn't tell her what was going on, and instead relied on his stories to explain everything.

She had a inkling that her father was relieved that she was blind so that she couldn't research the clan herself.

She just felt confused and empty, like her life was no longer her own. When she didn't feel empty, she felt angry. Emotions were something that she thought she had a handle on, but the last few weeks proved her wrong. That anger continued to build, and instead she became angry at herself–of how useless she felt. That was why she decided that she couldn't continue pitying herself.

She couldn't rely on her father's protection. She didn't want to wait around until something happened.

Sure she didn't know what to expect with her newfound heritage, and being temporarily blind was unfortunate. However, it didn't mean that she had to let that define her.

She was Sakura before anything else.

She had once read a book about a blind samurai. One with the temperament of water, but the passion of fire. One who had the heart of a monk, but was born to be a warrior. In fact, it was one of her favorite books.

Zatoichi was blinded at a young age but didn't let that stop him. He learned to master his senses before he learned to master the sword. And although Sakura had hope that she would regain her vision, it was no telling when that would be. She felt that it was better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, so she set off to reteach herself.

She took to training all day in her backyard to regain a semblance of the skills she had before. And it started with relearning Tai Chi.

Even though she couldn't see, she could still remember. She went through the moves, her body however took a little longer to cooperate. Not only was she still recovering from the hospital, the lack of vision caused her to often get off balance. It was frustrating, but she refused to give up.

When she felt too riled up to continue, she would meditate. She was able to explore her senses, feeling the grass beneath her feet, listening for the slight changes of the wind. It was relaxing for her.

Sometimes her father would join her, but there was only so much that he could teach.

"Rise your foot higher." He would remind her.

"Don't be scared to fall. I'll catch you if you do." He encouraged her.

She slowly starts to use the nature around her to "see".

The first few days were hard, but it got better and Sakura's mood improved.

Then they received a letter from the school.

Of course, Sakura couldn't read it so she had to rely on her mother for telling her the contents. She was summoned to stand in front of the school council in order to discuss the events of that day and also face the consequences.

And she cried that day, silently, although no one could really tell since the bandages soaked up the tears.

She could only imagine the punishment she would go through for hurting them. She knew that it was her word against theirs and the council would find it easier to believe the story of five children verses hers. The best she could hope for was to be suspended and it to be a permanent black mark on her transcript. The worst was… expulsion and maybe even criminal discipline.

She saw her future go up in flames. She never thought much about the future, but she knew that she wanted to work hard and become a shinobi. She wanted to become a teammate to Naruto and Sasuke. But in a span of a day it seemed as though that dream would never be realized.

For the first time in a long time, she felt alone.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to open your eyes for me." She tried as much as she could, but it was hard for her to cooperate.

It seemed that some days her vision improved some that sometimes she could see blobs of light, however other times it was utter darkness. The only thing consistent was the pain whenever she tried to open her eyes. The pain was manageable most of the time. Other unfortunate days, the pain would cause her to feel nauseous and exhausted, like today.

"So far we can't find anything specifically wrong." The doctor said once she was done with check ups.

"With all the test that she's gone through, I find it hard to believe that you don't have a clue as to what's going on." Her mother said.

"Unfortunately, I am no specialist when it comes to vision problems, nor do we have anyone on our staff specializing in optics. The only people who are, are clan medics–those who specifically trained in dojutsu and by law can't operate on anyone outside of the clan." She reasoned.

"What are we supposed to do? Just keep bringing her in for tests that come out to be inconclusive."

"That's all you can do at the moment. With some past cases of sudden blindness, some people have recovered either from tests treatments or from time."

Sakura lingered on the fact that she said "only a few". That meant that others became permanently blind.

"There may also be another option." The doctor suddenly said. Sakura looked in her direction expectantly.

"This may be a psychological reaction rather than a physiological one." She paused. "In some extreme PTSD cases, blindness or vision loss can be a primary or secondary side effect of stress. What your daughter had gone through was horrendous and certainly scarring. Perhaps seeking help from a psych department might help, I strongly recommend it. We can even write up an eval and a recommendation for her."

"There's nothing wrong with my head", Sakura thought. She could imagine the conflicting look on her mother's face. She knew that her mother also believed that there was something physically wrong with her.

"Thank you, I will look into it." Her mother reluctantly said.

They left the doctor and headed home, in a slower pace than usual. While the news from the doctors was disheartening, Sakura's mind was filled with other worries, ones dealing with the letter she received from the academy.

"What's on your mind?" Her mother asked her.

"Nothing." She didn't want to bother her mother unnecessarily, but her mother thought differently.

"I know a lot is going on at the moment, and you might feel like you're alone. But I want to tell you that you're not. Your father and I care about you very much. I don't want you to think that you are any kind of burden. You can tell me anything." So Sakura conceded and told her about her worries.

"I'm worried that I won't be able to return back to school. It's been days since what happened and they only decided to talk to me now. That must mean that they already came up with their conclusion, and I will be kicked out of school." Her mother was quiet for a long time.

"That's a silly thing to worry about. I believe that they won't make any rash decisions like that. You are brilliant, smart, and kind. The Sakura that I know wouldn't attack anyone needlessly, I believe that you were defending yourself. There's no reason why they won't see that too."

Naruto wasn't blind to the rumors going around about Sakura. Within the week of the fight, the group of kids who terrorized her were back and spreading rumors. They said that she was crazy and had to be hospitalized.

Of course Naruto was mad. He was actually beyond mad, he was livid. They had the nerve to hurt his best friend then return to school and trash her name. But he knew that if he did anything to them in retaliation, Sakura would be disappointed.

He knew that she wanted to come back to school.

He argued against the rumors and defended her. But he realized that it wasn't doing anything. He learned a long time ago that once people made up their mind about something they no longer listened. So that's why he took matters into his own hand. He decided to bring his dilemma to the Hokage.

He couldn't let her be blamed for something that wasn't her fault.

Lately since meeting Sakura, and begrudgingly Sasuke, he spent less time with the Hokage. And although he saw less of him, the hokage was happy that Naruto found friends.

He remembered when he first met Sakura, he would constantly talk about what they did that day or what Sakura taught him to the Hokage. It seemed like that was a long time ago, when in fact it was just last year. Sometimes he missed those times, but he found himself happier than he was before when all he had was the Hokage.

Meeting Sakura was the best thing that had ever happened to him. The world seemed brighter. He had a home, she gave him a home. She defended him against people, against those who made fun of him and those who wanted to hurt him. She encouraged him. Even when he told her his dream of becoming hokage, something that he didn't even tell the current hokage, she told him that she believed in him.

She made him feel as though he could do anything. Although people still treated him poorly, it didn't matter as long as he had her.

He couldn't imagine life without her.

During his inner reflection he realized that he stood outside of the Hokage building, a place that he hadn't visited in a while. But as a kid this place became a safe haven for him, especially when he was at the orphanage.

The people at the hokage office were nicer than the villagers. Although there were occasional mean people hired like the lady who refused to let him see the Hokage and treated him like trash. But no sooner afterwards was she replaced.

When he walked through the door he was met with the receptionist, she was actually a lady who he liked because she treated him like a normal child. She didn't treat him with disdain, fear, or like he was fragile glass.

"Hello, Naruto-san. It's been a while. Are you here to see the Hokage?" She said, and he nodded towards her.

"Can I speak to him?" He asked.

"Fortunately, he just got out of a meeting so I will let him know that you are here and then you can go and see him."

She turned towards the communication machine on her desk. After pressing a few buttons she turned back towards him. "He's ready for you", and she buzzed the door open and he went through.

The hokage's office looked exactly like he remembered. The curtains were drawn back bathing the room in warm light while displaying the amazing view of the village. The couch near the door looked weathered. The desk was filled with papers.

Sitting in the chair at the desk was the hokage. His normal hat discarded as he sent Naruto a warm smile making his wrinkled face appear younger.

"Ah, Naruto what can I do for you?" He folded his hands under his chin. Naruto walked into the room right in front of the desk.

"I need help." He said and that seemed to get his attention.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" The hokage questioned, his intense and searching stare caused him to fidget. But once remembering his problem, he straightened up.

"Not me, Sakura-chan. She's in trouble. She's being blamed for something that isn't her fault and I think that she might get kick out of school." Naruto proceeded to tell him what happened.

"I think I heard something about a fight at the academy where a few children were hurt. I wasn't aware that it was your Sakura that was involved." He frowned.

"But it's not like she wanted to, she was forced. She had to defend herself." Naruto told him hoping that he believed him.

The hokage hummed.

"Things like this are difficult for me because I don't normally get involved in academy matters. It will seem as though I'm showing favoritism by showing interest in this. If Sakura truly is innocent, then I don't see why she should be worried."

Naruto dropped his head, willing the tears of helplessness away. After a while he looked back up right into the hokages eyes.

"Jii-chan, I never really ask you for anything. But this… Sakura-chan is my very first friend. She's special to me, and I hate that I can't do anything for her. So please jii-chan for me." Naruto tears prickled the corner of his eyes.

The hokage was shocked. This was the first time that Naruto ever truly asked for his assistance. Sure he asked to be treated to ramen or for help with a prank or even to wear his hokage hat. But he never ask for something so genuinely.

So he thought over what Naruto wanted him to do. After a while the hokage gave a gently smile to Naruto.

"I'll see what I can do."

Ever since meeting both Sakura and Naruto, Sasuke felt as though he had really grown.

He grew more in skill. Sakura's notes and lessons on kunai training really was a huge help. He also stopped comparing himself to his brother, although sometimes it was hard not to. And more importantly, he grew more independent. He started seeing himself as Sasuke and not as an Uchiha.

The Uchiha clan was a large part of the village, and they were powerful. It's why they proudly displayed their crest on their clothes. But sometimes he wondered if powered made them conceited, willing to pick on those weaker than themselves.

He grew up thinking that asserting your power over people was normal. He'd seen his cousins bully fellow children, especially civilian children. He'd seen the same thing with the police force, and he saw nothing wrong with it. Ultimately, that was why Sasuke ended up befriending a group of bullies in school. It was something he thought was a regular occurrence. As an Uchiha he had to let everyone know that he was better.

But now he thought about how wrong that type of thinking was.

It lead Sasuke to feel restless, angry, and irritated.

He was restless because he wondered what else he was taught right to do that was wrong. He was angry because his father forbid him from spending time after school at Sakura's house. He was irritated because his father has been pushing him to train harder. He monopolized his time that he's been spending less and less time with Sakura and Naruto.

This particular day his father had took a special interest in teaching him the fireball technique.

Any other given time Sasuke would be very happy from the unwavering attention and time that he was spending with his father. But his father was the true definition of an Uchiha– unmovable, discouraging, and a perfectionist.

He never failed to point out his faults and how he paled in comparison to his brother while simultaneously blaming his lack of "skill" from his time of being with Sakura and Naruto.

He blew another fireball, this one was a little bigger than the last, but not big enough to satisfy his father.

"That's pathetic." He sternly said. "Try again."

"Can't we take a break?" Sasuke could feel the sweat dripping down his brow.

"We won't take a break until you get this skill down."

"If I get it down can I visit Sakura?"

"You are spending too much time with your friends. I tolerated it when you continued your training, but now you are falling behind. Your brother could do this when he was much younger than you."

"I'm not my brother. Stop comparing me to him." Sasuke thought to himself, and he blew another fireball this time at least a third bigger than the last. He coughed, smoking escaping from his lungs.

His father gave it another appraising look. "Better." Sasuke looked relieved.

"Slightly less pathetic." He finished and Sasuke deflated.

The old him would have taken his criticism too hard, but the present day him found himself irritated at his fathers commentary. He didn't know how his father thought that insulting him would make him improve. After all, did you insult a match to become a flame. No you monitored and cultivated it, else it would engulf everything in its path.

"How long did it take you to master it?"

"I was about your age." His father answered.

"How did you learn it?"

"I was taught from my own father."

"And was it to the brink of exhaustion too?" It was an innocent enough question, but the vindictiveness of it caused Fugaku to take a step back.

"You dare mock my teachings. It seems that since befriend those two, not only has your skills decreased, but you've also been lacking in self control. Another habit, you picked up from them."

"They have self-control." Sasuke defended.

"If that's so then what about the incident with the pink haired girl. She certainly didn't control herself when she fought those other students. If she can't have self control, why should I allow them around you?"

Sasuke was shaking. Sakura was his friend. The only one who defended him without any ulterior motive or because she was related to him. To her, he was just Sasuke, not the heir spare, not an Uchiha, and not even someone with influence.

"You've met her, otou-san. You know that she's not the type to just hurt anyone. She was forced to, she was defending me. She knew that by me being an Uchiha, I couldn't properly approach them or defend myself especially with how everyone is scared of us."

"She was only thinking about what was good for me!" He finished before blowing his last fireball.

The flame was four times bigger than his last one. It was so large and intense that it singed a tree seven meters away.

Without a word he walked away leaving his father speechless.

The day arrived and Sakura gripped her mother's hand tight as the walked into the school building and to the office.

Her father wanted to accompany them but couldn't due to prior business.

It's been sixteen days since she last stepped into the school, two weeks since she had been released from the hospital. Already the environment seemed foreign. She wished that Naruto and Sasuke could be there with her, to tell her that it would be okay, but she knew that this was something that she had to do for herself.

They were directed into one of the larger conference rooms, and from the sounds of it, it seemed as though they were the first ones to arrive. So they choose a seat in the middle.

She was extremely nervous and anxious. She felt as though her heart would beat right out of her chest.

People arrived, she wasn't sure who, but they were most likely the parents and children. Sakura could feel heated stares on her, but she ignored them.

Finally the door opened a last time and from the hush of conversation, she knew that the conference would soon start.

"The hokage has taken time out of his very busy schedule to oversee this meeting today." Someone announced, a females voice. After a pause another voice spoke.

"I normally don't take interest in any of the academy's problems seeing as though the staff are so well structured. But this incident is troubling and I want to oversee it personally." The hokage said, Sakura recognizing his voice from a speech he did at the admissions assembly.

"We frown heavily upon fighting outside of sparring, especially the extremity of it. So we want to hear the events of that day from everyone involved." He paused and she heard a rustling of paper.

"Now Haruno-san, we know that you are still recovering, especially with your eyesight. But why don't you start and tell us what happened." He asked.

Sakura didn't know where to begin. It had been awhile since she thought about everything that happened that day. And remembering it was bringing up bad memories.

She took a minute to compose herself, then she started.

Sakura told them of how the children used to be friends with Sasuke, but stopped once Sasuke befriended her and Naruto. The use of the boys name caused some to cringe, although she didn't see it.

She told them how they attempted to gang up on them before and how she fought them in self-defense. She then told them about how that week she wasn't feeling well, but decided to go to school anyway because she didn't want to miss the lessons. She then told them of her headaches and how Naruto, Sasuke, and her would hangout after school to study or train, but recently because of her headaches, she was only able to participate to an extent.

She told them how Naruto and Sasuke weren't there with her at the time of the assault. And she told them how as she was resting, she was suddenly surrounded by the students. She told them how they taunted and teased her before physically restraining her to taunt her some more. She told them the things they made her say and the things they wanted her to say. She told them how they threatened her by trying to cut her hair.

And finally she told them of the assault, how she struggled to get away, but instead she was left with butcheredly cut hair and a bloodied face.

Wanting to tell them the whole story, she told them how angry she felt, though that wasn't really the case because she felt nothing, as if she was another person watching what was happening. She told them that she just wanted them to leave her and her friends alone, and that was all that she could think of.

"That certainly must have been traumatic." The hokage said. She heard someone tsked in response. The voice sounded young enough to most likely be someone her age.

"We heard your story too." She guessed that he was talking to the other student. "However for the sake of everyone in the room. We need each of you all to repeat what happened."

The ones she mainly paid attention to was Sato Takuma and Nakamura Ami because whatever their stories were, that was the story that the others in the group would follow.

What would they say? Would they admit the truth? She highly doubted that.

Or would they play themselves as the victims, which was most likely what they would do. However, Sakura wasn't expecting them to completely lie about the events of that day.

Their story was completely different than hers. It painted her as a bully who forced Sasuke to be friends with her. It also painted them as the victims. They said how they just wanted to help Sasuke but she would threaten them every time they would come around, sometimes even physically. They told them that they just wanted to talk to Sakura that day to work out their differences, but she went crazy. So they had to restrain her.

In the end, Sakura couldn't say that she was surprised at their blatant lies.

And finally they told her how she cut her hair herself in a fit before she mercilessly beat them. And that she roughed up herself to make it seem as though she attacked them.

It was quiet for a minute before the hokage spoke. "There are two differentiating sides to the incident. So now the concern is to figure out which one is the truth." Sakura bit her lip from calling out in defense.

"Now it brings us to the issue of who to trust and because of that we have several character witnesses both teachers and students to help with this matter."

Character witnesses? Why would this incident have need for character witnesses?

"At first we were against having them. But a few parents thought that it was imperative to help with this situation."

The first was to speak was someone whose voice she immediately recognized. The no nonsense voice belonged to her teacher, and Sakura relaxed.

"Sakura is one of my brightest student." She said. "She doesn't have any disciplinary records before that incident. Although she is very withdrawn, she is very mild mannered and treats her fellow classmates and teachers with respect. Even in training, I've never witnessed her with any kind of anger." She gave her truthful assessment.

Sakura was happy of the defense to her character, however that ended when her sensei was the only one who vouch for her character. Teachers and students she didn't recognize vouched the opposite and defended the other children.

She recognized the voice of the next person from the mixed training that they would sometimes have during lessons. "I noticed that she would be aggressively angry during practices. Her and that Uzumaki student would constantly bother students threatening them and becoming verbally abusive." It irritated her that not only did that person lie, but he also used that time to put Naruto in a negative light.

She could feel her mother stiffen at his lie.

The next person was a voice she didn't recognize, but he also sided with Takuma, Ami and their friends. "I'm their sensei, I teach the advanced second years. They've always been great students, top of their classes. But I noticed lately that they seemed concerned moreso when I noticed Sasuke-san stopped training with them. They seemed even more uneasy every time Haruno-san was around for mixed practices. I think that they felt threatened by her." Sakura felt her knuckles turn white from how tightly she was clutching her hand.

"I believe that they had no ill will to hurt Haruno-san, they were never the type. Nor do I believe that the actively sought Haruno-san out."

There were a few more testimonies that put Sakura in bad light. From store owners that Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke visited, to staff at the library. It was overwhelming, and she felt sick.

Finally, her mother interjected into the testimonies by standing up. "If you were concerned with Sakura's behavior, why was there no prior indications of those concerns? Why are are these concerns coming out now when before Sakura had always been a great student?" She questioned and no one answered.

Her mother continued. "She's my daughter, I know her better than anyone. She's not violent like you are making her out to be. In fact she's strictly against violence. The only reason she would every fight would be if she had no other option but too. What happened that day was the actions of a young girl who was trying to defend herself against bullies."

Her voice became leveled. "And it seems as though these people who are witnesses have some kind of connection to the students family's. I for one know that Arakawa Mayu, one of the teachers, is closely related to the Sato family. And Sugihara Teruo runs the dango shop that is own by the Nakamura family. I feel as though their testimonies should be withdrawn due to conflict of interest." Her mother demanded.

She heard a few people sputter and some murmuring proceeded.

"What are you talking about? That shouldn't have anything to do with them talking about their experiences." Someone said.

"It should when you claim that my daughter is the problem when in fact you are having people submit false testimonials about her character painting her a violent bully when in fact that is your own children."

A huff of irritation could be heard, for the nasally voice of a woman spoke. "My son is not a bully. He's never bullied anyone in his entire life. Did your daughter tell you how she broke Takuma's nose a couple of weeks ago?"

Her mother shot back with equal irritation. "Yes she did. She also told me the reason why, that they tried to fight them then when my daughter and her friends were walking home. I think that a broken nose was fair enough."

"And you call yourself a mother. Is that how you teach your child to resolve issues?" The woman countered.

"Better than teaching my child that it's okay to bully someone to be their friend like your son tried with Sasuke-san. It's better than teaching them that being threatening to those who don't deserve it is acceptable. And it's better than them thinking that it's okay to attack someone without consequence. What she did was out of defense." Her mother's voice was cold.

"How was that out of defense?"

"I think being cornered by a group of children when she was already sick and exhausted would permit anyone to fight to defend themselves, most of all a lone child."

"Yeah but even if that is true." Someone else answered, this time it was a males voice. "Self defense can only stretch so far. She beat one kid nearly unconscious. How can we not hold your daughter's actions accountable."

"The same way that you are not holding the actions of the other children accountable." Her voice was harsh.

"I think that we are getting off topic. We are merely here to go over the events of that day from all those who were involved." The hokage's voice broke through.

"I apologize Hokage-sama." Her mother said. "But it seems to me as though they are defaming her character. Sakura is a loving person, not at all the person that she is made out to be. The events of that day scarred her, not only physically but mentally as well. And I find myself hardpressed to believe that she in anyway instigated what happened."

It was quiet for a while before the hokage spoke once again.

"I know that the day was traumatizing for all that was involved. And what Haruno Mebuki said has truth in it. I'm not sure the legitimacy of some of the testimonies submitted today, so we will have to review and possibly retract some of them."

He paused again. "We will discuss the incident amongst ourselves, then we will decide what course of action to take. Till then you are dismissed."

Kizashi was a father and a businessman, but before that he was a fighter. He grew up learning that some things were easier to handle with your fists. But as a businessman, he learned just the opposite. He would rather handle things with words than with violence. However, sometimes his words were just a brutal as fighting, especially when it came to those who threatened his family.

That's how he found himself outside of one of his business partners at his house, Sato Yamata.

Yamata was one of the many suppliers in Konoha's weapons manufacturers. Konoha had four primary weapon providers and he was the third largest. In other words, he held a lot of sway. His money swept many things under the rug. That was to be expected from a weasel such as he.

Unfortunately, Sato Yamata also was the father of Sato Takuma, one of the children who not only harmed his daughter, but who also had the gull to defame her character.

He entered without even knocking, choosing to make himself comfortable in the house while he waited for his target.

Not soon later he heard the door open, a short stocky and balding man entered, his back towards the living room so he couldn't see his visitor. Finally he turned around and paused when he saw Kizashi lounging on his couch.

Concerned flashed in the man's gaze before he covered it up and offered a welcoming smile. "Kizashi, to what do I owe this pleasure." He addressed the man like old friends.

Kizashi wasn't impressed.

"You know what this is about?" He casually said. "It seems as though your son is a conniving little twit. Just like his father."

"What do you mean?" That man looked stunned.

"Your son hurt someone very precious to me and I bet you helped him cover it up by convincing other people that she's a trouble child."

"I don't… What are you talking about?" He stuttered.

"Haruno Sakura." He returned, his voice colder. "You know the girl who your son and his friends ganged up on and sent to the hospital."

"I didn't know she was your daughter." He inched back towards the door.

"Like hell you did. You were just hoping that I was out of the village, so that I wouldn't track you down. You probably planned a business trip to avoid my return, like the coward you are."

"What could I do?" The man tried to reason. "They already took his statement, along with his friends. There's five children's testament against your daughter, all saying that she's a mon…" Kizashi eyes flashed before he lashed out, grabbing the man by the throat.

"Say it, I dare you. If you think that she's a monster then you're going to have to find a new word for what I am."

He let the man's jaw go after a while, then he continued. "I find it more pathetic that you will defend the actions of your son, knowing what kind of person he is. You told me so not so long ago, how worried you were about him. You told me about how you were worried of what type of person that your son will turn into when you found out that he was torturing animals. And yet you want to point fingers at my daughter." Kizashi was beyond livid.

At this point the man was shaking, his scared eyes never leaving Kizashi's because he was terrified that if he blinked, it would all be over.

"You have one chance to make this right." He finally said. "Don't make me regret giving you this opportunity." And with that Kizashi left just as quickly as he arrived.

Sakura wasn't sure how long it would normally take for a decision about the incident would take. Considering it took close to two weeks for the issue to even be brought up, she assumed that she had to wait at least a week.

However, two days later after the meeting, Sakura found herself called back at the academy. She was nervous. What could the quick decision mean?

However, Sakura noticed this time that they actually was led to a smaller room. By the time the arrived at the room, people were already there from what she could hear. Mutterings stopped once they entered.

"It seems as though we reached our decision quicker than we thought. We have a new testament entered that sided with your story Haruno-san."

"Why don't you tell us again what you said?" The hokage ordered, and a voice that she never thought she would hear defending her spoke.

"She wasn't the one to attack us." It was Takuma's voice. "She was just defending herself. We got carried away, and we didn't mean to hurt her, only scare her." He told them what really happened that day, even the instance when he cut both her hair and her face.

"I've dishonored myself, my family and the school with my actions. I'm sorry, and I'm prepared to face the consequences." He finally said.

She was shocked that he readily admitted what he did. She was even more shocked from the genuine sounding apology. She didn't know what to say. However, someone else spoke.

"Because of this new information, we believe that punishing you Haruno-san is unnecessary as you were simply defending yourself, and although it was certainly excessive." Sakura flinched. "It was well deserved." They finished.

"As for you Sato-san, you will be suspended for the remainder of the school year. If not for your forwardness at telling us the truth, you would have been dismissed from the program completely. I hope that you will reflect on your actions."

It was too warm.

A cloaked figure walked on a dirt road observing the scenery while shooting glares at their surroundings. They shot glares at the singing birds, the shining sun, and even the falling leaves. Everything was too gentle, too harmonious, too deceptive. They disliked it.

They had been traveling for the passed few days, with little to no rest–not that they needed it. But the longer they traveled, the warmer and more "picturesque" it got. It looked like something out of a child's imagination with all the bright colors and friendly looking animals.

"To think that they chose this place to settle." They said out loud, their voice high and irritated. "It's almost as if they chose the furthest place from home."

By the time they let out their fiftieth huff of irritation, they arrived at a large gate. "Konoha" was displayed brightly colored in red and large.

"At least I know I'm in the right place." They sarcastically thought.

They made their way passed the gate, and was stopped by a few shinobi stationed at the entrance.

"Great. What do these useless lumps of flesh want?" They thought.

They removed their hood letting their long black hair tumble out of of it, revealing the form of a woman. She then flashed them a radiant smile, her grey eyes lighting up.

"Name and reason for visiting." One guy said flustered.

"Haruno Maeko and", her eyes twinkled with mirth. "I'm just visiting some family."

Author's Note: Another long freaking chapter later, seriously guys this was 30 pages long. But some pieces are falling into place!

Unfortunately, there was not much action in this chapter, but there was a lot of character and plot development. I hope you liked it! The crazy part is that there was suppose to be so much more covered in this chapter, but I didn't want to overwhelm you with a huge chunk of information. I'm slowly learning that moderation is here's to another chapter with blind Sakura, angsty/protective Sasuke, and protective/loveable Naruto. There was no Itachi or Shisui in this chapter, but they'll be there next chapter.

So tell me your thoughts! How do you like the development so far, especially regarding the new information about the Kaguya clan. Now you get an idea of where I'm going with Kizashi's (and Sakura's) background.

Denka: used for non-sovereign royalty, similar to "Highness"